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Blinken: We Have Reports Several Americans
Killed During Terror Attack in Israel

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Posted By: Imright, 10/8/2023 7:21:52 PM

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that they have reports several Americans were killed during Hamas’ terror attack against Israel on Saturday, which resulted in hundreds of deaths. Anchor Dana Bash said, “I want to ask about any Americans in Israel. Is there any indication that Americans were killed or kidnapped by terrorists?” Blinken said, “Yes. We have reports that several Americans were killed. We’re working overtime to verify that. At the same time, there are reports of missing Americans, and, there again, we’re working to verify those reports.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: itsonlyme 10/8/2023 7:37:30 PM (No. 1572561)
Antony "Bubonic" Blinken wants many people to forget the chaotic and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan that he was part of.
36 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: HotPatty 10/8/2023 8:00:30 PM (No. 1572574)
Binken is the most inept Sec of State in the history of this country. He is fits right in with FJB and the rest. This war is because FJB has been been giving $$$ to Iran and terrorists in Gaza. If President Trump was in Office and this happened IRAN would be a Junk Yard thgis morning. The Islamist Terrorists know he is a weak pussy and they know they will get away with this terrorist act.
36 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bighambone 10/8/2023 8:13:37 PM (No. 1572579)
It’s entirely possible that some U.S. citizens could have been killed, as Israel is loaded with people who are duel citizens of Israel and the USA who reside permanently in Israel or were visiting there..
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Gordon Freeman 10/8/2023 8:32:47 PM (No. 1572586)
I’m really beginning to believe that the current administration is in on it along with the global elites.
25 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: billsv 10/8/2023 8:47:58 PM (No. 1572594)
There is blood on their hands for releasing $6 billion to Iran. Regardless of what they say, money id fungible.
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Safari Man 10/8/2023 8:54:38 PM (No. 1572596)
Why do American Jews overwhelmingly support the Dimocrats?
37 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: downnout 10/8/2023 9:02:31 PM (No. 1572602)
No doubt he and biteme will consider the dead Americans as collateral damage in their zeal to placate the murderous sons of bit**es.
16 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: scottj 10/8/2023 9:05:54 PM (No. 1572603)
Anthony Blinken is your typical liberal clown. He is totally incompetent.
24 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: PostAway 10/8/2023 9:09:22 PM (No. 1572606)
Innocent women and children, including American women and children, may be being bombed, shot, tortured, gang-raped in Israel right now using resources provided by Blinken and his sociopathic brethren in the Biden administration but what’s really important to him is that we not forget that his pronouns are he/him. Oh, and America once had slavery.
21 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: weirdone 10/8/2023 9:26:38 PM (No. 1572615)
On September 11, Trump condemned the Biden Administration's decision to agree to a prisoner exchange that allowed the Iranian regime to unlock more than $6 billion in funds, which had been frozen due to U.S. sanctions on the Islamic Republic. "Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money can be used for terrorism all over the Middle East and, indeed, the World. This incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America," Trump wrote in a Truth Social post last month.
27 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: watashiyo 10/8/2023 10:37:38 PM (No. 1572647)
Don't forget Doorknob Hussein gave over a dozen billion to Iran. I bet that money went to subsidize the terrorists around the world. The Devil needs to be eradicated from America and then the world.
16 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: smokincol 10/9/2023 1:25:31 AM (No. 1572712)
so, let's just add the number of Americans killed in Israel to the number of military personnel who were killed in Afghanistan hey, diapers, the numbers just keep adding up and they're not in your favor
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/9/2023 2:54:18 AM (No. 1572737)
Winkin' Blinken has never worked a minute's overtime in his entire life. Leaving your office light on doesn't fool anyone.
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mifla 10/9/2023 6:19:05 AM (No. 1572771)
Well Tony, let's recap shall we? China bribes our leaders, Afghanistan takes our weapons, Iran sells us hostages for money, and Russia invades Ukraine due to high oil prices that we caused. Hate to ruin your parade, but I doubt that you will be getting the Nobel Peace Prize any time soon.
