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Biden pardons Fauci, Jan. 6 committee
ahead of Trump inauguration

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Posted By: Skinnydip, 1/20/2025 7:51:39 AM

President Biden granted pardons to several prominent public servants Monday who have faced attacks from President-elect Trump in one of his final acts in office. Biden issued pardons for Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases who led the nation’s COVID-19 pandemic response, and retired Gen. Mark Milley, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The president also pardoned members and staff of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack in addition to the U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. Metropolitan police officers who testified before the Select Committee.


So he's admitting they're guilty?

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Reply 1 - Posted by: homefry 1/20/2025 7:55:32 AM (No. 1877307)
CYA! Same reason he pardoned hunter. All these people have secrets that could put half of the elected dim-0s in jail.
73 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: vrb8m 1/20/2025 7:56:59 AM (No. 1877309)
In the words of terrorist Bill Ayres: Guilty as sin, free as a bird. Gotta say I'm not surprised.
71 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: chance_232 1/20/2025 7:59:01 AM (No. 1877311)
And that my friends cements what the J6 committe was really about, a political persecution. It also outs Faucci as the fraud that he is. They may not face criminal prosecution, but their reputations are forever burning garbage.
90 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: vrb8m 1/20/2025 8:03:33 AM (No. 1877313)
Sorry for the second post, but Mark Milley was just pardoned as well.
33 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Newtsche 1/20/2025 8:11:57 AM (No. 1877318)
The perfect punctuation point to a miserable man's hideous career.
66 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Rand Al'Thor 1/20/2025 8:14:58 AM (No. 1877320)
Lots of possibliities. They can sll still be subpoenaed to appear before of Congress. They have no right to plead the fifth (no threat of criminal prosecution), and can be held in contempt of Congress if they don't make full and truthful disclosures. Ask Steve Bannon (not Eric Holder).
76 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: greyseal 1/20/2025 8:15:13 AM (No. 1877321)
Wait a minute here - he has the power of the pardon which implies that these people were at least charged with a crime. There’s no presidential power to grant blanket immunity AFAIK. Bondi and the newly reconstituted DOJ should challenge this at SCOTUS. The notion that this group of grifters and traitors will never see justice of any kind is abhorrent. greyseal
112 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/20/2025 8:16:48 AM (No. 1877323)
So, biden you cheater, what do you suspect they were guilty of, pal?
48 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 1/20/2025 8:17:02 AM (No. 1877325)
While a pre-emptive pardon does not exist in jurisprudence, it does open the door for those who have the get outta jail free card to spill their beans
44 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: seamusm 1/20/2025 8:18:10 AM (No. 1877326)
And exactly what was the crime, Mr. Biden? Because a pardon isn't for bad breath. For the rest of us, this pardon proves what we have known for a long time - Fauci is guilty - guilty of numerous crimes - including MURDER! Fauci had best run because we no longer will pay for his security out of our tax dollars. I'd recommend he fly to China. The Chicoms will no doubt welcome him with open arms - and a job for LIFE.
41 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Krause 1/20/2025 8:20:07 AM (No. 1877329)
Did he pardon brother Jim, and the cop who shot Ashli Babbit?
36 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 1/20/2025 8:20:55 AM (No. 1877330)
Well Joe, this is just another nail in the coffin that is your sh**filled legacy!
49 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Ruhn 1/20/2025 8:22:08 AM (No. 1877331)
Yep. By pardoning, the Biden administration (in one final FU to the American people) has admitted criminal and unconstitutional guilt of these people. It may be an easy button to avoid jail, but their reputations will forever be tarnished.
36 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: anotherctyankee 1/20/2025 8:22:16 AM (No. 1877332)
Re #7 especially Mark milley. Treason should never be a preemptive pardon.
56 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Catherine 1/20/2025 8:22:25 AM (No. 1877333)
