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Hillary Clinton Calls for ‘Formal Deprogramming’
of MAGA ‘Cult Members’

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Posted By: Imright, 10/6/2023 8:38:35 AM

Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Thursday on CNN’s “Primetime” she believed there needed to be a “formal deprogramming of the cult members” who support former President Donald Trump. Clinton said, “You saw the number of Republicans who voted along with Democrats to keep the government open, so there’s clearly a common sense, sane part of the Republican caucus in the House. But I think they are intimidated. They oftentimes, you know, say and do things which they know better than to say or do. It will require us defeating those most extreme measures and the people who promote them

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Reply 1 - Posted by: sw penn 10/6/2023 8:42:51 AM (No. 1570657)
Hey, Hill? Deprogram This!
143 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Robert D 10/6/2023 8:47:23 AM (No. 1570661)
The evolution of the democratic party from liberalism to pure fascism is complete.
184 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 10/6/2023 8:48:22 AM (No. 1570662)
I’m old enough to remember the civility that existed in politics before these 2 grifters from Arkansas poisoned the well. It hasn’t been the same since the Clintons assisted my Carville came along. Democrats are adept at demonizing their opponents-look what they did to Abraham Lincoln. They ended up assassinating him.
147 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Hazymac 10/6/2023 8:51:51 AM (No. 1570665)
Shut up, PIAPS. No one want s to hear from you.
133 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 10/6/2023 8:52:01 AM (No. 1570666)
Fascists are so cute when they feel comfortable speaking.
95 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Encore 10/6/2023 8:54:39 AM (No. 1570669)
Hillary who?!!
53 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: udanja99 10/6/2023 9:12:25 AM (No. 1570679)
So, what’s next PIAPS? Concentration camps? Gulags?
107 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: southernboy 10/6/2023 9:14:27 AM (No. 1570681)
FTA "...we have to just be smarter about how we are trying to empower the right people inside the Republican Party.”..." She might have let a little more truth seep out than intended! Sometimes it appears the Republican Party is part and parcel of the Left! Which would explain why Trump, as president, got opposition from both sides of the aisle.
110 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: padiva 10/6/2023 9:19:23 AM (No. 1570685)
Psst. you are not a good feminist. You attached yourself to Bill's coattails and tried to take over when he achieved political success. You are nothing without Bill. Is that why you did not divorce him? You have a lifetime of condoning his flings. Your 'non-profits' are for money laundering. You are not a gutsy woman.
92 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: kono 10/6/2023 9:22:09 AM (No. 1570691)
The smugness and arrogance of the beast is so familiar, yet it still startles me by its magnitude every time I encounter it again.
104 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Sanchin 10/6/2023 9:22:42 AM (No. 1570692)
Shrillary being trotted out shows that the Uniparty and the Neocons are about to take action against US Citizens who do not toe the Ideological line and submit to what these people are intent on forcing down everyone's throats. The US government has declared war on a segment of its population the likes of which has never been done before. The closest instance to his was when Japanese and German Americans were forced into internment camps. Formal Deprogramming is similar without any of the scant niceties that were present then. In fact, it could easily morph into Torture Camps.
58 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: SweetSweetback 10/6/2023 9:23:18 AM (No. 1570694)
She is truly in the same megalomaniacal class as Pol Pot, Josef Mengele, Adolf Eichmann, Chemical Ali, et all. Evil personified.
102 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: marbles 10/6/2023 9:25:23 AM (No. 1570695)
Alinskys rules. Pick the target, freeze it,personalize it, polarize it. People that voted for trump and support him are their target.
81 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: croobie 10/6/2023 9:36:17 AM (No. 1570711)
This woman has ZERO self-awareness, as she speaks of extremism, cults, and election denial. At first, one thinks she’s further down the dementia path than Biden, but then you just have to remind yourself of her bitterness, delusion, and proclivity toward evil.
80 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Krause 10/6/2023 9:38:06 AM (No. 1570714)
Can she name some of these terrible people? It sound like they are all over the place. Why are they so bad? Trump wants a good economy so there are jobs and prosperity. A controlled border, law and order and a strong military. Maga people want all that too. It seems that Hillary is against all that! She is for what Biden is doing, which is death and destruction, out of control spending, wars, open borders, high inflation, corruption.
76 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: bpl40 10/6/2023 9:38:34 AM (No. 1570715)
What's next? Cattle cars and gas chambers?
65 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: faceincrowd 10/6/2023 9:40:04 AM (No. 1570718)
And I call for Hillary to have a exorcism.
53 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Kate318 10/6/2023 9:40:58 AM (No. 1570719)
Exactly, #3. Those are my memories, as well. It all started with the Clintons.
65 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 10/6/2023 9:41:56 AM (No. 1570722)
Re-education camps! Just like China! Told the Lady Chihuahua about this, and her comment was it reminded her of '1984'. These people want thought control. Which governmental group just came out with an extremist designation for MAGA supporters? For some people (those that think like Hillary), the crackdown in response to the 1/6 protest was just the beginning. These people are serious. It's not just rhetoric for them.
57 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: hershey 10/6/2023 9:50:55 AM (No. 1570728)
She was born in 1947, one can always hope for the best...but then, it seems like the evil people always live on....
38 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: PChristopher 10/6/2023 9:54:19 AM (No. 1570733)
MAGA cult?! Projecting again, are we?! Yet another reason the Democrat Party should be outlawed and disbanded
37 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: downnout 10/6/2023 9:54:43 AM (No. 1570734)
