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California Senate passes ban on parental
notification for TK-12 gender changes

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Posted By: Beardo, 5/25/2024 9:34:12 AM

The California Senate passed a bill that would ban parental notification for gender changes in public TK-12 and provide more resources to increase parental support of LGBTQ pupils. While parents broadly support disclosure rules and have approved them in many school districts, state leaders, including the attorney general — who has supported lawsuits against districts with disclosure rules — say these efforts harm transgender children. In the past year, school districts across California have adopted measures requiring parents to be notified if their children request to officially change their pronouns, go by a different name, or use facilities or school programs for children of the opposite gender.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: scottj 5/25/2024 9:43:37 AM (No. 1724538)
Get the hell out of California. If you stay there you deserve everything you get.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: PChristopher 5/25/2024 9:43:56 AM (No. 1724539)
The whole California senate should be arrested for child abuse.
25 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: halfnorsk 5/25/2024 9:48:15 AM (No. 1724544)
To my friends in California: Please leave before the fire and brimstone fall.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: JackBurton 5/25/2024 9:52:43 AM (No. 1724550)
Sure. Push thru 'gender changes.' And increase the incidence of suicide attempts 12 fold. It's 'for the kids'.
17 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Quigley 5/25/2024 9:58:22 AM (No. 1724554)
A provision of the bill makes it a crime for any parent to vote republican since to do so would be child abuse. /s
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: seamusm 5/25/2024 9:59:03 AM (No. 1724556)
Immoral, unhealthy, AND unconstitutional - Damn! A trifecta of stupid evil.
11 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: MissNan 5/25/2024 10:11:23 AM (No. 1724565)
I’m so glad I left that godforsaken place!
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Northcross 5/25/2024 10:17:40 AM (No. 1724575)
However, we need to keep in place the requirement to notify parents before the school nurse can give little Johnny a Tylenol for a headache.
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 5/25/2024 10:25:37 AM (No. 1724581)
California is shooting for a perfect hell.
8 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: BarryNo 5/25/2024 10:37:20 AM (No. 1724602)
Maybe we need to lock up the entire Legislature in Kakafornicatia on charges of Child Abuse?
7 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 5/25/2024 10:41:59 AM (No. 1724606)
In California, your children no longer belong to you. They belong to the state. The ultimate in big controlling government.
13 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: VietVet68 5/25/2024 10:43:05 AM (No. 1724608)
In the bizarro world of the leftist black is white, up is down and they can do anything they want with our children without letting the parents know.
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: kono 5/25/2024 10:53:43 AM (No. 1724620)
"or use facilities or school programs for children of the opposite gender. " Trying to remember what gender is "opposite", with that alphabet soup, has to be harder than remembering complementary colors in the study of light and pigment. This program seems to necessitate separate bathroom facilities for each letter, until we start to study the varied associations of letters. Does "Q" go with "I" or "+"? It's more confusing than Calculus. Enough already with the imaginary anthropology of Gender Ideology. Get back to reality, now.
6 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: paral04 5/25/2024 11:14:29 AM (No. 1724637)
So, the molesters in California are going to mutilate a child behind their parents backs to satisfy some Left-Wing nutcases? That is abominable and every parent in that state should band together and invade Sacrament until this law is reversed.
8 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Californian 5/25/2024 12:01:18 PM (No. 1724675)
This sort of thing was happening at my kid's school and was one of many reasons we moved to a free state.
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Strike3 5/25/2024 1:30:41 PM (No. 1724736)
Parents of sound mind have the only say in their child's upbringing until age 18. Anybody who says differently is immoral, biased or perverted in some way.
5 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: hershey 5/25/2024 2:20:12 PM (No. 1724771)
Kalifornication just keeps pulling the handle on the toilet, time after time after time...they need to get rid of Newsome and every democrap in their legislature...
1 person likes this.

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Posted by Beardo 5/30/2024 9:59:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 5/29/2024 4:53:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Beardo 5/29/2024 12:45:42 PM Post Reply
A conservative host on Real America’s Voice confronted MSNBC host Joy Reid on her “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and her “cultural-appropriated” hair outside of the hush money trial courthouse in Manhattan. Ben Bergquam, host of the show “Law & Border,” filmed himself approaching Reid about whether she knows she has “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and if she stole former President Donald Trump’s hairdo. (snip) “You are a f------ idiot,” Reid responded.
Richard Dreyfuss Accused of Making Sexist,
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Posted by Beardo 5/28/2024 2:31:11 PM Post Reply
Hollywood star Richard Dreyfuss is being accused of making sexist and homophobic comments while attending a screening of Jaws at a theater in Massachusetts on Saturday. (snip) Some attendees, though, were irked when the film’s star reportedly began pontificating about inclusivity rules at the Academy Awards, offered criticism of transgenderism, and took some shots at left-wing actress and singer Barbara Streisand. (snip) The theater rushed to apologize for the actor’s rant, saying in a statement, “We are aware of, and share serious concerns,” and added, “The views expressed by Mr. Dreyfuss do not reflect the values of inclusivity and respect that we uphold as an organization.”
