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Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde
Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected

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Posted By: Beardo, 9/2/2023 4:23:59 PM

Nejourde Meacham, a 22-year-old non-violent defendant charged with entering the U.S. Capitol during the January 6, 2021, riot, has died while facing prosecution for four misdemeanors in what may have been a suicide. (snip) But Nejourde “Jord” Meacham was never accused of violence. The federal complaint against him includes several photos of him wandering around outside and inside the Capitol building holding a “Trump 2020” flag. It states that he walked into the U.S. Capitol, then “walked to a broken southern window, looked out, and raised his ‘TRUMP 2020’ flag.” He was later escorted out of the building by law enforcement. He did nothing violent or destructive.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Lala 9/2/2023 4:37:22 PM (No. 1548085)
Those insane sentences passed down this week would scare anyone. By the way, where’s Ray Epps? Anyone?
43 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Bison65 9/2/2023 5:14:31 PM (No. 1548099)
Remember Epstein did not kill himself. Where are the liberals who took advantage of young girls? Inquiring minds want to know.
20 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Illinois Mom 9/2/2023 5:20:37 PM (No. 1548100)
Beyond evil. When did sane people become this insane? Obama's "transformation" of our Justice system is nearly complete because he has never stopped. It just slowed while they worked behind the scenes to destroy the legitimate President, and patriotic American's everywhere. R.I.P. Mr Meacham We should all cast our votes in '24 in memory of peaceful J'6 political prisoner's. Pray for their families.
32 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/2/2023 6:13:55 PM (No. 1548136)
#3, a pic of Ashli Babbitt dying in the arms of the bystanders with Michael Leroy Byrd with his hand still on his pistol trigger should also be fit for purpose.
22 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: PageTurner 9/2/2023 7:35:08 PM (No. 1548167)
He was probably beaten to death, given those taunting dirtbag guards.
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Venturer 9/2/2023 8:46:54 PM (No. 1548212)
Nancy Pelosi should be charged with this death.
13 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: danu 9/2/2023 8:58:30 PM (No. 1548218)
one way or the other, the evil doers will be punished for the cruel deaths of innocents.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Trigger2 9/2/2023 11:53:49 PM (No. 1548301)
That's Gestapo Garland in action for you.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: WhamDBambam 9/3/2023 7:00:20 AM (No. 1548431)
Where’s the V for Vendetta guy when you really need him?
1 person likes this.

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Law and Order: The Post-Constitutional Episode 13 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/3/2023 5:24:10 AM Post Reply
It is undeniable that the judiciary and juries in the federal courts in the District of Columbia are almost uniformly left-wing partisans, a key part of the post-constitutional era brought into being by former president Obama. I do not know how or whether this can be rectified, although I expect a resounding victory for Republicans in 2024 followed by a congressional reshaping of the jurisdiction of these courts and their staffing may be the only solution. If you are unaware of the seriousness of this, it’s because the press has almost uniformly failed to cover this fairly, and, indeed, has been full participants in the multiple hoaxes
California school district settles with
mother after school ‘transitioned’
daughter without her consent
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 10:56:13 PM Post Reply
In what's been called a landmark victory for parental rights, a California school district has settled for $100,000 with a mother who said her daughter was "socially transitioned" to a boy without parental knowledge or consent. Jessica Konen said her 11-year-old daughter, Alicia, was told by her school in the Spreckels Union School District in Monterey County that she may be upset because she didn’t know who she "truly was inside." From there, the school allowed her to use the boy’s bathroom, used male pronouns to refer to her and was "socially transitioned" away from her biological gender. (snip) Her daughter has since decided to re-identify as a girl,
NYC DOH workers stole gift cards meant
for HIV program: investigators
10 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:53:11 PM Post Reply
City Health Department workers already making six-figure salaries allegedly ripped off thousands of dollars in gift cards purchased with taxpayer money and meant for HIV-prevention programs. Three staffers from the agency’s Bureau of hepatitis, HIV, and sexually transmitted infections swiped a total of 131 gift cards worth $4,855, which they blew on pizza, iTunes, and Amazon purchases, according to Queens Criminal Court complaints and the city Department of Investigation. (snip) “Resources meant to serve the public, to help prevent the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, were instead used by public servants to line their pockets,” Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz told The Post.
