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A Week to Remember

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Posted By: DW626, 9/22/2024 5:40:09 AM

Some weeks there’s not much of great importance. Others, like this week, there is almost too much to absorb, but in my view the key items are the destruction of the terrorist Hezb’allah organization, the vacuity of Kamala Harris and the media’s great efforts to glide her into office while hiding her agenda, the pernicious ruling class and why they have forfeited our trust, and lastly, the pending scandal which ties celebrities and key Democrats to sex trafficking and racketeering.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: pixelero 9/22/2024 7:19:17 AM (No. 1800120)
Democrat voters don’t care about the person running for office; all they care about are the policies that person either does or does not represent. Democrats evidently are OK with shadow bureaucrats and staffers making actual decisions, and the officeholder being merely a placeholder. Anyone who cannot see the moral bankruptcy of someone like this ex-New York COVID czar or Sean Combs, and their exploitation of, well, everybody, is to be pitied— but not to be trusted.
30 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: udanja99 9/22/2024 7:56:58 AM (No. 1800140)
Beg to differ, #1. Way too many democrat voters know nothing about their candidate’s policies and only care that either there is a “D” after their name or that they are part of the newest fad in politicians. Which this year is First Black (a little bit) Woman. Even though they can’t define what a woman is.
36 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 9/22/2024 7:58:25 AM (No. 1800142)
Democrat votes (remember 81 million?) come in a triple layer sandwich. Layer 1 - The gimme vote. These people will never budge no matter who the candidate and what the policies. Layer 2 -The gaslighted layer. Trump is going to track every single pregnancy in the country. Send blacks back to the plantation. And of course destroy 'our democracy'. Layer 3 - The bogus ballot vote. Mules in the night, corrupt counters, the mail in ballots. Our job is for We the People to vote in such numbers as to overwhelm 1 & 2 so that the Layer 3 becomes an impossible task. There is no other way between now and November.
34 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 9/22/2024 7:59:26 AM (No. 1800144)
Israel is the RoadRunner, Hezbollah is Wile.E.Coyote. The continued destruction of Hezbollah is welcome, except for members of the Democrat Party. As for Flipper Flopper, we know there's a vacuum between her ears that produces saladic talking points. Unfortunately those voting for FF like Soviet style pre cradle to post grave control over their lives.
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: anniebc 9/22/2024 8:38:05 AM (No. 1800172)
We the people have to take some responsibility for how covid was handled. Another the initial bigness of covid, we should have looked at things objectively instead of through a fear lens. We let them tell us to shut our businesses and churches down and keep them shut down. Pastors like John MacArthur fought back and won. We walked around with dumb masks on and took vaccines that were rushed to market. We helped them hoax us and gain power over us. Most dem votes are input for them. biden did not get 81 million votes; those ballots were counted for him by lying cheating operatives, over and over again. kamala is as unknown as barack obama was when they stole the first election for him; they're pulling the same rope-a-dope with her. obama didn't talk about policy; he talked hope and change. It wasn't as hard to steal his first election as it was the second one. Of course, McCain and Romney helped tremendously. I don't believe they were running to win as much as they were running to keep a better Republican from winning; that's theft too.
22 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Strike3 9/22/2024 9:21:07 AM (No. 1800208)
Weekly news as only Clarice can bring it. She hits several nails on the head with her outstanding writing. "one of the most surgical attack on enemy combatants in the history of wars" It took an embattled tiny country in the Middle East to show the world what it takes to defeat islamic terrorism and make all of their sponsors look like absolute fools, Iran and the United States included. The Biden administration has supported Iran and hampered Israel in the past year, that is unforgiveable. Our CIA has been operating for about 75 years and has never come this close to the IDF and the Mossad in efficacy and perfection in an operation. Although Kamala Harris is not yet in office, she has shown herself to be a total zero and we still fear that this country will be stupid enough to put her into office to lead what was once the greatest country in the world. In many ways we are pathetic but at least half of the American people have the capacity to resist our downhill trajectory and we now know our enemy very well. Let's do it for the sake of our children and grandchildren.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/22/2024 11:23:29 AM (No. 1800290)
It has been a tough week...first with the attempt to kill President Trump at his golf course and then Gutfeld's conversation with President Trump to reassure Americans he's well and pushing was very interesting...WE don't need the FBI or the SSSecuity big shots to pat US on the head and tell US what WE must think and how wonderful they are....WE are be you and ME...MAGA!!
12 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: FLCracker 9/22/2024 12:01:48 PM (No. 1800307)
I hope Helz-a-poppin doesn't start using carrier pigeons. Unlike the pagers and walkie-talkies, the pigeons are alive. The pigeons didn't do anything wrong, but will face certain death.
9 people like this.

