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Military Deployed to Guard a Migrant Hotel
in New York at ‘Request of the State
Officials’: Report

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Posted By: Imright, 8/31/2024 2:46:15 PM

Military personnel were reportedly deployed to guard the Wolcott Hotel in Manhattan at the request of state officials. On Tuesday, citizen journalist Jason Goodman, founder of Crowdsource the Truth, captured footage of military stationed outside The Wolcott Hotel. The Wolcott Hotel, located on West 31st Street in New York City, has recently been converted into a mega-shelter for migrants. This transformation was confirmed by a report from the New York Post, which revealed that the hotel, once a bustling hub for tourists, has indefinitely closed its doors to regular guests back in 2023 due to the ongoing migrant crisis

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Namma 8/31/2024 3:06:42 PM (No. 1788042)
Words have meanings. It is not a migrant hotel. It is a hotel were the government is using tax dollars to house illegals. ( I think that makes our government a traitor! Housing felons)
30 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: cor-vet 8/31/2024 3:15:47 PM (No. 1788046)
Instead of guarding our border against illegal alien invaders, our government uses our military to protect the illegal invaders, and dem voters see nothing wrong with that picture!
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 8/31/2024 3:18:03 PM (No. 1788047)
Pray tell. Why is the military there? Who or what is the military protecting? State official requested this? Doesn't this require the approval of the GOVERNOR? What made this necessary? Or is our government trying to 'create' an incident.
22 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Hermit_Crab 8/31/2024 3:34:40 PM (No. 1788053)
Wouldn't it be nice if they put even half the money and effort into protecting and supporting their own citizens instead of the criminal illegal alien invaders?
16 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: chumley 8/31/2024 3:49:43 PM (No. 1788060)
Rather than guard it, maybe they could level it?
13 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: jasmine 8/31/2024 3:57:09 PM (No. 1788068)
What's going on? Open your eyes and look around. In what universe does it make sense for American politicians to import MORE poverty into the US, while our own citizens' needs remain unmet? Dems have spent decades claiming to want to "end" poverty, when their real goal has always been to import more of it. Who provides "sanctuary" for illegal aliens at the expense of American citizens? No politician who believes Americans deserve to come first in their own country wants any part of that. Only the least trustworthy of politicians takes sides against citizens, as Dems are doing all across the country. In Oregon, while schools in poor communities deteriorate, Oregon politicians can afford to hand out $30,000 "benefits" to "first time home buyers" including illegal aliens with absolutely no right to be on our soil. Folks tired of being treated as second class citizens in their own country need to step up and vote out those who WANT citizens at the end of the line behind the "newcomers."
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: WV.Hillbilly 8/31/2024 4:01:13 PM (No. 1788069)
This is a ploy to have the National Guard in NYC for the Trump sentencing. NYPD may call a sick out so they won't have to participate in that farce.
19 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: mc squared 8/31/2024 5:48:51 PM (No. 1788101)
Manhattan has dozens of hotels just like the Wolcott.. It must be VERY bad in and around the hotel.
7 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: LanceLink1 8/31/2024 5:55:27 PM (No. 1788106)
Gee, why not just change their uniform to a plain brown shirt with a cute little arm band or something....... I know, make the taxpayer wear a gold T on their chest to make us easier to spot and sort out later. We can then be loaded on the new high speed rail to the reeducation camps.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: BarryNo 8/31/2024 6:05:27 PM (No. 1788110)
Who are they providing security for?
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: dwa 8/31/2024 6:13:29 PM (No. 1788114)
I do believe this violates the Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits the use of the military in civilian law enforcement. But then these are democrat officials so, hey, laws don't need to be followed.
12 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 8/31/2024 6:56:59 PM (No. 1788134)
Free labor for NYC paid for by US Army but the Navy can't man all their ships due to a manpower shortage, I suspect these are related.
