Debate revealed Tim Walz to be a fraud
‘everyman’ — and a lightweight
New York Post,
Joe Concha
Original Article
Posted By: Moritz55,
10/4/2024 4:14:20 AM
If Donald Trump wins this election, the postmortems on Kamala Harris’ campaign should put her choice of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate at the top of her list of mistakes.
Much of America got to know Walz for the first time during Tuesday’s vice-presidential debate. Unlike his appearance at the Democratic National Convention, the Walz we saw on the debate stage didn’t have his words written for him in a teleprompter. And the unfiltered version underscored a very obvious fact about the governor: He is patently fake. For starters, how about this “Coach Walz” nonsense, which he broached yet again on Tuesday. Let’s be real,
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
PChristopher 10/4/2024 5:17:51 AM (No. 1807163)
I took an immediate dislike to him when I first saw him come and do all that overly animated waving and pointing.... totally cringe.
35 people like this.
Reply 2 - Posted by:
3XALADY 10/4/2024 5:38:05 AM (No. 1807172)
He reminded me of Richard Simmons with all his jumping around and waving his arms. Walz and Harris being this close to sitting in the Oval Office is enough to make your heart stop beating. I have to think the polls are useless. Mr. Walz is a communist. Period.
31 people like this.
Reply 3 - Posted by:
Flyball Dogs 10/4/2024 5:47:24 AM (No. 1807178)
How was this “man” ever elected as Guvner of Minnesota?
And I STILL cannot believe some of the stories that the Harris campaign “vetters” did not know about all his lying.
26 people like this.
Reply 4 - Posted by:
berthabutt 10/4/2024 6:19:36 AM (No. 1807189)
He's another blob of clay that was molded into the standard Stepford DemoBot, ready to be imprinted & pumped full of whatever traits & 'character' boxes the lefties have the whim to check.
13 people like this.
Reply 5 - Posted by:
nwcudagal 10/4/2024 6:26:58 AM (No. 1807193)
He tries to be "folksy" with his answers, but he comes off as a fraud.
15 people like this.
Reply 6 - Posted by:
chumley 10/4/2024 6:55:56 AM (No. 1807201)
After all the hype I was expecting another Biden style babbling idiot, or someone in a Karl Marx mask. I was kind of disappointed that didnt happen. Since then there have been stories after stories that his performance was the worst in history, demonic, guided by lizard aliens or whatever else the mind of an ignored and desperate writer can come up with. I didnt see it. I think the right wing press is manipulating us just the way the left wing press does.
I'll be glad when this season of falsehood is over. Oh wait, there will be another one starting immediately when the impeachments start again.
3 people like this.
Reply 7 - Posted by:
Strike3 10/4/2024 7:30:26 AM (No. 1807221)
As has been previously stated, Harris needed a VP candidate who was more stupid than she is. That was a difficult task to accomplish but Minnesota provided Walz. The same task once fell upon Barack Obama and we know how that went.
20 people like this.
Reply 8 - Posted by:
anniebc 10/4/2024 7:31:02 AM (No. 1807222)
kamala received zero votes; she has no business running for president. At all! Period.
22 people like this.
Reply 9 - Posted by:
DiegoDude 10/4/2024 8:09:35 AM (No. 1807251)
Knew he was a d@#che bag the minute he started screwing MN during Covid, the in the summer of 2020. We rolled through Minneapolis then and the place looked like the third world sh@tholes I visited when I was in the military.
10 people like this.
Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 10/4/2024 8:24:28 AM (No. 1807261)
When Minaretsota elected Hulk Hogan governor, I knew that the position was the equivalent of a 'gag gift'.
It's a gift...but makes you want to gag. At least Hogan had achieved some success in another field, and was actually entertaining. Neither apply to Frogmouf.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
Corndoggies 10/4/2024 8:41:58 AM (No. 1807276)
It’s said people don’t vote for the vice president but the contrast is so wide and JD so impressive Tuesday night, I can’t help but think this year that might’ve changed.
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Reply 12 - Posted by:
Ida Lou Pino 10/4/2024 9:01:27 AM (No. 1807289)
I have not heard or known of anyone - - not a single politician or pundit - - who has pointed out the fact that in 1989 Hong Kong was NOT a part of China. It was an independent city-state within the British Commonwealth.
Tampon Tim repeatedly said that he was in "Hong Kong China" - - when, in fact, Hong Kong was not a part of China.
Aren't there any knowledgeable adults or professionals left - - in the world of political punditry?
12 people like this.
Reply 13 - Posted by:
Lawsy0 10/4/2024 9:45:54 AM (No. 1807341)
Wait for it; he'll be quoting Hillary before long, saying "I ain't no ways tired..." That won't make any more sense coming from Timpon than it did Hellary.
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Elmer Fudd, Mr. Magoo or another one..... which cartoon character is Walz?
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Reply 15 - Posted by:
Rumblehog 10/4/2024 1:50:08 PM (No. 1807515)
Too bad we can't have all Governors debating their opposition peers from other States in order to similarly expose the frauds.
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Re #10. Hulk Hogan was never governor of Minnesota, that was Jesse Ventura.
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