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Special Counsel Confirms Hunter Biden
Was Taking Bribes

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Posted By: DW626, 8/9/2024 4:48:08 PM

While President Joe Biden spends yet another weekend in Delaware after the collapse of his 2024 campaign his son, Hunter Biden, is facing new and damning facts from Special Counsel David Weiss. According to a new court filing, the younger Biden took millions of dollars from a Romanian real estate tycoon in exchange for U.S. policy changes toward corruption in the country. The exchange took place while President Joe Biden was the Vice President during President Barack Obama's administration.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: bpl40 8/9/2024 4:51:57 PM (No. 1775451)
He also confirmed water flows downhill and the Sun rises in the east!
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 8/9/2024 5:16:15 PM (No. 1775458)
Tell us something we didn't know about Dementia Joe.
11 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: itsonlyme 8/9/2024 5:32:41 PM (No. 1775466)
The Demented Fuhrer........Hunter.......... October, 2020 "Listing those he sought out for counsel, he mentioned his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, his mother, Catherine “Jean” Biden, his late son Beau Biden, “and I had my son Hunter, who’s the smartest guy I know.”
4 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: padiva 8/9/2024 5:44:08 PM (No. 1775473)
Is Hunter a registered foreign agent?......for the USA?
6 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: LanceLink1 8/9/2024 5:47:35 PM (No. 1775474)
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: CivilServant 8/9/2024 7:06:59 PM (No. 1775500)
To quote the late great Bruce Willis…… “Welcome to the party, pal”
3 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: bassetguy 8/9/2024 7:39:10 PM (No. 1775507)
I wonder if anyone last name "Biden" paid income tax on the bribes? We have lots of brand new IRS agents who could look into it, maybe.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Strike3 8/9/2024 8:27:34 PM (No. 1775527)
A pardon should be illegal since Joe the Pardoner profited financially from the ill gotten gains of Hunter the bagman but why should we expect anything legal from the Biden Crime Family at this point? An honest judicial system would see all of them, including Doctor Jill, in jail right now.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: JimBob 8/9/2024 8:55:44 PM (No. 1775540)
This was supposedly going on while the Sniffer was VP. Let's see... how many years ago was that? Somewhere between Eight and Twelve? Gee, World War II didn't last that long! And this comes out AFTER the Sniffer's term is effectively over -no-one is paying attention to him these days- and released on a Friday Night Document Dump. Kind of like shooting down that ChiCom spy balloon AFTER it had completed its mission over the USA. Gee, can anyone say 'The Fix is In." or "The Just-Us Department At Work"? The only function that the Sniffer has, and the only thing on his calendar, is to sign the pardon for the Huncher at 11:45 AM on Jan 20th, 2025. These people are Evil. Jimmah is Smiling, as the Sniffer has forcefully remover from his shoulders the millstone of being the WORST. PRESIDENT. EVER.
6 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: janjan 8/10/2024 1:03:43 AM (No. 1775601)
It doesn’t matter what they find him guilty of. Biden will pardon him before the trial is completed. He has nothing to lose now and doesn’t care what anyone thinks.
3 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: mifla 8/10/2024 4:22:44 AM (No. 1775623)
Offer Hunter a suspended jail sentence if he rats out his dad. I bet he would jump at the deal.
1 person likes this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Trigger2 8/10/2024 4:23:39 AM (No. 1775624)
It's obvious. Sonny Boy belongs in jail. So does Daddy.
3 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: berthabutt 8/10/2024 10:03:55 AM (No. 1775778)
On the 5th anniversary of Mr Epstein not committing suicide does anyone else feel a vibe that Hunter's expiration date may be gaining momentum?
0 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/10/2024 5:41:37 PM (No. 1775990)
0 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: mifla 8/11/2024 5:14:54 AM (No. 1776134)
And since Hunter had no skills of any kind, the bribe was intended for the Big Guy.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: franq 8/11/2024 7:59:53 AM (No. 1776177)
The only thing the Special Counsel™ ever proves is that the high and mighty are never punished. In this life, anyway.
0 people like this.

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Special Counsel Confirms Hunter Biden
Was Taking Bribes
16 replies
Posted by DW626 8/9/2024 4:48:08 PM Post Reply
While President Joe Biden spends yet another weekend in Delaware after the collapse of his 2024 campaign his son, Hunter Biden, is facing new and damning facts from Special Counsel David Weiss. According to a new court filing, the younger Biden took millions of dollars from a Romanian real estate tycoon in exchange for U.S. policy changes toward corruption in the country. The exchange took place while President Joe Biden was the Vice President during President Barack Obama's administration.