8 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: anniebc 8/31/2024 9:18:40 PM (No. 1788174)
And the military members dutifully follow this illegal order, right? "In the video, he can be heard questioning the presence of the military at a civilian hotel, asking, “Is the army turning this thing into a migrant shelter? Why are you guys here? It’s a hotel. Why is the army at this hotel?” One of the soldiers responded bluntly, stating, “We’re here at the request of the State of New York.”"
5 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: sw penn 8/31/2024 9:37:25 PM (No. 1788179)
When does a concentration camp become a concentration camp?
3 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Harlowe 9/1/2024 12:26:37 AM (No. 1788223)
#7,#10,#13~ The hour is late but just happened upon a social media article reinforcing the information posted by Ldotter #7 at 4:01 PM on 8/31/24 anticipating President Trump being “taken into custody and sent directly to Rikers Island by Judge Juan Merchan” on September 18th. Latest information “says the National Guard is being staged there because the Mayor of NYC and Governor Kathy Hochel both believe the police unions are preparing to stage a mass ‘out sick’ day in support of President Trump on September 18th because none of the officers want to be involved in the persecution of Donald Trump.” Further, “the New York State National Guard has started staging guardsmen in hotels around the NYC courthouse where President Trump is going to be sentenced on September 18th.” Reference: “Could this be the reason the NG are stationed in NYC?” Abraham Lincoln: “I know that the Lord is always on the side of the right; but it is my constant anxiety and prayer that I and this nation may be on the Lord's side.” “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
7 people like this.

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Cruz: Harris And Mexico’s President
In Cahoots To Flood U.S. With Millions
Of Illegal Aliens
0 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 11:48:18 PM Post Reply
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said this week that the president of Mexico and Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris are in cahoots to flood the U.S. with as many illegal aliens as possible to shift America’s politics dramatically to the Left. Cruz made the remarks during his “Verdict” podcast with co-host Ben Ferguson while talking about the vice president’s disastrous policies which have wreaked havoc on the southern border — and on communities across the U.S. that have had to deal with the explosion in crime and weight of having to provide for millions of illegal aliens. “Kamala Harris wants more illegal immigrants in America,” Cruz said.
Kamala Harris 'Reproductive Rights' Bus
Tour Will Be a Non-Starter for Black Religious Southerners
0 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 11:36:36 PM Post Reply
Vice President and selected Democrat nominee Kamala Harris, her running mate MN Gov. Tim Walz, and her campaign surrogates will launch a bus tour on Tuesday to the battleground and Southern states. The theme? "Fighting for Reproductive Freedom." I have stated before that the only job where Harris has been effective is advocating for the killing of babies in the womb. This new messaging incorporates IVF and some of their other aims to reflect Democrats are "pro-family," but abortion is still the main event. Lipstick on a pig can be a different color or shade, but at the end of the day, it's still a pig.
'Reagan' Movie Gets 97% Audience Approval,
But Liberal Snob Film Critics HATE It
2 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 11:30:10 PM Post Reply
Our old colleague Kristine Parks at notes the new movie Reagan, starring Dennis Quaid, is strongly liked by audiences with a 97 percent audience score on the site Rotten Tomatoes. But the critics are liberals, and among them, it only had a 26 percent score. Compare that to the 2016 movie Southside with You, a biopic which gushed over young Barack and Michelle Obama. Both were positive movies, but the Obama film received rave reviews and a 91 percent score by critics (71 percent audience). Christian Toto told Fox News: "Film critics, by and large, lean relentlessly to the left, and they let that flavor their reviews.
Watch: Kamala in Detroit vs Kamala in
Pittsburgh: Kamala Harris’s Bizarre
Urban Accent Disappears as She Delivers
SAME LINE to Pittsburgh Voters!
2 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 11:17:25 PM Post Reply
What a difference a few hours and a plane ride makes! Earlier Monday Kamala Harris busted out a new bizarre urban accent as she spoke with voters in Detroit. “Ya betta thank a union memba for sick leave! You betta thank a union memba for paid leave! You betta thank a union memba for vacation time!” Kamala Harris shouted. This is some of the worst pandering we have ever seen from Kamala Harris. Watch: (X Video) After pandering to voters in Detroit, Kamala Harris flew to Pittsburgh to campaign with Joe Biden.
