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Here’s Why the Left Is So Determined
to Destroy the New College of Florida

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Posted By: Judy W., 9/19/2023 8:20:11 AM

The Biden administration is attempting to crush a small Florida liberal arts school for not being left-wing. The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights recently announced that it would launch an investigation into the New College of Florida. The school, which previously had been known for its liberal politics, is being transformed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and a notable trustee, Christopher Rufo. (Snip) He said it began with a complaint from ACLU attorney Jennifer Granick. She said that the school’s board and trustees violated civil rights law by “removing ‘gender neutral’ signage from bathrooms, defunding the [diversity, equity, and inclusion] and gender studies programs, and ‘misgendering’


This is where DeSantis really shines -- fighting the culture war. And Rufo is the one to implement it. This was a failing college in the grip of the ultra-radical left. Now enrollment is up and I've read elsewhere that applications for teaching jobs are way up too.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: mobyclik 9/19/2023 8:29:51 AM (No. 1559066)
That crap the ACLU is so concerned about....What in hell does ANY of that have to do with getting a worthwhile education?
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Msquared112 9/19/2023 9:57:33 AM (No. 1559136)
The Left NEVER allow a defeat. They will go to Court forever so long as their winning totalitarian streak is not broken. They have cohesion and the Right does not. Notice that they never, never give up. They cannot afford a crack in their armor. We could take a lesson in that regard.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: smokincol 9/19/2023 11:18:34 AM (No. 1559206)
dissolve the ACLU, they've been a communist fronted organization since their inception ie: "The American Civil Liberties Union is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1920 "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States"" from Wikipedia.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: moebellini3 9/19/2023 1:06:25 PM (No. 1559289)
Anybody ever notice that the aclu is run by a bunch hysterical lunatics. They are everything that is NOT normal. Look at any of them, listen to any of them, it's not hard to notice.
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Biden Admin “finally found asylum-seekers
it opposes”
3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/26/2023 9:45:05 AM Post Reply
Tens of thousands of people — including substantial numbers of single military age males — illegally cross the southern border into the United States every week under the pretense of seeking aslyum. (Snip) This has all the appearances of an organized invasion, with people funneled to the U.S. by cartels and others, included among them provocateurs who plant foreign flags on U.S. soil: The Biden administration doesn’t care. It wants this. Yet at the same time, the administration is moving to deport a family that had a viable claim for asylum and went through the process, winning at the hearing level then being denied on appeal.
Fetterman Struggles In Senate Despite
Previous Assurances He ‘Can Work Full Duty’
33 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/26/2023 8:01:14 AM Post Reply
Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman said he has “lost [his] ability to fully process language” during a Senate hearing last week, despite previous assurances from his family, doctors and Democratic lawmakers that he is fully functioning and capable. Fetterman said he is unable to communicate with his family and staff unless he uses special transcription technology and became emotional describing his mental state during a Senate hearing on Thursday. Concerns about Fetterman’s health arose during his 2022 senatorial campaign after he suffered a stroke; following the event, his doctor said he could “work full duty,” and Fetterman himself said he was “able to serve and to be running” for Congress.
Fetterman’s Slovenliness Represents
Demise of Objective Social Standards
20 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/25/2023 12:59:12 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Senate, once known as the “world’s greatest deliberative body,” will now permit its members to grace its chamber floor wearing whatever clothes—no matter how casual or unprofessional—they happen to fancy on any given day. Following Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., decision earlier this week to have the sergeant-at-arms cease enforcing the Senate’s long-standing dress code, senators might be forgiven for trading in their traditional Brooks Brothers wares for that most chic of modern haberdashers: the local homeless shelter. There is one reason and one reason only for Schumer’s distasteful change in policy: The brain-damaged and cartoon-villain-resembling junior Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman,
Rebranding Tyranny 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/24/2023 5:57:06 AM Post Reply
I am at American Steward’s Second Annual Conference called Stop 30x30 in Texas, with cowboy hats, boots, and barbecue for lunch. It is a smallish group, with a high IQ and an inferiority complex. They are facing down Leviathan, more money than you can dream of and all the awful police power of the Federal Government. (Snip) If these people lose this fight, every generation from now on will be busted down to serf. You will own nothing. Because right now, it is ALL being taken, acre by acre by acre. One billion acres by 2030. Another by 2050.