14 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: broken01 10/9/2023 8:01:21 AM (No. 1572821)
Here I thought that Ma Clinton was the most incompetent and corrupt Sec State. She who has blood or her hands by getting an actual US Ambassador and several other men who served their country killed. Now we have Tony Blinky Blinken who sounds like the typical leftist democrat "male." that infest the Brandon regime. Weak, corrupt and inept. But then again, he works for another so-called man who former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said, Joe Biden has been dead wrong on EVERY foreign policy decision in the last 5 decades. Like they told us when I was a young sailor in the Navy the Schiff rolls downhill. Unless you're a democrat then when the fit hits the shan you just blame others.
7 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 10/9/2023 8:42:11 AM (No. 1572860)
Americans can sleep peacefullly every night - - knowing that we're being protected by Tough Tony Blinken - - Snake Sullivan - - and Tubby Nuland. What enemy would dare to tangle with that fearsome trio?
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Speedypetey 10/9/2023 9:22:30 AM (No. 1572887)
Listening to Biden, Mayorkas or Blinken is so painful. So hard to believe they make Stioid remarks. And beyond this is the propagandists on nightly narrative news bobbing theirChevy in agreement like that plastic dog in the back window of a cheby!
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: aripeny 10/9/2023 9:27:22 AM (No. 1572893)
Obozo and FJB spit on Israel repeatedly and financed the Iranian terrorists. Blood is on both of their hands (not that they care).
7 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Luandir 10/9/2023 10:22:14 AM (No. 1572938)
#3, Americans HAVE been killed - and taken hostage. The latter is likely to lead to an embarrassing and dangerous captitulation from Blinkin' and Nod.
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 10/9/2023 11:39:59 AM (No. 1573016)
So what is Biden going to do about the Americans murdered by Hamas and kidnapped? Going to war? Add another to Ukraine? God help us! This country is run by incompetent, evil boobs!
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Reply 21 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/9/2023 11:46:49 AM (No. 1573023)
WE're back to killing on the five o'clock news with Isis until President Trump whipped them out....the White House is run by Iran...and this weekend tragedy proves it....
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Reply 22 - Posted by: janjan 10/9/2023 7:22:58 PM (No. 1573334)
I will be praying for all of Israel including Americans who are caught there. Right now they are in much safer hands with Israelis then with the Biden Administration. Our useless POS President is napping while his cowardly incompetent Cabinet flail around like fools.
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Reply 23 - Posted by: judy 10/10/2023 1:12:02 AM (No. 1573509)
It’s sad the WSJ reports news that Biden WH doesn’t have….they spent all their time & $$$ going after Trump for 7 years…
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 8:52:18 PM Post Reply
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The savagery displayed by Hamas will change
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7 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 8:50:13 PM Post Reply
Beyond the immediate devastation, the shockwaves from the barbaric assault by Hamas on Israel are now reverberating across the world. Monstrous in its scale, pitiless in its savagery, this unprecedented attack has ramifications that may be felt far beyond the Middle East — and for decades to come. It is no exaggeration to argue that the primitive savagery displayed by Hamas at the weekend has sparked a geopolitical earthquake. The sudden shifting of global tectonic plates means that not only Israel's local rivals, such as Iran, but the West's rivals, China and Russia, may well now move to take advantage of the immediate focus on the Middle East.
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8 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 5:28:51 PM Post Reply
Israel has already begun an assault on the Gaza Strip in response to the brutal invasion by Hamas terrorists that left upwards of a 1000 civilians dead. The largest number of dead came from an attack on a dance festival, with Hamas gunmen mowing down people in cold blood as they retreated. Many of the atrocities committed have been documented on video, leaving no doubt as to what occurred. Still, some people are shameless enough to pretend otherwise. (X Video)
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4 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 5:24:02 PM Post Reply
A young Israeli couple who were murdered by Hamas terrorists in their home in Israel managed to save their 10-month-old twin babies from the same tragic fate by hiding them in a hidden shelter, it has been revealed. Itay and Hadar Berdichevsky, both 30, only had mere seconds to react when they heard the gunmen trying to smash down their front door, knowing that if they didn't, their children would never have a future. The terrified parents frantically bundled their two babies into a hidden shelter moments before the Hamas terrorists stormed into their home, the Israeli ambassador to Colombia Gali Dagan revealed.
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 4:55:40 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 4:49:19 PM Post Reply
The family of an 85-year-old woman taken hostage by Hamas on Saturday have begged for her release, saying she is without medicine and in 'a lot of pain'. Yaffa Adar was abducted from Israel and taken into Gaza on a golf cart amid the shock incursion into Israeli territories this weekend which has so far seen around 1,400 Israelis and Palestinian killed in clashes. 'We're shocked, it hurts in every inch of our bodies,' granddaughter Adva Adar told Sky News. 'We're very scared for her, she's ill, and of course she doesn't have her medicine with her.'