Hamas Filmed Six Hostages Before Executions;
One Clip Released by Family
1 reply
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 11:14:20 PM Post Reply
Hamas terrorists filmed the six Israeli hostages before executing them last week — a gruesome reminder of the tactics of psychological warfare once used by ISIS. The Jerusalem Post reported: Hamas has released a video on Telegram on Monday showing the six recently slain hostages speaking into a camera, while also announcing that it will release their “last message to the world” before they were killed. In the video, all six hostages whose bodies were found by the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] on Sunday are seen confirming their identities before cutting to a still frame threatening to release their “last messages.”
New Walls to Tear Down 4 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 7:31:47 PM Post Reply
The movie Reagan just opened. It’s wonderful, and the scene where he calls for Mr. Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall!” is amazing. Entertaining, heartwarming, and nostalgic are words that come to mind. A man of faith who loved America, Ronald Reagan’s historic persona is a president who reached across the aisle and struck chords that resonated with Democrats and Republicans alike — hence the phrase “Reagan Democrats.” Did Reagan believe in American exceptionalism? Perhaps, but his actions on the world stage to combat the Soviet Union’s desire to smother the world under communism made clear that if he did, he saw America’s exceptional nature not as privilege,
Netanyahu pushes back against new pressure
over Gaza and hostages: ‘No one will
preach to me’
3 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 7:12:05 PM Post Reply
Tel Aviv, Israel— Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday pushed back against a new wave of pressure to reach a cease-fire deal in Gaza after hundreds of thousands of Israelis protested and went on strike and U.S. President Joe Biden said he needed to do more after nearly 11 months of fighting. In his first public address since Sunday’s mass protests showed many Israelis’ furious response to the discovery of six more dead hostages, Netanyahu said he will continue to insist on a demand that has emerged as a major sticking point in talks — continued Israeli control of the Philadelphi corridor, a narrow band along Gaza’s border with Egypt
Breaking: Multiple Cars in Tim Walz’s
Motorcade Involved in Crash En Route to
Milwaukee Event
5 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 7:05:36 PM Post Reply
A serious accident occurred earlier today involving multiple vehicles in Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s motorcade as they were en route to a Labor Day event in Milwaukee. The incident, reported by the Daily Mail, happened just after 12:57 p.m. Eyewitnesses described a chaotic scene as the vehicles, part of a convoy escorting Governor Walz, collided with each other, leading to significant damage. A press van within the motorcade bore the brunt of the impact, with one staff member reportedly suffering a broken arm.
Angel Family of Rachel Morin Calls Out
‘Lack of Acknowledgment, Compassion’
from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
3 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 7:02:19 PM Post Reply
The Angel Family of Rachel Morin, the 37-year-old mother of five who was murdered allegedly by an illegal alien MS-13 gang member, says President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have lacked compassion throughout the tragedy. “The Morin family is deeply disappointed by the lack of acknowledgment and compassion from President Biden and his administration,” the Angel Family’s attorney Randolph Rice said in a statement: The silence is deafening, and it sends a troubling message that the safety and well-being of American citizens are not a priority. This lack of concern serves as a reminder of the apparent disregard by the Biden administration for the victims of preventable crimes
Kamala Harris' New Nickname Is So Funny
and So Right on Target
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 3:02:39 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has so many things wrong with her that one could parody with a nickname. We've seen a variety of monikers floated out there already, including things like Cackling Kamala and Chicken-mala after she started ducking debates. But it was actually one of her supporters who managed to lead us to the perfect nickname that truly encapsulates how bad voting for her would be. Victor Shi, a Democratic influencer who is part of the "Youth Team" for Harris and Walz, posted the following. (X)
Canadian-Born NY Times Contributor Calls
Constitution a “Threat to American Democracy”
That is “Beyond Redemption,”
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 10:59:50 AM Post Reply
Canadian-born writer Jennifer Szalai’s recent article for The New York Times calls the U.S. Constitution a ‘threat to American Democracy’ that is ‘beyond redemption.’ Szalai’s piece, ‘The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?’ suggests that the document may be one of the biggest threats to America’s politics, describing it as “a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.” She criticizes the Electoral College and laments the Constitution’s protection of minority rights as a “tyranny of the minority” and a “disempowerment of majorities” and blames the founding document for being responsible for President Trump’s election in 2016.
