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Politico Reports They Have Received Hacked
Documents from Inside the Trump Campaign
for 19 Days

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Posted By: earlybird, 8/11/2024 12:18:27 PM

Noticing the outlet with the story is always the first step in identifying the motive behind it. Together with the New York Times, Politico is the most favored outlet by the FBI, DOJ and domestic IC apparatus. snip) (snip)Politico is told by Trump officials they are holding “foreign originated” “hacked documents” from a “senior official inside the Trump campaign.” This is the exact scenario that Politico and the aligned media railed against on behalf of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Now, however, the same Politico is running to the typeset to share what they previously said was illegal to report and share. They’ve got nothing. But keep watching.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: andyboy 8/11/2024 12:27:56 PM (No. 1776312)
I vaguely remember a story from decades ago where there was a break-in and a political party's confidential documents were burglarized. But as far as I know, no one considered it a big deal, and nothing ever came of it. /s/
54 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 8/11/2024 12:38:35 PM (No. 1776314)
OK, then Politico needs to be charged with being in possession of stolen goods. Florida AG Moody needs to throw the book at them.
56 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Bur Oak 8/11/2024 12:41:26 PM (No. 1776319)
Just curious, how does Politico know if it is from inside the Trump campaign or just lies? From a foreign source or the CIA or FBI? Is Christopher Steele at work for the DNC again?
58 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Petronius 8/11/2024 1:56:43 PM (No. 1776348)
I am sure 51 intelligence experts will soon come forth to pronounce the documents as genuine.
40 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: slipstik 8/11/2024 2:06:35 PM (No. 1776355)
The alphabet needs deconstructing, very badly, as in completely...
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: anniebc 8/11/2024 2:10:46 PM (No. 1776361)
The alphabets need to be dragged into a mass prison with the rest of the US destroying crooks.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Muguy 8/11/2024 2:42:31 PM (No. 1776379)
There are alphabet agencies who look at and record ALL the emails sent inside the country and outside the country, and Microsoft only discovered and reported this only a few days ago.... something that had been going on for 19 days??? Methinks maybe there was spoofing to perhaps blame Persia as involved in this to hide internal deeds with a scapegoat..... See Ms. Atkinson formerly of CBS and 33,000 missing emails that are stored somewhere that is somehow not important...
14 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bighambone 8/11/2024 4:00:08 PM (No. 1776419)
If the documents were unlawfully obtained and then passed on to Politico in an effort by foreign advisories to sabotage the US election processes, you would think that federal law enforcement would take immediate action to seize them as part of a criminal/ intelligence investigation. But by now if you have been paying attention to the current partisan political standard of justice that such a matter involving a victim who is the Republican presidential candidate, you have to figure that the DC Democrats consider the matter to be a “joke” and they run the show in DC at least until the November election is over.
14 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: stablemoney 8/11/2024 6:13:26 PM (No. 1776501)
Iran maybe, but it was the FBI that leaked the documents to Politico, which is what Sundance suggests.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: judy 8/11/2024 6:18:38 PM (No. 1776502)
Politico is more corrupt than the dems….
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mifla 8/12/2024 4:57:33 AM (No. 1776685)
Didn't we have this same conversation over Ashley's diary? Anyone employed by Politico going to jail?
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: 5 handicap 8/12/2024 6:08:09 AM (No. 1776699)
Politico failed to mention that their sources are employees of Politico.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: singermom9 8/12/2024 6:51:35 AM (No. 1776708)
But my vote is totally protected right? No election fraud?
7 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: felixcat 8/12/2024 7:50:55 AM (No. 1776735)
And the Trump/Vance campaign is suppose to campaign as if everything is normal, circa the 1950s, no illegal activities, no biased news media, no stupid undecideds, etc?
10 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Zigrid 8/12/2024 10:21:26 AM (No. 1776824)
Just another attempt by the lefties to cause problems for President Trump...this means nothing...President Trump is always open and honest with the people...and nothing the fake media says is com'on give US your best shots...WE don't believe anything you say...and trust President Trump and his allies have US on the right path....
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Kate318 8/12/2024 10:30:02 AM (No. 1776830)
If any of this is remotely true, I am positive it is not as Politico presents it. Trump’s campaign may be waging a little psy op of their own.
3 people like this.