Now They’re Just Poking Their Fingers
in Our Eyes
18 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/24/2023 5:44:34 AM Post Reply
Reading this week’s news of the Biden Administration, I kept thinking of the Three Stooges poking fingers in each other’s eyes. (Snip) Nothing seems to get through to them; their conduct is clear evidence that they believe they can get away with being completely outrageous because they suffer no consequences. (I know you probably can point to more examples -- apart from the open border through which the number of invaders now is the population equivalent of 17 states.) This litigation strikes me as this week’s most easily understood misuse of the law. The Department of Justice is suing Elon Musk for not hiring refugees to build advanced rocket technology.
Are We Preparing For A Coup? – DHS And
Its Intelligence “Experts” SAM FADDIS
15 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/24/2023 5:20:41 AM Post Reply
In advance of the 2016 election, many of the nation’s most powerful intelligence figures joined forces with Hillary Clinton’s campaign to push the infamous Russiagate narrative. (Snip) We are now fast approaching the next Presidential election. Biden is in serious trouble. Donald Trump enjoys tremendous support, and new polling data shows unprecedented numbers of Blacks and Hispanics talking about voting for Trump over Biden. The smell of disaster is in the air amongst Democratic operatives. So, time to double down on the tactics of the last two election cycles. Time to make sure the fix is in. Enter the Department of Homeland Security’s new Experts Group.
Amazon Manipulates Reviews and Sends Malware
Link to Reviewer
7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/23/2023 1:54:13 PM Post Reply
Sometime during the summer of 2023, I posted a review of Elliot Page’s memoir Pageboy on Amazon. I take words seriously, even the words that constitute Amazon reviews. Language can convey truth; language can empower lies. The difference between truth and lies is the difference between life and death. In my faith, Satan is the father of lies. God is the logos, the Word; God is truth and the truth sets us free. (Snip) Elliot Page’s Pageboy is a poorly written book. I said this because bad writing matters. “Writing clearly is thinking clearly.” Writing poorly underwrites destructive behavior. Identifying bad writing is a worthwhile use of time.
Vivek Ramaswamy and the Woke Culture War
on Hindus
7 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/22/2023 6:52:17 AM Post Reply
I wouldn’t have liked Vivek Ramaswamy a few years ago but I do now. (Snip) Ramaswamy calls himself a Hindu and so do I at a time when the word “Hindu” has been overwhelmingly defined to be synonymous with racial, religious, and caste supremacism, and the only way to exist as a Hindu is to perform, loudly, as an ever-apologetic, self-erasing, and worst of all, fact-denying Hindu. There is a culture war on Hindus in America, and it is so deeply entwined with the bigger culture war in America today, that perhaps only the stunning, uncanny phenomenon of a self-professed Hindu vegetarian winning the support of Christians and omnivores
Here’s Why the Left Is So Determined
to Destroy the New College of Florida
4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/19/2023 8:20:11 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration is attempting to crush a small Florida liberal arts school for not being left-wing. The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights recently announced that it would launch an investigation into the New College of Florida. The school, which previously had been known for its liberal politics, is being transformed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and a notable trustee, Christopher Rufo. (Snip) He said it began with a complaint from ACLU attorney Jennifer Granick. She said that the school’s board and trustees violated civil rights law by “removing ‘gender neutral’ signage from bathrooms, defunding the [diversity, equity, and inclusion] and gender studies programs, and ‘misgendering’
The Devil and Bella Dodd 3 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/15/2023 12:56:19 PM Post Reply
The Devil and Bella Dodd: One Woman’s Struggle Against Communism and Her Redemption is a 2022 account of the career of Bella Dodd (1904-1969), once “the most important female communist in the United States.” (Snip) She used the name “Bella” and eventually married a man named Dodd. The marriage ended because of her commitment to the Communist Party. Dodd received degrees from New York University and Columbia, an Ivy League school – remarkable for a female Italian American immigrant from a poor family. She became a professor, lawyer, and organizer. She described herself as a key figure who injected the Communist Party’s agenda into American public education.
The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists.
We Fought Back—and Won.
