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Biden: If medical teams tells him to,
he'll issue COVID-19 vax mandate for domestic
air travel

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 12/29/2021 10:30:13 PM

As Joe and Jill Biden took a walk through the neighborhood where their vacation home is located at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware yesterday. During the walk, they were accompanied by members of the press, along with Secret Service protection. During that time, Biden was asked about issuing a mandate for domestic air travelers to be vaccinated before flying. He said he would do so if his medical team recommends that. This is the latest bit of confusion that the bumbling president has added to COVID-19 confusion chaos. It’s no wonder there is so much confusion and uncertainty over COVID-19 mandates.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 12/29/2021 10:45:38 PM (No. 1022594)
He decided nothing. He is in charge of nothing. Whatever the PuppetMasters tell him to say or do.
22 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Scout Finch 12/29/2021 10:51:47 PM (No. 1022597)
Rehoboth Beach? I wonder if he ran into Blasey Ford there. You know, it’s almost like he’s daring us to call him out.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Venturer 12/29/2021 10:52:13 PM (No. 1022598)
Biden doesn't know what he is doing, He does what whomsoever is the shadow President tells him to do. He has no idea what is going on. He should be in a nursing home somewhere ,not in the WH.
14 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: JHHolliday 12/29/2021 11:04:31 PM (No. 1022611)
If so, I won’t fly. I am retired and I realize others won’t have a choice. I am not sure if the airlines know how this idiotic ‘rule’ will impact their bottom line but they may not realize how many customers will say to hell with it. Maybe we can bring back nice train travel.
11 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Come And Take It 12/29/2021 11:19:39 PM (No. 1022626)
If Fauci tells him to shove his hands down his pants and dance around on one foot during his next press conference, Comrade Potato Head will do it.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: stablemoney 12/29/2021 11:28:44 PM (No. 1022635)
They may as well fly the plane fleet to Nevada and park them in the desert.
10 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: skacmar 12/29/2021 11:55:43 PM (No. 1022641)
If Biden"s medical team recommends vaccines required for air travel; it will be a political decision not based on science. The decision would only be another Biden "work around" to get more people vaccinated.
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Lawsy0 12/30/2021 12:30:02 AM (No. 1022653)
Bottom line: Biden is NOT the president; some medical team is in charge today. Tomorrow it could be Kamala or Pelosi. Who knows? It won't be a real American.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: GoodDeal 12/30/2021 1:58:27 AM (No. 1022675)
Do what your told Joe. Good boy. You get a dog toy to chew on.
4 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Annie Xango 12/30/2021 3:02:34 AM (No. 1022684)
no way the airlines will stand still for this. it will affect the bottom line..
1 person likes this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Enoch Powell 12/30/2021 3:43:24 AM (No. 1022685)
This ghastly skeletal mentally inert pathetic excuse for a human being is not even aware of the Let’s Go Brandon chant. Send him to the knackers yard.
2 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: mifla 12/30/2021 4:47:38 AM (No. 1022699)
Joe, if the medical experts tell you that you have dementia and are not fit to run the country, will you listen to them?
2 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DCGIRL 12/30/2021 5:51:26 AM (No. 1022738)
Hey Joe. I suggest you think this one will not end well. You think your polls are bad know, they will be in the toilet with this.
2 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: F15 Gork 12/30/2021 6:57:33 AM (No. 1022781)
I’m never ever getting on another airliner.
2 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: minuteman 12/30/2021 7:39:13 AM (No. 1022812)
Nationalize medicine, education and the airlines all with the help a commie bio-weapon attack and the coupe that it enabled.
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Oldenoughtoknowbetter 12/30/2021 9:06:39 AM (No. 1022909)
There was a recent sewage spill near Rehoboth that closed shell fishing. Joe and Jill will walk on the beach near contaminated water but don't you dare go on a plane without a shot. Of course, they did have masks on while on the beach.
0 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: lakerman1 12/30/2021 9:16:06 AM (No. 1022927)
FFor about pne week this past summer, Little Anthony the Imperious recommended double masking, and Dementia Jo, walking like the Liberty Mutual emu, meekly complied. Then, Little Anthony must have realized how silly and wrong the double masking was, and stopped it.
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2021 10:32:15 PM Post Reply
“America is back!” Joe Biden declared more than a year ago, as if immediately upon taking office, the former mediocre senator and vice president would restore America’s “role in the world.” Biden basically meant the United States would again attend international summits and sign meaningless joint statements. Otherwise, he’s failed everywhere. Let’s take a walk down memory lane 2021: China exacerbated the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic by lying for several weeks two winters ago, and evidence shows the world has been dealing with a deadly virus — nearly 6 million have died — because of recklessness at a Chinese biological research lab. And Beijing is still lying.
