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Let Trump Be Trump

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Posted By: Hazymac, 9/11/2024 11:21:23 AM

I’m currently sailing blissfully among the fjords of Norway, chilling with lots of Akvavit and looking for Michael Palin’s famed “Norwegian blue” parrot, and thus because the debate last night took place at 3 am local time, I didn’t take it in. I wasn’t surprised to see accounts that Trump performed poorly, that the moderators were biased, that Kamala was effective enough to meet diminished expectations. I don’t however, see the case for doom and gloom, for a variety of reasons. A month ago I posted the following Tweet/X, which was widely misinterpreted: (X) Many readers thought I was comparing Trump favorably to Ronald Reagan, and that I was predicting


Hayward understands. The conclusion of his post is, I think, optimistic.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 9/11/2024 11:28:44 AM (No. 1793926)
FTA: "I keep seeing article after article on a daily basis, from sensible people saying sensible things, about what Trump “must do” to win the election. Most of these articles offer good advice, and are likely right. But after all this time shouldn’t we realize that Trump will pay no attention to any of this advice. Trump is an instinctual politician. He is going to win—or lose—as what he is. There’s no “New Trump” hiding somewhere in captivity. All of these articles are wasted ink and pixels. And the “what-he-is” of Trump has gotten him pretty far, and exerted a world-wide effect for the better." Amen, brother...
39 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: earlybird 9/11/2024 11:34:20 AM (No. 1793928)
OP, thanks for posting. You are contributing some v. good ones with v. good comments. ... A longtime asset here.
30 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Hazymac 9/11/2024 1:10:02 PM (No. 1793976)
Devoutly, I hope and pray that Hayward is right about the following. It really got my attention. FTA: I continue to think he is going to win, because I have a near mystical belief that he’s a world-historical figure of destiny. ... (H)e may not be sufficiently articulate, but he has become the surprising and unexpected champion of everyone around the globe who has had it with our conventional ruling elite of nearly all historic political parties. The old order is dying, and a new one is struggling to be born, against fierce opposition and long odds. And while I am fully aware of Trump’s many defects, our ruling class, our corrupt institutions, universities, government bureaus, and mass media, deserve to lose to him. This particular LDotter was known for not being an early Trump supporter (although I am now! and have been since September 2016). Maybe that was because of being a mentee of WFB. Trump isn't even remotely my style. But I understand how important his leadership is to the world. He had an impossible task because almost every word out of Quemala's mouth was a lie. A month wouldn't be enough time to respond, although he could have responded better than he did. In 2008 hearing Joe Biden do the same thing with Sarah Palin, I realized it was no use because the MSM is in on the lies--the MSM and their alleged fact checkers, who belong at the bottom of Chesapeake Bay. The legacy media is totally corrupt, sealed in the cask for the Democrats. And thanks to #1 and 2. We who love America do our best.
36 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/11/2024 3:58:38 PM (No. 1794045)
Great post, Hazymac. Much thanks. I'll add to earlybird's excellent contribution by quoting the following from Hayward's piece - FTA - "I continue to think he is going to win, because I have a near mystical belief that he’s a world-historical figure of destiny. No, it’s not rational in any conventional sense, though perhaps I can spin a neo-Hegelian case. (But that wouldn’t be prudent.) I can give you rational reasons why he should be favored to win, too, but why crib from Nate Silver’s work. The point is, he may not be sufficiently articulate, but he has become the surprising and unexpected champion of everyone around the globe who has had it with our conventional ruling elite of nearly all historic political parties. The old order is dying, and a new one is struggling to be born, against fierce opposition and long odds. And while I am fully aware of Trump’s many defects, our ruling class, our corrupt institutions, universities, government bureaus, and mass media, deserve to lose to him." Once again, today's radical leftists starting with Obie, biden the cheater, his border czar Kamalie and her loyal attack dog Walzie, must be beaten - for good. Let's roll.
32 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: anniebc 9/11/2024 8:02:28 PM (No. 1794148)
Yep, let Trump be Trump. We're done with politicians.
24 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BaldGuy 9/12/2024 7:04:37 AM (No. 1794273)
Hang in there the words of the famous philosopher Megyn Kelly a few weeks ago: "There is no way the American people are going to elect this NIMROD as President!!"
