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Biden goes straight from G7 to Hollywood
fundraiser, balancing geopolitics with
his reelection bid

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 6/15/2024 12:22:01 PM

After flying through the night across nine time zones, from southern Italy to Southern California, President Joe Biden is shifting his focus from Russia’s challenge of Western unity to raking in big money for his reelection campaign at a Hollywood fundraiser featuring George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Biden went straight from the Group of Seven summit of wealthy democracies, where Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine took center stage, to Los Angeles and the glitzy gathering unfolding Saturday night at the Peacock Theater. The journey was only broken up by a layover to refuel outside Washington.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: navybrat 6/15/2024 12:49:22 PM (No. 1737736)
Changing time zones and campaigning across the country is stressful for a person with normal mental capacity, but Biden cannot do it. He makes gaffs, shuffles and stumbles on his home turf no matter how much his handlers follow him around. This is going to highlight more of his inadequacy to be in any office. Trump has no problem flying around and meeting with the people.
9 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Newtsche 6/15/2024 1:24:00 PM (No. 1737769)
That's right, balancing is an FJB strong point.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: aasilver 6/15/2024 1:32:40 PM (No. 1737775)
I wonder if the Hollywood elite who donate at this event are aware that Anal Clooney, the sponsor of this event, was the lead attorney for the International Court. She instigated the instigated the actions that resulted in an arrest warrant for Bibi Netanyahu. The court and Anal Clooney, have decided that he has committed genocide in Gaza. I guess they forgot about Oct 7 Hamas Massacre of 2000+ Israeli citizens that started the war. She also has ignored the Israeli and American hostages that have been held for 8 1/2 months.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: jar 6/15/2024 1:48:18 PM (No. 1737781)
Amal Cloony is a Sunni Muslim. Makes sense she is anti-Israel.
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Venturer 6/15/2024 3:43:43 PM (No. 1737839)
Don't these people watch TV? Haven't they seen Joebama stumbling around and having to read cheat sheets. Can't they see this man is sick? Don't they read the polls? Backing Joebama is like tossing your money in the toilet and flushing it. But then, maybe they know something we don't. Maybe they know the secret to Joebama getting in the White House last time.
3 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: kono 6/15/2024 4:51:28 PM (No. 1737865)
American Pravda spins away Quid Pro Joe's early exit from major G7 event to hold a campaign fundraiser, as if it were just him keeping things balanced. When he basically ceded America's leadership role in world economic matters. Nothing is about America with them, let alone America first. Tone-deaf dorks, the whole lot of 'em.
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: mifla 6/16/2024 4:19:11 AM (No. 1738034)
Be kind of ironic if the next 9/11 (due to our open borders) happens in Hollywood.
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/15/2024 12:44:44 PM Post Reply
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Biden goes straight from G7 to Hollywood
fundraiser, balancing geopolitics with
his reelection bid
7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/15/2024 12:22:01 PM Post Reply
After flying through the night across nine time zones, from southern Italy to Southern California, President Joe Biden is shifting his focus from Russia’s challenge of Western unity to raking in big money for his reelection campaign at a Hollywood fundraiser featuring George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Biden went straight from the Group of Seven summit of wealthy democracies, where Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine took center stage, to Los Angeles and the glitzy gathering unfolding Saturday night at the Peacock Theater. The journey was only broken up by a layover to refuel outside Washington.
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four states, dealing a blow to protections
for LGBTQ+ students
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Posted by 4250Luis 6/15/2024 12:19:57 PM Post Reply
The Biden administration’s new Title IX rule expanding protections for LGBTQ+ students has been temporarily blocked in four states after a federal judge in Louisiana found that it overstepped the Education Department’s authority. In a preliminary injunction granted Thursday, U.S. District Judge Terry A. Doughty called the new rule an “abuse of power” and a “threat to democracy.” His order blocks the rule in Louisiana, which filed a challenge to the rule in April, and in Mississippi, Montana and Idaho, which joined the suit. The Education Department defended the rule and said it’s reviewing the judge’s order.