American Jews, During the Catastrophes
of the Jewish People
5 replies
Posted by DW626 8/9/2024 7:38:04 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump asks why American Jews vote for the Democrat party, whose left wing is hostile to the Jewish state. American Jews have many concerns. Israel ranks low on their priority list, about as low as European Jews ranked on the priority list of American Jews during Kristallnacht 1938 and the Holocaust. Unlike an astonished Trump, "progressive" American Jews place very little importance on the fate of Israel and Israelis. On Nov. 10, 2018, the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany, The Times of Israel's reporter, Matt Lebovic, discussed the attitudes of American Jews toward the events of Kristallnacht on Nov. 9-10, 1938:
A Reality Check for American Voters 2 replies
Posted by DW626 8/8/2024 2:51:10 PM Post Reply
This election season, the Democrats have again descended into a quagmire of duplicity, lies, mindless name-calling, and one-upmanship. In response, the Republicans, including the Trump campaign, are predictably and foolishly initiating their own campaigns of name-calling and one-upmanship. In the meantime, the vast majority of Americans remain on the sidelines, watching the food fight. As a result, far too many fail to understand the threat the Democrat party, controlled by the Obama-led Marxist faction, poses to the country. In order to win in November, Donald Trump, his campaign surrogates
The Harris Flop Would Be Scarier Than
Her Flip
8 replies
Posted by DW626 8/8/2024 12:13:21 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden won in 2020 on the premise that until the November election, he would pose as good ol’ Joe from Scranton and not scare voters. So Biden talked about “unity” and “competency.” He erased his prior wild primary pandering to left-wing voters about shutting down fracking and opening the border. But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term. Fooled and naïve voters were shocked that their supposedly moderate candidate turned into a veritable neo-socialist president. But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term.
The New Olympic Sport: Woman Beating 10 replies
Posted by DW626 8/6/2024 7:13:09 AM Post Reply
The ancient Olympic games were held in Olympia, Greece, in honor of the Greek god Zeus. The original games date back to 776 B.C. and ran for a millennium until 393 A.D. The games were held every four years and initially only permitted first-born Greek men to participate. Artists and poets presented their works, and the ancient Olympics had a definite political flavor, even thousands of years ago. Early sports included running, boxing, chariot racing, wrestling, and pentathlon. The Olympics went dark in the 4th century A.D. until the first modern games in Athens in 1896. Over the next hundred-plus years, winter games were added, professional athletes were allowed to participate,
The ‘Crime’ Harris Was Toughest on
was Journalism
1 reply
Posted by DW626 8/6/2024 7:08:01 AM Post Reply
Finally, Congress has taken an interest in the work done by investigative journalist David Daleiden and his colleague Sandra Merritt nearly a decade ago. A week ago, for instance, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene released the full versions of subpoenaed undercover videos that were featured at the March hearing, "Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting.” As shocking as the videos are and as evil as the practice is, the more immediate problem is the possible election of presidential candidate Kamala Harris. While attorney general of the trend-setting California, Harris helped usher in the age of proto-fascism even before it was cool.
Latest Development in Biden Cocaine-gate
Fiasco Raises New Questions About the
Secret Service
5 replies
Posted by DW626 8/5/2024 8:17:10 PM Post Reply
Former Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle isn’t out of the woods yet. She tried to sneak out in the dead of night after a shambolic congressional appearance following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. Cheatle, at the time, remained defiant that she was the best to lead the agency despite this catastrophic failure in protecting the former president. More updates about this attempt only reinforce the embarrassing security flaws that led to this event. Cheatle resigned, but lingering questions, specifically that of a cover-up, lingered.
