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He Did It – White House Celebrates Joe
Biden Reaching Inflation Milestone Set
By Jimmy Carter, 6.8 Percent and Rising

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Posted By: earlybird, 12/11/2021 8:15:00 AM

Joe Biden may be celebrating his historic achievement in reaching an inflationary milestone previously set by Jimmy Carter, but the working class is paying the price for their economic stupidity. (graphic)The Bureau of Labor Statistics releases the November inflation rate today [DATA HERE] showing another rise in the annualized rate of inflation of 6.8 percent. As you review the data, ask yourself this question: ‘Is there anything in the current economic landscape to indicate this is going to stop?’ The honest answer is no. Here’s why… As the BLS accurately (albeit briefly) notes, their inflation data reflects the cumulative increases in costs of products and services at all

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Nashman 12/11/2021 8:44:45 AM (No. 1003364)
They must be so proud. Meanwhile, millions of real Americans saw their bank accounts shrink without withdrawing a dollar.
8 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 12/11/2021 8:54:43 AM (No. 1003376)
The WH brags that inflation isn't as bad as Venezuela's. Give China Joe time, it's only been 11 months. Check back next year.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Highlander 12/11/2021 9:00:44 AM (No. 1003382)
If their demented goal was to degrade America to Venezuela/Cuba levels for the sake of their godawful ideology, then that’s why the soiled White House celebrates!
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Nimby 12/11/2021 9:13:13 AM (No. 1003394)
And there is more!! He will beat the record too. The first in any administration
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Reply 5 - Posted by: NamVet70 12/11/2021 9:13:43 AM (No. 1003395)
That deserves an "I did that" sticker!
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: LanceLink1 12/11/2021 9:18:38 AM (No. 1003399)
I'm just glad that the mean tweets have stopped.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bigfatslob 12/11/2021 9:24:01 AM (No. 1003405)
Potato salad brain Joe and his band of nitwits might think it's funny or make fun of it to downplay it but I'm not laughing. These idiots created this and I bet it's higher than they announce it to be. FJB, his doctor wife along with the whole bunch of communist idiot handlers.
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Reply 8 - Posted by: Daria 12/11/2021 10:11:40 AM (No. 1003470)
Seven more years! Seven more years!
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Winnie SC 12/11/2021 11:22:32 AM (No. 1003542)
The New Nazi Party is managing to make me nostalgic about the 70s. Impressive.
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Reply 10 - Posted by: VAPMAN 12/11/2021 1:57:19 PM (No. 1003735)
You are right #4. The inflation rate is much higher then the politicized CPI claims. Unless interest rates start raising soon we will need a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread. That might be what they want so as to have a reason to declare marshal law and ration all goods and services. No wonder they are laughing.
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Reply 11 - Posted by: FunOne 12/11/2021 6:50:28 PM (No. 1003914)
It appears that the Good Lord allowed Jimmy Carter to live long enough to have the satisfaction of knowing that he will not go to his grave as the worst President in history.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/12/2021 11:27:18 AM (No. 1004488)
Paging Jimmah Carter, Jimmah Carter, You are requested to bring back your "Worst President" Trophy and give it to Joey Xiden.
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Video: King Charles Leads Confused Biden
Around at Windsor Castle Ceremony
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 5:46:56 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden called in on King Charles III at Windsor Castle on Monday on his way to this week’s NATO summit, being treated to tea and talk on climate change. The U.S. leader was met with a parade and band at Windsor Castle on Monday afternoon, (snip) Biden appeared transfixed for a moment when he received a traditional sword salute presenting of arms from an officer of the Guards (snip) leaving Britain’s King Charles having to work to regain the President’s attention. Appearing confused, or even consciously ignoring Charles III, Biden seemed to be trying to engage the guardsman in conversation.
Illegal Immigration and Western Spiritual Sickness 4 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 5:01:04 PM Post Reply
The usual suspects have weighed in on recent belated efforts to enforce U.S. immigration laws. Our now bankrupt media, the corrupt government of Mexico, and the Diversity/Equity/Inclusion apparat have damned a series of laws recently passed by the Florida legislature and signed by Governor Ron DeSantis that enforce existing federal immigration laws. Such critics seem oblivious to the current violence that is paralyzing Europe in general, and in particular France—as if such European chaos offers no lessons for the U.S. or any other salad-bowl, open-borders Western nation. Florida decided no longer to provide de facto and illegal exemptions to foreign nationals who entered and now reside in the state illegally.