White House asks Supreme Court to intervene
in Remain in Mexico legal battle
2 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2021 10:29:46 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration asked the Supreme Court if it really has to continue a successful policy to thwart illegal migration instated by the previous administration. The administration is asking that the Supreme Court take its appeal during the current session and not wait for next year’s. The Biden border crisis is entirely self-made. Joe Biden put a halt to the Trump administration’s border security policies in the first days of his administration. Those executive actions along with his campaign promises of blanket amnesty, no deportations, and ending construction of the border wall all came together before he was even inaugurated to create the current humanitarian and public health crisis
Millions of Americans Are Getting 'Fresh
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/30/2021 10:27:06 PM Post Reply
There is a quiet revolution happening across America and it could mark the beginning of the biggest spiritual, cultural, and political changes this country has seen since the Civil War. New data made public earlier this week by the U.S. Census Bureau makes clear that millions of Americans are leaving Blue high-tax, high-crime, high-COVID-mandate Democratic states and moving to Red Republican states where taxes are lower, the police aren’t being defunded, and churches still thrive. Consider the contrast between Texas and Idaho on the one hand and New York and the District of Columbia on the other, as described by the Census Bureau (emphasis added):
CNN’s Tapper to Fauci: Run Ads Featuring
Trump’s Pro-Vaccination Stance
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/29/2021 10:51:00 PM Post Reply
CNN anchor Jake Tapper said Wednesday on his show “The Lead” that the Biden administration should run ads on right-wing websites featuring video of former President Donald Trump discussing his support for COVID vaccinations. Tapper said, “It’s been more than a year since the first COVID vaccine was authorized in the U.S. and put into an arm. More than 20% of Americans have still not gotten even one shot. It’s hard to argue from where I sit that the Biden administration is doing everything it can to convince vaccine skeptics. For example, it seems obvious to me, and explain to me if I’m wrong or what the complications are here
Biden: If medical teams tells him to,
he'll issue COVID-19 vax mandate for domestic
air travel
17 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/29/2021 10:30:13 PM Post Reply
As Joe and Jill Biden took a walk through the neighborhood where their vacation home is located at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware yesterday. During the walk, they were accompanied by members of the press, along with Secret Service protection. During that time, Biden was asked about issuing a mandate for domestic air travelers to be vaccinated before flying. He said he would do so if his medical team recommends that. This is the latest bit of confusion that the bumbling president has added to COVID-19 confusion chaos. It’s no wonder there is so much confusion and uncertainty over COVID-19 mandates.
‘It Flipped Overnight’: Glenn Greenwald
Points To The One Moment That Changed
The Pandemic And Destroyed Trust In Media
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/29/2021 10:27:25 PM Post Reply
Journalist Glenn Greenwald said in a Tuesday Twitter thread that there was one single moment that changed media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic — and that when it “flipped overnight,” it destroyed trust in media. The death of George Floyd — at the hands of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin — and the massive protests it inspired prompted a near-180 turn from multiple media outlets that had just spent the previous weeks telling Americans that the only patriotic thing to do was stay home to stop the spread of the virus. “This was a pivotal moment in the pandemic’s history,” Greenwald began. “For 4 months, the message was clear and unrelenting:
NYC ER Doc Breaks Down How Omicron Affects
the Boosted, Vaxxed and Unvaccinated
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/29/2021 9:38:21 PM Post Reply
A growing body of scientific evidence suggest the omicron variant of COVID-19 is less severe than the delta variant -- but according to one prominent New York City emergency room physician, it all depends on what shots you've had. Omicron is surging out of control in the city, with some Manhattan neighborhoods approaching 20% positivity rates, and hospitalizations doubling or more in recent weeks, particularly in children. Against that backdrop, the city's emergency rooms are seeing a huge spike in patients - the asymptomatic seeking tests, the symptomatic who don't know where else to go and those in the ER for other reasons altogether who end up having COVID anyway.
Whatever Happened to the 'Pandemic of
the Unvaccinated'?
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/28/2021 8:40:02 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden’s desire to blame the pandemic on his political opponents never ceases to amaze us. From mask-shaming to claiming that Republicans want to kill children, to grandiosely naming the COVID-19 pandemic as a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,” Biden has sought to portray his political opponents as obstacles to normalcy. This is a policy formulated at the top levels of our government: portraying a segment of the American people as dangerous ignoramuses who don’t care if they kill their friends and neighbors. As recently as Dec. 14, in an interview with a local TV station, Biden said “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated.”