Trump is returning to Capitol Hill to
meet with Republican lawmakers, a first
since Jan. 6 attack
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/13/2024 5:51:30 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump is making a triumphant return to Capitol Hill to meet with House and Senate Republicans, his first since sending the mob to “fight like hell” ahead of the Jan.6, 2021 attack, as GOP lawmakers find themselves newly energized and reinvigorated by his bid to retake the White House. Despite the federal charges against Trump for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election, and his recent guilty verdict in an unrelated hush money trial, the Republican former president arrives Thursday emboldened as the party’s presumptive nominee. He has successfully purged the GOP of critics, silenced most skeptics and enticed once-critical lawmakers aboard his MAGA-fueled campaign.
Secret Alito recordings are a new low
in the left’s drive to smear justices
12 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/13/2024 5:49:50 AM Post Reply
In some combination of ignorance and cynicism, lefty circles are abuzz about the supposed “Christian Nationalist” threat to the republic, and now the hysteria has joined with the drive to delegitimize the Supreme Court, or at least the justices least inclined to rubber-stamp the left’s agenda. On Monday, activist Lauren Windsor posted audio recordings of conversations with Justice Sam Alito, his wife and Chief Justice John Roberts, which she secretly taped while posing as a religious conservative at an event last week.
Russian Yasen-Class Nuclear Submarine
"Kazan" Along With 3 Warships Arrive in
Havana, Cuba
11 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/13/2024 5:47:24 AM Post Reply
Today, June 12th, is Russia Day, a national holiday in the Russian federation. The symbolism of the intentionally timed events happening today seems to be lost on most western media. A Russian Yasen-class nuclear submarine named “Kazan” arrived in Havana, Cuba today after piloting through the Florida straits. Watching a massive nuclear submarine sail into Havana is something extraordinary considering all the provocations taking place between the USA and Russia surrounding the conflict in Ukraine. Additionally, in a counteraction to provide clarity to the intents and economic purposes of the Biden administration (DoS, CIA and IC), today the Treasury Dept announces new 2nd round sanctions against Russia.
A group of House Democrats steps up to
try to stop Project 2025 and a Trump White House
17 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/11/2024 7:01:30 AM Post Reply
Warning about the far-right Project 2025 agenda for a Donald Trump White House, a group of House Democrats has launched a task force to start fighting the proposal and stop it from taking hold if the Republican former president returns to power. Democratic Rep. Jared Huffman of California is unveiling The Stop Project 2025 Task Force on Tuesday, the latest sign that congressional Democrats and outside groups are treating Trump’s campaign seriously in the expected rematch against Democratic President Joe Biden this fall. “The stakes just couldn’t be higher,” Huffman told The Associated Press. Huffman said the Project 2025 agenda will hit “like a Blitzkrieg” and lawmakers need to be ready.
Anti-Israel mob chanting ‘Long Live
Intifada’ light flares outside NYC exhibit
that memorializes Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival victims
10 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/11/2024 7:00:05 AM Post Reply
A mob of anti-Israel protesters chanted “Long Live the Intifada” during a depraved celebration Monday night outside a downtown Manhattan exhibit that memorializes the murder and rape victims of the Oct. 7 Nova Music Festival where 364 people were killed by Hamas terrorists. The deranged pro-terror crowd lit flares and waved a flag associated with the Iran-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah in front of the Nova Music Festival Exhibition on Wall Street during what was billed by organizers as a “citywide day of rage for Gaza,” according to video from the scene.
George Lopez accused of walking out on
sold-out show early over hecklers: ‘Never
bring him back’
19 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 6/9/2024 5:58:30 AM Post Reply
George Lopez allegedly cut his sold-out show short and walked out on the audience Friday over heckling crowd members as the venue slammed the comedian for letting his fans down. George Lopez/X George Lopez allegedly cut his sold-out show short and walked out on the audience Friday over heckling crowd members as the venue slammed the comedian for letting his fans down. The 63-year-old comedian left his gig at the Eagle Mountain Casino in Porterville, Calif. roughly 30 minutes before his set was scheduled to end. “Tonight George Lopez let down his fans and sold out audience by walking out and ending his show 30 minutes early,” the casino said in a Facebook post.
