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When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down
The Lyin’ Biden Ads?

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/13/2024 10:01:21 PM

President Joe Biden’s reelection ad campaign contains a boatload of misinformation and disinformation. Will the censors shut it down? Will the media alert their readers and viewers to the falsehoods? We all know the answers to those questions. The political left is obsessed with shutting down any speech that doesn’t agree with its narrative. And it has successes to show for it. The Twitter files are the preeminent example. There exists a censorship-industrial complex, “a state-sponsored system targeting ‘disinformation,’” says journalist Matt Taibbi, who had access to the Twitter files, that strike “at the essence of the right to free speech.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Laotzu 6/14/2024 8:57:07 AM (No. 1737013)
Obama taught them that if the opposition doesn't say something stupid, just make it up. "There are those who say . . . " And remember, "I can see Russia from my kitchen window"? Because the Left in America no longer values reason, just power.
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Trump’s ‘horrible city’ comment
on Milwaukee was about ‘policies,’
says NY congresswoman who provoked response
9 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/13/2024 10:07:57 PM Post Reply
Republicans gave differing accounts of former President Donald Trump’s alleged remark Thursday that Milwaukee “is a horrible city” — but the congresswoman whose question provoked the comment told The Post the context was clear. The Internet exploded Thursday morning when Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman reported Trump, in a Capitol Hill meeting with House GOP members, said, “Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city.” A slew of Wisconsin congressmen present for the remarks challenged the reporting, but even they gave conflicting statements: Some said he was referring to election integrity, while one said he was talking about crime, and two declared he’d never said it at all.
Bygones Be Bygones - Very Interesting
Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as
Magnamimous Trump Visits
13 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/13/2024 10:04:32 PM Post Reply
A very interesting day is described by everyone in Washington DC, as President Trump strategically attends both House and Senate Republican conferences. Magnanimous Trump arrived to heal wounds, appeal for unity and build a larger support network ahead of the Republican National Convention. It would appear the Dr. Phil approach was attempted as promised. According to media reports, in the upper chamber President Trump even spoke warmly with Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and the 16 Wall Street DeceptiCons who are insistent upon his permanent removal from politics.
WHCA Throws Biden Under the Bus After
He Snaps at Reporter, Claims He Has 'Deals'
With the Press
6 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/13/2024 10:02:51 PM Post Reply
There were a couple of truly wild moments in Joe Biden press conference at the G7 in Italy. First, there was his weird answer to a question about Hunter when he said, "I am satisfied that I'm not gonna do anything I said," before saying he would abide by the jury decision and wouldn't pardon his son. Well, yes, we know Biden doesn't do what he says -- nice he admits it. But what was he talking about there? What a strange remark. He subsequently also said he wouldn't commute the sentence, according to reports.
When Will The Ministry Of Truth Shut Down
The Lyin’ Biden Ads?
1 reply
Posted by Mercedes44 6/13/2024 10:01:21 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s reelection ad campaign contains a boatload of misinformation and disinformation. Will the censors shut it down? Will the media alert their readers and viewers to the falsehoods? We all know the answers to those questions. The political left is obsessed with shutting down any speech that doesn’t agree with its narrative. And it has successes to show for it. The Twitter files are the preeminent example. There exists a censorship-industrial complex, “a state-sponsored system targeting ‘disinformation,’” says journalist Matt Taibbi, who had access to the Twitter files, that strike “at the essence of the right to free speech.”
Interesting Development Inside Hungarian
Election Outcome - Transparent Activity
by U.S. State Dept and CIA
15 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/11/2024 6:55:07 AM Post Reply
All political watchers will understand the #1 EU political enemy of the WEF globalists and U.S/NATO State Dept is Hungarian President Viktor Orban. The western globalists, leftists, communists and advocates of multinational corporations running government (ie Fascists) consider Orban their arch nemesis. To wit, USAID and CIA operative Samantha Power has spent time organizing political opposition in Hungary. However, for some reason the nationalist alliance in alternative media do not have a good memory to keep track the footprints and connect the dots; but we do. The reality of our State Dept organizing political opposition in Hungary is not disputed. It was done openly.