Can the gulags be far behind? This whacked out woman would have been a mega-star in the Stalin regime.
43 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: DVC 10/6/2023 9:56:31 AM (No. 1570736)
So says the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua, one of the nastiest bwitches to ever be close to the WH.
49 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 10/6/2023 9:56:33 AM (No. 1570737)
The Hildebeast will give the order to load the Gulag trains if she ever regains power.
39 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Italiano 10/6/2023 9:59:16 AM (No. 1570738)
Hell awaits her, hopefully very soon.
40 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: philsner 10/6/2023 10:01:34 AM (No. 1570743)
Yeah, and you could wear your Mao hat, carry a little red book and call "deprogramming" "The Great Leap Forward".
29 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Quigley 10/6/2023 10:04:22 AM (No. 1570748)
#2 the observation is spot on. But historically the Dim killed 600,000 Americans to preserve slavery. More recently they put all Japanese heritage citizens in concentration camps. HeilRee’s participation in the Watergate proceedings was so extreme the leaders of the Dims either ignored her extremist ideas or removed her from her assignment. So are the Dims devolving into fascism or just emerging from their camouflage once again?
42 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Socio 10/6/2023 10:07:43 AM (No. 1570750)
It has been tried in grade school, high school, college, though the MSN, TV shows and movies, and failed. Sorry Hillary that programing only works on the weak minded, and those with a predisposition to violence, masochism, and mental disorders such as yourself.
36 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: RayLRiv 10/6/2023 10:13:18 AM (No. 1570752)
PIAPS is into eugenics too. Back in 2014 Planned Parenthood awarded PIAPS the PPFA Margaret Sanger Award. "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision." - Hillary Clinton, upon receiving the award. "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." - Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger
50 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 10/6/2023 10:24:16 AM (No. 1570759)
Millions of Patriots are calling for the “de programming” of Hillary Rodham Clinton. What a nasty witch.
33 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: MMC 10/6/2023 10:33:14 AM (No. 1570766)
#13 “Alinskys rules. Pick the target, freeze it,personalize it, polarize it. People that voted for trump and support him are their target.“. This- is spot on
18 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: Mizz Fixxit 10/6/2023 10:38:23 AM (No. 1570767)
Be careful what you wish for, Hillary.
22 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: mifla 10/6/2023 10:43:45 AM (No. 1570771)
The Clintons invented the politics of personal destruction. I'll get deprogrammed when she gets an exorcism.
31 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Lawsy0 10/6/2023 10:49:59 AM (No. 1570776)
This is what an American Communist looks like from the stump up!
37 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: BluesClues 10/6/2023 10:59:18 AM (No. 1570783)
What is truly amazing is that they say MAGA is "extreme". Yet they talk about making thought illegal. What really is extreme?
39 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: JHHolliday 10/6/2023 10:59:26 AM (No. 1570784)
Had he done nothing else, Donald Trump has earned a spot in heaven for keeping that fascist witch out of the White House.
55 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: RUReadyY3K 10/6/2023 11:20:42 AM (No. 1570798)
Yes, re-education camps are a fine idea - Democratic Kampuchea Chairman Hillary.
18 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: daisey 10/6/2023 11:24:01 AM (No. 1570803)
Is this when the reeducation camps start? Hillary speaks what she truly believes now. It’s pretty scary that she feels comfortable saying this. When I think of Hillary, I think of Benghazi, Vince Foster, Perkins-Coie and the Russia hoax. But, at this point, what difference does it make, to quote a cold blooded crook.
33 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: snakeoil 10/6/2023 11:24:19 AM (No. 1570804)
The Hildabeast certainly deprogrammed Vince Foster and Seth Rich. I want President Trump back in The White House for lots of reasons. The top three: the economy, the border, and crime.
31 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: JayD 10/6/2023 11:31:13 AM (No. 1570810)
Only a totalitarian would say that everyone must think the same way as them. She doesn't belong anywhere near governmental positions in the USA.
36 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: mustng66 10/6/2023 11:40:16 AM (No. 1570816)
She the one that needs deprogramming.
21 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: Cindiana 10/6/2023 12:02:26 PM (No. 1570832)
#43 rightly states she needs deprogramming, but I fear she's too far gone. Exorcism may be the only hope.
23 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: jimincalif 10/6/2023 12:08:17 PM (No. 1570833)
Communists have always been big on re-education camps. Nothing new here.
14 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: Snow Possum 10/6/2023 12:10:17 PM (No. 1570834)
You want to know who you can REALLY blame for the Clintons and the damage they have done over the last 20 years? Ross Perot. Remember that next time you entertain the idea of a third party conservative candidate.
30 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: coldborezero 10/6/2023 12:13:30 PM (No. 1570835)
Certainly the dedicated, constitution-hating stormtroopers of the Famous But Incompetent would be thrilled to step in to run the deprogramming camps, i. e. re-education camps, gulags, concentration camps, etc., for the demon-possessed, drunken, old hag. From what I have seen, those thugs are naturals for the job. Of course, the really fun part, for the Feebs, will be the pre-dawn, dynamic-entry raids to round up the MAGA malcontents (maybe even smoke a few for fun).
14 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: coldborezero 10/6/2023 12:16:25 PM (No. 1570838)
Maybe they could even have super-cool, chrome-plated skull and crossbones insignia on their black uniforms (designed by Hugo Boss, of course). Dat would be da bomb, yo!
11 people like this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: Starboard_side 10/6/2023 12:32:14 PM (No. 1570850)
Don't take the bait, she is saying something outrageous simply to get people to talk about that topic instead of focusing on the other issues facing the country today.
15 people like this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: Nimby 10/6/2023 12:40:38 PM (No. 1570859)
What a nutcase!
11 people like this.