From Bad to Verse 3 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 4:51:27 PM Post Reply
Are all modern-day popular poems really secretly written by Oprah Winfrey? It may well be so. Amanda Gorman, the unbearable young black American “poet” catapulted to undeserved stardom after she performed her sh***y little ditty of leftist doggerel “The Hill We Climb” at the inauguration of President Joe Biden in January 2021, last month gave her first interview reacting to the terrible recent news that her poem has allegedly been banned (sadly it hasn’t) by a single Florida school.
Reporter Paul Sperry reveals devious new
twist in the “classified docs” case
against President Trump…
1 reply
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 3:43:08 PM Post Reply
It’s widely recognized that our justice system and the DOJ have been compromised and weaponized by the left.)snip)recent revelations by investigative journalist Paul Sperry shed light on the truly sinister agenda behind the relentless efforts to undermine Trump and keep him imprisoned indefinitely. According to Paul’s findings, the DOJ prosecutor, who also happens to be a donor to the DNC, meticulously redacted any mention of President Trump’s cooperation with federal authorities during the investigation of classified documents. Here’s what Paul revealed in his series of tweets:
Having made her millions, a congresswoman
will retire
11 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 2:24:14 PM Post Reply
Democrat Grace Napolitano of California announced this weekend that she will retire when this term ends in January 2025. She will be 88. That you can retire from Congress reflects an electorate that pays scant attention to those who represent them in Washington, as shown by the 98% re-election rate in the House. Grace went from being poor when she entered Congress after the 1998 election to a net worth of over $5 million. This coincided with the national debt rising from under $6 trillion when she arrived to more than $32 trillion today. Congress has overspent
Emergency Petition Filed in Major Biden
Admin Social Media Censorship Case
1 reply
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 1:19:21 PM Post Reply
The attorneys general for Missouri and Louisiana have submitted a petition to oppose the Biden administration’s motion to stay an injunction against its efforts allowing it to contact social media firms about a range of online content, including its efforts to flag so-called misinformation. Over the weekend, the two states filed (pdf) a memorandum of opposition
IN-DEPTH: ‘It Would Be Devastating’:
Local Officials Warn of Wind Turbine Development’s
Impact to Jersey Shore’s Tourism Industry
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/10/2023 1:05:23 PM Post Reply
Serene beachside views that bring in a lucrative tourism industry could be cut to ribbons if wind companies succeed in constructing fleets of monopole turbines along the east coast. Orsted, a wind energy company 51 percent owned by the Danish government, has plans to install 200 turbines throughout 161,000 acres of ocean nine miles off the coast southernmost tip of New Jersey in Cape May County. Diane Wieland, the county’s tourism director, told The Epoch Times that in 2022 the vacation resort had 11.3 million visitors, which generated $7.4 billion in direct tourism spending, an increase of 11.9 percent over 2021.
Elon Musk Signs Pledge to Support China’s
Socialist Values
10 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/9/2023 4:35:28 PM Post Reply
There’s a lot of background discussion about this latest issue created by Elon Musk signing a pledge to support the socialist (communist) economic enterprise systems under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. Most of the current discussion is focused on the weak ideological ‘free-market and democratic’ commitment exhibited by Musk’s adherence to the rules and dictates of the Chinese state. However, I’m staying far outside the esoteric and nuanced implication of this. The reality is much simpler.
Gavin Newsom on the Campaign Trail (For Biden?) 4 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/8/2023 5:01:24 PM Post Reply
Like watching a video with the sound turned off, if you are to stand back away from the distractions of the media presentation, and just look at raw data in the form of actions being taken by those who circle the world of politics, the activity points to something disconnected from the official narrative. All of the individual components of visible activity can be accepted as they are, or they can be interpreted into a picture of what they might be.(snip)Much like the deceptive DeSantis book tour that was really a national campaign shift, it is into this blend of visible activity where Gavin Newsom campaigning for Joe Biden
Fourth Circuit Rules Against North Carolina
State Professor Who Spoke Out Against
Diversity Policies
9 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/8/2023 3:05:14 PM Post Reply
The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit has delivered a body blow to free speech as well as academic freedom in a ruling against a statistics professor at North Carolina State University. Professor Stephen Porter objected to what he considered the lower standards used by his school to hire minority faculty. The school declared such views as insufficiently “collegial” and retaliated against him. Now a divided panel has ruled that such views are not protected by the First Amendment — potentially opening up even greater retaliation against conservative, libertarian, and dissenting faculty. (snip) they can now be fired for their lack of collegiality in speaking against
Biden Approves Sending Cluster Bombs to
Ukraine as NATO Prepares for Discussions
of Ukraine Entering Alliance
27 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/8/2023 2:00:05 PM Post Reply
This latest development from the Biden administration is concerning on many levels. The White House is announcing their approval to send cluster bombs to Ukraine in an effort to provide a very deadly and dangerous type of munitions that have been resoundingly criticized by most of the western alliance.(snip) not just dangerous on the battlefield, (snip)notorious for creating collateral civilian damage. That said, when you overlay the reality of the Ukraine policy, essentially World War Reddit, being driven in large part by a psychological operation(snip)in combination with very unstable people in the U.S. government seemingly playing war (snip); one must also look at this from a Russian
Only ‘One of the Family Members’ Could
Have Brought Cocaine Inside White House:
Former Secret Service
22 replies
Posted by earlybird 7/8/2023 12:31:14 PM Post Reply
Former secret service agent Dan Bongino is claiming that the only explanation for the presence of cocaine in the White House is that President Joe Biden or his family members brought it inside. The White House is an 18-acre complex surrounded by magnetometers and checkpoints, Mr. Bongino said in a recent Rumble video, adding that there were only specific ways into the White House, and all of them go through the checkpoints. “Whether it (cocaine) was found in the Lincoln bedroom or in the diplomatic reception room, it doesn’t matter. Somebody had to bypass the security magnetometer checkpoint to get that in there.”
