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When Black lives matter to Democrats,
and when they don't

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Posted By: bad-hair, 6/27/2020 12:17:53 PM

Do Black lives matter to Democrats? As Tim Alberta recently reported, a lot of Black voters think the answer is no. That may explain why the Democrats are blocking the GOP justice reform bill in the Senate: With Black voters already discouraged, Democrats don’t want them to get the idea that Republicans may have something to offer. Corrections*


USA Today ??? Don't suppose they're getting truly woke.

*Please split wide headlines.  Byline corrected.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: 2assume 6/27/2020 12:30:44 PM (No. 459157)
We should gather a group of concerned black citizens to protest against BLM to tell the world they are offended that we are allowing terrorists to use their race to implement an agenda that goes against everything that America stands for.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Shmowry1 6/27/2020 12:35:58 PM (No. 459161)
The only party that actually values black lives is the Republican Party. If only the media would be honest about it.
5 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bad-hair 6/27/2020 12:57:00 PM (No. 459185)
Sorry to re comment on my own post but I am seriously considering "Uncle Tim" Scott for 2024.
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Reply 4 - Posted by: snakeoil 6/27/2020 2:07:30 PM (No. 459235)
Black Votes Matter to demoncraps. Lives don't.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 6/27/2020 2:12:06 PM (No. 459241)
Democrats unconditionally support the leading cause of death among all black people: Planned Abortionists, Inc. You know, those all caring monsters that murder hundreds of thousands of babies a year, most of which are black. The Democrat Party is nothing more than an extension of the antebellum South attitudes and the eugenic policies of Margret Sanger and the fascist regimes of the 1920s and 30s.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 6/27/2020 11:02:38 PM (No. 459551)
They matter ONLY when there is to be some political gain to be had. Other than that, dozens of black deaths per month in Chicago and other cities happen without any significant response.
0 people like this.

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When Black lives matter to Democrats,
and when they don't
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Posted by bad-hair 6/27/2020 12:17:53 PM Post Reply

Do Black lives matter to Democrats? As Tim Alberta recently reported, a lot of Black voters think the answer is no. That may explain why the Democrats are blocking the GOP justice reform bill in the Senate: With Black voters already discouraged, Democrats don’t want them to get the idea that Republicans may have something to offer. Corrections*

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Posted by bad-hair 3/8/2020 10:33:31 AM Post Reply

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7 replies
Posted by bad-hair 2/25/2020 6:29:51 PM Post Reply

London - Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg met Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai at Britain's University of Oxford on Tuesday and posed for a photo together. Yousafzai, widely known by her first name, Malala, is a student at the University of Oxford. The 22-year-old posted a photo on Instagram of herself and Thunberg sitting on a bench with their arms around each other, with a caption "Thank you, @gretathunberg" and a heart emoji. Thunberg, 17, is in the United Kingdom to join a school strike in Bristol on Friday. Both women shot to worldwide fame after standing up for major global issues: climate change and women's education.

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Posted by Imright 3/8/2021 8:21:02 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 3/8/2021 5:26:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Magnante 3/9/2021 4:40:38 AM Post Reply
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