Does a pardon have to say what the crime was? Suppose it does and these pardons weren't actually all inclusive. Could someone find another law they broke that wasn't in the pardon and charge them with that?
26 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: BarryNo 1/20/2025 8:24:50 AM (No. 1877335)
Wow!! Talk about covering your tracks! All the more reason to declare Biden retroactively incompetent, invalidate his orders, incarcerate the unelected persons writing these executive actions up for treason, then bring the hammer down HARD!!
44 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: billa57 1/20/2025 8:25:54 AM (No. 1877337)
Waits to the absolute last second and... Then? pretty much an admission of guilt. How do you pardon somebody if they haven't been charged for anything? Soooo... many lies that the Demoncrat party has to cover up. Millions dead just to try and get you know who? Unforgivable.
34 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: singermom9 1/20/2025 8:27:58 AM (No. 1877338)
Regarding Milley. Trump should bring him out of retirement, strip his rank to PRIVATE and send him to the Middle East somewhere to peel potatoes in a military post kitchen to feed our REAL hero's.
42 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: singermom9 1/20/2025 8:29:13 AM (No. 1877340)
So if these people are given a pardon that means they are guilty of something. Shouldn't they be kicked out of Congress?
33 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: qr4j 1/20/2025 8:30:04 AM (No. 1877341)
What a load of old shiitake!!! Dirty, stinking, rotten ba$tard!
25 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: jinx 1/20/2025 8:30:15 AM (No. 1877342)
Boy!! The LDOtter's are on a roll this morning. Ditto to all of the above and to all that comes later!!
30 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: singermom9 1/20/2025 8:31:55 AM (No. 1877344)
Fauci should have to give his money to the vaccinated who have had problems since the shot and they J6 LIARS should have to give all the RELEASED J6ers money for what they had to endure. In fact throw all of biden's pardoned into the same jail the J67ers were in and feed them the rotten food and lack of care the J6ers got
27 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: pinger 1/20/2025 8:34:29 AM (No. 1877348)
The Democrats are so fond of saying "No one is above the law." If they wanted to be truthful (ha!), they would say "No Republican is above the law."
26 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: montwoodcliff 1/20/2025 8:36:11 AM (No. 1877351)
Pardoned for doing what? These people weren’t tried and found guilty of anything. If they are innocent then they have nothing to worry about. It seems to me that these pardons are meaningless and prosecutions will happen.
24 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: wilarrbie 1/20/2025 8:37:25 AM (No. 1877352)
The pardons should not prevent the further exposures of exactly what these 'public servants' actually did to the Public they served. Pardoned - fine - that is the POTUS prerogative. But we need to see their work in full.
20 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: LeeBertie 1/20/2025 8:38:14 AM (No. 1877353)
So, what are the crimes they are guilty of? PARDON: to officially say that someone who is guilty of a crime will be allowed to go free and will not be punished The Britannica Dictionary PARDON: to use the executive power of a Governor or President to forgive a person convicted of a crime, thus removing any remaining penalties or punishments and preventing any new prosecution of the person for the crime for which the pardon was given. A pardon strikes the conviction from the books as if it had never occurred, and the convicted person is treated as innocent.
21 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: vrb8m 1/20/2025 8:38:23 AM (No. 1877354)
Just pardoned the capitol police...
14 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/20/2025 8:43:02 AM (No. 1877358)
Also, interesting that biden the cheater hasn't pardoned himself...yet. A little more than three hours left in his presidential debacle.
18 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: Calvinesq 1/20/2025 8:43:52 AM (No. 1877359)
Guilty! Every single one of them.
24 people like this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: slipstik 1/20/2025 8:50:20 AM (No. 1877362)
All these tu#ds should be subjected to a three day a week subpoena, preferably M/W/F, before a special committee, where their skid marked underwear will be paraded before the American public without the benefit of the 5th. We might actually get to the bottom of the whole stinking mess and find out who ALL the players were.
15 people like this.