Can the European Union hear us now? Populist
victories send a message to politicians
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/11/2024 6:53:10 AM Post Reply
Voters across Europe spent the weekend sending a message to the EU’s political class: a nationalist and populist shift is happening across the continent. The European Parliamentary election held over the past few days saw the biggest wins for nationalist and populist parties in European Union history. As the results poured in across Europe, the media spun the news as an ominous “far right” victory throughout the EU. News outlets made it seem as if fascism had once again reared its ugly head over Europe after eight decades of liberal peace and prosperity. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
Independent Reporter Calls Out CBS News'
Lesley Stahl Over Biden Laptop Claims
17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/11/2024 6:51:04 AM Post Reply
CBS News’ Lesley Stahl owes Donald Trump an apology. When the Hunter Biden laptop, which detailed the sordid affairs of Joe Biden’s son, was brought up during Trump’s interview on 60 Minutes, Stahl claimed the device couldn’t be verified. She wasn’t the only one. If the press didn’t utter the ‘unverified’ talking point, it was the Russian disinformation lie that the intelligence community manufactured to tilt the election. We knew the truth. It took the liberal media months to catch up, finally agreeing with The New York Post, which initially reported on the laptop’s contents. Emma-Jo Morris verified its contents.
Trump will not be charged for waving around
classified papers, judge says
11 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/11/2024 6:48:53 AM Post Reply
The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s prosecution on charges of retaining classified documents agreed on Monday to expunge from the indictment a paragraph about an episode where the former president waved around a classified document at his Bedminster club in New Jersey. The US district judge Aileen Cannon ruled she would strike the paragraph because Trump was not charged with a crime for the conduct it described and would be unfairly prejudicial if a jury later saw it at trial.
Democrats 'fear' this possible Trump VP
pick who 'could spell the end for Biden': Insiders
25 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/9/2024 5:53:53 AM Post Reply
This is the fifth in a series of profiles of potential running mates for presidential candidate Donald Trump on the 2024 Republican Party ticket The race to determine who will be Donald Trump's running mate this November took a major step forward last week with the acceleration of vetting multiple potential candidates, but political insiders with deep knowledge of presidential campaigns say there is one possible name on the former president's shortlist Democrats "fear" the most. Trump's campaign recently entered the next phase of the running mate search by requesting documents from several prospective contenders, including Florida Sen. Marco Rubio,
Pelosi says it's 'wrong' to invite Israeli
Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak to Congress:
'Very sad'
23 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/8/2024 7:19:53 AM Post Reply
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., spoke out against the invitation sent to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress next month, declaring, "This is wrong." During an appearance on CNN Friday, Pelosi, when asked whether she would have invited Netanyahu to speak if she was still speaker, replied, "Absolutely not." "I think this is wrong," Pelosi told CNN's Dana Bash. "Frankly, I didn't approve of his being invited the last time [in 2015] but the speaker just on his own invited him without consulting with the rest of the leadership.
Connecticut residents form armed group
to defend against violent crime
16 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/8/2024 7:16:59 AM Post Reply
A predominantly Black neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut, hoping to fend off violent crime, has turned to an armed group of citizens to patrol their streets by land and by air. The so-called "Self-Defense Brigade" — made up of about 40 legally armed citizens — are voluntarily patrolling the streets of Hartford’s North End wearing body cameras mostly on nights and weekends, according to the group’s founder, Cornell Lewis. When the armed volunteers are not on the streets, the group monitors video feeds from a dozen drones hovering over the neighborhood, and 75 home surveillance cameras in the neighborhood.
