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Victor Davis Hanson Discusses Elevated
Picture of Hamas Attack Against Israel

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Posted By: earlybird, 10/8/2023 2:09:41 PM

Victor Davis Hanson is a man not known for short-term thinking. Indeed, while his analysis does not always contain the same scope of datapoints reviewed here, his opinions are generally rooted in accepting things as they are, not as he would pretend them to be. Recently during an interview with Tucker Carlson, as he contrasts the targeting of President Donald Trump, VDH was far more distraught than previously noted in his analysis. He increasingly sees our American options for a peaceful approach to retain our constitutional republic, diminishing. Today, VDH takes the overall geopolitical landscape and outlines his thoughts below on the Hamas terror attack against the nation state of Israel.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 10/8/2023 2:27:42 PM (No. 1572387)
Suppose a guy down the street raised three or four big, vicious dogs and he periodically would "accidentally" let them loose to prey on your children and pets? And if you managed the first time to shoot the dogs as they were mauling your family and pets, it would be "over", right? But suppose the same neighbor got three or four new big, vicious dogs and again "accidentally" let them loose on your family and pets? So, you get your gun and kill a couple of dogs, but some get home and the police and courts do nothing, won't act, just ignore it. And this neighbor now buys some replacement vicious dogs....and repeats the process, every couple of years. Endlessly. You shoot his dogs, he gets new dogs. Is the problem the dogs or the neighbor? Is the solution to keep shooting his dogs, or maybe, in a world where there are no police and no courts, perhaps you eventually realize that the neighbor is the real problem, and perhaps the real solution is to shoot the neighbor. Call the neighbor Iran, and his vicious dogs are Hamas, Hezbolla, and whatever other middle east terrorist groups that Iran hires and creates. This ends when the barbaric, violent, death-loving Iranian regime is destroyed. And Israel has that power, but I doubt that they have the will to do it.
72 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Heraclitus 10/8/2023 3:42:54 PM (No. 1572427)
I read that Hamas took out the command/guard towers first... ...with drones. This was well-planned, and someone had to have trained these thuggish monsters on how to use the drones... and from whom did they get the drones????? Afghan imports, perhaps, via Iran? stamped Made in the USA? Left behind, a gift from the Biden Administration? Obviously, I am speculating. And I am sick to my stomach about this. About ALL of it. ALL of it, our corrupt, venal, weak, flaccid politicians (not leaders, not patriots --with one or a few exceptions--) virtually all of them polishing their oligarch badges, picking all the ripe fruit, burning what's left behind. The Roman Empire (bet they never thought they'd become a by-word for how an empire collapses) ended with a whimper, men's "chests stuffed with straw", love of country having dissolved in the hodgepodge alchemy of money, apathy, and hedonism. "I've got mine," they say as they saunter off to their latifundia on the outskirts of Rome, or maybe their yachts or island mansions. They're guaranteed their spoiled offspring will populate the ivies and become lawyers to wage lawfare to ruin opponents and in the meantime destroy the legal system which was once the shining beacon of Equality under the Law and the best political system ever devised, because God was in the planning. But God has been ousted. Truth has fallen in the street. See what Isaiah has to say about this. It's all there in this hideous nightmare. And the warnings have been there. And as it has always been, tyrants love political power vacuums, and if the USA doesn't lead, the international equilibrium, such as it is, will begin to wobble and spin, going haywire. And this could be how the world ends, maybe with a lot of bangs and a whimper.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/8/2023 4:15:46 PM (No. 1572449)
FTA - "“We urged all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”" VDH, I love ya, bro. But you continue to assume that a passive good will overcome a violent evil. Any chance you might think this over, sir? Meanwhile, an ignorant Amerika goes on to absorb the next iteration of msm propaganda.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 10/8/2023 4:58:58 PM (No. 1572478)
Re #3, I believe that the statement you quoted came from Traitor Joe and VDH was just reporting it.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: mc squared 10/8/2023 7:43:12 PM (No. 1572566)
I smell Obama & company behind our clandestine support for Hamas
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Reply 6 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 10/9/2023 2:04:42 AM (No. 1572720)
#3, read it again. VDH is quoting what the Biden administration posted and explaining why it's absurd: "In this regard, note the current shameful State-Department (“U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs”) website news release that was posted after today’s attack. It ended with this quite embarrassing, morally equivalent admonition: “We urged all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.” “All sides?” “Refrain from retaliatory attacks?” So Israel is the moral equivalent of terrorists executing civilians and brutalizing their corpses? And the IDF then is not supposed to retaliate against these killers? This Biden State Department insanity cannot stand. So expect some apparatchik to take down this Munich-like posting as soon as possible."