Reply 31 - Posted by: franq 1/20/2025 8:51:25 AM (No. 1877363)
I thought Zhoa had bottomed out on the absurdity scale. I was wrong. He's still got 3 hours to go...
15 people like this.

Reply 32 - Posted by: jeffkinnh 1/20/2025 8:56:58 AM (No. 1877369)
They may have been given a pardon for their crimes but that doesn't mean that Trump can't issue an EO that says that NONE of these people can serve in any capacity in government, government cannot do any business with any of them, and that government officials cannot interact with them concerning government activities. Further, revoke their security clearances. Shut them out of government and anyone that interacts with them concerning government activities should be fired. Miley and other officers are NOT welcome on any military bases or official functions. Beyond that, there should be continued, legitimate government investigations of these people and a report that says there is clear evidence of their criminal activity but they cannot be prosecuted because they have been pardoned by senile Joe. This hangs a boat anchor around their necks that they cannot get rid of. A typical person charged with a crime can go to court and fight it and, if they win, are exonerated. Since these people cannot be charged, they will have no day in court, and NO exoneration. Further, their exile will last as long as we have a Republican President and if a dem president cancels Trump's EO, it will show their own corruption. These people should be made radioactive! Deadly to be near!
29 people like this.

Reply 33 - Posted by: Muguy 1/20/2025 8:58:33 AM (No. 1877372)
CORRUPT to the last breath. Installed by an electoral coup where evidence of improprieties was never heard in collusion with corrupt justices pressured NOT to hear any evidence. Using the DOJ and IRS to attack people through LAWFARE to economically RUIN them Being mentally INCOMPETENT to serve in the first place, Dr of education Jill plundering as well and like Mrs Woodrow Wilson and corrupt activist staggers making policy decisions for him, and CORRUPT members of his own party conducting a committee investigation that DELETED its own records because of FRAUD. And now, pardoning the chief medical FRAUD responsible for covertly doing black budget OUTSOURCES germ warfare to a Chinese lab to create a virus that had genome indentified small parts of the AIDS virus and one small chain of a PATENTED virus from Moderna blaming in on Wuhan meat markets-- which JoeBamaBiteMeVegetabe also kept under wraps to defraud and out right LIE to the American People. Like the demonrat socialist Marxists he was a champion of all sorts of upside down counter culture defiance of the Rule of Law putting it in tbe most ridiculous and absurd knots putting DEI hires on the Supreme Court and doing his bet with help from suck ups to DESTROY our military and Border protection. In the final analysis, pardoning and offering clemency cop killers, child molesters, raptists, murderers and HIS OWN BELOVED DON will be his legacy. A pox on A,merica and a TOOL used as NoBama 3.0
23 people like this.

Reply 34 - Posted by: Analyn 1/20/2025 8:59:42 AM (No. 1877374)
If this is allowed to stand, it sets a dangerous precedent for future administrations to commit crimes and unconstitutional acts, knowing that they will all be pardoned at the end - even if they are never charged.
30 people like this.

Reply 35 - Posted by: Californian 1/20/2025 9:00:24 AM (No. 1877376)
A pardon means they can't be convicted. Therefore can be forced to testify on any topic with no 5th amendment protection. If they lie, can then go to jail or perjury or contempt if they refuse to testify.
23 people like this.

Reply 36 - Posted by: blueline 1/20/2025 9:03:11 AM (No. 1877377)
Biden's poo-flinging monkeys are still at it. I wonder if they'll also issue a pardon for "the big guy" and the doctor whose been running this administration. They can't face punishment for their crimes, but they can be forced to testify so their names and reputations can be forever held in contempt. On another note, I'd run the drug dogs through the White House, in case Hunter forgot some of his stash.
16 people like this.

Reply 37 - Posted by: DrKacz 1/20/2025 9:05:10 AM (No. 1877379)
I have confidence that there is a very special place in hell waiting for them. A place where pardons don't apply. Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution, states: "The President...shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." So... bring on the impeachments.
12 people like this.

Reply 38 - Posted by: PChristopher 1/20/2025 9:05:37 AM (No. 1877380)
If there's a way around these BS pardons, Trump will find it! They cannot go unpunished!
17 people like this.

Reply 39 - Posted by: Hermoine 1/20/2025 9:05:48 AM (No. 1877381)
Just like him declaring the ERA the 28th amendment, doesn't make it so. There is no way this is constitutional. I hope Bondi challenges this with SCOTUS. There are a number of grounds she can use to challenge, but one of which is setting a very dangerous precedent. A president can basically allow crimes to be committed by his allies under his tenure because he can simply preemptively pardon them before leaving office.
21 people like this.

Reply 40 - Posted by: anniebc 1/20/2025 9:05:52 AM (No. 1877382)
Does this apply to civil cases against them? If not, we the people should sue them until they're homeless on the streets in California. This better not stand! Biden should be tried for treason too!
17 people like this.

Reply 41 - Posted by: anniebc 1/20/2025 9:09:47 AM (No. 1877383)
I say 2020 needs to be litigated and biden/harris declared illegal. That should take care of every illegal thing they did and send them all to prison. A special prison should be built for them, and it should be named the People's Prison for America's Traitors. It should be located in the worst dem cities. There should be a special wing for the worst criminals from around the world. This pisses me off!
14 people like this.

Reply 42 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 1/20/2025 9:10:24 AM (No. 1877384)
Haul every single one of them before Congress. Ask them under oath what crimes did they commit to deserve the pardon. The 5th Amendment does not apply because of the pardons. Let us hear what they did. Immortalize their criminal behavior.
17 people like this.