Pro-Hamas protesters disrupt Philly ‘Pride’ parade 5 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 6/3/2024 4:54:22 PM Post Reply
The first weekend of Pride Month in the “City of Brotherly Love” could be a preview of things to come when ideologically incompatible elements of the Democrat base come together. On a festive Sunday, LGBTQ+ revelers turned out in the streets of Philadelphia to celebrate their sexuality, kicking off an entire 30 days in which they will be honored by the government, corporations, pro-sports leagues, and the media, but the day didn’t go off without a hitch when pro-Hamas protesters disrupted their parade. Video footage posted to social media shows the clash of the aggrieved when a mob of anti-Israel activists crashed the holiday party, loudly chanting “Palestine will live forever!”
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Social Security bosses reveal potential
massive cut to retirement income as Congress
desperately scrambles to not run out of cash
32 replies
Posted by pc1eszm 6/14/2024 3:43:25 PM Post Reply
The head actuaries for Social Security and Medicare have testified before a House committee about looming financial challenges which could see funds run short by 2035. Social Security relies on its trust funds to provide monthly benefit checks to around 70 million Americans. But an aging population is pushing up the cost of the program as a smaller share of people are paying into it, and spending is outpacing income.
First Lady Jill Biden Argues Joe Is a
‘Healthy, Wise 81-Year-Old’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 6:46:38 PM Post Reply
First Lady Jill Biden is arguing in favor of her husband’s old age while on the campaign trail, telling voters that President Joe Biden is a “healthy, wise 81-year-old” and that “age is a gift.” “This isn’t just about stopping an extremist, and this election is most certainly not about age,” Dr. Jill Biden said Thursday at a Green Bay, Wisconsin, event, CNN reported. “Joe and that other guy are essentially the same age. Let’s not be fooled. But what this election is about, it’s about the character of the person leading our country.” As the first lady stops in Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Nevada, and Arizona, she is rolling out
DOJ Won’t Prosecute AG Merrick Garland
for Withholding Biden–Hur Interview Audio
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2024 2:55:25 PM Post Reply
The Justice Department said Friday it will not prosecute Merrick Garland on contempt-of-Congress charges, two days after House Republicans voted to hold the attorney general in contempt for refusing to turn over the audio from President Joe Biden’s interview with special counsel Robert Hur. The DOJ said Friday the refusal to provide the audio did not amount to a crime. House lawmakers voted 216–207 on the Garland contempt resolution on Wednesday, with one Republican representative, Dave Joyce of Ohio, joining Democrats in voting against it. Eight members did not vote on the measure.
Trump got the perfect birthday present:
complete capitulation by the GOP
22 replies
Posted by Mad Dog 6/14/2024 9:15:25 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump got his 78th birthday present a day early — a handshake from his longtime bitter critic, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, encapsulating the Republican Party’s complete submission to its presumptive presidential nominee. The twice-impeached 45th president and newly convicted criminal was back on Capitol Hill Thursday for the first time since his supporters beat up police officers and smashed their way through the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Nancy Pelosi Melts Down on Air, Begs Trump
Family to 'Stage an Intervention'
17 replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 6:42:07 PM Post Reply
Nancy Pelosi is losing it. The former Democrat Speaker of the House is the walking personification of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Her hatred for the former (and likely next) president burns white-hot, as evidenced by her petulant, childish, immature, and unbecoming incident in which she tore up her copy of President Trump's 2020 State of the Union speech. Now, she's just becoming pathetic, as we see in her recent interview with MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, where she begged the Trump family and the GOP to "stage an intervention" to prevent Trump from running. Why? Probably because she can see that he's winning.