5 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/11/2023 2:15:19 PM Post Reply
When I was four, my mother took her first flight and first trip out of her native India to the U.S. with me and my younger brother in tow. (Snip) When I was 19, I became an American citizen. It was one of the happiest days of my young life. The immigration officer gave me a civics test, including a question about the First Amendment. It was an easy test because I knew it in my heart. The American civic religion has the right to free speech as the core of its liturgy. I never imagined that there would come a time when an American government
Dr. McCullough to Lara Trump: Our President
was Deceived by His Trusted COVID-19 Advisor
13 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/11/2023 10:07:45 AM Post Reply
Among likely Republican voters, Donald J. Trump appears to be the runaway winner for a repeat Republican nomination. However, when pitted against the Democratic machine, Trump does not look as strong. For independent voters, how both Biden and Trump handle Dr. Anthony Fauci and the consequence of his role in the pandemic response will shape a considerable amount of election politics. How will Donald Trump come to reckon with the reality he was lied to on the origins of SARS-CoV-2, misled on contagion, and badly deceived on the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines? Will Biden distance himself from Fauci when his campaign
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Trump committed fraud by inflating wealth,
NY judge finds — clearing way for trial
37 replies
Posted by DW626 9/26/2023 6:16:13 PM Post Reply
A Manhattan judge on Tuesday found Donald Trump committed fraud for years by exaggerating the value of his wealth – clearing the way for a civil trial where the former president could be ordered to pay $250 million and banned from doing business in the Empire State. Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron found Trump, 77, his family and his business, the Trump Organization, liable for fraud – the key claim in New York Attorney General Letitia James’ sprawling lawsuit against the defendants. In a 35-page ruling, Engoron sided with James, who argued that Trump made several indisputably false statements in business documents to secure favorable terms
Fetterman Struggles In Senate Despite
Previous Assurances He ‘Can Work Full Duty’
33 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/26/2023 8:01:14 AM Post Reply
Pennsylvania Democratic Sen. John Fetterman said he has “lost [his] ability to fully process language” during a Senate hearing last week, despite previous assurances from his family, doctors and Democratic lawmakers that he is fully functioning and capable. Fetterman said he is unable to communicate with his family and staff unless he uses special transcription technology and became emotional describing his mental state during a Senate hearing on Thursday. Concerns about Fetterman’s health arose during his 2022 senatorial campaign after he suffered a stroke; following the event, his doctor said he could “work full duty,” and Fetterman himself said he was “able to serve and to be running” for Congress.
Philadelphia swarmed by alleged juvenile
looters targeting the Apple Store, Lululemon,
Footlocker and others
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/27/2023 12:43:02 AM Post Reply
Philadelphia police responded to reports of popular stores like the Apple Store, Lululemon and Footlocker being ravaged by swarms of looters taking over the City of Brotherly Love. Authorities in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania responded to reports of large crowds of juveniles allegedly looting stores in the Center City area on Tuesday night. As of midnight on Wednesday morning, Police have confirmed between 15 and 20 people were arrested during the looting and recovered at least 2 firearms. Videos posted to X, formerly called Twitter, shows retail stores like Lululemon, the Apple Store and Footlocker ravaged by crowds of looters.
VIDEO: Mexican President Claims Conservative
Media Won’t Talk About ‘Republican
Bob Menendez’
19 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/26/2023 6:43:32 PM Post Reply
Mexico’s President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador tried to slam conservative media, claiming they will not report on the corruption investigation of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez. The Mexican president mistakenly claimed that conservative news outlets would provide cover for Menendez because he was a “Republican… from Texas.” The statements came during his Monday news conference where the Mexican politician briefly discussed the case. “These news outlets from the right, conservatives, are not going to say that they found gold bars,” Lopez Obrador said. “The Republican Senator Bob Menendez from Texas, he has always been against us. They are not going to say that. That is not a story.”
28% Of Americans ‘Not Confident’ That
2024 Vote Will Be Fair And Accurate: I&I/TIPP Poll
18 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/27/2023 5:58:49 AM Post Reply
Will the 2024 election be fair, or marred by systematic cheating? Based on how Americans feel about recent elections and the coming presidential contest, most are confident the election will be fair. But there’s a huge political gap on the issue between Democrats on one side, and Republicans and independents on the other, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. First, the good news: 65% of the 1,223 registered voters queried in the national online I&I/TIPP Poll, which was taken from Aug. 30-Sept. 1, called themselves either “very confident” (42%) or “somewhat confident” (23%) that the 2024 election “will be conducted fairly and accurately.”