Slacker-in-chief Biden keeps up record
40% ‘vacation’ pace despite disasters
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:36:16 PM Post Reply
He’s the American Idle. The 24/7 grind of the White House has been anything but for President Biden, who has devoted more days to downtime than any of his recent predecessors, according to an analysis of press-pool reports. This Labor Day weekend, Biden once again plans to be 10 toes up at his Rehoboth Beach summer home — after a short trip to Florida to view Hurricane Idalia’s wreckage. As of last Sunday, Biden has spent all or part of 382 of his presidency’s 957 days – or 40% — on personal overnight trips away from the White House, putting him on pace to become America’s most idle commander-in-chief,
Non-violent January 6 Defendant, Nejourde
Meacham, Dies at 22; Suicide Suspected
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:23:59 PM Post Reply
Nejourde Meacham, a 22-year-old non-violent defendant charged with entering the U.S. Capitol during the January 6, 2021, riot, has died while facing prosecution for four misdemeanors in what may have been a suicide. (snip) But Nejourde “Jord” Meacham was never accused of violence. The federal complaint against him includes several photos of him wandering around outside and inside the Capitol building holding a “Trump 2020” flag. It states that he walked into the U.S. Capitol, then “walked to a broken southern window, looked out, and raised his ‘TRUMP 2020’ flag.” He was later escorted out of the building by law enforcement. He did nothing violent or destructive.
SCOTUS Asked To Review State Court’s
Decision To Remove Jurors With ‘Conservative
Christian’ Beliefs
10 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 4:07:20 PM Post Reply
Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey asked the Supreme Court Thursday to review a state court’s decision to remove Christian jurors from an employment discrimination lawsuit where the plaintiff identified as lesbian. While the court found the jurors would be impartial, rejecting the argument of the plaintiff’s attorney that they would treat gay individuals as “less than everybody else,” it still removed the jurors “to err on the side of caution,” according to the petition. Now, Bailey is asking the Supreme Court to consider whether the Fourteenth Amendment prevents courts from removing jurors based on their religion.
Abortion Is Just A Symptom 5 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/2/2023 3:06:54 AM Post Reply
One of the more irritating reoccurrences in American politics is the rampant propensity of Republican elites to lecture the party’s voters about their outmoded or inconvenient values. (snip) In case you weren’t aware of this, the party split, as found in the 2022 electoral cycle, among married men is R+20. Among married women, it’s R+14. Among unmarried men, it’s R+7. But among unmarried women, it’s D+37. (snip) — what you can see is that the leftists in charge of our cultural and political institutions have identified single women as a captive group of voters and supporters. And they’re doing everything they can to make more of them.
James Comer: ‘There Was Never Any Evidence’
That Ukraine Prosecutor Biden Had Fired
Was Corrupt
22 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/1/2023 7:36:57 AM Post Reply
Newly unearthed government documents from the Obama era thoroughly debunk Joe Biden’s repeated claims that former Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin had to be fired because he was corrupt. The memos reveal that Biden likely acted alone and counter to US policy when he threatened in December 2015 to withhold $1 billion in US loan guarantees for Ukraine in exchange for Shokin’s ouster. “There was never any evidence that Shokin was corrupt,” declared House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) Wednesday. In fact, in the weeks leading up to Biden’s December 2015 visit to Kyiv, multiple Obama officials said they were “impressed” with the “progress” Shokin’s office had made
Bay Area Councilman Has Keys, Wallet Stolen
While Speaking to Shopkeepers About Safety
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/1/2023 7:25:09 AM Post Reply
A councilman in California’s Bay Area was speaking to shopkeepers about safety when he had his wallet and keys stolen, according to a report from CBS Bay Area. Reportedly, Emeryville council member Kalimah Priforce rode his bike to Bay Street to spend the afternoon “visiting nearly every store to ask employees about their experience and sense of safety.” (snip) While he was at the mall, Priforce phoned police because he discovered his wallet and keys were stolen from his bike bag.
Disney reportedly hires 'unflinchingly
loyal' former Biden advisor to handle
'issues-oriented messaging'
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/31/2023 10:31:37 PM Post Reply
The Walt Disney Company has reportedly tapped former Biden advisor Remi Yamamoto to handle "issues-oriented messaging" for their television division. Variety reported on Thursday that Biden's former national press secretary will be the vice president of media relations for Disney’s television division. (snip) Yamamoto served as the White House senior advisor for communications to the chief of staff and special assistant to the president during the early days of the Biden administration, having served before that as the traveling national press secretary for the 2020 presidential campaign. She has also worked for other notable Democratic organizations like Hillary for America and Obama for America.