Biden Meets With Pope Francis at G7, Has
Bizarre Moment Everyone Is Talking About
16 replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 1:43:36 PM Post Reply
Fortunately, Friday is Joe Biden's last day in Italy for the G7, so the time that he can embarrass us overseas at the conference is thankfully coming to an end. We've seen him wandering and people having to help redirect him back to where he was supposed to be going. We've seen him giving garbled answers and snapping at a reporter because the reporter dared to ask him a question at his presser that wasn't about Ukraine. That managed to get a reaction out of the White House Correspondents Association. They threw Biden under the bus in their statement, saying there were no "deals" as he claimed.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump Bump-Stock Ban 16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 6/14/2024 11:36:28 AM Post Reply
The United States Supreme Court struck down the Trump administration’s 2018 ban on bump stocks in a Friday ruling, with Justice Clarence Thomas writing the majority opinion in a 6-3 decision. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) issued the ban at former president Donald Trump’s urging after the gunman who killed 58 people in a 2017 Las Vegas shooting was found to have used bump stocks, which increase a rifle’s rate of fire by using the recoil from a semiautomatic rifle to fire bullets in rapid succession. The Trump administration argued in 2018 that adding bump stocks to semiautomatic rifles converts them into machine guns
Hunter Biden drops laptop lawsuit against
Rudy Giuliani
14 replies
Posted by Beardo 6/14/2024 7:20:53 AM Post Reply
Hunter Biden is dropping his lawsuit accusing Rudy Giuliani and the former New York City mayor’s ex-lawyer of manipulating data found on his infamous laptop. Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell filed the stipulation for dismissal Thursday in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. (snip) The lawsuit claimed that Giuliani, 80, and Costello violated the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act when they allegedly hacked and manipulated data on the abandoned laptop in a “total annihilation” of the disgraced first son’s “digital privacy.”
UNBELIEVABLE! LA City Council Removes
‘No U-Turn’ Signs in Gay Neighborhood,
Claiming They’re Homophobic (VIDEO)
12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2024 10:05:02 PM Post Reply
The Los Angeles City Council has decided to remove ‘No U-Turn’ signs from a gay neighborhood, claiming they’re homophobic. In an era where ideologies should be advancing, it’s baffling that the far-left remains stuck in the past, misreading everyday symbols as politicized messages. Who, in the year 2024, still believes that road signs like “No U-Turn” are covert directives aimed at the LGBTQ+ community, instructing them not to engage in wild sex in the streets? I didn’t know that traffic signs were hurting feelings. According to the LA Times: Messages like, “No cruising. No U-turns. Midnight to 6 am” were posted around the neighborhood in 1997,
Democrats Plan to Protest, Disrupt Netanyahu
Speech to Congress
12 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 6/14/2024 8:32:34 PM Post Reply
Democrats plan to disrupt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to a special joint session of Congress on July 24 in an unprecedented show of hostility to the democratically-elected leader of a close American ally. 56 Democrats boycotted Netanyahu’s speech in 2015, when Republicans invited him to argue against then-President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. This time, Axios reports, “Democrats plan to go bigger than a boycott”: The proposals include a press conference, a vigil, or an event with families of those taken hostage by Hamas, many of whom feel Netanyahu hasn’t done enough to free their loved ones. In a sign of how extensive and high-level some of these discussions are,
Exclusive: Untold secrets of JFK's assassination
and his insatiable addiction to sex revealed
in Maureen Callahan's new Kennedy biography:
In her blood-caked Chanel suit, Jackie
kissed goodbye every inch of her husband's
naked body...
12 replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 12:30:38 PM Post Reply
In a major new Mail series starting today, Maureen Callahan's book 'Ask Not: The Kennedys and the Women They Destroyed' is published in four groundbreaking extracts....Here, she details the stunning fortitude of Jackie Kennedy as her husband died in front her... The day was hot and wild, the sun so strong. Jackie Kennedy went to put on her sunglasses, but the president said: 'No, please don't — they really came to see you.' Driving along the streets of Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, she could hear the screams of her husband's supporters over the presidential motorcade.
Exclusive: Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary
reveals his choice for Trump's VP - and
how their vice presidency would be different
from every other in history
12 replies
Posted by Imright 6/14/2024 8:55:18 AM Post Reply
Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary has revealed his pick for Donald Trump's vice president, as suspense builds over who will join him on the 2024 ticket. Speaking exclusively to, the investor hailed North Dakota governor and former businessman Doug Burgum as a potential buffer to the often unpredictable former president. 'If you're an independent and you're thinking that Trump is too crazy, but then you've got Burgum in the package, then you've got some "Trump insurance". That's the way I think they're going to sell it,' he said.
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