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In 1962, being the worst in baseball was
no bad thing
7 replies
Posted by DW626 9/23/2024 12:40:11 PM Post Reply
So, the Chicago White Sox looks like not just the worst team to date in the 21st century but in baseball history, too. As the seasons end, summer fades, and autumn leaves begin to drop, the White Sox are on their way to recording the most losses in the history of America’s National Past Time. Normally, most baseball fans root for records to be broken. Think of Hank Aaron breaking Babe Ruth’s home run record, a mark that stood until Barry Bonds bested Aaron (although we still don’t know if performance-enhancing drugs made the difference)
A Week to Remember 8 replies
Posted by DW626 9/22/2024 5:40:09 AM Post Reply
Some weeks there’s not much of great importance. Others, like this week, there is almost too much to absorb, but in my view the key items are the destruction of the terrorist Hezb’allah organization, the vacuity of Kamala Harris and the media’s great efforts to glide her into office while hiding her agenda, the pernicious ruling class and why they have forfeited our trust, and lastly, the pending scandal which ties celebrities and key Democrats to sex trafficking and racketeering.
The Expressions on These Reporters' Faces
After Their Interview With Kamala Says
It All
13 replies
Posted by DW626 9/20/2024 12:09:38 PM Post Reply
Again, this is why Kamala Harris doesn’t do interviews: she’s braindead. The woman did a livestream event with Oprah Winfrey, which should have been a cakewalk. It ended up being a word salad extravaganza and a painful one. Winfrey exhibited body language that didn’t display confidence in the vice president. I don’t think the cultural icon knew what Harris was talking about half the time. Harris’ interview with the National Association of Black Journalists this week caught all three journalists giving expressions that weren't positive.
A Target on His Back -- Trump as the New
John Wick
8 replies
Posted by DW626 9/20/2024 11:48:55 AM Post Reply
So now we have the murmurings of a third possible assassination attempt on the life of former President Trump. Multiple attendees seated onstage at Trump’s Tucson rally experienced severe eye pain afterward, requiring emergency room treatment. The initial indication supports the premise that there was possibly some kind of agent released in the air that caused the malaise. Granted, information is sparse at this point, but would anyone be surprised if it were true? You can almost feel it, the rising excitement in the lunatic fringe.
Can Harris's Cynical, Run-Out-the Clock
Campaign Succeed?
12 replies
Posted by DW626 9/20/2024 7:35:53 AM Post Reply
Cynically running out the clock has been the overarching principle of the entire abbreviated 105-day presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris -- ever since President Joe Biden, at the 11th hour, dropped out in July. Harris seems unwilling or unable to answer any impromptu question that she has not been previously prepped for. Her answers at the debate were memorized and canned. They never addressed the questions asked. Her single, 11-minute post-debate Philadelphia interview was a shipwreck of dodging
This Is Not The America We Were Promised 4 replies
Posted by DW626 9/19/2024 12:07:31 PM Post Reply
The events of the last few years have confirmed that we are no longer a democracy in the sense that we once thought we were – and I know we’re a republic, but follow along with me. The premise of a democracy is that individual citizens can participate in the political process by making their positions known and voting for representatives who they understand will support their views. But those components are under attack here and throughout the West. They are under attack because our garbage elite considers our participation in our own governance to be both morally illegitimate and a practical nuisance.
Ohio lawman suggests taking note of where
the Harris yard signs are, so we know
where to send the Haitians
14 replies
Posted by DW626 9/18/2024 3:01:42 PM Post Reply
Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski, from Portage County, Ohio, is one based lawman. (For reference, Portage County is just east of Akron.) According to a report from Fox News, Zuchowski offers a unique approach to anyone asking how to prepare if Kamala Harris should “win” in November, a reality which would see the floodgates of the illegal invasion opened wider than ever before—while one might wonder how it could get worse than the rate that’s seen more than 10 million foreigners pour in over the past four years, never underestimate the destruction that one Democrat can do. Per Zuchowski, Americans should get ahead of the curve
There’s allegedly an affidavit claiming
ABC gave Kamala the questions before the debate
11 replies
Posted by DW626 9/13/2024 6:58:28 AM Post Reply
One of the things that was obvious during the debate was that Kamala came in with a lot of memorized material. Those who like her were impressed by how well-prepared she was. Those who don’t like her noted that she had to memorize everything because she is incapable of answering substantive questions on the fly—and that her memorized answers were platitudes, canned phrases, and blatant lies. What didn’t occur to those of us who dislike Kamala was that the memorized lines invariably went right to the heart of the questions. Weird, huh?
“Excuse Me, Are You His Daughter?”