Mass Grave? Apparently Not 11 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/31/2023 10:15:25 PM Post Reply
Two years ago, Canada was roiled by claims that hundreds of Indian children had died and been buried in mass graves at residential schools that were established by the Canadian government and in many cases administered by the Catholic Church. (snip) Excavations have just been completed, however, at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Catholic Church near the Pine Creek Residential School in Manitoba, another location where ground penetrating radar was interpreted as indicating the presence of mass graves. The result? there were no bodies: (snip) But after two years of hysteria, there is zero evidence of any mass graves or anything sinister connected with deaths of Native children.
Federal Judge Blocks Red State Ban On
Drag Shows In Front Of Children
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 8/31/2023 10:02:21 PM Post Reply
A federal judge blocked Texas’ ban on public drag shows in front of children Thursday. U.S. District Judge David Hittner, appointed by former President Ronald Reagan, said the law likely violates performers’ freedom of speech, according to a court order. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) challenged the law on Aug. 2, claiming the law violates the First and Fourteenth Amendments, according to the complaint. (snip) A judge in Montana blocked a law banning drag shows in front of minors in June. Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed a bill banning drag shows in front of children into law in March, and that law was blocked by a judge in April.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
White supremacists march on Orlando, waving
swastika flags and raising Heil Hitler
salutes - just days after racist Dollar
General store attack in Jacksonville that
left three dead
42 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2023 7:01:53 AM Post Reply
Multiple groups of professed neo-Nazis were spotted marching through parks in the Orlando area Saturday, with one group even ending up at the gates of Walt Disney World. Social media videos showed the groups - known as 'Blood Tribe' and 'The Goyim Defense League' - taking to the streets in Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte Spring. The marchers, caught on video by State Representative Anna V. Eskamani, were raising the Nazi salute and chanting 'we are everywhere.' It came just days after racist mass shooter Ryan Palmeter killed three black people at a Dollar General store in Jacksonville. Palmeter walked into the store on Saturday armed with two firearms, including
Hospital That Fired Nurses for Refusing
Vaccines Now Begging Them to Return
29 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/3/2023 11:20:17 AM Post Reply
A Maine health-care provider wants the nurses it fired during the pandemic for refusing to be vaccinated against the coronavirus to come back to work. MaineGeneral Health in Augusta has reached out to health-care workers, many of whom were denied unemployment compensation after they were fired, according to The Maine Wire. Former registered nurse Terry Poland shared the message she received from the employer that booted her. “You were once a proud member of the MaineGeneral team. Would you consider rejoining us? We would be pleased to discuss options with you,” the facility told her in a text, per The Maine Wire.
American College of OBGYNs Calls For No
Limits on Abortion
29 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2023 5:50:29 AM Post Reply
One of the nation’s most influential medical organizations wrote an op-ed published in The Washington Post on Wednesday calling for abortion with no restrictions. In the op-ed, the American College of OBGYN (ACOG) and Society of Family Planning called for abortion on demand and claimed that abortion “saves lives.” This comes as Democrats continue to deny that they support abortion up until birth, despite evidence to the contrary. “It improves and saves lives, and it must be available without restrictions, without limitations, and without barriers — just as any other critical part of health care,” wrote ACOG interim chief executive Christopher Zahn
Burning Man descends into chaos as one
person DIES at flooded festival after
officials closed gates, 'trapping' 73,000
revelers in hypothermic conditions - and
told them to conserve water and food
26 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2023 5:52:38 AM Post Reply
One person has died at Burning Man in Nevada amid a weekend of rain and mud which has seen festivalgoers forced to shelter in place. The Pershing County Sheriff's Office in northern Nevada said the death happened 'during this rain event' but gave few other details as to what the cause was, or the person's identity. 'As this death is still under investigation, there is no further information available at this time,' the sheriff's office said in a statement on Saturday night.
Why wind and solar power are running out
of juice
25 replies
Posted by AltaD 9/3/2023 9:27:58 AM Post Reply
Green energy and the push to electrify everything have been in the news recently but for all the wrong reasons. Instead of the green energy nirvana politicians and green energy advocates have promised, economic and physical reality has begun to set in. Start with the economic realities. Wind turbine manufacturers like Siemens and General Electric have reported huge losses for the first half of this year, almost $5 billion for the former and $1 billion for the latter. Among other problems, turbine quality control has suffered, forcing manufacturers such as Siemens and Vestas to incur costly warranty repairs. In Europe, offshore wind output has been less than promised
Texas mogul is branded 'treacherous' over
'deal of the century' which saw him sell
130,000 acres of farmland to Chinese billionaire
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2023 11:19:35 AM Post Reply
A Texan real estate mogul allegedly made 'millions of dollars' by selling vast swathes of local farmland to a Chinese billionaire with close ties to Beijing. David Frankens, from Lufkin, East Texas, scored the 'deals of the century' when flipping the land at around twice its market value to Sun Guangxin, a former captain in the Chinese military, local realtors told The trades have sparked fury among ranchers in Val Verde County, where Sun bought more than 130,000 acres of farmland for an estimated $110million between 2016 and 2018.