Reply 49 - Posted by: smokincol 10/6/2023 12:53:43 PM (No. 1570870)
oh, it's perfectly alright for PIAPS to say something as inflammatory as that but let our President say something to the same effect or otherwise and, and, and "the Walls of Jericho will come tumbling down" and there will be mass denunciation she is as bad, if not worse than the Wicked Witch of the West
13 people like this.

Reply 50 - Posted by: weirdone 10/6/2023 1:15:32 PM (No. 1570879)
Hillary Clinton, Maybe there needs to be formal deprogramming of the MAGA cult members. "I wonders when Trump supporters will "break with him, because at some point, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members, but something needs to happen. There's clearly a common sense, sane part of the Republican caucus in the House," pointing to those who voted with Democrats last Saturday to keep the government open. "But I think they are intimidated." Yes, Hillary there defiantly needs to be some reeducation camps set up to deprogram the cult members who are totally lacking in common sense. They, however, are those of the liberal left who embrace transgender affirmation, WOKE BS, socialism/communism, BLM, ANTIFA, court packing, weaponizing every branch of government to persecute their political enemies, passing bills so we can find out what is in them and spending the country into bank rupture.
15 people like this.

Reply 51 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/6/2023 1:22:46 PM (No. 1570882)
No problem, as soon as you are IN PRISON!
13 people like this.

Reply 52 - Posted by: LanceLink1 10/6/2023 1:31:06 PM (No. 1570892)
Little early in October for this witch to be flying about isn't it?
24 people like this.

Reply 53 - Posted by: mc squared 10/6/2023 1:32:07 PM (No. 1570893)
No wonder the war on the 2nd Amendment continues.
16 people like this.

Reply 54 - Posted by: Luandir 10/6/2023 1:37:26 PM (No. 1570895)
I think chardonnay detox is a better idea.
14 people like this.

Reply 55 - Posted by: marlon 10/6/2023 1:39:36 PM (No. 1570896)
Put her in a dry out cell for a couple of weeks. At least until she gets over the DTs. Then throw her crooked ass in jail for election interference among a slew of other crimes.
14 people like this.

Reply 56 - Posted by: rochow 10/6/2023 1:48:26 PM (No. 1570904)
It's about time this dame should be put into some institution for the remainder of her days. How many years is it that she is still carrying on about losing her election??? Oooops, I forgot, when a dem keeps on with her complaints it's perfectly alright. If President Trump mentions stolen election, the planet will stop turning and yet another indictment is coming down the pike.
18 people like this.

