Joe Biden Is And Always Was A Massive Jerk
The Federalist,
Jordan Boyd
Original Article
Posted By: Mercedes44,
1/7/2025 9:30:06 PM
Joe Biden, especially since becoming president, has benefited from corporate media portraying him as a unifier, civil, and even a “decent” man. He is not. In fact, when the going gets mildly tough, Biden flies off the handle.
That’s exactly what he did during a question-and-answer session at the White House on Sunday night. My being the oldest president, I know more world leaders than any one of you ever met in your whole g-dd-mn life!” Biden barked at the press. It’s far from the first time Biden lashed out at Democrat propagandists and cheerleaders that make up the corporate media.
Mere months into his White House tenure,
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
ebgchatham 1/7/2025 9:42:02 PM (No. 1868861)
Biden is and always has been a nasty, petty, vicious, plagiarizing, opportunistic, cheater, liarand racist. - a traitor who has sold out his country for money. What ever happend to the female SS agent who accused him of rape? She has never been heard of again. Sent to the gulag? Biden should rot in prison. He destroyed the life of the man who was driving the truck that killed Joe's wife and daughter. Joe fabricated a horrible story about the man for votes . Joe's wife pulled out in front of the truck. It was her fault not the truck driver's and his life was destroyed. And the fake love story about how Joe and Jill met on a blind date? . Fabricated as has been his entire life. - she was still married and cheated on her husband. They are vile people and always have been. I remember it all very well.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
rochow 1/7/2025 9:50:32 PM (No. 1868868)
In short, the vegetable remains a swine, a pedophile, a lunatic and the lowest trash this country has ever seen. The article is spot on and much kinder than I would ever consider this dumb man the dumbest in the Senate as former Ted Kennedy called him.
37 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
nwcudagal 1/7/2025 10:22:35 PM (No. 1868878)
A horrible, dishonorable excuse for a man. No surprise that all his family members are liars and cheats. Except for sainted Beau, of course.
26 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 1/7/2025 10:42:38 PM (No. 1868887)
Excellent article. One to save and share.
13 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
Nimby 1/7/2025 10:59:30 PM (No. 1868894)
What was wrong with Delaware voters that they sent this disgraceful, immoral, inept, petty, small minded criminal over and over again to the US senate?
31 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
DVC 1/7/2025 11:39:48 PM (No. 1868903)
And a massive crook.
30 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
IceQueen 1/8/2025 12:44:09 AM (No. 1868917)
B'H. #1: So do I remember. Perhaps that's another reason the left would rather not have us around, and may actively seek our demise?
I do not "judge" (i.e., condemn to H.E. double toothpicks [as Daddy used to say]) another person. I am, however, required to discern evil in myself and others, call it out toward repentance.
This guy likes to claim himself a faithful catholic, and, according to himself and his definition, he is. This compartmentalized self denial/delusion is comparable to that which I witnessed when I worked with the DEA decades ago: drug dealers/cartel members would carry Scriptural references in their wallets as talismans against having to be responsible for their immoralities. . .See -- we're really "good guys."
He is now what he always has been: a pompous a$$, who sold his soul and squandered whatever reputation he may have had for filthy lucre, and took his family with him (each of whom willingly followed and that's on them).
The moral of the story is to get oneself right with G-d: The L-rd Yeshua/Jesus Graciously paid the price for your/our sins. Repent, acknowledge His sacrifice for you and His Lordship over your life, lest it be too late. No one knows what tomorrow may bring or whether s/he will be sentient. biden is obviously not. Don't be a biden.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
mifla 1/8/2025 5:55:43 AM (No. 1868974)
Have to believe that one of Biden's triggers is caused by members of the MSM turning against him. Over the years, he has become accustomed to them lobbing softball questions. Over the past few months, a couple of curve balls showed up and he can't handle it.
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
rytwng 1/8/2025 6:27:51 AM (No. 1868996)
Pervert Joe is low life white trash.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
Strike3 1/8/2025 8:23:55 AM (No. 1869107)
The fact that Delaware democrats and Washington democrats thought that this piece of garbage should have a leadership role in this great country speaks very lowly of all of them. They knew that Joe could be used, coddled and manipulated and that's all they needed.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
udanja99 1/8/2025 8:24:27 AM (No. 1869109)
#7, I’m not so sure that his kids willingly followed him. Having grown up with a narcissistic abusive father, I was terrified to cross him or disobey in any way because the consequences were too severe. It took me 59 years to finally call him out and end my relationship with him.
Hunter and Ashley had no choice but to follow along and their drug addictions and sex addictions go directly back to their treatment at Joe’s hands. While I’m disgusted with their behavior, I pity them. But I have nothing but contempt for their father.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
southernboy 1/8/2025 10:21:36 AM (No. 1869184)
POTUS using God's name in vain in public (or anywhere else!)
Shame! Shame!
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Reply 13 - Posted by:
Lucky5 1/8/2025 10:55:16 AM (No. 1869209)
Fact 100%. I have loathed him as long as I was aware of politics. I always considered him a joke and a mean person. I was a little shocked when 0bama picked him. I guess he is the ultimate puppet for the left.
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Reply 14 - Posted by:
Foghorn 1/8/2025 3:22:52 PM (No. 1869383)
Biden never good decision concerning foreign relation comment in his 40 odd years as a senator. He is an ignorant politician when it comes to foreign relations, always making or saying stupid decisions about what to do to stop actions against countries or the USA. Afghanistan is an example of taking action without full knowledge of the action results, or knowing them and pulled the troops out of country anyway.
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