Trump Endorses Freedom Caucus Chairman’s
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2 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/28/2024 10:45:17 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump endorsed the primary opponent of Republican Virginia Rep. Bob Good, the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, on Tuesday. Trump announced his support behind Republican state Sen. John McGuire of Virginia via a post on Truth Social. Trump has often attacked Good in recent months after Good endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for president in 2023. (snip) "I just want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, and the person that can most help me do that is Navy Seal and highly respected State Legislator, John McGuire, a true American Hero."
Those 'All Electric' Fire Trucks are a
Sad Joke
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/27/2024 9:49:11 PM Post Reply
New Mexico Democratic Governor Michelle Grisham was recently excited to announce that the state's Environment Department was awarding a nearly half-million dollar grant to Bernalillo County to partially finance the purchase of a new "all-electric" fire truck for their fire department. (snip) a Pierce Volterra battery electric fire engine was more than $1.8 million. (snip) The supposedly "all-electric" fire engine has a diesel engine in it. The pumps that actually deliver the water to put out fires run off of the diesel engine and the truck itself can run off of diesel when the battery inevitably runs out.
Biden’s Health Department Looks To Push
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Posted by Beardo 5/27/2024 10:45:01 AM Post Reply
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is looking to push equity requirements on hospitals providing kidney transplants, according to a recent proposal. The proposal, announced May 8, will help President Joe Biden’s administration’s plan to address “racial bias” when it came to wait times and “profiteering and inequity” by transplant hospitals, Secretary Xavier Becerra said in the press release. (snip) “The organ transplant industry, like every other part of society, is not immune to racial inequities,” Becerra said in the press release.
When I Went To The Doctor For Kidney Stones,
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18 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/26/2024 6:22:22 PM Post Reply
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Disney’s Pixar to lay off 175 employees,
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15 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/25/2024 4:29:06 PM Post Reply
Pixar Animation Studios announced Tuesday that it is laying off about 14% of its workforce, which equates to 175 employees. The layoffs by the studio, owned by the Walt Disney Company, mark the biggest shakeup in its employment since it was created. (snip) The last four years have not been kind to Pixar, as five of the studio’s last six movies have either financially flopped or been released straight to Disney+. (snip) Disney as a whole has had a rough time, with most of the company’s film output in 2023 either underperforming or outright flopping at the box office.
California Senate passes ban on parental
notification for TK-12 gender changes
17 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/25/2024 9:34:12 AM Post Reply
The California Senate passed a bill that would ban parental notification for gender changes in public TK-12 and provide more resources to increase parental support of LGBTQ pupils. While parents broadly support disclosure rules and have approved them in many school districts, state leaders, including the attorney general — who has supported lawsuits against districts with disclosure rules — say these efforts harm transgender children. In the past year, school districts across California have adopted measures requiring parents to be notified if their children request to officially change their pronouns, go by a different name, or use facilities or school programs for children of the opposite gender.
California Lawmakers Propose Requirement
for New Cars to “Beep” When Over Speed Limit
24 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/25/2024 9:20:47 AM Post Reply
California’s crime-friendly environment has led to numerous Legal Insurrection reports of smash-and-grab robberies, Beverly Hills becoming a ghost town, piracy in Oakland Bay, and a constant stream of organized retail theft. (snip) The California Senate recently passed SB 961, a measure which would require “passive speed limiters” to be installed in all new cars manufactured or sold in the Golden State by 2032. The motion, introduced by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), would make California the first state in the nation to enact the safety requirement, which is similar to a law in the European Union that is set to take effect in July.
Knights of Columbus council sues Biden
administration over permit for Memorial
Day Mass
9 replies
Posted by Beardo 5/24/2024 12:43:06 PM Post Reply
The Knights of Columbus has asked a federal court to allow it to hold its annual Memorial Day Mass inside a national cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia, a tradition that dates back over 60 years, after being denied a permit by the National Park Service. (snip) The First Liberty Institute, which also represents the council, attributed the permit denial to a 2022 NPS policy update that designates “religious services” as “demonstrations” that are prohibited at national cemeteries. Memorial Day services at national cemeteries are a longstanding Knights of Columbus tradition.
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Posted by earlybird 5/30/2024 5:34:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2024 10:40:43 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2024 5:17:42 PM Post Reply
Former president Donald Trump was convicted on Thursday by a New York jury on 34 felony charges for falsifying business records, making him the first president in U.S. history to become a convicted felon. Over the past six weeks at the state courthouse in lower Manhattan, the prosecution sought to demonstrate that Trump, his former fixer and attorney Michael Cohen, and National Enquirer publisher David P* participated in a conspiracy to defraud voters ahead of the 2016 presidential election by paying off women to conceal embarrassing stories about the then-presidential candidate’s sexual history without properly recording those payments as campaign-finance expenses.
Exclusive: Robert De Niro, 80, 'will never
stand down' from attacking Donald Trump
despite facing FURY from his supporters
- and is 'confident' his rants against
ex-President won't stop him finding work
in Hollywood
26 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 10:58:35 PM Post Reply
Robert De Niro doesn't care about the Donald Trump 'haters' who 'spewed vulgarities' at him - and isn't worried that his absolute loyalty to President Joe Biden will stop him getting any more jobs at age 80. The acclaimed movie star was heckled by Trump's loyal supporters earlier this week while he was making a speech against the former President outside of the 77-year-old's hush money criminal trial in New York City. Now, a source has told exclusively that Robert has no plans to 'stand down' and will 'continue to fight for his convictions.'
