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Lara Logan Carries a Big Trumpet About
Afghanistan – If The U.S. Government
Wanted it to be Different,
It Would Be

Original Article

Posted By: FormerDem, 8/19/2021 11:27:59 AM

Oh boy, Lara Logan appeared for an interview with Tucker Carlson and shouts a big trumpet. In essence, Ms. Logan points out the current situation in Afghanistan is exactly the outcome those controlling the Biden administration want. There is a benefit to someone or some group in the current outcome; because if there wasn’t, the outcome would be different. I happen to agree with this perspective because there are so many options that could have been taken before this point in the crisis was reached. We have seen this play out before [Bathtub Principle] where a crisis is created because the crisis has a purpose.


Remember what we hate President Buchanan for, which was pre-placing arms depots where they could be and were seized by the South at the outset of a Civil War. Lara Logan's words suggest that Obama/Biden are doing exactly that... Setting out our arms depots where they can be grabbed. (Watch out Germany, because you've got another one. Spike those guns now because Obama/Biden have little time.) In this view, the whole story about Biden being bloody indifferent is a dramatic interesting cover story, a shiny thing, but the truth is worse. That quote from Holbrooke was a clue, since they would never accuse Biden of a fault except to conceal a worse one.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 8/19/2021 11:31:40 AM (No. 884986)
The puppet master is evil. Barack is his name. Destruction is his game. Of America.
44 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Son of Grady 8/19/2021 11:37:15 AM (No. 884993)
Must Read, Must see Interview. I was floored of what she said. All roads lead to Obama/Soros.
41 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: TXknitter 8/19/2021 11:38:20 AM (No. 884995)
Lara was absolutely spot on last night with Tucker Carlson. She has been on War Room also and cast as much blame on Bush too. The entire military industrial complex, Deep State intelligence agencies and the Uniparty greedy globalist elites want it this way so its happening this way.
35 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Jebediah 8/19/2021 11:38:44 AM (No. 884996)
Really terrifying and totally believeable.
28 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 8/19/2021 11:42:29 AM (No. 885000)
Lara Logan... Take my advice... Don't accept a dinner invite with Hillary. Stay alive please.
28 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BarryNo 8/19/2021 12:00:09 PM (No. 885017)
Just understand, the desired outcome can have very petty origins. I'm pretty sure Bengahzi was because Hillary wanted that Ambassador, dead. Afghanistan might simply be this way because it was beginning to look like a legacy for someone other than the Democrats.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: NamVet70 8/19/2021 12:03:06 PM (No. 885022)
This is probably true. Democrats have never let a crisis go to waste. Someone is increasing their personal wealth over this somehow. It probably relates to Chicom exploitation of minerals.
23 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: BarryNo 8/19/2021 12:12:02 PM (No. 885031)
Vietnam, safe and secure as a SE Asian ally, was a Nixon legacy. As was the successful Apollo moon landings. Vietnam was betrayed by Democrats much like they are beyraying Afghanistan. The Apollo program was cancelled and the blueprints, plans and documents were shreaded on their orders. They've done everything they can to leave a Free Europe (Reagan's legacy) to the threats and bribery of Putin After WWII, there were two contenders for controling China. Democrats defunded the Nationalists who retrested to Taiwan, leaving China in control of Mao Sedung. Republicans got along well with the Nationalists. Democrats live by destroying anything they don't own, personally, and attack even each other, if they see profit by it.
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 8/19/2021 12:18:28 PM (No. 885033)
There no APPARENT logical reason for the WH having this attitude towards this crisis. There is nothing to gain for the Democrat Party on the whole. If Republicans take control in 2022, there will be nothing in it for Democrats. So for now, I have to accept this as cold hearted, gross negligence and real hatred for Afghanis and Trump supporters as well. I think the latter is the operative one.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: qr4j 8/19/2021 12:18:34 PM (No. 885034)