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Goodbye gas. New all-electric homes show
how to live without fossil fuels
35 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 7/9/2023 1:52:30 PM Post Reply
From the outside, the rows of tile-roof houses in a new community in Menifee don’t look much different from those in other subdivisions cropping up in this fast-growing city in Riverside County. But on the inside, these all-electric homes are revolutionary, offering a glimpse of the zero-emission future we should be hurtling toward to fight climate change and adapt to its effects. All the houses in the Durango and Oak Shade at Shadow Mountain communities, two adjacent KB Home subdivisions I visited in May for an opening event, were built without natural gas hookups or appliances. Each of the 219
Report: 40% of Brown University Students
Identify as LGBTQQIAAP2S+
34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/10/2023 9:15:02 AM Post Reply
The number of students who identify as LGBTQI+ at Brown University stands at just under 40% of the total enrollment, the institution’s Brown Daily Herald reports. Latest data outlines between 2010 and 2023, identification as LGBTQI+ has almost tripled among the student body at the Providence, Rhode Island, university (from 14 percent in 2010 saying they were not heterosexual to 38 percent now).“The Herald’s Spring 2023 poll found that 38% of students do not identify as straight — over five times the national rate ,” student newspaper reported. “Over the past decade, LGBTQ+ identification has increased across the nation, with especially sharp growth at Brown.”
Hillary Clinton Throws Her Support Behind
Joe Biden Amid Major Cocaine Scandal…
and the Responses Are Brutal
34 replies
Posted by Imright 7/9/2023 1:36:52 AM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton threw her full support behind Joe Biden amid a major cocaine scandal currently rocking the White House. A major cocaine scandal rocked the White House this past week. Biden has not answered any questions about the cocaine found in the West Wing last weekend after Hunter Biden visited the grounds.Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is all in for Joe Biden for 2024.“There’s only one presidential candidate who’s working to make life better for parents, and it’s Joe Biden,” Hillary Clinton said on Friday in response to Biden’s vow to provide affordable healthcare to parents.
About That Claim That July 3-4 Were the
'Hottest Days on Record'...
32 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/9/2023 10:55:55 AM Post Reply
The headlines were stark and specific. Reuters claimed, “World registers hottest day ever recorded on July 3.” Well, “ever recorded” is misleading since the records have only been “recorded” since 1979. But what kind of a headline would that have been? At least the BBC was honest about their scare headline: “World’s hottest day since records began.” The bottom line: We’re all going to burn up and we’re all going to die unless we throw an hysterical climate change tantrum and demand that our government take panicky steps to save us from the climate change demons. There’s no doubt that this Independence Day was hot. It was very hot. It was uncomfortably hot
Democrat Georgia Mayor Makes Lame Excuse
After Being Arrested on Burglary and Trespassing
Charges – Homeowner Reportedly Held
Mayor at Gunpoint Until Cops Arrived (Video)
31 replies
Posted by DW626 7/9/2023 12:55:31 PM Post Reply
Fox 5 News Atlanta reported that Khalid Kamau, the socialist mayor of South Fulton, Georgia, was arrested Saturday morning after entering unlawfully entering a house and refused to accept responsibility. He was charged with criminal trespass and burglary in the first degree. One could say he was leading by example considering his dangerous leftist policies encourage this sort of behavior. Kamau was booked into the Fulton County Jail and was released at 8 P.M. Saturday night after posting an $11,000 bond.