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Enoch Powell 10/9/2023 10:12:34 AM (No. 1572929)
Conservative Treehouse guy is prolix verbose and not a friend to the English language. Unreadable. Never read his stuff.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/9/2023 11:58:10 AM (No. 1573035)
There will always be tyrants who love having power and prestige...and that's why the world oligarchs hate Americans...WE were raised to believe in ourselves and love our freedom...the rats did a number on the city plantations for 20 years...but WE folk out here in the real world know that the battle for our souls is coming our way...thank God for President Trump.....he will see US through these obama illegal times....
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Posted by earlybird 10/9/2023 7:12:32 PM Post Reply
Hunter Biden asked a federal court to dismiss three felony gun charges brought against him by Special Counsel David Weiss on Thursday. The president’s son previously pleaded not guilty to the charges on Tuesday. Last month, Weiss slapped Hunter with three felonies related to his unlawful purchase of a firearm in 2018. The counts specifically allege that Hunter lied on the background check form required to purchase the gun and possessed the firearm “while he was addicted to and using illicit substances.”
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Posted by earlybird 10/9/2023 7:05:58 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/9/2023 6:54:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 10/9/2023 1:24:31 PM Post Reply
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Sunday Talks – Shameless Anthony Blinken
Says U.S. Not Sure of American Casualties
or Hostages, Says Administration Does
Not Know Hamas Motive
12 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/9/2023 12:33:28 PM Post Reply
This guy is beyond shameless. After coordinating an appeasement policy toward Iran that included the return of $6 billion in sanctioned money, the current occupant of the Secretary of State’s office, Anthony Blinken, says the administration is unsure of the Hamas motive attacking Israel. This might sound like a crazy thing to say, until you realize it is a necessary pretending game in order to maintain the policy for preferring a two-state solution. If Blinken or Biden were to admit that Hamas a fundamental purpose to kill the people of Israel, they would have to admit there’s no possibility of the Palestinians and Israeli’s cohabitating the same landscape; thus,
Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,”
It’s the Location of the $6 Billion
Returned to Iran
15 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/8/2023 8:49:31 PM Post Reply
You want to go deep weeds, let’s go deep weeds. Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money. While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered. The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations. What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar. (snip) Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations.
Slowly at First, Then All at Once 13 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/8/2023 5:57:20 PM Post Reply
….. Have you ever boiled milk? Many people are struggling to understand the extent of the radicalization that is currently taking place inside our nation. Fewer still are willing to accept that all the datapoints in the continuum lead us to a very specific place. For the intents of this outline, consider the attack against Israel by Hamas as one element of a destructive story that will not remain isolated as a war in the Middle Rast. Gaza is to the transit of terrorists into Israel, as Mexico is a transit hub into the United States. On September 22, 2023, the Dept of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)
A Very Somber Assessment by Caroline Glick
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13 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/8/2023 2:26:46 PM Post Reply
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Victor Davis Hanson Discusses Elevated
Picture of Hamas Attack Against Israel
8 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/8/2023 2:09:41 PM Post Reply
Victor Davis Hanson is a man not known for short-term thinking. Indeed, while his analysis does not always contain the same scope of datapoints reviewed here, his opinions are generally rooted in accepting things as they are, not as he would pretend them to be. Recently during an interview with Tucker Carlson, as he contrasts the targeting of President Donald Trump, VDH was far more distraught than previously noted in his analysis. He increasingly sees our American options for a peaceful approach to retain our constitutional republic, diminishing. Today, VDH takes the overall geopolitical landscape and outlines his thoughts below on the Hamas terror attack against the nation state of Israel.