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 1:32:16 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 1:17:00 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 10/9/2023 5:21:48 AM Post Reply
The book has received approval from Khamenei's office and is thus the most authoritative document regarding his position on the issue. Khamenei makes his position clear from the start: Israel has no right to exist as a state. He claims his strategy for the destruction of Israel is not based on anti-Semitism, which he describes as a European phenomenon. His position is based on "well-established Islamic principles." According to Khamenei, Israel, which he labels an "enemy" and "foe," is a special case for three reasons.
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Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 12:56:28 AM Post Reply
A claim in a news report that American weapons seized in Afghanistan have ended up in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip has taken on renewed significance after Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist group, launched an attack on Israel on Saturday. According to a Newsweek report published in June, an Israeli commander said some of the US. small arms seized in Afghanistan have already been observed in the hands of Palestinian groups operating in the Gaza Strip.
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19 replies
Posted by Beardo 10/9/2023 3:22:00 PM Post Reply
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., told CNN on Tuesday (sic) that she has no regrets over her recent comments comparing the United States and Israel to terrorist groups Hamas and the Taliban, and went so far as to blame her Jewish colleagues for taking issue with the remark. (snip) "Do you regret these comments?" Tapper asked. "I don't," Omar replied plainly." (snip) Omar then proceeded to blame Jewish lawmakers who find her history of anti-Israel remarks offensive, telling Tapper, "I've welcomed any time my colleagues asked to have a conversation to learn from them, for them to learn from me."
Time to Close Harvard? 19 replies
Posted by Judy W. 10/9/2023 9:06:38 AM Post Reply
One of the lingering controversies over here in Hungary is the actions Prime Minister Viktor Orban took several years ago to kick Central European University out of the country. (Snip) All of this is preface for asking: is it time to shut down Harvard University? It is beyond dispute that Harvard is an adjunct of the Democratic Party, with something like 95 percent of faculty political contributions going to Democrats, and almost no political diversity among its faculty. But in the last 48 hours Harvard has exposed itself as a nest of rabid anti-Semites, with 57 student groups (so far) taking the side of Hamas against Israel, and blaming Israel
McCarthy Leaves Door Open to Return as
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18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/9/2023 1:37:44 PM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Monday appeared open to running for the speakership again, despite having said last week after his ouster from the role that he would not run again. The former speaker held a press conference Capitol Hill Monday to lay out a five-point plan for responding to Hamas’s barbaric assault on Israel over the weekend. Asked during the conference whether there is any scenario in which he would consider another speakership bid, McCarthy replied: “This is about a moment in time. This is about what America’s going to do.” “That’s a decision by the conference,” McCarthy added, circling back to the question about the speakership. “I’ll allow the conference
Exclusive: Joe Biden's younger brother
Frank admits naked selfie on GuysWithiPhones
gay dating site is genuine. 'My phone
must have been hacked'
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 9:30:29 PM Post Reply
A naked selfie of Joe Biden's brother Frank has been discovered on a gay porn site. The photo was uploaded to in 2018, when Frank – who has a long-term female partner Mindy Ward – was 64. Even after more than five years, it is still live on the site. It was first unearthed by right wing nonprofit Marco Polo, which has been investigating the Biden family for alleged political corruption and crimes for years. When approached by, Frank, 69, conceded he was the man in the photo but denied he was the one who posted it. 'I've absolutely no comment. I could care less. I haven't even looked at it,'
McCarthy warns the US could be next: Chaos
at the southern border could have allowed
terrorists to infiltrate America, former
speaker warns, and calls on Biden to 'wake up'
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/9/2023 9:13:58 PM Post Reply
The United States must urgently resolve the chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border, Kevin McCarthy has warned, or else risk allowing terrorists into the country unnoticed and succumbing to a similar attack to that in Israel this weekend. McCarthy, who until last week served as speaker of the House, told The Washington Free Beacon on Monday that the attack should be a 'wake up' call for the White House, and blamed the Biden administration for emboldening Iran to back the plot. He pointed out that known terrorists had already been found among those claiming to be migrants.
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