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Nancy Pelosi’s In-Kind Contribution
To The GOP

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 9/11/2023 6:57:00 AM

In announcing that she will run for reelection to the U.S. House next year, San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi made an ill-advised, out-of-touch, incredibly deranged statement. If the Republican Party doesn’t use it in a continuous loop of ads during the 2024 campaign, it will commit an egregious error. Pelosi, regrettably House speaker on two separate occasions, declared last week her intention to seek another term in Congress, which would be her 19th. The 83-year-old tweeted Friday that she was running because “now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery.” At least there’s no mystery about her agenda.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Krause 9/11/2023 7:33:36 AM (No. 1553785)
From what I'm hearing, it's been her district for 36 years, and now it's one big outdoor toilet. Good job, Nance. San Francisco values, for sure.
29 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Samsquanch 9/11/2023 8:05:13 AM (No. 1553799)
SF is the shining Poop beacon on the hill filled with nothing but future Nobel Laureates.
14 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 9/11/2023 9:44:07 AM (No. 1553866)
San Francisco, a modern day Sodom where is the old testament when we need it.
7 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jalo1951 9/11/2023 11:35:39 AM (No. 1553950)
Pelosi and her home town of San Francisco have a lot in common. I can see why she is so emotional. They are both full of sh**.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: john56 9/11/2023 12:08:30 PM (No. 1553969)
That would be a great ad. Nancy's voice over with shots of SF crime, boarded up stores, poop on the sidewalk, open drug use. I'd be disappointed if I don't see some Republican do that. But I wouldn't be surprised either, if they don't.
5 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FJB 9/11/2023 12:09:57 PM (No. 1553970)
Really, you old f*rt? Considering the FAA now issuing poop-scoops for all arrivals at San Fransisco International. MAGA
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 9/11/2023 1:54:10 PM (No. 1554036)
RINOs will not use Pelosi's statement in a 'continuous loop' in advertising. That goes without saying!
2 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: broken01 9/12/2023 8:07:49 AM (No. 1554414)
I listened to my favorite Conservative on the You Tubes on my way to work this morning. He does a spot-on imitation of the creature known as Nancy Pelosi that is hilarious. He played her re-election screech/speech and surmised the only reason why the old bat wants to stay in office is when PDJT is back in the saddle she knows that she's on the top of his list of people to destroy. So, like the evil cartoon character I call her Mumm-Ra the Ever Living she has to keep access to her magic cauldron. In other words, while she's still festering in Congress like an old puss filled boil, she's able to know what's going on in DC. That's all this corrupt ancient spirit of evil (another Mumm-Ra reference) is doing with her announcement.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 9/13/2023 7:38:03 AM (No. 1555094)
The RNC has mountains of ad material for the next election. Too bad they are clueless when it comes to campaigns.
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/13/2023 6:13:45 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/12/2023 5:38:09 AM Post Reply
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Nancy Pelosi’s In-Kind Contribution
To The GOP
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/11/2023 6:57:00 AM Post Reply
In announcing that she will run for reelection to the U.S. House next year, San Francisco’s Nancy Pelosi made an ill-advised, out-of-touch, incredibly deranged statement. If the Republican Party doesn’t use it in a continuous loop of ads during the 2024 campaign, it will commit an egregious error. Pelosi, regrettably House speaker on two separate occasions, declared last week her intention to seek another term in Congress, which would be her 19th. The 83-year-old tweeted Friday that she was running because “now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery.” At least there’s no mystery about her agenda.
The COVID Killing Fields 10 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/8/2023 5:29:29 AM Post Reply
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Is Biden ‘National Security Threat’?
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14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/7/2023 5:53:11 AM Post Reply
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The Nation’s Fiscal Crisis Just Got Real 12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/6/2023 6:54:01 AM Post Reply
Over the weekend, the Washington Post let it slip that all is not well in Bidenomicsville. The deficit, it reports, could end up hitting $2 trillion when the current fiscal year ends in three weeks, which it describes as an “unexpected deficit surge.” In other words, the deficit will nearly double this year, calling the lie on one of President Joe Biden’s favorite boasts about how he cut the deficit more than any president in history. But while this apparently comes as a shock to the Post, as well as other liberal news sites that picked up on the Post report, anyone paying attention knew this was happening.