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: john56 9/12/2024 9:41:43 AM (No. 1794396)
Everytime my dear sweet wife, who is very pro-Trump, gets frustrated with something he says that in her.mind puts his reelection in jeooardy, I remind her that the Trump Train is an exciting and rewarding ride, but it's going to have some bumps and scary turns. Just keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
17 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: PrayerWarrior 9/12/2024 11:23:09 AM (No. 1794454)
At our house, we have never prayed as much for a president as we have for President Trump. With all of the attacks and an attempted assassination, President Trump needs our prayers to fight the demonic forces arrayed against him. And yes, we are on the Trump train with our seat belts on. It's a bumpy ride, but it's oh so worth it! God bless all of you lucianne posters!
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Zigrid 9/12/2024 11:34:49 AM (No. 1794466)
I have been saying for a long time....let Trump be Trump...he tells it like it political spin...he's not a politician...but a real all you huff and puff moaners ...let him be...if you don't like him...oh well... there are millions out here who do...and will vote him into office in November...if you can't deal with that...go to Canada....
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Timber Queen 9/12/2024 12:13:47 PM (No. 1794479)
I voted for Jimmy Carter. I was a stupid, brainwashed, single-woman Democrat during President Reagan's two terms. I didn't see the light until marriage to TK during Clinton's second term, when I started listening to Rush in order to prepare for our nightly dinner table debates. I was converted in about six months. Fifteen years ago we visited the Reagan Library with my life-long best friend and her husband who live in Simi Valley, and who had been there several times. While I sat in the auditorium watching the clips of his speeches tears streamed down my face. I was overcome by shame at my former beliefs of this great man; by how I had been manipulated by lies and deceit. I vowed I would never again let myself be fooled in such a manner, nor would I let others. It was that vow that motivated both TK and I to work feverishly for Donald Trump in 2016. Health circumstances prevent us from such activities this go-around, but we are ardent prayer warriors and have our huge TRUMP banner across our front deck accompanied by a Trump stand-up figure. It may not be much here in rural, blue northern California, but we're making our stand. MAGA TRUMP - VANCE 2024
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Reply 11 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 9/12/2024 1:59:53 PM (No. 1794529)
TQ, if you are able to get TK over to the closest movie theater, go see "Reagan". Talk about a trip down memory lane. I used to think that Maggie Thatcher and Reagan were related because they saw things the same way and acted the same.
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Strike3 9/12/2024 2:01:08 PM (No. 1794530)
I would like to believe that there are insufficient numbers of whacked-out, leftist, green-haired, Hollywood-influenced, basement-dwelling morons in this country to elect Kamala Harris but the events in our big cities and college campuses in the past year cast serious doubts on that optimistic belief. Trump is like that rare racehorse that does not need careful control of the reins or use of the whip, he runs by instinct and performs superbly. In a fair election, he has the win. MAGA - FKH
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That media 'narrative' about pets going
uneaten by Haitian migrants in Ohio is
starting to fall apart
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/11/2024 7:18:04 PM Post Reply
Yes, they're getting eaten. ABC News debate moderator David Muir made a big deal of "fact-checking" President Trump when he cited reports at last night's debate that pets were being eaten by Haitian migrants in Springfield, Ohio, whose flooding 20,000-strong presence was creating many problems for the city of 58,000. (X) My transcript: TRUMP: "What they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country. And look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States. In Springfield, they're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats. They're eating, they're eating, the pets of the people
A father’s grief cannot override his
hatred for Republicans
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/11/2024 2:02:54 PM Post Reply
Springfield, Ohio, has been in the news because it’s emerged that some of the 20,000 Haitian immigrants dumped on that small town in the last three years have been dining on people’s pets. That scrutiny reminded people that a Haitian immigrant driving illegally killed an 11-year-old Springfield boy. Now, the boy’s father has lashed out—at Republicans. On August 22, 2023, Hermanio Joseph, a 35-year-old Haitian immigrant with an Ohio identification card and a Mexican driver’s license that was invalid due to his immigration status, was driving a minivan that crossed into oncoming traffic, striking a school bus. The collision caused the bus to roll over, ejecting 11-year-old Aiden Clark,
Let Trump Be Trump 12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/11/2024 11:21:23 AM Post Reply
