Reply 1 - Posted by:
ldb51 10/6/2024 1:56:34 AM (No. 1808270)
Sorry about the length. I just had to put down the thoughts keeping me awake.
So let's recap the last several months (fact check from recent news if you like):
• The FEMA emergency assistance funds have gone to Cartels, NGO’s, untold U.S. government bureaucrats and other shadowy figures to pay for smuggling illegals into America and for supplying their goodies and “walking around” money;
• Outrageous and foolish national spending and debt-enhancing economics have brought an extreme spike in inflation, raising prices across the board and making living expenses a source of suffering for a large portion of the public, while an unsustainable, intentional flooding of the country with undocumented, unvetted and legally unqualified foreign nationals by the Administration (an ideologically-driven coup against the American people, culture and social contract) is causing untenable employment, wage, health, crime and social issues;
• FJB, or whoever makes “Presidential” decisions in the U.S. administration these days, sold off much of our strategic emergency oil reserves for a quick political fix, leaving us hurting for self-defense and emergency response;
• Likewise, several billions of dollars’ worth of state-of-the-art military equipment, weaponry and supplies were left behind and essentially given to Afghani warlords to use on each other and other countries, or to sell to terrorist entities throughout the world. For that matter, I wonder how many mobile field generators, solar-electric arrays, refrigeration units, all-terrain type vehicles and helicopters, all of which could be saving lives in North Carolina, Georgia etc., were abandoned in place by our short-sighted Administration and military leaders? I understand there were several hundred vehicles alone;
• Our military credibility and defense posture are crashing versus the Chinese and the rest of the new Axis of Evil, making extreme responses to aggression almost inevitable, as negotiations, threats and bluffs may no longer work;
• A substantial percentage of our tax revenues, military hardware and logistical expenses are going to support war proxies around the globe, and we seem to be wobbling insanely toward deeply involved kinetic conflagrations in all corners of the world;
• America's cash wealth and economic assets are rapidly and by all possible subterfuge being shifted to the elitist class, who are in accumulation mode and looking for a fast escape and salvation through high-tech and international deals;
• FJB/FKH can't (or won’t) find any funds to steal to pull our sorry b-tts out of any significant emergency situations;
• One of our two major political parties stonewalled the American people for over three years to hide the fact that the “President” they installed was mentally incapacitated, apparently sometimes given to verbal violence out of the public eye, and certainly to flights of fantasy and shocking mental “absence”. They used his mental condition to allow others to manipulate government policy until the re-election cycle, at which time they cynically REMOVED the Chief Executive without a public vote (an ACTUAL and PROSECUTABLE coup against a sitting government), and used a closed-door cabal to replace him with an entirely unknown and very unpopular replacement who had never received a public vote at even the Primary election level;
• FKH has already started talking about such perverse, immoral, and illegal actions as demanding annual taxes for theoretical paper profits which were never realized, even though no benefits were obtained and they could actually show losses at the time of eventual liquidation. This would set the stage for arrests and de facto confiscation and conversion of personal assets such as real estate, retirement funds, investment portfolios, and personal and family businesses;
• In the process of colluding with human smugglers and traffickers, our agencies have lost something like 300,000 non-citizen children to the underworld, while importing tens of thousands of convicted murderers, rapists, and other criminals along with the “sanctuary” seekers, thus encouraging and strengthening organized gangs, overall crime statistics, and the rampant sexual slavery and abuse that many of our elites seem to thrive on;
• Federal officials are strutting around like anointed royalty, incompetence and arrogance on full display, blocking independent emergency volunteer rescue and supply efforts in the absence of anything like coordinated government response to the recent hurricane in the Southeast, while attempting to confiscate supplies and, apparently, withhold assistance from unfriendly voter bases;
• Federal law enforcement just can’t manage an effective and timely investigation of repeated plots and attempts on a Presidential candidate’s life, nor mount a robust physical defense of his person, apparently (uniquely?) when that candidate is of the opposition party; and
• Rather than informing and protecting the public as they should, a completely useless, derelict, sycophantic and complicit national press and media selectively covers for the Government’s Executive and bureaucratic behaviors, inadequacies and crimes, denying their reality and attacking any and all who call them to the public’s attention, making them both the propaganda machine and suppression arm of the Administration as it pursues its transformational policies.