Reply 57 - Posted by: bobn.t 10/6/2023 2:52:20 PM (No. 1570931)
Thousands of Americans hate Hillabeast. She's a nasty despitful abcitch. Throw dirt on her.
15 people like this.

Reply 58 - Posted by: JackBurton 10/6/2023 3:21:35 PM (No. 1570948)
Meanwhile, she's the leader of the Hill's Gate cult. Next comet, all will be well. You just have to live a lifestyle of monasticism and donating all your goods to the Clinton Foundation... and voting 8-10 times each election.
10 people like this.

Reply 59 - Posted by: danu 10/6/2023 3:59:21 PM (No. 1570967)
Oi Hellary, that was Satan calling, with regrets. Says he adores formal affairs ...but plans to be washing his hair for the next 350 years.
7 people like this.

Reply 60 - Posted by: Venturer 10/6/2023 4:00:14 PM (No. 1570970)
The 12 types of skunks are the striped skunk, hooded skunk, western spotted skunk, eastern spotted skunk, southern spotted skunk, pygmy spotted skunk, American hog-nosed skunk, striped hog-nosed skunk, Humboldt's hog-nosed skunk, Molina's hog-nosed skunk, Indonesian stink badger, and the Palawan stink badger. Add the Hillary skunk who sprays words out of her mouth that smell horrible and if they get on a Democrat it is super hard to wash off.
11 people like this.

Reply 61 - Posted by: danu 10/6/2023 4:05:14 PM (No. 1570976)
what ever do you mean #20? is the alien mothership returning to rozwell to collect her? outstanding!!
8 people like this.

Reply 62 - Posted by: cold porridge 10/6/2023 4:05:35 PM (No. 1570977)
The satanist witch thinks we need a re-education camp. That's funny. Satan is calling you home soon Hillary.
8 people like this.

Reply 63 - Posted by: dbdiva 10/6/2023 4:46:33 PM (No. 1571021)
I like #57's idea; throw her into a dungeon temporarily until the gallows are ready for her.
9 people like this.

Reply 64 - Posted by: dwa 10/6/2023 4:56:06 PM (No. 1571029)
This woman is seriously mentally ill and one of the most corrupt people that was ever in politics. I think the loss to Trump is eating away whatever mind she has causing her to be even more vindictive and just plain out to lunch. She should have been in prison years ago but because she is a democrat, she is free to spew her mind numbing drivel. I see the same thing coming from Liz Cheney these days when she can get some press time.
14 people like this.

Reply 65 - Posted by: TCloud 10/6/2023 5:36:43 PM (No. 1571056)
Hitlery for a reason!
6 people like this.

Reply 66 - Posted by: Kafka2 10/6/2023 5:42:13 PM (No. 1571061)
Hillary is trying to rewrite what happened. The continuing resolution to keep the government open was initially supported by 96% of the Republicans and opposed by ALL of the Democrats and 8 Republican grandstanders led by Matt Gaetz. McCarthy got some Democrats to support the resolution after making concessions to the Democrats and got the resolution past. After preventing a government shutdown the Gaetz Republicans forced a vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker of the House. This was the resolution that was supported 100% by the Democrats along with the 8 Gaetz Republicans. The vast majority of the Republicans voted to keep McCarthy as Speaker. But, the Gaetz Republicans, in league with the Democrats, resulted in McCarthy being removed. Hillary falsely claimed that it was the Republicans who voted against the continuing resolution when it was most of the Democrats who voted against the continuing resolution. However, if this coalition of Democrats and Gaetz Republicans continues to obstruct selection of a new Speaker, we could still see a government shutdown when the continuing resolution expires.
9 people like this.

Reply 67 - Posted by: Indy8166 10/6/2023 5:59:18 PM (No. 1571073)
Bring it, female canine.
9 people like this.

Reply 68 - Posted by: Scribelus 10/6/2023 6:04:59 PM (No. 1571079)
Habitual viewers of CNN would benefit from a little deprogramming.
11 people like this.

Reply 69 - Posted by: Italiano 10/6/2023 6:42:38 PM (No. 1571098)
Quick. Hillary. Name your grandchildren. I didn't think so.
11 people like this.

Reply 70 - Posted by: Penney 10/6/2023 7:46:28 PM (No. 1571125)
Like as portrayed in, "The Manchurian Candidate?!!!" ...Leftie
9 people like this.