Kamala Harris to Georgia Voter: I Washed
My Collard Greens in a Bathtub
34 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 10:26:08 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris told a voter in Savannah, Georgia, last week that she made so many collard greens for a friend’s Christmas party that she washed them in the bathtub. “I have a friend who had a Christmas Party Christmas Eve every year, and she asked me to make the greens for her party every year. And I am not lying to you, that I would make so many greens, that I’d need to wash them in the bathtub. I’m telling you the truth.” Harris said. Harris then divulged her recipe, which the voter seemed to appreciate.
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Prince Harry 'feels overshadowed by Meghan
Markle and plotting return to UK'
40 replies
Posted by Harlowe 9/2/2024 12:24:48 AM Post Reply
Prince Harry is reported to have told friends that he feels like a "spare" in the United States. Pals of the Duke of Sussex have reportedly said he feels that he has lost his way and even feels overshadowed by his wife, Meghan Markle, in public. [Snip] They added: "The Colombia trip also really highlighted how Meghan is comfortable stepping into the spotlight, while Harry cuts a very sulky, unhappy figure in the background." The unnamed source claimed Harry wants to find a way back to royal life in Britain and is seeking the advice of old pals and associates.
Kamala Harris to Georgia Voter: I Washed
My Collard Greens in a Bathtub
34 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 10:26:08 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris told a voter in Savannah, Georgia, last week that she made so many collard greens for a friend’s Christmas party that she washed them in the bathtub. “I have a friend who had a Christmas Party Christmas Eve every year, and she asked me to make the greens for her party every year. And I am not lying to you, that I would make so many greens, that I’d need to wash them in the bathtub. I’m telling you the truth.” Harris said. Harris then divulged her recipe, which the voter seemed to appreciate.
Biden claims Netanyahu not doing enough
to secure deal with terrorists
29 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/2/2024 11:43:32 AM Post Reply
President Biden claimed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not doing enough to secure a hostage deal with Hamas terrorists. Biden made the remarks to reporters before heading into the Situation Room, where he and Vice President Harris are convening with a hostage deal negotiating team following the murder of 23-year-old Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin and five other hostages by Hamas on Saturday. On the South Lawn of the White House, where Biden disembarked from Marine One upon returning from his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, one reporter asked, "Mr. President, do you think it’s time for Prime Minister Netanyahu
Kamala Harris' New Nickname Is So Funny
and So Right on Target
18 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 3:02:39 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris has so many things wrong with her that one could parody with a nickname. We've seen a variety of monikers floated out there already, including things like Cackling Kamala and Chicken-mala after she started ducking debates. But it was actually one of her supporters who managed to lead us to the perfect nickname that truly encapsulates how bad voting for her would be. Victor Shi, a Democratic influencer who is part of the "Youth Team" for Harris and Walz, posted the following. (X)
Exclusive: Trump reveals he'll bring BACK
the federal death penalty and expand it
to cover these sick crimes... do you agree?
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 1:40:34 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump says he will end the Justice Department moratorium on executions on his first day in office, and use the full force of the law to go after major drug dealers and cop killers. The Trump campaign sees crime, in general, and Kamala Harris's record as a prosecutor in California, in particular, as areas where they can inflict damage on her presidential bid. And in an exclusive interview with, Trump laid out more details of his crime-fighting agenda starting with whether he would reverse the Biden-Harris administration's freeze on federal executions.