Can Biden’s Jobs Number Be Trusted Any More? 22 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/5/2023 7:40:57 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden has staked so much on his claim that he’s “created” 13.5 million jobs since taking office that it’s worth asking if his Labor Department is now goosing job growth figures to help him out. On Friday just before the holiday weekend, Labor released its estimates for job growth in August – which it said worked out to 187,000, beating economists’ forecasts. But at the same time, the government cut the job growth numbers for the previous two months by a total of 110,000. As a matter of fact, Labor has quietly cut its initial job growth estimates for every month this year.
Biden’s Border Crisis Fuels Massive
Spike In Retail Crime
12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 9/1/2023 6:39:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by RockyTCB 8/31/2023 6:48:02 AM Post Reply
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Google Tries To Silence A Castro Refugee
As It Ramps Up Censorship Campaign
9 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/30/2023 7:01:48 AM Post Reply
Shortly after we ran a review of the first Republican primary debate, Google’s ad network, called AdSense, blocked its ads from appearing on that page. It said the piece, written by veteran communications specialist Bob Maistros, violated two of Google’s content rules because it contained “dangerous or derogatory content” and “unreliable and harmful claims.” These are impossibly vague standards, and while Google tells us we must “fix” the article in order for its ads to appear on that page, it provided no indication of what exactly violated either of these rules or what would constitute a fix. You be the judge:
Hurricane Season Means A Surge In Category
5 Climate Lies
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 8/29/2023 7:49:57 AM Post Reply
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Rob Reiner Reveals What Democrats Really
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Posted by RockyTCB 9/12/2023 5:38:09 AM Post Reply
In a tweet sent out over the weekend, Rob “Meathead” Reiner declared that “For our Democracy to survive, two things have to happen. Donald Trump needs to be Convicted for Jan. 6th and there can be no Third Party Candidate.” Reiner’s comment was so blatantly anti-democratic that it elicited an avalanche of criticism, some of it from leftists who didn’t particularly like the idea of barring third-party candidates. As one person on X (formerly known as Twitter) responded: “Better make sure there’s no second party candidate either, just to be safe. For Democracy.” Another way of putting what Reiner said: We need to kill democracy in order to save it.
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Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 2:20:37 PM Post Reply
The California legislature passed a bill Friday that would threaten parents with losing custody of their children if they question their child’s supposed desire to undergo disfiguring hormone regimens or surgeries to appear more like the opposite sex. Assembly Bill 957 was initially proposed to require courts to consider whether parents were “affirming” a child’s identification as transgender in custody cases. The legislation was later amended in June to declare parents who aren’t deemed sufficiently “affirming” liable for child abuse.
New Mexico Governor Loses Control as Armed
Citizens Roll Into Albuquerque
26 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 9/12/2023 9:54:14 AM Post Reply
What did she think was going to happen? New Mexico’s Democratic governor has been making headlines around the country since she decided her election to a statewide office gave her the power to suspend the Constitution of the United States. Over the weekend, her home-state constituents sent a message of their own. (Snip) As KOB-TV in the city reported, more than 100 gun rights supporters turned out in Albuquerque’s Old Town section to show their support for the Second Amendment is more powerful than any governor’s pen.
Sen. Josh Hawley Proposes 18% Credit Card
Interest Rate Cap
25 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/12/2023 5:30:24 PM Post Reply
On the question of credit, the senior Republican senator from Missouri finds himself well to the left of the White House, only slightly less progressive than democratic socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and very much out of step with the business-friendly old guard of his party. Sen. Josh Hawley will introduce legislation to cap the annual percentage rate of credit cards at 18%, RealClearPolitics is first to report. The average APR, by most estimates, now hovers near the 24% mark. “Americans are being crushed under the weight of record credit card debt,” Hawley
FDA rules TODAY that ingredient in Benadryl
and Sudafed from pharmacy shelves don't work
21 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 2:38:15 PM Post Reply
A medicine used by millions of Americans for a stuffy nose does not work, a Food and Drug Administration panel ruled today. Phenylephrine is the most common active compound in over-the-counter drugs like Benadryl Allergy Plus Congestion, Sudafed PE, and Tylenol Cold and Flu Severe Day & Night. But an FDA panel said after a two-day review that the oral decongestant ‘is not effective’ at standard or even high doses compared to a placebo.Their ruling is not binding but strongly suggests the agency could soon heed their advice and pull its approval, forcing companies to pull or reformulate their products.