– Watch This Newly Unearthed Video of
Married San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown
with His Side Piece Kamala Harris in 1995
13 replies
Posted by DW626 9/10/2024 2:49:27 PM Post Reply
Never forget that Kamala Harris launched her political career in the bedroom as married Mayor Willie Brown’s mistress. Democrats picked Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate in July in a silent coup of the sitting president, Joe Biden. And, of course, the legacy media’s obedient stenographers pushed forward with their fresh Kamala narrative, not questioning what had just taken place. Kamala Harris is best known for being former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s much younger sidepiece.
If You Want To See Where America Is Heading,
Look To 1453
4 replies
Posted by DW626 8/28/2024 6:59:36 AM Post Reply
They say history repeats itself. Properly forewarned, it doesn’t have to. As Americans prepare to write a pivotal history for the ages this November—one way or another—it might be helpful to take a quick look at an earlier moment in time when a much divided, fractured world faced a pivotal challenge with one man at the barricade and the rest of the world too complacent to help. Constantinople, the city that Constantine the Great founded in 330 AD and that the Theodosian walls later protected, stood as the capital of the Roman Empire for 1,000 years.
Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas
About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism
4 replies
Posted by DW626 8/23/2024 6:35:19 AM Post Reply
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”—Ronald Reagan When I grew up, Great Britain was exotic. There were the red telephone booths, Buckingham Palace, black cabs, and, of course, the Bobbies (police) and the Beefeaters. England was the land of Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth I, and Henry IV. For me, Britain was history incarnate .(Snip) The genesis of today’s dystopia began almost three decades ago when immigration took off in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The number of non-EU immigrants averaged over 200,000 per year for a decade and then skyrocketed after 2020.
CNN Commentator Had a Brutal Observation
About Bill Clinton's Convention Speech
7 replies
Posted by DW626 8/22/2024 3:06:48 PM Post Reply
CNN’s Scott Jennings struck again last night. Former President Bill Clinton addressed the crowd, where Slick Willy looked rough. Is he the same age as Trump? Sure, but we’ve been here before, folks. As Bill Maher said, Trump is like KISS—he may be old, but after he puts on the wig and makeup, he sounds like he did back in 1978. This convention has been a freak show, but Jennings’ observation of Clinton’s speech was spot-on: why was Clinton here when the voters he appealed to in the party have become Trump Republicans? Moreover, what is a man who was never held accountable for the credible accusations of rape
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Hillary: Election Between ‘Dark, Dystopian’
Trump, ‘Level of Energy, Even Joy’
in Kamala
28 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 11:28:01 PM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” that the election in November is between “dark, it’s dystopian” former President Donald Trump and joyful Vice President Kamala Harris. Clinton said, “When President Biden withdrew and endorsed the vice president, I immediately along with my husband, endorsed her as well. And it felt right it felt exciting, exhilarating. I think she is not only absolutely equipped and ready to be president. I think we need somebody like her right now.”
General Milley Ignored Trump Order to
Deploy Nat. Guard at US Capitol Prior
to Jan. 6 – Then After J6 Riots, He
Reportedly Placed Military Under His Control
While He Was Holding Secret Calls the Chinese
27 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 11:35:18 AM Post Reply
Shocking new details were released by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee on Friday of US military brass ignoring President Trump’s request for security on January 6th. President Trump knew there would be a massive crowd of Americans at the planned rallies outside the US Capitol and at the Ellipse that day. So, Trump ordered the National Guard to be deployed to the US Capitol prior to the planned protests on January 6. The newly surfaced transcripts, which were previously concealed, reveal the truth that many in the mainstream media have ignored.
Clueless or Deluded? 700 'National Security
Officials' Release Letter Endorsing Kamala Harris
25 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/22/2024 5:03:05 PM Post Reply
Of all the things that Kamala Harris is unfit to do, of all the duties she should never be entrusted with, commander-in-chief of the American armed forces and the national intelligence apparatus has to be at the top of the list. That is not, however, preventing over 700 "national security officials" from endorsing her in her POTUS run. That's an endorsement that is almost as chilling as her endorsement by the tax collectors union. This endorsement from "national security officials" reads like it was written on Opposite Day: More than 700 high-ranking national security officials have endorsed Democratic candidate Vice President Harris
Who could be in Harris’s Cabinet? Let
the chatter begin
24 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/22/2024 7:55:17 AM Post Reply
As Democrats revel in Vice President Harris closing the polling gap against former President Trump, speculation is ramping up over who might serve in a potential Harris Cabinet if she prevails in November. Any Cabinet appointee would likely face a razor-thin Democratic-controlled or GOP-controlled Senate, meaning Harris would have to balance partisan realities with her desire to break the mold with her choices, like naming the first woman to head the Pentagon.“I’m sure it will be very diverse. I think it will be a mix of people who have been around Washington for a while in these kinds of roles because she respects that,
Hollywood Mogul Barry Diller: Trump’s
‘a Rotten Person,’ Needs to Be ‘Pushed
Into the Dust Heap of History’
22 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/22/2024 8:55:28 PM Post Reply
Media titan Barry Diller wants to see former President Donald Trump “pushed into the dust heap of history” come November, claiming a Kamala Harris presidency would be “extraordinarily healthy” for America. Speaking at a recent business summit in West Hollywood, Diller — the mogul who runs the left-wing Daily Beast, among many other media properties — glossed over the many failures of the Biden-Harris administration, including record consumer prices, an unprecedented tidal wave of illegal immigrants, and the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. None of that appears to matter to Diller. What does matter is getting rid of Trump.