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This blue-state election compact could
create a constitutional crisis
31 replies
Posted by FormerDem 6/15/2024 9:42:16 PM Post Reply
Imagine a Jan. 6-style crisis, only this time with serious (as opposed to politically manufactured) disagreements over whether the presidential candidate who won a key state is entitled to its electoral votes. That disturbing scenario just became a little bit more likely — not for the next presidential election but subsequent ones. Without fanfare, Minnesota’s governor signed legislation last month that would award the state’s 10 presidential electors to the national popular-vote winner even if he or she lost Minnesota. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact purports to take effect once states carrying 270 electoral votes (the minimum needed to win the presidency) have agreed to its terms.
Nearly Half of Americans Have Little Faith
Biden Will Make It Through First Debate
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Posted by Imright 6/15/2024 7:49:43 PM Post Reply
Nearly half of Americans expect President Joe Biden to suffer an embarrassing gaffe during the first debate against former President Donald Trump. According to a new poll by J.L. Partners, 49 percent of voters believe Biden will forget where he is while on stage with Trump, and 41 percent expect him to wander off of the stage. The survey also found that a massive 70 percent of Americans think the 81-year-old president will fumble over his words— something he is very prone to. Voters from both sides of the political aisle doubt Biden’s ability to even make it through the whole debate in one piece.
Building an Election Watchdog Army: RNC
Co-Chair Lara Trump Announces New Program
to Train 100,000 Poll Workers and 500
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Posted by Imright 6/15/2024 2:03:33 PM Post Reply
In a groundbreaking announcement made last Friday in Detroit, Michigan, Lara Trump, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), revealed plans to build a formidable watchdog army. This force will be tasked with safeguarding the integrity of our elections this coming November. “Our other top priority is election integrity,” said Lara Trump. “If we don’t have free, fair, and transparent elections, nothing else matters. That is our goal at the RNC. Every single person in this country, regardless of how you vote, should want free and fair elections.” Joined by RNC Chairman Michael Watley, she detailed the plans to mobilize an ‘election watchdog army’ that will operate across
Jimmy Kimmel Says America ‘Might Need
an Exorcism’ at Hollywood Biden Fundraiser
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 10:35:06 AM Post Reply
Los Angeles— Some of Hollywood’s brightest stars headlined a glitzy fundraiser for President Joe Biden on Saturday night, helping raise what his reelection campaign said was $28 million and hoping to energize would-be supporters for a November election that they argued was among the most important in the nation’s history. George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Barbra Streisand were among those who took the stage at the 7,100-seat Peacock Theater in Los Angeles. Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel interviewed Biden and former President Barack Obama, who both stressed the need to defeat former President Donald Trump in a race that’s expected to be exceedingly close.
Opinion The Hunter Biden and Trump trials
were a litmus test. Only the Bidens passed.
26 replies
Posted by markhooton 6/16/2024 9:22:27 AM Post Reply
No person with a loved one who has suffered through addiction could feel anything but empathy for Hunter Biden and his family. “There are a lot of Hunter Bidens in this world, people who fell in way over their heads, who long for someone to believe they can recover and construct their lives differently,”
The US town being sued for racism by its
white people... because it's paying its
black residents $25,000 each for the legacy
of slavery
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 1:42:51 AM Post Reply
The chirp of cicadas in the tree-lined streets of Evanston is almost deafening. Billions of the insects have been making their periodic emergence from underground dormancy, on a scale not seen for centuries. With the ground strewn with dead bugs, and gardeners rushing to put protective netting around their plants and trees, locals have dubbed it ‘The Cicada-geddon’. And yet this quiet university town – an affluent suburb of Chicago on the shores of Lake Michigan – now has another interloper that its ultra-liberal citizens deeply resent. Three years after Evanston proudly became the first local government in the US to start paying reparations to its black citizens – in this case
Black women behaving badly has become
a national trend…
22 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 1:54:59 PM Post Reply
What’s happening with black women in America? Some are rising to power thanks to the DEI movement, which rewards skin color, gender, and sexual preference over merit, experience, or excellence. However, the problem arises once those women who are not qualified are placed in positions of power and leadership, where they often quickly crash and burn. From embezzling $15 million in COVID funds to engaging in shameless plagiarism, these meritless women have demonstrated that they are not up to the task and struggle with the responsibilities they’ve been given. Naturally, they revert to what they know best: lying, cheating, and stealing.