Menendez scandal creates huge political
dilemmas for Democrats
18 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 7:51:43 AM Post Reply
The sensational federal indictment against New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez (D) is a big political problem for Senate Democrats already facing a tough fight to protect their majority. Senators returning to Washington on Tuesday will be confronted with questions about whether Menendez should resign. Two in their fold, Sens. John Fetterman (Pa.) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio), already have said he should step down. Republicans are likely to seek to tie Democrats to Menendez, who faces charges that he and his wife took bribes from businesspeople in his state connected to the government of Egypt. Prosecutors have released photos of cash,
Ralph Nader, wary of Trump, offers to
help Joe Biden win
17 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 11:20:55 AM Post Reply
“Ralph Nader is not going to be welcome anywhere near the corridors,” then-senator Biden had declared, blaming the consumer advocate for Democrat Al Gore’s defeat to Republican George W. Bush. So began Nader’s long exile from Democratic Capitol Hill hideaways, where Nader had once been feted as a conquering policy genius. Nader, a spry 89-year-old who works remotely because of covid concerns, still resents the slight. But if you ask him these days about Biden’s reelection fight in 2024, he does not respond with his old gibes about Republicans and Democrats being nothing more than “Tweedledum and Tweedledee.”
10 Reasons Not To Own An EV 17 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/26/2023 10:24:37 AM Post Reply
From California to New York to Washington, Democrats are using the coercive force of government to herd Americans into electric vehicles. Here are 10 reasons why we should resist both this egregious abuse of power as well as the social pressure that demands we all go electric: The mandates are an egregious abuse of power. Where do government officials, both elected and unelected, derive the authority to tell Americans what vehicles they cannot own and what vehicles they must own? There is none. Yes, there are laws intended to keep dangerous cars and trucks off the streets for safety reasons. But no automobile is a threat
Has Bill Gates bailed out on the climate crisis? 16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/27/2023 12:08:30 AM Post Reply
At the New York Post this week, the Blogfather, Glenn Reynolds, poses the question, “Has the air gone out of the climate crisis balloon?” He suggests that it’s at least deflating a bit, along with several other panic-inducing liberal themes of the moment. (I would argue that the “gun violence crisis” is still going full steam ahead on the left, but perhaps that’s the exception to the rule.) He points to a few examples where leftists seem to be losing their endless enthusiasm for screaming about climate change and making demands that everyone must sacrifice everything they hold dear to Save The Planet. Greta Thunberg doesn’t seem
Brothers who beat Ethan Liming to death
outside LeBron James’ ‘I Promise’
school found guilty of lesser assault charges
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/26/2023 5:20:47 AM Post Reply
On Friday, the jury delivered its verdict for the suspects involved in a June 2022 fight at LeBron James' Promise School in Akron, Ohio that resulted in the death of 17-year-old Ethan Liming. Deshawn Stafford, 20, was found guilty of felony aggravated assault, and misdemeanor assault, while his 19-year-old brother Tyler was only hit with misdemeanor assault. Both were acquitted on charges of involuntary manslaughter, which had already been downgraded from murder. (snip) Following the verdict, the Liming family's attorney Mr. Guttierez said his clients were "devastated," and "feel their son was murdered yet again."
Pava Marie LaPere murder: Baltimore police
reveal name of suspect Jason Deans Billingsley,
32, and warn he 'will kill and he will rape'
15 replies
Posted by Imright 9/26/2023 6:54:57 PM Post Reply
Baltimore police have issued an arrest warrant for 'a repeat violent offender' suspected of murdering a much-loved Forbes '30 Under 30' tech CEO, who was found beaten to death in her apartment building. Pava Marie LaPere, 26, was killed by blunt force trauma inside her luxury Mount Vernon, Baltimore apartment, and her body was found by police on Monday. Jason Deans Billingsley, 32, of Baltimore, is wanted for first degree murder, assault, reckless endangerments, as well as additional charges. Police do not believe LaPere knew him.
Sen. Bob Menendez's congressman son announces
House re-election bid days after father's
corruption indictment
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/26/2023 7:53:10 AM Post Reply
Rep. Rob Menendez, a first-term Democratic congressman representing New Jersey’s 8th congressional district, announced his re-election bid Monday, just three days after his father, longtime Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez’s indictment on federal bribery and corruption charges was unsealed. "I love this district and its people with every fiber of my being," the younger Menendez said in a statement. "I am focused on working every single day to represent my neighbors to the best of my ability. And I will be running for re-election based on that record, so I can continue to serve the residents of this district that I love,
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