Reply 71 - Posted by: Moritz55 10/6/2023 8:16:23 PM (No. 1571142)
So…in Big Sister’s Orwellian brain, will the de/reprogramming be carried out by the Ministry of Truth or the Ministry of Love? And will it be accompanied by daily Two Minutes of Hate (with Trump replacing Goldstein), or will mandatory watching of The View be deemed sufficient?
11 people like this.

Reply 72 - Posted by: Strike3 10/7/2023 7:29:32 AM (No. 1571336)
Those who are crazy often think that everybody else is crazy. Somebody needs to treat Hillary to Bleach Bit and a hammer.
8 people like this.

Reply 73 - Posted by: Strike3 10/7/2023 7:44:08 AM (No. 1571339)
The Communists were only able to take over in Russia after they destroyed most of the food of the peasants (think cattle and chicken farm fires and disruption of energy and supply lines) and the country folks were left only with pitchforks and rakes to fight armed troops. That's where it stops in America. I hope we have enough Kyle Rittenhouses out here.
8 people like this.

Reply 74 - Posted by: franq 10/7/2023 7:52:22 AM (No. 1571345)
Sir Edmund, off the rails (again). Scratch a leftist, find a fascist. They really are monsters.
8 people like this.

Reply 75 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 10/7/2023 8:00:41 AM (No. 1571354)
Hitlery plots her Final Solution to her pesky MAGA problem.
8 people like this.

Reply 76 - Posted by: Are You Serious 10/7/2023 8:21:37 AM (No. 1571370)
I look forward to dancing on her grave.
8 people like this.

Reply 77 - Posted by: Californian 10/7/2023 9:55:00 AM (No. 1571451)
Heavens to Betsy! It sounds like there is a vast right wing conspiracy! What's old is new again. She's never stopped singing the tune of "all who oppose the Queen will die!"
7 people like this.

Reply 78 - Posted by: HonestDon 10/7/2023 10:53:54 AM (No. 1571517)
As I recall, Mao did the same thing 75 years ago. See how that turned out?
7 people like this.

Reply 79 - Posted by: NotaBene 10/7/2023 11:18:47 AM (No. 1571533)
Better to be OneofUS than a Communist like Hillary, Obama, Biden, Schumer, AOC, Pelosi and her nephew, Hakim Jeffries, or Bernie.
4 people like this.

Reply 80 - Posted by: Zigrid 10/7/2023 11:37:25 AM (No. 1571562)
Here she comes...hitting every talk show she can muster....I told you folks 6 months ago...she's gonna run...that's why biden is standing alone and thinks he's running for the White House niceities and is his coat tail wifey...who cares only for herself....crooked hillary thinks that podesta can manage the White House now that he's been hired by obama... if she announces to early then the game begins into checking out her past...this way she can be on the news demanding MAGA voters be deprogrammed...and torching President Trump....always remember...she is a bitter and vicious woman.....who loves her cocktail hours...that why she falls all the time....
7 people like this.

Reply 81 - Posted by: Zbogwan2 10/7/2023 11:50:12 AM (No. 1571576)
Old Crone Hillary keeps on showing what an Evil Creature she really is down deep within her blackened soul!
9 people like this.

Reply 82 - Posted by: NotaBene 10/7/2023 12:31:46 PM (No. 1571609)
The Deprogramming was enabled by the cowardly behavior of Congressional Republicans with respect to the J6 (epiphany) political prisoners now rotting in the Democrat Gulag. While minorities run about destroying our cities and living off Welfare.
4 people like this.

Reply 83 - Posted by: Barbara Joy 10/7/2023 12:37:08 PM (No. 1571611)
If only Ken Starr had prosecuted her for her Rose law firm work on those crooked land deals in Arkansas. She could have been taken down back then. Or if her Clinton Initiative had been investigated by DOJ. Or if her part in the Russia hoax had been investigated and pursued by DOJ. Or if the FBI had done their job and pursued a conviction for her having Top Secret docs on her private server and destroying evidence. If only.
7 people like this.

Reply 84 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 10/7/2023 2:20:24 PM (No. 1571698)
Our government, a Representative Republic, has lost all meaning to this grifter, Ms. Clinton. She has forgotten she should be a SERVANT of the people, not the other way around. Sorry PIAPS, we are not your servants, We are the People you should represent, but your arrogance and evilness has blinded you to your Constitutional duty. That is why we don't like you, we won't vote for you and we dispise you.
3 people like this.

Reply 85 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/7/2023 4:14:52 PM (No. 1571758)
Billary, just disappear and go take care of BJ's drooling problem like the good wifee you are.
1 person likes this.

Reply 86 - Posted by: Sully 10/7/2023 4:27:49 PM (No. 1571772)
How bout they start deprograming anyone who thinks men can give birth
3 people like this.