Anglican Leader Says Opening Of Lord’s
Prayer Is ‘Problematic’ For Some
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/9/2023 1:32:52 AM Post Reply
An archbishop in the Church of England said the opening of the “Lord’s Prayer” is considered “problematic” to some people because the 2,000-year-old prayer starts by addressing God as “Our Father.” Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell told the General Synod, the legislating and ruling body of the Church of England, that referring to God as “father” might be offensive to some people because of the negative connotations of patriarchy. “I know the word ‘father’ is problematic for those whose experience of earthly fathers has been destructive and abusive, and for all of us who have labored rather too much from an oppressively patriarchal grip on life,” Cottrell said,
The blueprint is set to end Joe Biden’s
shaky reign in the White House
28 replies
Posted by Moritz55 7/9/2023 10:15:03 AM Post Reply
Stein’s Law holds that “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” The late Herbert Stein made the observation about economic trends, but his axiom perfectly describes Joe Biden’s shaky dance with political death. The president is trying to navigate a narrow path between two potential disasters. Each one could prove fatal to his tenure, but if the twain shall meet, he doesn’t have a prayer. And it’s a near certainty they will meet because the facts we already know are overwhelmingly stacked against him and more damaging information is coming soon. One track of his predicament stems from general public unhappiness with his performance.
The Supreme Court’s continuing march
to the right
25 replies
Posted by FlyRight 7/9/2023 5:47:51 AM Post Reply
Major legal rulings that dismantled the use of race in college admissions, undermined protections for LGBTQ people and tossed out President Joe Biden’s student debt relief program marked the end of a Supreme Court term in which the conservative supermajority continued to exert its dominance. The majority also doubled down on a controversial legal theory that limits the power of federal agencies to take unilateral action. Meanwhile, the justices rejected a far-fetched argument that would have limited the role of state courts in election disputes and turned away an aggressive attempt to challenge Biden administration immigration policy – both areas in which lawyers on the right might have overreached in their arguments.
Nikki Hiltz dedicates USATF Championships
win to transgender supporters: ‘LGBTQ
community needed a win’
24 replies
Posted by AltaD 7/10/2023 9:01:12 AM Post Reply
The dream season for Nikki Hiltz continued on Saturday when the runner took first place in the women’s 1500-meter race at the 2023 USATF Championships. The surging runner, who identified as transgender nonbinary in 2021, isn’t just winning for them. They said it was a win for the transgender community, too. “It was awesome,” Hiltz said after the win. “I think there’s so much hate right now, and specifically the bills being passed for trans youth. I feel like the LGBTQ community needed a win and there’s so many things that go through your mind in the race, and for whatever reason that was kind of in the back of my mind.”
Biden lets American military info slip
during live interview, sparking backlash
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/10/2023 2:14:42 AM Post Reply
President Biden sat down for a recent interview in which he said the United States is low on 155 mm artillery ammunition rounds, sparking outrage and questions of competency from conservatives on social media. During the interview, which aired Sunday morning, Biden defended his administration for sending cluster munitions to Ukraine as a "transition period" until more munitions are produced. "This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it," Biden told CNN's Fareed Zakaria. "And so, what I finally did, I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to – not permanently – but to allow for this transition period
Biden the Angry: NY Mag Puff Piece Inadvertently
Reveals He's Actually Pretty Nasty
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/9/2023 1:44:42 PM Post Reply
New York Magazine’s “Intelligencer” feature ran a fawning portrayal of President Joe Biden Friday, which mostly focused on his ice cream habits, cute text arguments with wife Jill, and his aching desire to be home in Delaware. The tone of the article was mostly, “what a nice older gentleman, aren’t his foibles endearing,” but several details describe someone who doesn’t sound all that decent. For starters, he makes Vice President Kamala Harris sit through self-congratulating slide shows. As little sympathy as I have for the quote-challenged VP, I have to admit this sounds like Chinese water torture: Once a week, Biden eats lunch with Harris, following a pattern he established
'Never, ever, ever…an American official
does not bow': Treasury Secretary Janet
Yellen is slammed for BOWING multiple
times to China's vice-premier and giving
Beijing 'optics that they love'
23 replies
Posted by Imright 7/9/2023 10:33:15 AM Post Reply
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was slammed for bowing multiple times when she met with China's vice premier He Lifeng, as some critics say the protocol error is a sign of American weakness. Yellen, who served as chair of the Federal Reserve before becoming Joe Biden's top financial official, wrapped up her first visit to China as treasury secretary on Sunday. Moments after bowing at least three times, Yellen then stumbled over He's name, calling him 'Vice Premier Hu.' Both Washington and Beijing said the meetings during her four-day trip were fruitful, although the visit - designed to help smooth a rocky relationship - did not generate any concrete agreements.
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