Hillary Clinton is stepping over the White
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19 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 6:39:03 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — During her husband’s 1992 presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton observed that “our lives are a mixture of different roles” and said most people are trying to find the right balance. “For me, that balance is family, work and service,” she said. Clinton juggled those roles — and more — during eight years as first lady in the White House. She’s returning Tuesday for her first public appearance in the building since the Obama years to indulge her love for the arts.
Democratic New Mexico AG Refuses to Defend
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18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/12/2023 6:29:23 PM Post Reply
New Mexico’s Democratic attorney general notified the governor, a fellow Democrat, on Tuesday that he will not defend her in litigation challenging her public health order temporarily banning firearms in certain counties and imposing other gun restrictions. The prohibition applies to Albuquerque and Bernalillo counties. “Though I recognize my statutory obligation as New Mexico’s chief legal officer to defend state officials when they are sued in their official capacity, my duty to uphold and defend the constitutional rights of every citizen takes precedence,” New Mexico attorney general Raúl Torrez wrote to fellow Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham in a letter. “Simply put, I do not believe
Mitt Romney Backs Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry 18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2023 2:33:40 PM Post Reply
Failed presidential candidate Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) approved of the impeachment inquiry launched into President Joe Biden on Tuesday. “The fact that the White House has been singularly silent and coddled Hunter Biden suggests an inquiry is not inappropriate,” Romney told reporters. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) launched an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden for “abuse of power, obstruction, and corruption.” McCarthy said House investigators found that Joe Biden lied about his involvement in the family business and that bank records show many payments were directed to the Biden family members through shell companies.
Biden and Trump are tied in the polls.
Democrats have mixed feelings about it.
18 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 6:36:12 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Donald Trump is polling even with President Joe Biden in a likely 2024 rematch, sparking mixed feelings among Democrats 14 months from Election Day. Some are alarmed by the neck-and-neck race, while Biden campaign officials and other allies downplay the recent polls as meaningless this early in the cycle. But there’s one thing Democratic strategists agree on: An insurrection scheme and a torrent of criminal charges won’t be enough to stop the former president and runaway Republican primary front-runner from returning to the White House.
The inevitable EV implosion 17 replies
Posted by DVC 9/12/2023 5:21:35 PM Post Reply
The electric vehicle honeymoon is over. Don’t expect the marriage itself to last much longer either. The mass conversion from internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEs) to electric vehicles was never more than a Democrat/environmentalist hallucination anyway. It was the most ill-conceived government policy objective in modern history. The transition should have been a non-starter. It’s riddled with numerous deal killers. It’s like having a dozen fatal diseases all at the same time. Any goal as massive as a total conversion from ICE vehicles to EVs requires careful planning and infrastructure preparation. It would necessitate a rapid doubling of electricity generation and grid expansion.
Democrat candidate streamed sex for money;
it's the Republicans' fault for pouncing
16 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/12/2023 3:43:50 PM Post Reply
Susanna Gibson is running for Delegate to the Virginia Assembly, and until recently she was streaming sex and excretory acts online for money. Now that the public has been informed of this fact, she is angry at Republicans for pointing this fact out, and the MSM is referring to the revelation as a “leak” or even “revenge porn." (snip) Consider this for a moment: Donald Trump had a crude conversation with Billy Bush (snip); he believed it was a private conversation, but it was taped, and became a campaign issue that almost finished him off. Gibson actively chose to stream sex acts to strangers, and she has an expectation of privacy?
Putin says prosecution of Trump shows
US political system is ‘rotten’
16 replies
Posted by FlyRight 9/12/2023 6:33:58 AM Post Reply
Russian President Vladimir Putin asserted Tuesday that the criminal cases against former U.S. President Donald Trump are political revenge that show the fundamental corruption of the United States. “As for the prosecution of Trump, for us what is happening in today’s conditions, in my opinion, is good because it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others democracy,” Putin said at an Eastern Economic Forum gathering in Russia’s Pacific Coast city of Vladivostok. “Everything that is happening with Trump is the persecution of a political rival for political reasons.
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