I’m currently sailing blissfully among the fjords of Norway, chilling with lots of Akvavit and looking for Michael Palin’s famed “Norwegian blue” parrot, and thus because the debate last night took place at 3 am local time, I didn’t take it in. I wasn’t surprised to see accounts that Trump performed poorly, that the moderators were biased, that Kamala was effective enough to meet diminished expectations. I don’t however, see the case for doom and gloom, for a variety of reasons. A month ago I posted the following Tweet/X, which was widely misinterpreted: (X) Many readers thought I was comparing Trump favorably to Ronald Reagan, and that I was predicting
DC police release bodycam video of deadly
shooting involving Violence Interrupter
Justin Robinson
19 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:50:01 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON - Body camera footage released by D.C. police Monday shows the moment officers shot and killed Justin Robinson, a Violence Interrupter for the city, during an incident at a Southeast McDonald’s last week. The footage was made public following community pressure for its release. While a statement from the Mayor’s Office initially indicated that Robinson’s next of kin did not want it shown, the family reversed their decision over the weekend. At a vigil held on Friday, some of Robinson’s family members called for the "full release" of all body camera footage from officers on the scene. The incident began when police responded to a call about a car crash
Bombshell Undercover Sting Exposes How
Google Is Actively Helping Kamala Harris
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:38:04 AM Post Reply
In yet another bombshell exposé, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) has shed light on how Big Tech is up to its same old shenanigans in order to help Kamala Harris get elected. During a date with an undercover OMG journalist, Dakota Leazer, a growth strategist and ad salesman at Google, admitted that the tech giant has been manipulating its search engine advertisements to favor Harris ahead of the 2024 election. According to Leazer Google’s ad campaigns are strategically designed to promote Harris while appearing to be legitimate news content. As Leazer explained, "Google was essentially promoting through its ads... rhetoric that
Beating the Cheat 1 reply
Posted by Hazymac 9/10/2024 8:13:59 AM Post Reply
It can’t actually be said that the either the Butler assassination attempt or Joe’s bugout upended the 2024 campaign. That had already largely occurred by the second week of July. Every last effort against Donald Trump by the progressive establishment and their Deep State and bureaucratic allies had collapsed by that point. The lawfare campaign miscarried completely, generating sympathy for Trump and anger against his tormentors. The Supreme Court’s decision in Trump V. United States put an end to that chapter and cleared the way for Donald Trump’s next move. Judge Aileen Cannon’s dismissal of Jack Smith’s demented records case is simply icing on the cake. (Even though Jack,
Attention, Childless Cat Ladies: Illegals
are coming for your pets
2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/9/2024 12:47:37 PM Post Reply
In Springfield, Ohio, there are reports that Haitian migrants, including illegals, are out eating people's pet cats. And dogs. And seagulls. And ducks in ponds. And geese in public parks. And horses. And that's starting to bother the locals: (X) (Snip) We all know what dog abuse allegations did to Mitt Romney's and Kristi Noem's political prospects. People like their pets and work hard to protect them. They are distressed when they lose them. And most important, they have a right to them, it's called "the pursuit of happiness." The pets have certain rights, too. If their owners were to kill them, they'd be in jail for animal cruelty,
The Deep State Is Past Its Shelf Life 4 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/9/2024 7:53:30 AM Post Reply
At the Economic Club of New York, President Trump announced: “I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms.” Elon Musk is eager to get involved with the project. In one fell swoop, every other reason for re-electing Donald Trump took a back seat to the tantalizing possibility of turning his second term into an Office Space sequel. No government since the Byzantine Empire has been in more desperate need of immediate downsizing. Can you picture the billionaire boys putting on their “efficiency expert” hats
Elton John's New Remarks About Trump Are
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5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/8/2024 6:28:05 PM Post Reply
Democrats and media have been going all in to demonize former President Donald Trump as we count down to the election. We see that in the constant drumbeat of bad press for him and positive press for Kamala Harris, for example. Anything Trump or his running mate, JD Vance, says is somehow twisted into something they didn't actually say to make them look bad. The Dems and legacy media look desperate at this point. It's pretty clear that a lot of the public is able to see around the manic narrative, and that's why Democrats have to be nervous at this point in terms of the election as the Kamala
Tim Walz Got Caught Lying Again 15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/8/2024 6:24:01 PM Post Reply
It's Friday, so obviously there's another Tim Walz claim from his biography we have discovered is a lie. According to a new report, the latest fiction from Walz involves his academic credentials. Despite his claims of almost becoming “Dr. Walz,” official records paint a different picture. "As recently as 2011, Tim Walz claimed in official biographies for his campaign and congressional office that he was on the verge of completing a doctorate in education, a decade after he enrolled in a doctorate program at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota in the small town of Winona," reports The Washington Free Beacon. "The university, however, told the Washington Free Beacon