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Posted by earlybird 8/11/2024 3:56:31 PM Post Reply
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A Harris-Walz administration would be
a nightmare for free speech
9 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/11/2024 1:41:54 PM Post Reply
The selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) as the running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris has led to intense debates over crime policy, war claims, gender identity policies and other issues. Some attacks have, in my view, been inaccurate or overwrought. However, the greatest danger from this ticket is neither speculative nor sensational. A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech. For over three years, the Biden-Harris administration has sustained an unrelenting attack on the freedom of speech, from supporting a massive censorship system (described by a federal court as an “Orwellian Ministry of Truth“) to funding blacklisting operations targeting groups and individuals with opposing views.
Politico Reports They Have Received Hacked
Documents from Inside the Trump Campaign
for 19 Days
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/11/2024 12:18:27 PM Post Reply
Noticing the outlet with the story is always the first step in identifying the motive behind it. Together with the New York Times, Politico is the most favored outlet by the FBI, DOJ and domestic IC apparatus. snip) (snip)Politico is told by Trump officials they are holding “foreign originated” “hacked documents” from a “senior official inside the Trump campaign.” This is the exact scenario that Politico and the aligned media railed against on behalf of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Now, however, the same Politico is running to the typeset to share what they previously said was illegal to report and share. They’ve got nothing. But keep watching.
Kamala Harris Secret Service Detail Break
into Business to Use Restroom, Disable
Cameras to Hide Their Tracks
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/11/2024 11:53:44 AM Post Reply
People should become familiar with the THIRD AMENDMENT to the United States Constitution. It is there for a very specific reason. Amendment III – No ¹soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ¹I would argue the armed person protecting the president or vice-president meets the general guidelines for a soldier in peacetime. The U.S. Secret Service, assigned to the detail of Vice-President Kamala Harris, broke into a private residence in order to avail themselves and their contingents to the bathroom facilities of an American citizen without permission.
Big Question: How are Ukraine Stakeholders,
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to Stop Donald Trump?
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/11/2024 11:37:37 AM Post Reply
This is the simple albeit massive question that even President Trump himself doesn’t spend time thinking about. Melania does. ♦ To stop him in 2016, the FBI and DOJ ran a comprehensive surveillance operation against his campaign. The same people manufactured a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia. Have you forgotten? ♦ To stop him in 2017, the DOJ and Congress ran a comprehensive Special Counsel operation against his presidency. The justification of the SC operation was to prove a completely fabricated case of Trump colluding with Russia.
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Posted by earlybird 8/10/2024 3:01:53 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 8/10/2024 10:46:32 AM Post Reply
In a discussion about Vice President Kamala Harris’ stunning surge in the polls last week, podcaster Joe Rogan stated the obvious: “She’s the least popular vice president of all time, and then in a moment in time, all of a sudden she’s our solution.” Rogan is right. The vice president who has been a national joke for four years, tapped by President Joe Biden because he’d promised his base he would choose a woman of color, has suddenly become a serious contender in the presidential race. And now she’s picked a radical Minnesota governor with a disastrous record to round out her ticket.
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 12:50:36 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/12/2024 8:18:17 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 12:36:46 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 8/12/2024 12:44:15 PM Post Reply
This was clearly an unforeseen development coming out of the United Kingdom. As we recently discussed, unrest has been growing among the Brits over the massive migration of illegal aliens to their shores, similar to what's been seen in the United States over the past couple of years.[snip] Not only don't they want people protesting in the streets, but they are looking to silence any complaints being made online. And he's not limiting the threat to only UK citizens. He's threatening to extradite and imprison Americans who sympathize with the cause of the protesters. This is a position that he needs to rethink very quickly.
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 4:15:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 8/12/2024 12:22:59 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/12/2024 2:21:57 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 8/12/2024 2:43:34 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 8/12/2024 11:10:45 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 8/12/2024 7:08:07 PM Post Reply
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Can Harris Beat Trump With Such Weak Voter
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Posted by Moritz55 8/12/2024 1:18:17 PM Post Reply
While presidential candidate Kamala Harris avoids media questions about her proposed policies, both she and her progressive allies in the Democratic Party are already on record as favoring a number of highly controversial proposals, ranging from defunding the police to free college education. But do average Americans agree? The latest I&I/TIPP Poll provides answers. The national online poll of 1,488 adults, taken from July 31-August 2, shows it’s a mixed bag. The poll has a margin of error of +/-2.7 percentage points. It starts with a neutral question: “To what extent do you support or oppose the following actions?” That’s followed by 11 policy actions
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Posted by Beardo 8/12/2024 10:33:38 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is set to sue the Justice Department for $100 million in damages over the government’s unprecedented 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago property in Palm Beach, Florida, with lawyers arguing it was done with "clear intent to engage in political persecution." Fox News has obtained Trump’s memo claiming "tortious conduct by the United States against President Trump." Trump and his legal team intend to sue the Justice Department for its conduct during the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8, 2022, amid the federal investigation into his alleged improper retention of classified records.
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