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23 replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2024 1:54:43 PM Post Reply
A 16-year-old student at Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina, faced a three-day suspension last week, the Carolina Journal reported. The cause? His use of the term ‘illegal alien’ during a vocabulary assignment in English class. The Carolina Journal has omitted the teenager’s name due to his minor status and in order to safeguard his privacy. Similarly, The Gateway Pundit has also chosen not to disclose the student’s identity. Leah McGhee, the mother of the student, reported that the vocabulary exercise included the word ‘alien’. Trying to clarify, her son inquired, “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?”
Exclusive — Trump Lawyer: Prosecution
Seeks to ‘Stack the Deck Against’
Trump in Jury Selection
3 replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2024 1:52:26 PM Post Reply
The prosecution in former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial — at the hands of Democrat Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg — is attempting to “stack the deck” against Trump in the jury selection, “trying to find out if you have ever been involved in supporting President Trump at all over the years” but failing to ask the same questions about supporting President Joe Biden, Trump lawyer Jesse Binnall said during an interview on Breitbart News Daily. Binnall, a Trump lawyer involved in the former president’s civil case and January 6 case, discussed the current criminal trial, as Bragg has charged Trump with 34 felonies, accusing him of falsifying business records.
Trump Trial: At Least 50 Potential Jurors
Excused from First Pool
8 replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2024 9:15:13 AM Post Reply
Thirty-four of the 96 potential jurors remain from the first pool in the juror selection process for President Donald Trump’s criminal trial, courtroom journalists reported Monday. “The rapid disqualification of at least 50 possible jurors underscores the difficult reality of finding a dozen New Yorkers to form the jury in one of the most high-profile cases in U.S. history,” Axios reported: “I just couldn’t do it,” one prospective juror said in the hallway outside of the courtroom, per the pool. Of the jurors who said they couldn’t be fair or impartial in the case, over two dozen were white women, 1 Hispanic woman, and
Vivek Ramaswamy SLAMS Soros-funded DA
Alvin Bragg for “Embarrassing” Case
Against Trump – Elon Musk Chimes in:
“This Case is Obviously a Corruption
of the Law. LAWFARE” (Video)
8 replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2024 7:39:05 AM Post Reply
Former GOP Presidential Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who made waves for being the youngest challenger to Donald Trump in the race and perhaps the most likable, came out with a statement on Monday condemning Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare against President Trump. Vivek always stood up for President Trump in the ongoing attempts by Democrats to take him out by other means, like sham indictments and challenges to remove him from the ballot, and destroyed GOP Primary opponents who refused to condemn the Biden Regime’s fascism. He frequently took aim at and destroyed neocon Nikki Haley for being a member of the RINO establishment who was happy to let
Exclusive — Tim Scott: ‘Prejudiced’
Trump Trial an ‘Injustice’ Driving
Black Voters to GOP, They Want ‘Fair
Justice System’
3 replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2024 3:26:13 AM Post Reply
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) told Breitbart News exclusively on Monday afternoon that the trial that Democrats are dragging former President Donald Trump through in New York is only driving more black voters away from Democrats — like President Joe Biden — and toward the Republican Party and Trump. “There’s no doubt that when you see a nearly 75 percent increase in black men wanting to support President Trump, that’s not an insignificant increase,” Scott told Breitbart News as Trump sat in a New York courtroom facing criminal charges from District Attorney Alvin Bragg. “That is a gargantuan step in the right direction. Why? Because the Democrat stronghold on power
At Least 43 Shot During Weekend in Mayor
Brandon Johnson’s Chicago
16 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 9:35:11 PM Post Reply
At 6:30 a.m. Saturday, a 29-year-old man “in the Logan Square neighborhood’s 2600-block of North Sawyer Avenue” was shot and killed. Police do not know what led up to the shooting. At 5:15 p.m. a 22-year-old man with multiple gunshot wounds was found lying in the street “in the 7700 block of South Carpenter Street,” according to CBS News. He was transported to a hospital and pronounced dead. Within minutes of the 5:15 p.m. shooting, two men opened fire on a 20-year-old man “in the 7700 block of South Union Avenue.” He was taken to hospital where he was a pronounced dead.
‘Go DEI’: MSNBC’s Reid Calls Black
People Prosecuting Trump ‘Wonderfully Poetic’