The Los Angeles Times blames Republicans
for California’s woes
9 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/8/2024 5:10:31 PM Post Reply
One of the hallmarks of narcissism is that when things go wrong, it’s always someone else’s fault. Being a narcissist means never having to say you’re sorry. Nothing more perfectly illustrates this truism than an essay from yesterday’s Los Angeles Times blaming Republicans for California’s myriad woes. While the author is correct that, when Republicans had the chance, they didn’t make smart decisions, the reality is that it’s the Democrats who have led California to the desperate place it’s in now. Steve Lopez’s essay doesn’t make the mistake of blaming Republicans for all the state’s problems. He concedes that Democrats have long controlled the former Golden State, which is plagued by
Popular Firearms Expert Announces His
Own Death in YouTube Video Titled ‘I’m Dead’
6 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/8/2024 4:22:04 PM Post Reply
YouTube firearms expert Paul Harrell announced his death Tuesday in a pre-recorded video. “He everyone, let me get right to the point, Harrell said in the opening of the video posted to his YouTube channel, which he said was made on Dec. 20. “I’m recording this and giving Brad instructions to publish it upon my death, so if you’re watching me, I’m dead,” he said, referring to Brad Nelson, his manager. “Now a few months ago I sat here on this log, and told you I’d been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and I told you we caught it early and we were going to be here for some time.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Ohio Gov Takes Action After Springfield
Residents Speak Out About 20,000 Haitian
Migrant Influx
27 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2024 9:03:43 AM Post Reply
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) is sending law enforcement and millions of dollars to Springfield, Ohio, after residents’ public grievances about the influx of 20,000 Haitian migrants to their community garnered national attention. DeWine said Tuesday that state troopers will be sent to help address the growing reckless driving issue, largely sparked by the migrant influx. He’ll also be dedicating $2.5 million toward health care. Wait times for health care have significantly increased for residents due to the migrants. “I want the people of Springfield and Clark County to know that as we move forward, we will continue to do everything we can to help the community deal
Donald Trump’s anger might not take
him any further
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Posted by Big Bopper 9/12/2024 1:41:53 PM Post Reply
When I was a kid, I had a bad temper. I suppose in today’s psychobabble, they would say I had an “anger-management issue” and perhaps they would give me a handicapped parking pass or other special privileges. But back in the day, I was just a kid with a temper. One summer day when I was about 11, when my parents weren’t home, my brother and sister locked me out of the house for reasons I don’t remember (but they were probably good ones). A back door to the house was sliding glass.
2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral
Votes Designated a National Special Security Event
25 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/12/2024 3:40:35 AM Post Reply
Washington – The 2025 Counting and Certification of Electoral Votes in Washington, DC on Jan. 6, 2025, has been designated a National Special Security Event by the Secretary of Homeland Security.This marks the first time a National Special Security Event designation has been granted for a Certification of Electoral Votes and follows a request made by the DC Mayor to designate this event a National Special Security Event. Various reports including from the House Select January 6 Committee and the Government Accountability Office also called for the DHS Secretary to consider a National Special Security Event designation for future Certification of Electoral Votes.
Creeping Sharia in France: "We no longer
sell ham. Otherwise they’ll burn everything.”
22 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/12/2024 2:21:48 PM Post Reply
Muslims have been threatening boulangeries and restaurants in France, even those owned by non-Muslims, to become strictly halal. That means all pork products must be banned. Some outlets have had to ban alcohol, while others have declared that only men should shop in their stores during the week, and women only on weekends. [SNIP] After months of pressure and the latest altercation in his bakery in Vénissieux (Lyon), Alexandre Dallery announced on Friday that the boulangerie would stop selling pork products.
Former top Clinton adviser calls on ABC
to launch internal probe into whether
debate was rigged
18 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 9/12/2024 5:43:58 PM Post Reply
Mark Penn, a former top adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton, called Thursday for ABC to launch a formal internal investigation into its news division's planning and execution of this week's presidential debate to determine if there was some effort at "rigging the outcome of this debate.[Snip] "I don't know what they told the Harris campaign. I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on[Snip]fact-checking just one candidate and in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate.