The Secret Service Cocainegate Cover-Up 16 replies
Posted by DW626 8/5/2024 4:53:05 PM Post Reply
Was it Hunter with the cocaine in the cabinet room? Ashley with the cocaine in the Oval Office? Or was it a stranger with access to the White House reference library? The mystery of the cocaine found in the White House over the July 4, 2023, holiday was closed for lack of evidence almost as soon as it began. But now there are revelations of a cover-up in the case. A new report finds that former director Kim Cheatle, forced to resign over the disastrous near-assassination of Donald Trump, wanted the evidence destroyed, the substance not tested, and the case closed quickly. This was despite the high profile nature
Dan Bongino: Whistleblowers Confirm Secret
Service Is Hiding a Big Secret (Video)
14 replies
Posted by DW626 8/2/2024 2:50:06 PM Post Reply
Former Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino blew the lid off of the culture of corruption in the Secret Service. The Secret Service failed to protect President Trump last month during a Butler, Pennsylvania rally. A bullet grazed President Trump’s ear after the gunman, Thomas Crooks, somehow evaded state, local and federal agents, climbed on top of a roof and took 8 shots at Trump and rallygoers. Thomas Crooks was able to do the following on July 13:
It Was a Set-Up: Acting Secret Service
Director Ronald Rowe Caught in Another
Lie, Was Personally Responsible for Cuts
in Security Division Responsible for Threat
Assessments (Video)
11 replies
Posted by DW626 8/2/2024 2:46:30 PM Post Reply
It was a set-up. Jesse Watters on FOX News caught Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe in another lie regarding the security detail for President Donald Trump. Nearly three weeks ago President Trump was shot in the ear and nearly assassinated at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Since that time the Secret Service and FBI have refused to be straight with the American people on what was really going on that day. We still don’t know why the Secret Service and FBI allowed a young would-be assassin to fire off eight shots
Kamala Harris’s ‘as-if’ personality 3 replies
Posted by DW626 8/2/2024 12:22:40 PM Post Reply
I have never met, interviewed, or examined Kamala Harris, but I have observed her verbal and non-verbal behavior. Her pattern of histrionic, often giddy, excessive cackling laughter and politically disjointed word salad at podiums is telling. In my opinion, Harris’s personality pattern is similar to that of Barack Obama’s “as if” narcissistic variety, despite her obvious sex-gender differences from Obama. We now observe that Kamala Harris remaking herself in a similar fashion to Obama’s elegantly crafted political-identity book, Dreams from My Father.
Charlamagne the Imbecile 12 replies
Posted by DW626 8/2/2024 12:18:19 PM Post Reply
“Charlamagne tha God” piped up on Donald Trump’s recent visit with the National Association of Black Journalists. Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris were invited, but Kamala Harris was a no-show. Rachel Scott, the interviewer on stage with Trump at the NABJ event, was rude and obnoxious, very clearly carrying water for Kamala Harris and the Democrat party. No matter, Donald Trump entered the lion’s den and spoke of his successes as president in helping the “black population.” But Charlamagne wasn’t having it; from Breitbart News:
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UK police commissioner threatens to extradite,
jail US citizens over online posts: 'We'll
come after you'
52 replies
Posted by Wetenschapper 8/10/2024 6:03:16 AM Post Reply
London's Metropolitan Police chief warned that officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in the U.K., but on American citizens as well. "We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you," Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News.
Kamala Harris Promises Amnesty for Millions
of Illegal Aliens, Nationwide Mail-In Voting
30 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2024 3:20:06 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is vowing to sign legislation as president that would have millions of illegal aliens eventually securing naturalized American citizenship and imposing nationwide no-excuse mail-in voting. During a rally in Glendale, Arizona, Harris said she would back amnesty for the nation’s 11 to 22 million illegal aliens through so-called “comprehensive reform.” “We know our immigration system is broken and we know what it takes to fix it: comprehensive reform. That includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship,” Harris said.
A-Walz ‘Misspoke’ When Claiming to
Carry Weapons ‘In War,’ Campaign Says
27 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/10/2024 1:13:19 PM Post Reply
Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) “misspoke” when claiming he carried weapons “in war,” the Harris campaign claimed Friday night after struggling to move past four difficult days of escalating stolen valor controversies. Walz has suggested on multiple occasions that he carried weapons into war — including in a video shared by the Harris campaign — despite having never served in a combat. “We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,” Walz said in a 2018 video advocating gun control. That clip was shared Tuesday by the Harris campaign.
Illinois School Food Director Sentenced
for Stealing $1.5 Million in Chicken Wings
23 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/10/2024 6:15:06 PM Post Reply
A former Illinois public school food service director has been sentenced to nine years in prison for pulling off a $1.5 million chicken wing heist, prosecutors said. Vera Liddell worked for Harvey School District 152, an “impoverished” Chicago-area district, for over a decade until she was accused of stealing the food she was tasked with providing to children in January 2023, WGN reported. Court records obtained by the outlet accused the 66-year-old of placing orders for more than 11,000 cases of chicken wings from the school district’s food provider, picking them up in a district van, and not delivering them to children who were remote-learning at the time.
