Elon Musk, in Bid to Get Help to Hurricane
Victims, Has Unreal Conversation With
Pete Buttigieg on X
Red State,
Nick Arama
Original Article
Posted By: Imright,
10/4/2024 6:25:41 PM
There have been a lot of concerns about getting help to the folks in the areas affected by Hurricane Helene, particularly in North Carolina, where many people have now been cut off from help for days, and the only way they're getting help is by air for rescue, medicine or other supplies. A lot of people have been trying to help, but there have been numerous reports of people being impeded.
Now, even Elon Musk is reporting this as his SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink systems into the affected area. (X Video)
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
Namma 10/4/2024 6:37:52 PM (No. 1807643)
FEMA. Will not allow you to land? How would they know if you did? If FEMA people know you landed to help then you know FEMA could land if they wanted to! I would take the chance. Show the world how FEMA is not doing their job.
74 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
RobertJ984 10/4/2024 6:40:31 PM (No. 1807644)
"Never let a crisis go to waste"
- The big O
59 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
pinger 10/4/2024 7:01:06 PM (No. 1807647)
Talk about job security. The safest jobs in the world are government jobs during a Democrat administration. Nobody’s ever accountable. Nobody is ever terminated. The only way to go is up.
78 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
john56 10/4/2024 7:07:13 PM (No. 1807649)
Let's see. NC has a Dem governor and seems to be the one state that can't handle the crisis.
If I were Lt Gov Robinson, who has been rightfully or wrongfully written off for the Governor race, I'd be sending every truck I could to western NC with water, meals, generators, cleaning supplies, diapers etc. and letting everyone know where they came from. It's kind of like how Jane Byrne became mayor of Chicago in 79 when the old guard couldn't figure how to plow snow off the streets.
53 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
EJKrausJr 10/4/2024 7:32:52 PM (No. 1807655)
Pothole Pete has his head up his rectum again. He can't think nor see out of his navel. Why is Pete in charge of FEMA? Where's the Greek? FEMA is DEI - Do Expect Incompetence.
35 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
JonR 10/4/2024 7:39:54 PM (No. 1807659)
One would almost think this is on purpose! The amount of incompetence, and not caring is astounding! Friends and neighbors, boys and girls, this is what you get with a Democratic administration. All you fence sitters, and Trump haters, it’s time for you to get real and smell the coffee!
64 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
RuckusTom 10/4/2024 8:30:49 PM (No. 1807679)
Kamala Harris doesn't care about American people.
45 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
downnout 10/4/2024 8:55:27 PM (No. 1807685)
Note the use of the word “legitimate” in Buttigieg’s tweet - no doubt anything airborne that isn’t government would be considered illegitimate. Damned bureaucrats, I despise them!
37 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
danu 10/4/2024 9:55:47 PM (No. 1807693)
who can believe he bothered w/ that twit-unless it was to obtain release his tech ...
being held hostage for ransom....
16 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
DVC 10/4/2024 10:06:44 PM (No. 1807695)
In addition to the sad numbers of dead, one of the biggest problems going forwar is the massive amounts of roads wiped out and bridges destroyed. Your home may be intact but will have no road access foe 6 months or more.
Rebuilding washed out roads on the edges of a creeks will be very difficult and expensive.
30 people like this.
Reply 11 - Posted by:
Dodge Boy 10/4/2024 10:22:57 PM (No. 1807701)
FTA - "Buttigieg finally did get back to him. But he's responding only after all this has exploded all over X, with many who are not as well placed as Elon Musk complaining about the issues. "
Elon, don't waste your time with Buttplugs. He's a deer in the headlights and has no clue what he is doing or how to solve anything. Just go around him and take care of things best you can.
42 people like this.
Reply 12 - Posted by:
thefield 10/4/2024 10:59:00 PM (No. 1807712)
Just land. It would help get fema there.
32 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
rikkitikki 10/5/2024 7:53:46 AM (No. 1807806)
Every FEMA employee involved in this post-disaster disaster, including Mayorkas and Buttigieg, need to face criminal charges for what amounts to hate crimes against Trump voters.
29 people like this.
Reply 14 - Posted by:
mobyclik 10/5/2024 8:26:51 AM (No. 1807820)
I'll bet anything you won't see this in the MSM.
21 people like this.
Reply 15 - Posted by:
Zigrid 10/5/2024 9:53:06 AM (No. 1807885)
God bless Elon Musk...he's always ahead of washington...and the White House war room filled with democrat operatives trying to stop voters from getting to the polls...including delays in sending out the troops to help with clean up....nothing is a surprise anymore...the rats will cut anyone's throat that tries to help with needed provisions...
14 people like this.
Reply 16 - Posted by:
paral04 10/5/2024 10:00:33 AM (No. 1807890)
This supports the meme going around that the rural areas have been deliberately cut off and will be so until after the elections. The population in these areas vote Republican. They forget that some of these people have relatives in areas that will be able to vote.
12 people like this.
Reply 17 - Posted by:
DrOstrow 10/5/2024 12:27:05 PM (No. 1807955)
'I'm sorry sir but I've developed a problem with the chopper and
MUST land NOW. Am losing power ! click.
Have the machine patched up, barely, but the supplies in the chopper
had to be unloaded. The machine cannot carry that much weight right now !
Chopper 46XRay departing !!
Just sayin'
Has happened A LOT over the years !!
6 people like this.
Reply 18 - Posted by:
Kafka2 10/5/2024 3:14:20 PM (No. 1808044)
There are ever more reports of FEMA and other government agents obstructing the efforts of local responders that are providing help. When self-important idiots are on a power trip, rather than working with local responders, they do more harm than good.
2 people like this.
Reply 19 - Posted by:
danu 10/5/2024 7:04:59 PM (No. 1808134)
the 750 is not a gift-it's a loan- to be applied for and paid back...if youre the wrong colour.
all the ppl in govt, from stem to stern, who are blocking our contributions, and yours, and elon's
are all under orders to block all the aid, and maximise the killing and destruction, en masse.
evil minds rejoice in filling homes, rivers and trees with dead men, women and children
...across the land.
1 person likes this.
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