19 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 9:29:43 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid said Monday on her network’s coverage of former President Donald Trump’s trial that it was “wonderfully poetic” the prosecutors in several of the cases against former President Donald Trump are black. Reid said, “Donald Trump is at this point outdoing actual mobsters in his attacks on the judge’s family, the daughter. And he’s doing it to the point that Lawrence made, he knows he will never spend a day, a second, a moment in prison. But for me, there is something wonderfully poetic about the fact that despite the fact that even if convicted, he’s not going to go to prison, the first person to actually
Alan Dershowitz Reveals One Motion He
Believes Trump’s Lawyers Must File ‘Immediately’
14 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 9:15:57 PM Post Reply
Noted attorney Alan Dershowitz said Monday that attorneys for former President Donald Trump should file a motion to allow Trump to periodically skip court dates during his Manhattan trial. Judge Juan Merchan threatened Trump with arrest if he did not attend the trial regarding a $130,000 payout to porn star Stormy Daniels as part of a confidentiality agreement during Trump’s successful run for the White House after Trump asked to attend the Supreme Court’s oral arguments on presidential immunity set for April 25. Dershowitz suggested Trump’s attorneys act immediately to address Merchan’s threat, which he viewed as a form of “election interference.”
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Hillary Clinton: The ‘Cruelty’ of
Arizona Abortion Ban Is So Troubling
34 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 8:40:09 PM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday on NBC’s “The Kelly Clarkson Show ” that Arizona’s recently reinstated abortion ban is “cruelty.” Clinton said, “It is horrifying in every way. You know, I feared it would happen, but I hoped it wouldn’t happen, and now here we are in the middle of this very difficult period for women in about half the states of our country.”She continued, “There’s another element to it which I find so troubling. I mean, there’s a kind of cruelty to it. No exceptions for rape, incest, I mean, really? There’s a cruelty toward women, toward women’s lives.”
Report: Biden Campaign ‘Plans to Spend
Every Day’ Until November Focusing on Abortion
31 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 8:20:30 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign “plans to spend every day until November 5” hammering the issue of abortion and painting former President Donald Trump and Republicans as extreme, the Washington Post reported. Biden campaign officials reportedly see abortion as a “potential silver bullet” and hope the issue will “mobilize their core voters, bring disaffected voters back into the fold, and make inroads with voters whom Democrats have often struggled to win,” White House reporter Tyler Pager wrote, noting that the tactic comes as many Americans are worried about Biden’s age and inflation, which “threatens to hurt his reelection.”
Judge Merchan Warns Trump He Could Face
Jail Time for Missing Court – Trump
May Miss His Son Barron’s High School Graduation
27 replies
Posted by DW626 4/15/2024 4:47:08 PM Post Reply
Jury selection was underway on Monday morning for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump related to ‘hush payments’ made to porn star Stormy Daniels. Last April Trump was hit with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records and conspiracy. Alvin Bragg still hasn’t named the underlying felony after he twisted the law and somehow upgraded the misdemeanor charges that were past the statute of limitations – to felonies. The fix is in.
Watch: Anti-War Activists in Chicago Shouting
'Death to Israel' and 'Death to America'
in Farsi
27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/15/2024 1:49:55 AM Post Reply
In 410AD, the city of Rome was sacked by the Visigoths under their king, Alaric. The Germanic tribes had invaded Italy and laid siege to the Eternal City, eventually breaking in and putting Rome to the sack. Now, today, the United States faces some implacable enemies. Still, there is a difference between Rome in 410 and the U.S. in 2024: Our enemies are already within the city walls, and the civic leadership seems unwilling to do anything about it. On Saturday, "anti-war activists" gathered in a Teamster's Union hall in Chicago. The Free Press' Olivia Reingold brings us an account, including a video of the activists shouting "Death to Israel" and
ANOTHER ONE: Anti-Israel Protesters Shut
Down Entire Golden Gate Bridge, Backing
Up Traffic for Miles – Police Show Up
in Riot Gear to Confront the Agitators (Video)
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 1:48:58 PM Post Reply
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that pro-Hamas agitators are blocked off a road entering Chicago O’Hare Airport while police are doing nothing, forcing some travelers to ditch their cars and walk to the airport. Now, they have completely shut down the Golden Gate Bridge as police arrive to confront them in riot gear. According to KGO-TV, the protest started Monday morning on Northbound I-880 in Oakland where agitators blocked every single lane. They brought barrels onto the roadway and reportedly chained themselves to the barrels. In the video below, the protesters can be seen holding signs reading “Stop the World for Gaza” and End the Siege on Gaza Now!”
New York Times Reporter Maggie Haberman:
Donald Trump ‘Appears to Doze Off’
During New York Trial
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/16/2024 12:05:41 AM Post Reply