Reply 43 - Posted by: janjan 1/20/2025 9:13:48 AM (No. 1877385)
The Trump Administration should immediately challenge this in the Supreme Court. There is no provision in the Constitution for a sitting President to shelter people from prosecution. None of these people have so far been convicted or even charged with anything. This sets a very dangerous precedent.
19 people like this.

Reply 44 - Posted by: Merlin251 1/20/2025 9:18:51 AM (No. 1877393)
President Trump not only can, but must permanently suspend their security clearances!!!
17 people like this.

Reply 45 - Posted by: whyyeseyec 1/20/2025 9:18:55 AM (No. 1877394)
Have all the pardons been released? It isn't 12 noon eastern time yet. Perhaps Biden has more surprised pardons in store.
11 people like this.

Reply 46 - Posted by: kono 1/20/2025 9:26:07 AM (No. 1877399)
I'm almost surprised FJB didn't also a pardon without a name to apply to Trump's assassin, just in case there ever is one. (Treating immunity like a pardon fits so seamlessly into the mosaic of history's most f'd-up Presidency.)
9 people like this.

Reply 47 - Posted by: VAPMAN 1/20/2025 9:29:07 AM (No. 1877402)
There is time left for Judas Iscariot, Atilla the Hun and Hitler
7 people like this.

Reply 48 - Posted by: Italiano 1/20/2025 9:30:31 AM (No. 1877403)
They can still be investigated and the results released. How many would a DC jury convict?
8 people like this.

Reply 49 - Posted by: nwcudagal 1/20/2025 9:44:28 AM (No. 1877411)
Well, I can still hope that one day Lizard Cheney will find a horse head in her bed.
8 people like this.

Reply 50 - Posted by: Lawsy0 1/20/2025 9:58:06 AM (No. 1877415)
Fauci? Milley, of course was the second coming of Benedict Arnold, so I don't really care what happens to him, so don't bury his boots on federal ground. Is there an actual indictment of Fauci we can read to catch all the stats--being sure we've got him on all counts? This may be a question for the Supreme Court, but why do all f-ing Democrats skate past the charges or slither out of trouble. I do NOT believe they are above the law.
6 people like this.

Reply 51 - Posted by: earlybird 1/20/2025 10:06:45 AM (No. 1877418)
Re OP, yup...that is now the tag they all wear. "Pardoned". Only those convicted of wrongdoing are jusually pardoned. There have to be formal documents. Let's see what they have to say...
7 people like this.

Reply 52 - Posted by: DVC 1/20/2025 10:21:39 AM (No. 1877428)
Fauci is a mass murderer, and Joe supports mass murderers. This is an admission of guilt.
6 people like this.

Reply 53 - Posted by: DVC 1/20/2025 10:29:26 AM (No. 1877431)
Have any past government and military bureaucrats needed being pardoned for their massive crimes? Biden's time in office was a time of total criminality by the majority of all top bureaucrats. Criminals ran everything, killing, stealing and committing treason for power. And Joe effectively admits all of this. History will record that his was the most corrupt, criminal government EVER.
6 people like this.

Reply 54 - Posted by: DVC 1/20/2025 10:31:58 AM (No. 1877433)
Seems like we need a SCOTUS look at whether "preemptive pardons" for charges not made are a valid thing under the Constitution. I don't think that the founding fathers intended "you are free from any laws, forever" sort of action that Criminal Joe has been doing.
8 people like this.

Reply 55 - Posted by: DVC 1/20/2025 10:41:07 AM (No. 1877438)
Not protected from state charges. Fauci could still die in prison if convicted in a state court.
8 people like this.

Reply 56 - Posted by: PlayItAgain 1/20/2025 10:46:48 AM (No. 1877447)
Time to put them under oath and demand answers. No 5th amendment is possible because they can’t incriminate themselves. Force them to fess up or perjur themselves. And there will be no pardon for that.
3 people like this.

Reply 57 - Posted by: MickTurn 1/20/2025 10:49:47 AM (No. 1877451)
He also pardon'ed Milley...Now all President Trump has to do is call him back to active duty, Bust him down to Private E1 for TREASON, then Force him back out into retirement. He will lose all his retirement pension...OH, BOO HOO!. His rank/retired status is NOT COVERED by a Pardon! As for the rest of them, look for crimes not covered by Joey's Pardon, then Hang them!
4 people like this.