Schumer: McConnell has chance to ‘salvage’
some of his reputation
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 7:54:21 PM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) in an interview published Monday said he believes Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will be remembered “poorly,” while noting he could save some of his reputation by getting “the old Republican Party back.” Schumer told Punchbowl News he has recently been “more friendly” with McConnell in light of the Republican’s efforts to shore up GOP votes for bipartisan legislation under President Biden, including the most recent aid package for Ukraine. This, however, may not have been enough to change McConnell’s legacy, Schumer added.
Canadian-Born NY Times Contributor Calls
Constitution a “Threat to American Democracy”
That is “Beyond Redemption,”
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/2/2024 10:59:50 AM Post Reply
Canadian-born writer Jennifer Szalai’s recent article for The New York Times calls the U.S. Constitution a ‘threat to American Democracy’ that is ‘beyond redemption.’ Szalai’s piece, ‘The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?’ suggests that the document may be one of the biggest threats to America’s politics, describing it as “a document that is essentially antidemocratic and, in this day and age, increasingly dysfunctional.” She criticizes the Electoral College and laments the Constitution’s protection of minority rights as a “tyranny of the minority” and a “disempowerment of majorities” and blames the founding document for being responsible for President Trump’s election in 2016.
Protests erupt at California State Capitol
after pair of reparations bills shelved
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 9/2/2024 11:31:01 AM Post Reply
A pair of reparations-related bills for the descendants of enslaved Black Americans failed to pass in the California legislature on Saturday after backers said the bills would not move forward. Authored by Democrat state Sen. Steven Bradford of Inglewood, Senate Bill 1331 would have created a new state fund for reparations, while Senate Bill 1403 would have established a state agency to oversee these efforts and determine who would be eligible. These measures were considered key components of some lawmakers’ ambitious efforts to pass legislation aimed at atoning for what they said was a legacy of racist policies that drove disparities for Black people, from housing to education to health.
Tim Walz rides on as motorcade crashes
in pile-up, leaving staffer injured
14 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/2/2024 4:48:38 PM Post Reply
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz continued on after his motorcade crashed in a several-car pile up that injured a staffer Monday on their way to a campaign stop for Vice President Kamala Harris in Milwaukee, Wisc. The motorcade crashed at 1:57 p.m. ET, when several press vans in the line up slammed into each other. Walz, who was toward the front of the motorcade, was unaffected and kept going, according to reporters who were in the vans. “A staff member in our press van appears to have a broken arm and is being treated by medics. Everyone else is shaken but appears to be in okay condition. We were violently thrown forward,
Can They Really Reinvent Kamala Harris
in 70 Days?
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/2/2024 12:15:56 PM Post Reply
Under pressure, Harris just completed her first “live interview”—a disastrous performance that was mysteriously taped, edited, and emotionally supported by her co-interviewed running mate. During the interview, she claimed that her values remain the same even though her manifestations of them have admittedly changed. Translated, that means for the next 70 days, she will advocate for popular policies antithetical to her own values, which will inevitably resurface after the election once the current façade fades away.
Biden teams up with Harris on campaign
trail for 1st time since dropping re-election
bid against Trump
12 replies
Posted by Moritz55 9/2/2024 1:47:55 PM Post Reply
Six weeks after he ended his re-election campaign amid rising calls from his own party to drop out of the race, President Biden returns to the campaign trail for the first time on Monday. It will be the first of a "robust" schedule of campaign appearances by the president on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris over the next two months, a White House official tells Fox News. "President Biden will be leaning in heavily over the next several months to finish the job," White House communications director Ben LaBolt said.
Denver’s Sanctuary City Designation
Brings Venezuelan Prison Gang to Town
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/2/2024 8:21:45 PM Post Reply
When Denver designated itself as a sanctuary city for migrants, it likely didn’t anticipate that its hospitality would result in a Venezuelan prison gang setting up shop in one of its suburbs. The Denver City government’s choice to tolerate and encourage open borders migration has enabled the violent Tren de Aragua gang from Venezuela to make Aurora, Colorado a base of its operations. Now the gang has taken over apartment complexes and unleashed a growing wave of violent crime.
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