All of this sounds plausible. And it may be true. I wonder, however, whether Occam's razor applies: The simplest explanation is usually the best one. Here that could be Biden's incompetence supported by a military leadership Biden appointed and who seeks to give Biden what Biden wants. The worry I have in going down rabbit holes of conspiracy and so forth is that it will be seen as implausible by many Americans who could not bring themselves to believe these ideas are true. Just thinking out loud here . . . but would we be better off focusing on the resounding FAILURE the actions of Biden are bringing about? The are so bad that his VP apparently doesn't want to be seen in the same room with him. So is Obama prompting all this? Or is he just using it to further his goals -- making money and being in power? Either way, perhaps focusing on the abject failure of this administration and its pals in Congress and the courts would resonate better with the American people to bring about regime change back to something resembling a free America and a free world.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: clipped wings 8/19/2021 12:19:12 PM (No. 885035)
Interesting and important article. Style note: how does one “…shout a big trumpet…” ? How to get into one’s mouth to do so. Editor needed.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: BillW. 8/19/2021 12:57:43 PM (No. 885084)
Hey, #11. It all depends where he sticks it. With Biden and Bathhouse Barry, it's hard to figure.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: DVC 8/19/2021 1:41:58 PM (No. 885148)
FTA:"There is a benefit to someone or some group in the current outcome; because if there wasn’t, the outcome would be different. " As always, you must ask, "Cui bono?"
8 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: NancyD 8/19/2021 1:58:34 PM (No. 885173)
I saw her last night on Tucker and I was astonished. We are losing our Country and the GOP doesn't seem to give a flip. If our side won't do anything we are done.
16 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: ussjimmycarter 8/19/2021 2:23:01 PM (No. 885205)
Mitch ChiComm is probably already getting checks! We have no GOP party left to fight with! They need to be taken on along with the RATS!
10 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: ConservativeYogini 8/19/2021 2:46:31 PM (No. 885235)
Could be that this apparent debacle is to distract us from the upcoming reveal about AZ and other audits from Nov 3, 2020, which might result in a shift of power. That scares those currently in power.
6 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Republic Can 8/19/2021 3:40:38 PM (No. 885319)
...and BOOM. Just like that, OUR coup is forgotten.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DVC 8/19/2021 6:43:33 PM (No. 885484)
Watch the Logan interview if you want the truth.
2 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: danu 8/19/2021 7:00:01 PM (No. 885500)
Follow the Goldbrick road; plenty of yellowyellowyellowyellow tin men on their way to the Greenback City. We're not in Kansas any more; and neither is Kansas.
0 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: privateer 8/20/2021 10:39:35 AM (No. 886151)
I would say 'sound the trumpet', as in Purcell's duet of that title.
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American Trapped in Kabul Explains 'Bogus'
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Posted by FormerDem 8/21/2021 10:51:47 AM Post Reply
An American citizen trapped in Kabul, Afghanistan, recently spoke about receiving a "bogus" generic visa document from the U.S. State Department, which he said was sent out to thousands of others. David Fox, who runs a marketing firm in Kabul, told ABC News on Thursday that he recently tried to travel back to the U.S. but was unable to do so because of the massive crowds of people at Kabul's airport following the Taliban's takeover of the country.
Lara Logan Carries a Big Trumpet About
Afghanistan – If The U.S. Government
Wanted it to be Different,
It Would Be
20 replies
Posted by FormerDem 8/19/2021 11:27:59 AM Post Reply
Oh boy, Lara Logan appeared for an interview with Tucker Carlson and shouts a big trumpet. In essence, Ms. Logan points out the current situation in Afghanistan is exactly the outcome those controlling the Biden administration want. There is a benefit to someone or some group in the current outcome; because if there wasn’t, the outcome would be different. I happen to agree with this perspective because there are so many options that could have been taken before this point in the crisis was reached. We have seen this play out before [Bathtub Principle] where a crisis is created because the crisis has a purpose.
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Posted by FormerDem 7/19/2021 9:07:35 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FormerDem 1/22/2021 4:41:31 PM Post Reply

Former President Trump has reportedly offered to let the National Guardsmen still stationed at the Capitol stay at his Trump Hotel in Washington D.C. [snip] As American Greatness previously reported, some 5,000 Guardsmen were moved to the parking garage after being told that they were no longer allowed to rest in certain designated rest areas of the Capitol complex, including the visitors’ center and the cafeteria.” The soldiers were forced to bunk in an unheated space in 38-degree temperatures with only one small bathroom and one electrical outlet CORRECTION*