‘Baywatch’ Actress, Former Playboy
Model Patricia Cornwall Is ‘Karen’
Who Slapped Airline Passenger over Mask
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/28/2021 8:37:40 PM Post Reply
The woman seen on a viral video slapping a man on a Delta flight, over a mask, has been identified as former NFL cheerleader, Playboy model, and Baywatch actress, Patricia Cornwall, according to reports. The slapping incident occurred last Thursday during a flight from Tampa, Florida, to Atlanta, Georgia. It isn’t clear from the video what started the argument between Cornwall and the older man sitting in an aisle seat, but at one point, Cornwall is seen slapping the man and then drawing back her arm and making a fist as if to punch him before being restrained by others.
Harry Reid, political pugilist and longtime
Senate majority leader, dies
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/28/2021 8:33:41 PM Post Reply
Harry Reid, one of the Senate’s longest serving majority leaders and a Democrat who played a central role in enacting President Obama’s biggest legislative accomplishments, died Tuesday at 82. The death was announced by longtime political reporter Jon Ralston, who called Reid "probably the most important elected official in Nevada history." "Harry Reid was one of the most amazing individuals I've ever met," Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a statement. "He was my leader, my mentor, one of my dearest friends."
NFL legend John Madden dead at 85 21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/28/2021 7:43:08 PM Post Reply
NFL legend John Madden died Tuesday at the age of 85, the league announced in a statement. "On behalf of the entire NFL family, we extend our condolences to Virginia, Mike, Joe and their families," NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. "We all know him as the Hall of Fame coach of the Oakland Raiders and broadcaster who worked for every major network, but more than anything, he was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. "Nobody loved football more than Coach. He was football. He was an incredible sound board to me and so many others. There will never be another John Madden,
FNC’s Dr. Makary: ‘We’ve Never Seen
This Level of Martial Law and Paternalism
to Prevent Mild Infection’
9 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 12/28/2021 12:07:29 AM Post Reply
On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkner Focus,” Fox News Medical Contributor and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Professor Dr. Marty Makary argued that the biggest failure in the coronavirus pandemic response is the failure to tailor policies based on individual risk, and that “those who have chosen not to get vaccinated and have not had COVID, they do so at their own individual risk. We’ve never seen this level of martial law and paternalism to prevent mild infection in 300 million Americans.” Makary said, [relevant remarks begin around 4:45] “Look, the greatest failure of the pandemic response by public health officials has been the failure to recognize
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Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 11:26:55 AM Post Reply
The United States has hit a record of nearly 500,000 daily coronavirus cases—the most any country has ever reported—and risks grinding to a halt as experts say that the latest surge of infections will only get worse in the next month. On Wednesday, 489,267 positive Covid cases were reported. According to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of new cases in America are of the Omicron variant, which was first discovered last month by South African health officials.(Snip)Research shows that the emerging virus strain has the ability to circumvent protection provided by the existing crop
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Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 9:34:16 AM Post Reply
Twitter turned on Keith Olbermann after he mocked a photo of Sen. Mitt Romney’s large extended family and suggested the clan use birth control. The sports correspondent-turned-liberal political commentator posted a screenshot of Romney’s Christmas greeting Wednesday with the caption: “Somebody gift these people some vasectomies.” The Mormon Republican senator from Utah and his wife, Anne, have five sons and dozens of grandchildren. His Christmas post featured the photo, a Bible verse and the greeting, “From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!”(Snip)“Keith Olbermann has no children. Just an empty penthouse near Central Park where he yells at people about vaccines all day like the Scrooge.
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Posted by NorthernDog 12/30/2021 11:03:15 AM Post Reply
Dr. Michael Osterholm warned viewers of Morning Joe that a sharp spike in Covid-19 infections in the coming three to four weeks means “we’re going to have a hard time keeping everyday life operating.” The Director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota and member of President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 Advisory Board appeared on MSNBC Thursday morning to discuss the sharp rise in coronavirus cases brought about by the Omicron variant and new CDC guidelines that shorten the recommended time to quarantine for asymptomatic individuals following a positive test. CDC Director Dr. Rochelle
Biden: I Have the ‘Strongest First-Year
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Posted by Imright 12/30/2021 7:35:32 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden declared on Wednesday that despite record inflation and a record trade deficit, he has the “strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years.”“We’re ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first-year economic track record of any president in the last 50 years,” the president tweeted, adding, “Let’s keep the progress going”:(Tweet) On the same day, the Commerce Department released a dismal trade deficit report showing that the gap between the cost of imported goods exceeded the value of exported at a record high and would likely continue for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic.