Tennessee District Attorney Blocked From
Enforcing State Law Shielding Kids From
Explicit Performances
22 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2023 7:06:23 AM Post Reply
A federal judge blocked a Tennessee district attorney from enforcing the state’s law shielding children from sexually explicit performances ahead of a “Pride” event after he was sued by the American Civil Liberties Union. The judge’s ruling comes after the ACLU filed a lawsuit this week against Blount County DA Ryan Desmond, who sent a letter to Blount County Pride saying that any explicit performances in front of children would not be allowed at a “Pride” event on September 2 just south of Knoxville. Video has emerged from “Pride” events across the country of explicit drag performances with children present and looking on.
Watch: Shopowner Takes on a Shoplifter,
and It Goes Very Badly for the Would-Be Thief
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/3/2023 12:55:16 PM Post Reply
Rising crime has been a plague under the Biden regime, largely spurred by prosecutors who refuse to enforce the law, thereby incentivizing criminal activity. That's been especially true when it comes to so-called "smash and grab" robberies. Sometimes carried out with a group of thieves and other times done solo, the technique is to rush into a place of business and steal high-value items. Technology and jewelry stores have become prime targets. Nowhere is the problem worse than in California due to Prop 47, which reduces some felony thefts to misdemeanors. That has created an environment where criminals can steal at will, knowing that they will likely
‘FDA Is Not a Physician’: Appeals
Court Sides With Doctors on Ivermectin
for COVID-19
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/3/2023 5:54:32 PM Post Reply
A federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled on Friday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had overstepped its authority in their ruling that three doctors will be able to move forward with their lawsuit over the use of ivermectin off-label to treat COVID-19. Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, one of three doctors who initially filed the charges, trumpeted the ruling as a victory for not only the truth, but patient rights. “The FDA misled the public into thinking it has more authority than it does,” Dr. Bowden,(snip) “This decision confirms that the FDA is not your doctor and has no authority to tell doctors how to practice medicine.”
Florida Fire Department Issues Warning
to EV Owners After Seeing What Hurricanes Trigger
14 replies
Posted by mc squared 9/3/2023 1:25:42 PM Post Reply
In the wake of Hurricane Idalia’s landfall in Florida’s Big Bend near Keaton Beach on Wednesday, a local fire and rescue department has warned owners of electric-powered vehicles — including golf carts and scooters — that exposure to salt water can cause the vehicles’ batteries to catch fire. Palm Harbor Fire Rescue on Florida’s Gulf Coast issued the warning on Facebook Wednesday afternoon, telling owners to move their battery-powered vehicles out of their garages if they had come in contact with salt water, to prevent the fire spreading to the structure. The warning was apparently triggered by a fire in a Tesla Wednesday in nearby Dunedin,
Kentucky’s Democratic Governor Won’t
Commit To Replacing McConnell With A Republican
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/3/2023 8:57:03 PM Post Reply
Governor Andy Beshear (D-KY) has so far not committed to replacing Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with another Republican, should the Senate Minority Leader’s health become a persistent problem. Beshear evaded the question about a possible Senate vacancy — pointing out the fact that McConnell has given no indication he intends to retire before the end of his current term — during a Thursday press conference. “There is no Senate vacancy. Senator McConnell has said he’s going to serve out his term, and I believe him, so I’m not going to speculate
Law and Order: The Post-Constitutional Episode 13 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/3/2023 5:24:10 AM Post Reply
It is undeniable that the judiciary and juries in the federal courts in the District of Columbia are almost uniformly left-wing partisans, a key part of the post-constitutional era brought into being by former president Obama. I do not know how or whether this can be rectified, although I expect a resounding victory for Republicans in 2024 followed by a congressional reshaping of the jurisdiction of these courts and their staffing may be the only solution. If you are unaware of the seriousness of this, it’s because the press has almost uniformly failed to cover this fairly, and, indeed, has been full participants in the multiple hoaxes
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