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Posted by FormerDem 7/25/2020 11:20:57 AM Post Reply
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It’s not possible to return
to full lockdown, Romo says;
3 replies
Posted by FormerDem 6/21/2020 12:50:13 PM Post Reply

Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo said Friday it is not possible to return to the red light quarantine restrictions that Ecuador maintained for more than two months. (Snip) “We believe we have mitigated the worst effects of the Covid outbreak and we must continue on the path of restoring our normal way of life.” (Snip) “We have not only suffered severe economic impacts, with at least 200,000 people losing their jobs, but there has been extreme social and psychological damage as well,” she said. “The number of women and children injured and killed in the past three months is at record levels.”   Corrections*

So how bad will Ecuador's economy get in 2020 5 replies
Posted by FormerDem 6/11/2020 7:51:59 PM Post Reply
Ecuador is facing one of its worst ever economic crises this year according to the Central Bank of Ecuador (ECB). In projections presented last week, ECB says this crisis could be worse than the one seen in 1999 when the country’s currency collapsed. The ECB had said in January—before the virus outbreak and the plunge in the price of crude, Ecuador’s main export—that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would likely grow 0.7% this year (snip) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects a contraction of the country’s GDP by 6.7% in 2020.
As Covid-19 fears rise, authorities struggle
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4 replies
Posted by FormerDem 4/1/2020 2:34:26 PM Post Reply
Ecuador officials said Tuesday they are speeding up the collection of corpses in Guayaquil as delays related to the coronavirus epidemic have left families keeping their loved ones’ bodies in their homes for days. Family members of the dead gather outside a Guayaquil funeral home that was rumored to be accepting bodies from a local morgue. (El Universo) In some cases, bodies have been moved to sidewalks and in others neighbors burn tires in the street to mask the smell of decomposition.
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Posted by FormerDem 3/15/2020 5:44:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by FormerDem 3/12/2020 6:40:20 PM Post Reply
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The metro bubble's bid to rebrand
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as 'moderates' is breathtaking
2 replies
Posted by FormerDem 12/19/2019 7:32:12 AM Post Reply
There are few more pitiful sights than the far-Left scuttling to keep the sacred flame of the Corbynista cult burning, in the debris of their historic defeat. Except, perhaps, the mutant rebirth of Remainers as “the moderates”, rising like a molting, two-headed phoenix from the ashes. The attempt by Britain’s retrograde political forces to reinvent themselves as forward-looking is quite something to behold. Teflon Tony has become Bold 2in1 Blair – whitewashing the Remainer rout by warning Labour itself not to “whitewash” the election result. This is, of course, centrist politician code for the urgent need to stage a cover up.
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Posted by Come And Take It 8/20/2021 11:33:44 PM Post Reply
I understand that the commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter. Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army's 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request.
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Posted by Come And Take It 8/20/2021 11:55:37 AM Post Reply
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted a video on social media on Wednesday in which she called President Joe Biden “a piece of sht.” The video was posted on Gettr, a new social media platform launched by former Donald Trump adviser Jason Miller. “Joe Biden, you’re not a president,” she said in the 17-second video filmed at a gym. “You’re a piece of sht. Thousands of Americans are stuck over there in Afghanistan and you’re letting the Taliban kick your ass while you’re lecturing governors about masks and vaccines. Do your job. Bring these Americans home.”
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Posted by Ribicon 8/20/2021 6:23:24 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/20/2021 2:54:07 AM Post Reply
The Biden administration on Thursday struggled to speed up evacuations of as many as 80,000 Americans and Afghan allies — with the suddenly pressing effort being marred by obstacles ranging from red tape and visa paperwork problems to massive crowds and often violent Taliban checkpoints that barred entry.Even American citizens with valid passports fear making the perilous journey to the airport for fear of the armed Taliban fighters who surround the Kabul airport.David Marshall Fox, an American who moved to Afghanistan in 2013, told The Post on Thursday that he’s abandoned hope of getting onto an evacuation flight, saying the danger of his young son getting shot
Is Biden okay? 31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2021 12:22:50 AM Post Reply