NBC News Pretty Much Confirms Tim Walz
Lied About His Military Service
20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2024 12:56:27 AM Post Reply
It's the Democrat media complex at work, though they’ve become more shameless since the Obama era. After Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, there was a conscious effort to disregard the truth to protect Democrats and help them no matter what. It’s the only explanation for the flurry of ethical and overall journalistic malpractice that we’ve seen, from the Russian collusion hoax to Hunter Biden’s laptop; we do not hate the media enough for their overt corruption.And now, NBC News is reporting through some unnamed Kamala Harris spokesperson that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who the vice president selected as her running mate to appease the far-left elements
Kamala Harris Can’t Articulate The Case
For Voting For Her
18 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/10/2024 10:46:32 AM Post Reply
In a discussion about Vice President Kamala Harris’ stunning surge in the polls last week, podcaster Joe Rogan stated the obvious: “She’s the least popular vice president of all time, and then in a moment in time, all of a sudden she’s our solution.” Rogan is right. The vice president who has been a national joke for four years, tapped by President Joe Biden because he’d promised his base he would choose a woman of color, has suddenly become a serious contender in the presidential race. And now she’s picked a radical Minnesota governor with a disastrous record to round out her ticket.
NIH Pumps Millions Into Children's Hospitals
to Study the 'Benefits' of Puberty Blockers
17 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/10/2024 6:16:42 AM Post Reply
A federally funded research project is actively recruiting "transgender" children to study the "mental health benefits" of puberty blockers, as part of a nationwide push to reshape public policy on pediatric "gender care." Three major U.S. children's hospitals, which all house gender clinics, are co-conducting this clinical study: Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio; Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago, Illinois; and Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C. Since 2021, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), an agency of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has pumped over $3 million into the multi-site, longitudinal study, which was recently renewed for the 2024 fiscal year, per a repository of NIH-funded portfolios
The Sins of Omission 14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 8/10/2024 8:21:31 AM Post Reply
Way back in 1999 a young Haley Joel Osment said “I see dead people”. (Snip) I was suddenly reminded of the film when thinking about the way the mainstream media work and the odd way those of us not reliant on them now inhabit an entirely different reality to those of us who do get our understanding of the world purely from mainstream sources. The mainstream media of course selectively report the news. They constantly try to focus attention in one direction, and divert attention from another direction. Everything they allow to be seen is filtered through a lens of perpetual and oppressive bias.
JD Vance's Commanding Officer Goes on
CNN and Shuts Down Host Who Attacked His Record
13 replies
Posted by mc squared 8/10/2024 11:59:18 AM Post Reply
CNN host Brianna Keilar attacked JD Vance’s record, referring to it yesterday as if it were a trip to a resort. Vance’s deployment wasn’t spring break. It’s not a cushy job either, which was the gross insinuation. It’s well that Maj. Shawn Haney (ret.) came on CNN to shut down the notion that Vance did nothing in Iraq. Haney, a public affairs officer, also corrected Keilar, noting the dangers of being a combat correspondent, citing 130 individuals who did not make it home.[snip for tweets] Also, Keilar didn’t apologize or backtrack but instead engaged—to cite liberals—'bothsideism,’ going on a prolonged monologue about the perniciousness of the attacks on military records.
Walz Used COVID Relief Funds for Things
That Had Nothing to Do With the Pandemic
13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 8/10/2024 11:06:21 AM Post Reply
The $3.8 trillion that Democrats in Congress authorized for pandemic relief ($2 trillion was passed during the Trump administration) contained $800 billion for state and local governments. Admittedly, the states had some flexibility in how they spent their cut. Some states used the money to shore up their employee pension programs. While not specifically authorized in the enabling legislation, given the broad authority granted to states to spend the money, no one is likely to challenge it. How about a governor spending $4.3 million to cover parking costs for state employees "and visitors"? Or $1 million on a feasibility study for paid family leave?
Shameless Kamala Harris Rips Off Trump’s
Idea for No Taxes on Tips at Las Vegas
Rally (Video)
12 replies
Posted by Imright 8/10/2024 11:01:26 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris is proving once again that she has never had an original idea in her life. During her rally in Las Vegas tonight, she plugged the idea of no taxes on tips for people who work in the service industry. Her supporters cheered for the idea, many of them probably not even realizing that they were cheering for an idea that came from Trump. This is especially ironic because Kamala Harris’s campaign has been extremely short on policy proposals. Now she finally puts one forth and it’s a Trump proposal. Watch: (X Video)
New: Internal Tensions Roil Kamala Harris
Campaign Even As Press Declares Nothing
But 'Joy'
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/10/2024 9:13:25 PM Post Reply
The thing about putting lipstick on a pig is that underneath the lipstick, you've still got a pig. That's the Kamala Harris campaign right now, at least according to a new report on the internal tensions roiling her operation. There's no doubt the vice president turned presidential nominee without winning a single primary vote has some momentum. There is a sheer jubilance among Democrats simply because they have someone other than Joe Biden to vote for. Much of what is bolstering Harris isn't organic, though. It's the result of a relentless press campaign to redefine her as a talented,
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