Reply 58 - Posted by: Kate318 1/20/2025 11:26:30 AM (No. 1877469)
Accepting these pardons acknowledges guilt. And, if the J6 committee is guilty, the entire “Insurrection” narrative collapses.
4 people like this.

Reply 59 - Posted by: Bur Oak 1/20/2025 11:43:48 AM (No. 1877481)
Have the pardons been made available? What specifically were they pardoned for? The term "public servant" to me is like finger nails scratching a chalkboard.
2 people like this.

Reply 60 - Posted by: mc squared 1/20/2025 11:50:43 AM (No. 1877484)
But Trump can release all the documents relating to the 'pardoned', If there are any left.
2 people like this.

Reply 61 - Posted by: anniebc 1/20/2025 12:05:42 PM (No. 1877493)
I'm sorry, but I thought no one is above the law. I guess the left can't use that against PDT anymore.
3 people like this.

Reply 62 - Posted by: MissTX 1/20/2025 12:35:58 PM (No. 1877505)
Can someone explain to me how someone can be blanket pardoned when they’ve never been charged even? It sounds good on paper but illegal as H E double hockey sticks.
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Reply 63 - Posted by: Aklon70 1/20/2025 2:24:57 PM (No. 1877569)
The public should mark and remember every one of the creatures Biden pardoned. From now on, they should be denied any and all goods and services, refused jobs, and denied housing. It would be even better if their pensions were cancelled as well.
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27 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/21/2025 7:29:11 AM Post Reply
All of Joe Biden's preemptive pardons for the worst political malefactors in recent years are an insult to the rule of law, but one in particular sticks in my craw: Mark Milley. Why? I expect bureaucrats like Anthony Fauci to be ass-covering snakes with a lust for power and disdain for accountability, and I am confident that he will burn in hell and be remembered as the mass murderer that he is. I expect politicians like Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, and the sc*mbags of the January 6th Committee to be liars who would sacrifice their souls for an extra minute on TV and an additional campaign dollar.
Liz Cheney Slams Trump’s Inaugural Speech
After Biden Hands Her Preemptive Pardon
25 replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2025 5:22:15 AM Post Reply
Former U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) slammed freshly sworn-in President Donald Trump’s remarks from his inauguration ceremony, calling him a “liar” for calling out the House Select Committee on January 6 and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D), right after she received a preemptive pardon from outgoing President Joe Biden. During his speech in front of dignitaries and family members in the rotunda of the U.S. Capitol, Trump lamented how he offered Pelosi “10,000 soldiers” to mitigate the risk of unrest on January 6, 2021, “but she rebuffed them”: (X Video)
Trump watches in disbelief as woke bishop
scorns him with 'transgender children
fearing for their lives' claims
22 replies
Posted by zephyrgirl 1/21/2025 2:28:15 PM Post Reply
President Donald Trump was left in disbelief as he was forced to listen to a woke bishop deliver a stunningly negative sermon calling for him to show 'mercy' to illegal immigrants and transgender children. On the first full day of Trump's presidency Marianne Budde, the left-wing Episcopal Bishop of Washington, unleashed a wild lecture claiming trans kids were 'fearing for their lives' due to him being in the Oval Office. Trump sat stony-faced in the front row, next to First Lady Melania Trump, as the prelate told him illegal immigrants were not criminals and he shouldn't deport those with children.
D.C. Gulag Holds J6 Prisoners Hostage
Despite Trump’s Pardons
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/21/2025 3:39:50 PM Post Reply
One of Donald Trump’s first acts as president was to commute the sentences of or pardon nearly every single Jan. 6 prisoner, setting them all free. But multiple prisons and halfway houses have resisted complying, with the D.C. gulag holding multiple prisoners hostage and refusing to release them. Trump’s historic order commuted the sentences of about a dozen individuals and pardoned “all individuals convicted of offenses related to event that occurred at or near the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.” It ordered that those “currently held in prison are released immediately.” But the thugs who have so abused and trampled the rights of the J6ers
Lip reader suggests Obama asked Bush how
they could ‘stop what’s happening’
at Trump’s inauguration
20 replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2025 3:07:24 PM Post Reply
Barack Obama asked George W. Bush how they could “stop what’s happening” during President Trump’s inauguration on Monday, according to a lip reader. Jackie Gonzalez, a deaf woman who shares her interpretations of celebrities’ and politicians’ private conversations on social media, made a now-viral video revealing what she believed the two former presidents were discussing during a candid moment at Trump’s inauguration. Footage of Obama and Bush sharing a laugh during Trump’s swearing-in ceremony took off online Monday, with many internet sleuths wondering what the 43rd and 44th presidents were joking about.
Bishop At National Prayer Service Attacks
Trump's Character and Policy
20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/21/2025 3:06:04 PM Post Reply
The Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington gave an insultingly political speech that excoriated President Trump for...being President Trump, basically. Episcopal Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde took the opportunity to slam President Trump at the National Prayer Service, where he sat among many of the nation's leaders. The idea of the Prayer Service is to unify the attendees and remind them that we are all one nation under God. It was appalling in every way, no doubt coming from a leftist who speaks endlessly about love, compassion, and unity. She implied that Trump was an enemy of gay and lesbian people, criticized him for wanting to deport
Unemployed Kamala Harris jets back to
LA, will hand out food to wildfire vics
after weeks of giving them the cold shoulder
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/21/2025 5:52:35 AM Post Reply
Let them eat word salad! Newly unemployed Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff are slinking back to Los Angeles Monday — where they will pass out food to wildfire victims after all but ignoring their plight for two weeks. The former vice president has formally left the White House and is returning to her mansion in the wildfire ravaged city after losing the election to President Trump in the November. Harris is expected to fly to her home state with an all-female US Air Force crew, the first of which to ever operate a C-33, MSNBC reported.
FBI Director Paul Abbate Announces Resignation
Just Minutes Before Trump Takes Office
19 replies
Posted by Imright 1/21/2025 2:14:43 AM Post Reply
In a surprising move, just minutes before President Donald Trump was officially sworn in for his second term, FBI Director Paul Abbate announced his retirement. The timing of his departure, coinciding with the beginning of a new administration, raised eyebrows, particularly given the ongoing scrutiny surrounding the FBI’s actions during the last eight years. Abbate, who had served as deputy director before taking the helm, left behind a bureau at the center of political controversy, leaving many to wonder about the potential implications for the agency under the incoming administration.
Trump and Vance Sit Through 'Woke' Sermon
at National Prayer Service, Their Responses
Are Absolute Gold
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/21/2025 3:50:31 PM Post Reply
The inaugural festivities continued for President Donald Trump and Vice President JD Vance on Tuesday, with both men finding themselves sitting in the National Cathedral for an "interfaith" prayer service. But while most of the speakers acquitted themselves well, a female Episcopalian "bishop" decided to fulfill the far-left's wildest dreams by directing a woke tangent at the president. During Mariann Budde's "sermon," she ranted about "transgender children" and asked Trump to have "mercy" on those who are "scared" of his administration, including those who "pick our crops." Here's the final few minutes of what she said. BUDDE: Let me make one
ACLU sues over Trump order aimed at ending
birthright citizenship
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/21/2025 12:24:26 AM Post Reply
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) late Monday launched a suit challenging an executive order from President Trump seeking to end birthright citizenship for children born in the U.S. to parents who are not lawfully present. It’s an order that contradicts the Constitution, which bestows citizenship on anyone born in the United State regardless of the status of their parents. “Denying citizenship to U.S.-born children is not only unconstitutional — it’s also a reckless and ruthless repudiation of American values. Birthright citizenship is part of what makes the United States the strong and dynamic nation that it is.
Al Sharpton claims companies axing DEI
programs are trying to send black people
to the ‘back of the bus,’ threatens boycott
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/21/2025 9:47:59 PM Post Reply
MSNBC’s Rev. Al Sharpton called on all Americans to boycott companies eliminating diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives, claiming they are trying to send Black people to the “back of the bus.” Sharpton made the announcement at Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, D.C., during a rally in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday. He said this call to action would be done in the spirit of King’s legacy as a civil rights activist. “Why do we have DEI? We have DEI because you denied us diversity, you denied us equity, you denied us inclusion.
Germany's Scholz responds to Musk, saying
freedom of speech must not back extreme-right
15 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/21/2025 4:50:56 PM Post Reply
DAVOS, Switzerland - German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on Tuesday he does not support freedom of speech when it is used for extreme-right views, a day after a hand gesture by U.S. billionaire Elon Musk caused uproar during Donald Trump's inauguration festivities. "We have the freedom of speech in Europe and in Germany. Everyone can say what he wants, even if he is a billionaire. And what we do not accept is if this is supporting extreme-right positions," Scholz said in Davos when asked about the incident. Musk's hand gesture during a celebration of President Trump's inauguration drew online comparisons to a Nazi salute. Musk dismissed the criticism as a "tired" attack.
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