New York Times (NYT) reporter Maggie Haberman claimed that former President Donald Trump appeared to “doze off” during the start of his hush money criminal trial in Manhattan. In an article that Haberman wrote in the NYT, Trump was described as being “alternately irritated and exhausted” as jury selection for the trial, which centers around alleged hush-money payments the former president made to adult entertainment star Stormy Daniels during the 2016 presidential election, began. Haberman wrote: Even as a judge was hearing arguments on last-minute issues in a criminal case that centers on salacious allegations and threatens to upend his bid for the presidency, Mr. Trump appeared to
OUTRAGEOUS: 16-Year-Old Student Suspended
After Using Term “Illegal Alien” in
English Class
23 replies
Posted by Imright 4/16/2024 1:54:43 PM Post Reply
A 16-year-old student at Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina, faced a three-day suspension last week, the Carolina Journal reported. The cause? His use of the term ‘illegal alien’ during a vocabulary assignment in English class. The Carolina Journal has omitted the teenager’s name due to his minor status and in order to safeguard his privacy. Similarly, The Gateway Pundit has also chosen not to disclose the student’s identity. Leah McGhee, the mother of the student, reported that the vocabulary exercise included the word ‘alien’. Trying to clarify, her son inquired, “Like space aliens or illegal aliens without green cards?”
Pro-Palestinian protesters chant 'death
to America' and light US flag ON FIRE
while NYPD cops seemingly stand idle -
as demonstrators flood streets after Iran's
missile attack on Israel
22 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/15/2024 11:17:45 PM Post Reply
There were shocking scenes on the streets of New York City on Monday as Palestinian activists set fire to an American flag being held by Israel supporters while chanting 'Death to America!' right under the noses of the NYPD. There were audible gasps as the Stars and Stripes being held by a pro-Israel counter-protestor was set alight and then waved in the air - as bright yellow flames could be seen coming from the flag. Police officers stationed at the protest outside the New York Stock Exchange could be seen wrestling the flag and stamping out the fire as it was brought to the ground.
Joe and Jill Biden release their tax returns:
President and first lady paid $146,629
on a combined income of $619,976 in 2023
22 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 7:54:19 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden released their tax returns Monday that showed that their income rose 7 percent to nearly $620,000 in 2023 and that the couple paid 23.7 percent of their income in federal taxes. The first couple's combined income was $619,976 last year and they paid $146,629 in federal taxes. Biden released the data on the day U.S. taxes for the prior year are due, and as the Democrat seeks re-election in 2024. Biden and his wife earned four-fifths of their income from their jobs as president and teacher at Northern Virginia Community College, respectively.
Lawmakers, Privacy Experts Sound Alarm
on Most ‘Terrifying Expansions of Government
Surveillance’ in History in Spy Powers Bill
20 replies
Posted by earlybird 4/15/2024 6:03:30 PM Post Reply
Lawmakers and privacy experts on both sides of the political spectrum are sounding the alarm on a provision in a spy powers reform bill that one senator described as one of the “most terrifying expansions of government surveillance” in history. Eighty-six House Republicans last Friday voted for the Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act (RISAA), a bill that would reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Section 702 is a government surveillance authority that is meant to target foreign adversaries, but often surveils Americans’ communications without a warrant.
‘Go DEI’: MSNBC’s Reid Calls Black
People Prosecuting Trump ‘Wonderfully Poetic’
19 replies
Posted by Imright 4/15/2024 9:29:43 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid said Monday on her network’s coverage of former President Donald Trump’s trial that it was “wonderfully poetic” the prosecutors in several of the cases against former President Donald Trump are black. Reid said, “Donald Trump is at this point outdoing actual mobsters in his attacks on the judge’s family, the daughter. And he’s doing it to the point that Lawrence made, he knows he will never spend a day, a second, a moment in prison. But for me, there is something wonderfully poetic about the fact that despite the fact that even if convicted, he’s not going to go to prison, the first person to actually
Nat'l Security Communications Advisor
Kirby Ridiculously Tries to Shift Blame
for Iran Fiasco Onto Trump
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/15/2024 10:18:21 AM Post Reply
White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby appeared on "Fox News Sunday" with host Shannon Bream and claimed that it was actually former President Trump who emboldened Iran to attack Israel on Saturday and that the Biden administration’s release of billions of dollars in frozen funds to the Islamic Republic had little bearing on the matter. As Biden himself likes to say, “C’mon man.” If you have a drug-addicted relative, the one thing you certainly don’t do is give them money or even give cash to their acquaintances because said relative will certainly find a way to get their hands on it.
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