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Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 4:01:20 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration struck a $137 million deal to build a new factory in the U.S. to ramp up production of COVID-19 testing kits–but the new facility won't be completed until late 2024 at the earliest. MilliporeSigma, a brand formed by Germany’s Merck KGaA, will build a new factory in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, the Defense Department announced as the U.S. hit a high record of 489,267 COVID cases on Wednesday. While the contract gives the company three years to complete the facility, it is not immediately clear when it will ramp up to full production, which is expected to pump out 83.3 million tests per month.
Doctors Outraged After Biden Regime Shuts
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25 replies
Posted by earlybird 12/30/2021 1:56:30 PM Post Reply
Doctors across the country are expressing shock and outrage after the Biden regime shut off distribution of monoclonal antibodies, preventing them from treating patients infected with the Delta coronavirus with the life-saving therapeutic. In a letter addressed to Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra Tuesday, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo accused the Biden administration of “actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments,” undermining Florida’s strategy to handle the disease. The Biden administration paused shipments of the monoclonal antibodies because according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the treatment isn’t effective against Omicron, which they claim became the dominant strain earlier this month.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/30/2021 4:24:56 AM Post Reply
It may surprise you to learn that the most common type of case federal prosecutors bring is not for drugs or fraud, as many think. As reported by The Washington Times, that honor goes to cases against illegal aliens who try to reenter the country after having been deported. And almost all those charged are Hispanic, of course. Now, according to The Times, federal courts are facing the ridiculous question of whether the “imbalance” in deportations means U.S. immigration law is… wait for it… racist. Ridiculous? One court in Nevada has ruled it means exactly that. Judge Miranda Du, an Obama appointee [no kidding?],
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Posted by ladydawgfan 12/30/2021 3:42:57 AM Post Reply
A thumb-sucking paedophile who claims to identify as a five-year-old girl arrived at court dressed as an elf as she admitted breaching an order by kissing two girls she approached at random. Janiel Verainer, 60, wore a red and green outfit and a woolly cardigan fitted with a Santa Claus badge as she pleaded guilty to breaching a sexual harm prevention order at Maidstone Crown Court on Thursday. The transgender paedophile , who was also wearing a red and green elf-like cap, asked to be addressed as a woman throughout the 15-minute hearing after walking into court assisted by a 'helper' while bells jangled from her costume.
MN Board of Medical Practice Requesting
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Posted by earlybird 12/30/2021 3:14:06 PM Post Reply
A Minnesota family physician who is being investigated for the fifth time in the past 17 months by the state medical board for statements related to COVID-19, says the board is now requesting to see medical records of his patients who were prescribed ivermectin. Dr. Scott Jensen received a notification from the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice two days before Christmas informing him of their request for the records. “And last night, when I got home after shopping with the grandchildren, I have this letter from the board of medical practice,” Jensen said in a video on Dec. 24.
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Posted by Garnet 12/30/2021 2:23:15 PM Post Reply
It took many hours of deliberation, but a jury finally reached a verdict in the trial of the year — one that should have been the trial of the year ten years ago. Ghislaine Maxwell could face decades in prison for sex trafficking of minors after getting convicted of five out of six counts in her indictment. As NBC News reports, Jeffrey Epstein’s literal partner in crime might also face a new trial for two counts of perjury: British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted Wednesday of five federal sex trafficking charges after a jury concluded that she played a pivotal part in recruiting and grooming teenage girls to be sexually abused
CDC says don’t travel on cruise ships
even if vaccinated as COVID surges
18 replies
Posted by Ribicon 12/30/2021 5:41:09 PM Post Reply
There are bigger dangers on the high seas than the Bermuda Triangle. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned the public Thursday to stay off cruise ships—even if they’re vaccinated—because of the COVID-19 threat. “Avoid cruise travel, regardless of vaccination status,” the agency said in its new guidelines. “Even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk for getting and spreading COVID-19 variants.” The CDC moved cruise ship travel from a Level 3 “high” warning to Level 4, the highest risk. The change “reflects increases in cases onboard cruise ships since identification of the Omicron variant,” it said. People who go on a cruise despite the warnings
CNN Analyst: I Was 'Too Kind' To Call
Trump 'Leader of a Terror Movement'
18 replies
Posted by Imright 12/30/2021 12:31:35 PM Post Reply
Lumping Donald Trump with Osama Bin Laden? That's going too easy on the former president! At least, if you ask CNN's "national security analyst" Juliette Kayyem, a former Obama DHS assistant secretary. Appearing on Thursday morning's New Day, Kayyem said that when a year ago in an Atlantic article she depicted Trump as "the leader of a terror movement," she was, as she recently tweeted, actually being "too kind" to him! (Video) Perhaps realizing just how outrageous was Kayyem's accusation, substitute host John Avlon tried to soft-pedal it. He framed it as his Kayyem calling Trump head of an "extremist" movement, not a "terror" one.
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