Israel Must Eradicate Hamas And Accept
Nothing Less Than Unconditional Surrender
39 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/7/2023 6:29:51 PM Post Reply
The Western world awoke Saturday morning to war in Israel, images of Hamas terrorists slaughtering Israeli civilians in the streets, and Hamas rockets raining down on Israeli neighborhoods. Israeli families were (and, as of this writing, still are) fleeing for their lives. On social media, Hamas posted horrifying videos — a dead, naked Israeli woman being paraded through the streets, plainclothes Hamas fighters slitting the throats of civilians in their cars, and women and children being kidnapped and carried away to a fate worse than death. The situation is fluid and developing, and there will be much to say in the days and weeks to come —
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Posted by earlybird 10/7/2023 1:09:02 PM Post Reply
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Beware the “Anger Manager” – Judiciary
Chairman Jim Jordan Says He Would Accept
House Speaker Role
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 10/5/2023 5:38:23 PM Post Reply
My dearest friends, as much as I do not want to accept certain things, this one is critical to accept. Jim Jordan has shown over time that he is simply a purposefully placed “anger manager” on behalf of the Professionally Republican wing of the administrative state. (snip)For the past several years, as more intensity has swirled around us, Representative Jim Jordan has appeared as more of a useful “anger manager,” better positioned to satiate the masses than actually deliver any accountability results. The media appearances seemed to align with that intent, and then a very big datapoint surfaced that few -other than myself- seemed to be concerned about.
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Mike Pence Blames President Trump for
Hamas Attack on Israel (Video)
61 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 9:35:38 PM Post Reply
Former Vice President Mike Pence is blaming President Trump and other GOP rivals for the 2024 presidential nomination–but mainly Trump–for the attack by Hamas on Israel. In back to back attacks in a speech in Iowa on Saturday and a CNN interview on Sunday, Pence accused Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy of “appeasement” and “signaling retreat.” Pence said in an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, “This is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America’s role as leader of the free world….When I’m President of the United States, we’ll lead from American strength.”
Blinken: ‘No U.S. Taxpayer Dollars Were
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43 replies
Posted by Imright 10/8/2023 2:59:04 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that none of the $6 billion released by the U.S. for humanitarian aid in Iran was used to help fund Hamas’ attack against Israel on Saturday, which resulted in hundreds of deaths. Anchor Dana Bash said, “While we’re talking about Iran, I have to ask you to, if you want to respond to what we’re hearing from Republicans who are over and over since this happened using word appeasement when it comes to Iran and they criticized the decision to unfreeze $6 billion in Iranian funds. I know and want to state that that money has not yet
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32 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 1:32:16 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden held a barbecue for his staff at the White House while at least four Americans were confirmed dead in the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel Saturday and Palestinian sympathizers protested at the president's gates. A pool reporter overheard a band playing from the White House lawn while pro-Palestine protesters picketed outside the gates, chanting 'Free Palestine' and demanding the US cut aid to Israel. The reporter questioned why they could hear the band, and a spokesperson replied: 'The President and First Lady are hosting a BBQ for White House Executive Residence staff and their families.
Top Democrats: Bus Surplus Migrants to
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28 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/9/2023 10:21:05 AM Post Reply
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Hillary Clinton is an evil person 27 replies
Posted by DW626 10/8/2023 6:33:23 AM Post Reply
“Sociopaths are attracted to politics because the see it as a sphere in which you can be ruthless and step all over people. That fact that some politicians can tell such awful lies is another example of sociopathy. Sociopaths lie—they see nothing wrong with it.” ― Alexander McCall Smith, The Revolving Door of Life An evil person is someone who engages in malevolent behaviors. They are frequently immoral, depraved, wicked and/or mentally ill. Each of those words can easily be attributed to Hillary Clinton. The many crimes she committed while the First Lady of Arkansas are well-known old news
UNLV law school apologizes for using word
‘picnic,’ changes it to ‘Lunch by
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27 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/8/2023 2:48:17 AM Post Reply
A scheduled “picnic” sponsored by the University of Nevada Las Vegas law school’s Environmental Law Society has been renamed “Lunch by the Lake” due to “diversity and inclusion” concerns. According to a memo obtained by Libs of TikTok, the law group informed members that the word “picnic” has “historical and offensive connotations,” and apologized for “any harm or discomfort” caused by its use. The group’s view mirrors that of the University of Michigan’s IT department from several years ago: “Picnic” was included in a “Words Matter Task Force’s” list of offensive words and phrases along with “brown bag,” “blacklist” and “long time, no see” among others.