Motel 6 owner Blackstone sells chain to
Indian hotel startup for $525 million
20 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 9/22/2024 7:10:36 PM Post Reply
An Indian hospitality technology firm is set to buy Motel 6, the motel chain's parent company announced Friday. In a press release, Blackstone Real Estate said that it came to terms with Oravel Stays to take over G6 Hospitality, the umbrella brand that includes Motel 6 and Studio 6, in a $525 million transaction for the budget lodging chain. Based in Gurgaon in northern India, Oravel Stays operates hotels under the OYO brand, and says that the G6 companies will remain separate. "This acquisition is a significant milestone for a startup company like us to strengthen our international presence," Gautam
Malicious actor Liz Cheney says new ‘conservative’
party may be in the offing
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/22/2024 5:06:36 PM Post Reply
Liz Cheney continues to linger in the public eye after she was run out of Congress by Republican voters and is now calling for a new “conservative” party to counter the America-first influence of Donald J. Trump in the GOP. The disgraced former congresswoman appeared at the Capital Times Idea Fest in Madison, Wisconsin where she sat down for an interview with Peter Baker of the New York Times, airing her grievances with the former president and suggesting that it’s time for the neocons and Never Trumpers to pick up their toys and go elsewhere. Cheney told Baker – who is also an MSNBC analyst –
No One Elected Her: Why Does Jill Biden’s
Signature Appear on Joe Biden’s Official
Legislation Folders?
19 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 1:50:40 AM Post Reply
A very curious image has been making the rounds on social media for a few days now and it’s raising some serious questions about who is really in charge of the country right now. It’s a picture of one of Joe Biden’s official legislation folders and it includes not only Joe Biden’s signature, but also Jill Biden’s. Why does her signature appear here? No one elected her to anything. Just this week, people across the country were shocked to see Jill Biden sitting at the head of the table at a Joe Biden cabinet meeting, now this. Conservative Twitter/X user Comfortably Smug posted the image:
Violent Mob Rampages Through Philadelphia,
Attacks Police Officers and Patrol Cars
as Lawlessness Reigns Supreme
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/23/2024 2:41:34 PM Post Reply
Philadelphia continues its spiral into chaos under Democratic leadership, with violent mobs once again taking to the streets, this time attacking police officers and patrol cars in a brazen display of lawlessness. According to reports from 6 ABC, hundreds of cars and massive crowds participated in illegal car meetups, causing widespread chaos that lasted from 9:30 p.m. Saturday until 4:30 a.m. Sunday. At least 11 meetups took place, six of which turned into violent confrontations with police. The mayhem resulted in the hospitalization of one officer, while five police cars were heavily damaged.
House Leaders Agree on Funding Deal to
Avoid Government Shutdown
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/22/2024 8:22:45 PM Post Reply
U.S. House leaders unveiled a bipartisan funding agreement on Sunday to avoid a government shutdown. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced the legislation to fund the government until December 20. It includes $231 million in U.S. Secret Service funding with conditions that the agency would cooperate with congressional investigations. The spending bill also provides funding to replenish a disaster relief fund and aid with the presidential transition.
Secret Service Agent “Accidentally”
Shoots Himself with His Own Weapon
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/22/2024 4:21:23 PM Post Reply
The Secret Service in America not only failed to protect President Trump from nearly getting assassinated on two occasions, but it’s so discombobulated that agents are now shooting themselves. WUSA 9 revealed today that a United States Secret Service (USSS) agent was on duty Saturday evening right before 8 p.m. when he “negligently” discharged his weapon and shot himself. The incident reportedly happened near 32nd and Fessenden Streets in northwest Washington, DC. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment and is expected to recover from his injuries. The Secret Service is not making any further details public at this time as they plan to investigate what happened.
Mass shooting in Alabama leaves 4 dead,
at least 21 others wounded, no arrests
made: police
17 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 9/22/2024 9:03:49 AM Post Reply
Four people were killed and at least 21 others were wounded in a mass shooting Saturday night in Birmingham, Alabama. Two men and a woman were killed at the scene in the 2000 block of Magnolia Avenue in the Five Points South area near the University of Alabama at Birmingham, while a fourth victim died at the university's hospital, Birmingham Police told The incident happened shortly after 11 p.m., Officer Truman Fitzgerald told the outlet.
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