Atlantic Ocean cooling is seasonal variation,
doesn't disprove global warming | Fact check
17 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 9/12/2024 7:04:14 PM Post Reply
The claim: Atlantic Ocean cooling shows climate change is a 'lie' An Aug. 26 Instagram post shows a headline attributed to New Scientist that reads, "The Atlantic Ocean is Cooling at Record Pace, and Nobody Knows Why."The post also shows a meme with a nervous-looking person it labels as a "climate warrior" who is "caught in a lie." The post's caption includes the hashtag "#GlobalWarming." The post garnered more than 7,000 likes in more than two weeks. Our rating: False The New Scientist article referenced in the post reported that seasonal cooling in part of the Atlantic Ocean occurred more
White House official slammed over accidental
email to reporter declaring there’s
‘no use in responding’ to veteran
concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal
16 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/12/2024 7:02:37 AM Post Reply
White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was met with intense criticism Wednesday after he inadvertently emailed a reporter that there is “no use in responding” to veteran concerns about the Harris-Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Kirby, 61, apparently intended to send his dismissive response to White House staffers but accidentally hit “reply all” on an email chain that included the Fox News reporter making the inquiry. “Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” read Kirby’s email, according to the outlet.
Trump Shuts Down Any Future Debates,
Releases Scathing Hit on Kamala Harris
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/12/2024 4:43:32 PM Post Reply
There will not be a second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. On Thursday, the former president announced that he wasn't interested in a rematch and then proceeded to slam Harris. When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, “I WANT A REMATCH.” Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate. She and Crooked Joe have destroyed our Country, with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA, totally unchecked
Deceased Senator’s $65,000 Diamond Ring,
15th Century Art, Go on Auction
14 replies
Posted by OhioNick 9/12/2024 1:46:54 PM Post Reply
It’s funny just how insanely wealthy our “public servants” are. This is the kind of thing you expect from European royalty, not former American government officials. But how much of a difference is there really? Jewelry, political mementos and a “stunning collection of American art” once belonging to Sen. Dianne Feinstein are hitting the auction block. The “Legacy of a Stateswoman” auction from Bonhams, happening Oct. 8 in Los Angeles, will include some of the California Democrat’s most beloved — and glitzy — personal items. “Legacy of a Stateswoman”. How classy.
How JD Vance Responded to the Media's
Meltdown Over the Haitians Eating Pets
Story in Ohio Was Masterful
14 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2024 7:08:40 AM Post Reply
Well done, Sen. Vance. Last night, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked the 2024 vice presidential nominee about the Ohio Haitians ravaging the town of Springfield, where there are rumors of pets being eaten by these people. Ducks and geese are also being consumed, and we have police reports to that effect. The media has dismissed the claims, calling them myths, but we’ll have to wait and see. If geese are being chopped up, so can dogs and cats—it’s not that big of a stretch.
Democrat Sen. Blumenthal Warns ‘American
People Will Be Shocked, Astonished and
Appalled’ by Report on Secret Service
Failures in Trump Assassination Attempt
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2024 9:06:57 PM Post Reply
Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) warned that the American public would be ‘shocked, astonished, and appalled’ by the level of incompetence and failure within the Secret Service surrounding the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Trump almost got killed during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, by Thomas Crooks, an armed assailant who somehow infiltrated the rally, climbed onto rooftops, and fired off multiple shots. Crooks, who had been seen staking out the rally beforehand, was able to carry a gun onto a rooftop, leap between buildings,
First Biden-Harris CBP One Bus Delivers
Migrants from Southern Mexico to U.S.
13 replies
Posted by Imright 9/12/2024 7:13:31 PM Post Reply
Mexico’s National Institute of Migration (INM) announced the arrival of the first bus of migrants under its new “Secure Emerging Mobility Corridor” program. The program offers migrants free transportation, including meals and security from the Mexico/Guatemala border to ports of entry in the United States, where they will be admitted under the Biden-Harris CBP One app. The first bus arrived early Wednesday morning in Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, located just across from McAllen, Texas. The bus carryied migrants from several CentralThe government of Mexico provided the migrant’s travel under a program announced after a series of meetings between the Biden-Harris administration
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