Jim Geraghty’s written two posts today making the case that something is up. I’m not sold on his first post. His second is more persuasive. The first post argues that Biden’s chat with George Stephanopoulos was filled with enough contradictions and awkward stammering that, paired with his low visibility lately, we might reasonably conclude that his health has become an issue. Whether you agree comes down to a gut check on how you felt about the interview. I didn’t see it as out of the ordinary for Biden. His answers were emphatically not good but he didn’t seem checked out to me. If anything, he was combative
Sources: White House believes scenes of
slaughter in Afghanistan will boost
support for Biden's withdrawal decision
30 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2021 4:55:33 PM Post Reply
Incredibly cynical and depressing. And quite possibly correct. “The public opinion is pretty damn clear that Americans wanted out of the ongoing war and don’t want to get back in. It’s true today and it’s going to be true in six months,” said one Biden ally. “It isn’t about not caring or being empathetic about what’s going on over there, but worrying about what’s happening in America.”… White House officials believe Americans’ horror over graphic images of the chaos in Kabul and pleas from Afghans who fear they will be killed
Taliban has billions in US weapons, including
Black Hawks and up to 600K rifles
25 replies
Posted by harleynyc 8/20/2021 2:33:37 PM Post Reply
The Taliban has seized US weapons left in Afghanistan worth billions — possibly including 600,000 assault rifles, some 2,000 armored vehicles, and 40 aircraft, including Black Hawks, according to reports. The US gave the Afghan military an estimated $28 billion in weaponry between 2002 and 2017 — including seven brand new helicopters delivered to Kabul just a month ago.
Joe Biden Calls a Lid on Public Appearances
and Remarks Indefinitely
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2021 12:33:38 AM Post Reply
During the presidential campaign, the Biden administration introduced a new word into the lexicon: a “lid.” His campaign has called a lid countless times without explanation, meaning it was cutting off all media appearances for that day. Joe Biden went on vacation to Camp David just before Afghanistan fell to the Taliban and gave no public remarks on the matter until more than 24 hours after the fall of Kabul. That was a speech Biden delivered from the White House Monday, after which he took no questions from the media. He went silent again, then delivered another speech on Wednesday, this time on COVID. He took no media questions
Live Long and Promote Bigotry: Star Trek
Actor Says Religious Americans
‘as Fanatical’ as the Taliban
23 replies
Posted by terrywhite 8/20/2021 3:39:02 PM Post Reply
As we approach the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks it is interesting to look back and see how American culture has changed in that two-decade time span. Back then mainstream culture (sorta) rallied around God and country against our enemy, the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Today the culture sees those same people that believe in God and country as bad or worse than the Taliban.
Supreme Court refuses to block construction
of the Obama Presidential Center
23 replies
Posted by Ribicon 8/20/2021 1:51:42 PM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett refused Friday to block the construction of the Obama Presidential Center in Chicago as demanded by an environmental group. The groundbreaking for former President Barack Obama‘s namesake library and presidential archives center began earlier this week, but Protect Our Parks, an environmental advocacy group, asked the high court to stop the construction. The group lost multiple requests in lower courts to halt the construction of the Obama center because it is located in a public park, Jackson Park on Chicago‘s South Side.(Snip)The activists argued that 800 trees would be destroyed around the park and affect birds.
Why Joe Biden can't resign, or be removed
-- or die
23 replies
Posted by Magnante 8/20/2021 8:30:57 AM Post Reply
In the wake of the Afghanistan debacle, demands have arisen in Congress for President Biden to resign or to be removed via the 25th Amendment. Elements of the formerly pro-Biden media have joined in the condemnation. Many silent Democrat office holders likely want Biden out, as they fear the systemic incompetence of his administration will bring them down come 2022. But Joe can not resign or be fired. The Democrat high command will not let either happen (snip) As soon as Kamala Harris takes the presidential oath, the vice-presidency is left vacant. In that case a tie vote means the legislation, resolution, or confirmation under consideration fails.
Joe Biden Plans Exit for Vacation in Delaware
After Speech on Afghanistan Disaster
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2021 12:49:55 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden will return to Delaware on Friday to resume his vacation, but first, he will deliver a speech about the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan. The president is scheduled to deliver remarks at 1:00 p.m., specifically about the process of evacuating American citizens, SIV applicants, and “vulnerable Afghans,” the White House announced. It is unclear whether the president will take questions after his speech, as he has quickly exited the room after delivering speeches this week. The president struggled to answer basic questions about his failure in Afghanistan in an interview with ABC News, appearing stubborn
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