The presidential election has just caught
fire: ANDREW NEIL's expert instant analysis
of Trump's explosive guilty verdict -
and why the real battle for the soul of
America begins NOW
26 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 7:22:08 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump becomes the first ever former President of the United States to be convicted of a crime. A unanimous New York jury found him guilty on all 34 counts of illegally trying to cover up a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels to stifle a sex scandal that he feared would derail his 2016 presidential campaign only days before America went to the polls. Paying the hush money was not in itself illegal but the prosecution successfully argued that it was designed to influence the outcome of the election — a violation of election laws and, argued the prosecutors, the underlying crime.
Robert De Niro doesn’t suffer from ‘Trump
Derangement Syndrome’, he’s just a
vile individual
22 replies
Posted by DW626 5/30/2024 7:12:10 AM Post Reply
Most thought that Robert De Niro’s “performance” in the title role as Dirty Grandpa, where he played a lecherous, unhygienic, and maniacal grandfather, was his worst. But De Niro managed the seemingly impossible by stooping deeper into the bowels of self-humiliation that made Dirty Grandpa seem like Citizen Kane. This is when he had myriad unhinged foulmouthed public outbursts and made violent threats at various events. His target was democratically-elected President Donald Trump. De Niro’s utterances once again proved that profanity is the last resort of the vacuous. As expected, the madness was cheered in the liberal echo chambers of Hollywood and D.C. One of Joe Biden’s handlers was obviously
After Trump’s Conviction, Republicans
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20 replies
Posted by thekidsmom66 5/31/2024 9:51:52 AM Post Reply
Either you’re willing to jail Democrats on the same terms they’re using to jail Trump, or you’re merely controlled opposition. The conviction of former President Donald Trump on manufactured charges in a Stalinist show trial this week marks a crossroads for the Republican Party. From now on, the civil war inside the GOP will be between those who understand they must do to Democrats what Democrats have done to Trump, and those who think they can trundle along with business as usual.
Biden gives Ukraine permission to carry
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20 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/30/2024 5:05:54 PM Post Reply
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Verdict: ‘Tears of Joy,’ ‘F*** Trump
and F*** Those Who Support Him’
19 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 9:08:31 PM Post Reply
It was Christmas in May for Hollywood celebrities after a jury in deep blue New York City voted to convict former President Donald Trump on all 34 counts in his business records case. While an appeal is a certainty — “This is far from over,” Trump said following the verdict — the stars nevertheless rushed to celebrate the case, which was brought by Soros-funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg (D), who was present in the courtroom on Thursday.“Tears of joy,” an emotional Kathy Griffin wrote. “God Bless New York City!!!” an ecstatic Ellen Barkin tweeted.
Former Hillary 2016 Donor Shaun
Maguire Explains Why He Contributed $300K
To Trump After Today’s Jury Announcement
— “My friends are gonna hate me —
I’m willing to wade into this fire —
Some of us need to be willing to”
16 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 9:35:10 PM Post Reply
Shortly after the announcement was made today that an NYC jury found President Trump guilty of 34 ridiculous charges, based on an unfair case heard in a courtroom led by a dirty, far-left judge and prosecuted by a Soros-funded NYC DA, President Trump’s donor campaign website crashed from an excessive amount of traffic. In addition to everyday Americans racing to help fund President Trump’s re-election campaign, an unlikely donor also made a sizeable contribution to President Trump’s 2024 campaign following the announcement of the jury’s verdict. Only moments after the 34 guilty charges were announced, Sequoia Capitol Partner Shaun Maguire made a $300,000 donation to Trump’s 2024 campaign.
1 injured in reported machete attack at
Times Square McDonald’s
16 replies
Posted by Imright 5/30/2024 2:16:41 PM Post Reply
A man was stabbed in both legs by three men believed to be wielding a machete outside of the Times Square McDonald’s on Thursday afternoon, law enforcement sources said. The man, who was not identified, was rushed to Bellevue Hospital after the 1 p.m. attack, police said. He’s listed in stable condition. Cops are still searching for the three suspects, all men, who allegedly carried out the attack. (Photo) One of the suspects was wearing blue jeans, a black shirt and carrying a backpack.
US economic growth last quarter is revised
down from 1.6% rate to 1.3%, but consumers
kept spending
16 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 5/30/2024 9:44:26 AM Post Reply
Washington — The U.S. economy grew at a sluggish 1.3% annual pace from January through March, the weakest quarterly rate since the spring of 2022, the government said Thursday in a downgrade from its previous estimate. Consumer spending rose but at a slower pace than previously thought. The Commerce Department had previously estimated that the nation’s gross domestic product — the total output of goods and services — expanded at a 1.6% rate last quarter. The first quarter’s GDP growth marked a sharp slowdown from the vigorous 3.4% rate in the final three months of 2023.
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