The Senate Version of the National Defense
Reauthorization Act Really DOES Require
18-Year-Old Women to Register for Draft
21 replies
Posted by FlyRight 6/16/2024 11:54:28 AM Post Reply
Requiring women to register for Selective Service (ie, the draft) really is a part of the 2025 National Defense Reauthorization Act that has been assembled in the Senate. 3. Strengthening the Joint Force and Defense Workforce • Authorizes funding to support a 4.5 percent pay raise for military members and a 2 percent pay raise for DOD civilian employees. • Increases monthly basic pay for junior enlisted servicemembers in the grades of E-1 through E-3, in addition to the force-wide pay raise. • Amends the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service.
Former CDC director predicts bird flu pandemic 21 replies
Posted by mc squared 6/16/2024 11:42:04 AM Post Reply
Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield said he predicts a bird flu pandemic will happen, it’s just a matter of when that will be. Redfield joined NewsNation Friday to discuss the growing concern for bird flu, as the virus has been detected in dozens of cattle across the country and the World Health Organization identified the first human death in Mexico. {snip} He also noted that bird flu has a “significant mortality” when it enters humans compared to COVID-19. Redfield predicts the mortality is “probably somewhere between 25 and 50 percent mortality.” NewsNation noted that the death rate for COVID was 0.6 percent.
NYT columnist admits ‘something has
gone badly wrong’ in West Coast states
because of Democratic leadership
21 replies
Posted by Moritz55 6/15/2024 4:07:19 PM Post Reply
New York Times columnist and former Oregon Democratic gubernatorial candidate Nicholas Kristof admitted on Saturday that the West Coast cities is "a mess" because of Democratic Party leaders. In a column for the New York Times, Kristof argued that "West Coast liberalism" is more focused on the intentions behind its policies rather than its outcomes. As a result, deep blue states like Oregon have major homeless and drug problems, "below-average" high school graduation rates, and high murder rates. "But liberals like me do need to face the painful fact that something has gone badly wrong where we’re in charge, from San Diego to Seattle,"
Sen. Booker: Donald Trump ‘Doesn’t
Love America’
20 replies
Posted by Imright 6/16/2024 8:47:29 PM Post Reply
Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Inside” that former President Donald Trump did not love America. Host Jen Psaki said, “I’m sure you are aware of the controversy that broke out over some comments that Trump made about Milwaukee, which is hosting the Republican convention coming up later this summer. He reportedly called Milwaukee a horrible city. He called Washington a filthy and crime-ridden embarrassment. He has called Chicago worse than Afghanistan. He once called Baltimore a disgusting rat and rodent infested mess. These are America’s cities.
Biden campaign calls on GOP to drop lawsuits
over mail ballots, citing Trump’s new
fondness for it
20 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/15/2024 12:34:24 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign on Thursday called on top Republicans to drop litigation seeking to curtail aspects of mail balloting now that Donald Trump has begun to embrace the method. Trump for years falsely claimed voting by mail was riddled with fraud, but his 2024 campaign began a program this month to encourage mail voting if convenient for people. It is part of Republicans’ attempt to increase mail voting among their supporters. At the same time, the Republican National Committee, newly under the former president’s control, has sued or joined lawsuits seeking to limit certain aspects of mail voting.
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