Now Hamas Wants a Truce. Here’s Why
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26 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/9/2023 6:21:53 PM Post Reply
After brutally massacring over 600 Israelis and then suffering some retaliatory strikes from Israel, the bloodthirsty jihadis of Hamas now want a truce. The Israeli government is virtually certain to get immense pressure to agree to such a truce, but this is actually the last thing that Israel should do at this point. Even before the magnitude of what Hamas perpetrated in Israel was fully known, calls for a ceasefire became a talking point. Leftist opinion makers from the ridiculous (Antony Blinken) to the absurd (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) began calling for a ceasefire so quickly that the Babylon Bee zinged them with a riotous headline: “Emperor Hirohito
Netanyahu: 'What We Will Do to Our Enemy
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26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/9/2023 4:44:37 PM Post Reply
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a brief update Monday afternoon on Israel's war against Hamas, vowing that "any base from which Hamas operates will turn to rubble." Netanyahu's speech began with some descriptions of the horrors Hamas inflicted on innocents: "This war was forced upon us by a dreaded enemy, animals that kill men, women, children, and the elderly. Children handcuffed that were executed with the rest of their families. Young people were shot in the back, executed, and other horrors that I will not describe here." Netanyahu warned that several Hamas combatants are still within Israel, but that Israeli forces are working around the clock to root them out
U.S. Senator Took Shelter In Israel When
Hamas Attacked
25 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 1:17:00 AM Post Reply
Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) has departed Israel after taking shelter in the country when Hamas launched a surprise attack from Gaza this weekend, his office announced on Sunday. “On Friday, October 6, Senator Booker arrived in Israel for several days of planned meetings and site visits ahead of the start of an Abraham Accords-focused N7 summit on regional economic integration in Tel Aviv, at which he was scheduled to speak on Tuesday,” A member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Booker had traveled to the country in part to deliver a speech at an event marking the deals brokered by the Trump administration to normalize relations
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of election fraud' causing Bezos' empire
to scramble to explain content
24 replies
Posted by Imright 10/8/2023 6:30:24 PM Post Reply
Amazon's Alexa has told users that the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud' causing Jeff Bezos' empire to scramble to explain the concerning content. An investigation by the Washington Post showed when the devices were asked if the election was stolen, they would cite unproven facts and say that electoral fraud had taken place. The Alexa said it was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,' while citing Rumble, a right-wing video streaming site.
How did Israel and the U.S. miss what
Hamas was planning?
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/8/2023 11:55:22 AM Post Reply
The surprise attack by Hamas on Israel suggests a massive intelligence failure as the Israeli government appeared blindsided by the infiltration of Hamas fighters across the southern border and the launch of thousands of rockets. The Hamas assault by air, land and sea also raised questions as to why U.S. intelligence agencies apparently did not see it coming, experts and former intelligence officials said. U.S. officials said that if the Israelis knew an attack was imminent, they did not share it with Washington. “We were not tracking this,” one senior U.S. military official told NBC News.
Blinken: We Have Reports Several Americans
Killed During Terror Attack in Israel
22 replies
Posted by Imright 10/8/2023 7:21:52 PM Post Reply
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that they have reports several Americans were killed during Hamas’ terror attack against Israel on Saturday, which resulted in hundreds of deaths. Anchor Dana Bash said, “I want to ask about any Americans in Israel. Is there any indication that Americans were killed or kidnapped by terrorists?” Blinken said, “Yes. We have reports that several Americans were killed. We’re working overtime to verify that. At the same time, there are reports of missing Americans, and, there again, we’re working to verify those reports.”
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