Does it really matter whether this is GROSS criminal incompetence at the very highest levels, or absolutely evil and nefarious intent and collusion from top to bottom, when our country’s (world’s?) future is on the chopping block either way? In other words, does it really matter whether this rampant malfeasance is complete mental incapacity on the part of our leaders, or rather if they just want it to look that way? Either way, they are working feverishly toward extinguishing western culture and destroying our Nation in particular. Ever since BHO said we were just “days away from a fundamental transformation” of our country…
Either way it is incumbent on the rest of us to put a stop to our own destruction, and the priority has got to be, “first, stop the bleeding.” The catalogue of likely impeachable or convictable offenses by the Administration and probably the entire Democrat Party against the people and the Constitution is already so large as to probably generate a century’s court backlog and keep the Nation’s lawyers busy for generations.
Revolutions and wars have been started under far less provocation- at just what point does this mess become more than the American people will tolerate, peaceable sheep as they tend to be? Is this a Clinton-Obama-Harris application of Cloward and Piven, overwhelm the system with demands, confusion and conflict until it just melts into submission? If our leaders are purposely crashing the country, I would hope for far more whistleblowers - where the h-ll are our “representatives?”
The only positive thing about this situation is that, at least for a portion of the population, this is all getting out into the open. Unfortunately, the popular anger has only just begun to rise. Not enough people seem to be aware that it is not just cliché that these politicians and bureaucrats work FOR US and are paid from our taxes and sweat. They do not really create anything of social import nor commercial value, but are chartered in their precious positions to preserve good order in government and to facilitate to the extent possible good, happy and prosperous lives for all of us, while minimizing their interference in our lives.
Instead, they tend to leverage their charter to give them a master’s power over our lives and activities, inventing regulations and imposing penalties without the detailed will and permission of the governed. They act less as the facilitators of the law, and more as the Law itself, made flesh. Many of them enjoy this power far too much, and (surprise!) see it as a convenient path to personal influence and wealth. Creating empires within agencies and departments, they drive costs and government growth without regard to the public benefit or damage. And we let them get away with it.
Our first task, in order to restore national security, sovereignty, constitutionality and integrity, HAS TO BE separating these offenders‘ hands from the levers of power, in all areas of government. Clearly, they and their perversely creative ideological icons have developed strategies and ruses for turning the slightest innocuous entry point in our laws into a gaping hole of opportunity, so their influence must be scrupulously removed, and measures taken to insure they never return.
This is, and clearly has been for some time, a concerted, full-on insurgency and coup against the Constitution and the American people. We are watching our nation die, and we must understand that the evil drivers of the process, and their mentally deficient but complicit followers, have nothing positive for this Nation on their minds. They are prepared to kill in the name of defending life, enslave in the name of promoting freedom, and destroy utterly in the name of idyllic creation.
It is unfathomable that, given the evidence and the outcomes of the various crimes and perversions of our Republic that these Dems, Progressives, and Leftists have committed, any aware and intelligent person in the truly patriotic American electorate could remotely be fooled into buying the lies and propaganda they attempt to drown us in. I do not want to believe that such blindness and self-destruction can take root in the American soul and spirit.
Given these circumstances and evidence, I personally can only take anything short of a resounding Trump victory in the upcoming election to mean a combination of two factors: 1) these Democrats and Progressives have stepped up their efforts at subverting our legal and election processes to an unheard-of degree in a last-ditch attempt to cement their control over all of us, and have ripped all legitimacy from our legal and electoral processes, substituting crime, negligence and lies for honest effort and legitimate outcomes, and therefore DO NOT MERIT honoring the result of the criminal effort they have indulged in; and 2) there is a depressing portion of the American people who truly are foolish, ignorant and uncaring enough to buy the Marxist, globalist authoritarian bulls—t fed to them by the Left and their fellow travelers, to the extent that they will knuckle under and submit to the nonsense and totalitarian drive of these people IN SPITE OF the clear evidence that they are being played for fools and will lose everything of importance in their lives, and the lives of their children.
In the second instance, I STILL do not recognize the legitimacy of the votes of the foolish and cowardly, when the evidence of wrongdoing is so clear to anyone with a conscience or common sense. I can only hope that the second eventuality is not a truly significant part of the American legacy after all of her years on this earth, because we cannot allow our nation to be dragged down to its death by such laggards and incompetents.
So, I believe that a Trump victory is logically and morally the only acceptable outcome of the next Presidential election. There is far too much criminality and deceit wrapped up in the other party and candidate’s ascendancy to the halls of power to resemble anything close to justice or righteousness. I can only hope that the American electorate will find courage, wisdom and virtue in its heart, and that it will do what is right and proper to stave off the encroaching evil and save our blessed Nation.
Please vote, and round up some new friends to take with you.
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