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Towering Barron Trump walks at high school
graduation as proud parents Donald and
Melania look on

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Posted By: Harlowe, 5/17/2024 2:21:53 PM

Big man on campus! Former first son Barron Trump loomed over officials at his South Florida high school Friday morning as he picked up his diploma, while his parents looked on from the bleachers. [Snip] The high school graduate has not yet announced where he will attend college, and the former president recently said his son’s college options had been upended by recent anti-Israel protests and other unrest on campuses. [Snip] The former president also revealed Barron has an affinity for politics and sometimes likes to advise his dad.


Despite the snarky comments, posting the article to show the lovely pictures of his parents, grandfather and First Lady Melania’s elegance wearing a navy blazer and straw hat. Elsewhere it has been reported that Barron was “thinking about” attending the University of Pennsylvania, the alma mater of President Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka and Tiffany. Barron’s personality has been described as “a solid athlete with a brilliant political mind and deep love for family and country; has a tenacious curiosity about all people from every walk of life; is sharp, funny, sarcastic, tough, not weak, has good manners and humility.”

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Reply 1 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 5/17/2024 2:39:11 PM (No. 1719739)
Sounds like the younger Trump has had a solid, decent, American upbringing.
41 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: EQKimball 5/17/2024 2:42:28 PM (No. 1719742)
Merchan must have realized that his denial of Trump's request would add to the record of personal hostility and bias toward the defendant, with an appellate court concluding it was another example of judicial abuse of discretion.
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: thekidsmom66 5/17/2024 3:22:07 PM (No. 1719764)
I'm so glad he was able to go to this!
27 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: privateer 5/17/2024 3:34:33 PM (No. 1719775)
I guess Torquemada realized that denying Trump's request would bring down a hail of well-deserved criticism. Maybe even help his appeal.
21 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: thefield 5/17/2024 5:00:21 PM (No. 1719825)
I wonder if Cohn is under wraps. Maybe the DA is hoping he would disappear and would call for a mistrial instead of a directed verdict.
7 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 5/17/2024 5:11:44 PM (No. 1719830)
TD is wearing a blue tie to match Melania?
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Reply 7 - Posted by: jar 5/17/2024 10:42:49 PM (No. 1719982)
Why was it ever an issue in the first place? The graduation was held on a Friday, and the trial is never held on Friday, so Trump would have been automatically free to attend the graduation.
1 person likes this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: DVC 5/18/2024 12:50:02 AM (No. 1720013)
Tall kid, looking good. But Melania....that is a really silly looking hat.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: Harlowe 5/18/2024 1:48:08 AM (No. 1720019)
#8~ “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Melania’s choice of the straw “sailor hat” complemented her simple, elegant classic look. Perfection personified. “The Boater straw, also popularly known as Sailor, Sennit, and Skimmer is a stiff straw hat, and easily distinguished by its flat top crown. In the mid 1930's Yachting patrons accounted for half or more of straw-hat sales, but by the early 1950's the Boater straw hat had gained universal popularity, and was no longer exclusive to Yachting. Boater straws are still considered one of the dressiest of straw hats, thoroughly suitable for eveningwear and formal occasions, and still preferred by some for all around wear.” Melania exudes style, dignity, grace, class.
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Towering Barron Trump walks at high school
graduation as proud parents Donald and
Melania look on
9 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/17/2024 2:21:53 PM Post Reply
Big man on campus! Former first son Barron Trump loomed over officials at his South Florida high school Friday morning as he picked up his diploma, while his parents looked on from the bleachers. [Snip] The high school graduate has not yet announced where he will attend college, and the former president recently said his son’s college options had been upended by recent anti-Israel protests and other unrest on campuses. [Snip] The former president also revealed Barron has an affinity for politics and sometimes likes to advise his dad.
VIDEO: Who Is Funding Anti-Israel Campus Protests? 9 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/15/2024 11:06:12 PM Post Reply
On May 8, 2024, Legal Insurrection Foundation and its Equal Protection Project hosted an online webinar, Who Is Funding Anti-Israel Campus Protests? [Snip] But there’s a deeper story that needed to be told, of a well-funded network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that plan and pay for these protest movements. It didn’t sprout organically. It’s a calculated, organized, and well-funded movement. At the Legal Insurrection Foundation, we’ve been discussing and educating the public on the origins of this pernicious movement for over a decade. In this live event, we explored the funding driving these tentifadas and campus protests.
Trump undermines himself with crude language 62 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/14/2024 12:29:04 AM Post Reply
If you are the parent of young children, are you OK with your kids hearing former President Donald Trump’s language and putdowns, like the ones at his rally last Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey? One can hear a kid justifying his or her own swearing: “If Trump can talk like that, why can’t I?” Is this the way we want our children to be raised? They will learn swear words soon enough (and hopefully control their use of them or eschew them altogether).
New Republican Bill Would Send Campus
Protesters to Gaza for Six Months if They’re
Found Guilty of Illegal Activity
26 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/9/2024 5:47:13 PM Post Reply
I keep seeing commenters and people on Twitter saying ‘Send them to Gaza.’ Well, here you go. FOX News reports: College anti-Israel agitators could be sent to Gaza under new House GOP bill ~ A new House Republican bill would send any person charged and convicted for illegal activity on a college campus to Gaza for at least six months. [Snip] Those convicted would be forced to serve a minimum six-month community service sentence in Gaza, where Israel is currently waging a brutal campaign to eradicate Hamas and rescue the remaining Israelis that terrorists took hostage in October.
Biden Commits To Saving Hamas, Will Cut
Off Offensive Weapons To Israel If It
Enters Rafah
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/9/2024 1:00:29 AM Post Reply
We reported earlier how Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed earlier reports of a a ‘pause’ in almost $1 billion in weapons shipments to Israel over its plans to invade Rafah, Hamas’ last stronghold where it’s remaining leadership and battalians are located, along with the hostages. Hamas has been firing rockets from Rafah, and killed four Israeli soldiers at a border crossing used to ship humanitarian aid. [Snip] If Hamas survives in Rafah, it wins the war and gets to reconstitute itself for the future attacks it has promised. Biden is trying to save Hamas. So are an increasing number of Democrats.
Campus Riots a Marriage of ‘Year Zero’
Leftists and Eight Century Islamists
6 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/2/2024 10:21:42 PM Post Reply
I appeared on the Jesse Watters’ show on Fox News tonight to talk about the anti-Israel and anti-American campus riots and encampments sweeping colleges and universities. [Snip] WAJ: They are chanting for an Intifada, which was the bloody suit of suicide bombing campaign that killed over a thousand Israeli Jews. [Snip] But it’s worse now because the people who are driving this and manipulating it and speaking really as the mouthpieces of Hamas and of the Iranian regime, have the worst intentions for our country. [Snip] JBW: There’s a national security situation here. We gotta look into it.
TIME Magazine Prepares For Trump 2.0 With
‘If He Wins’ Cover Story, Outlines
EPIC Second Term Agenda
12 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/30/2024 1:05:22 PM Post Reply
TIME magazine has released a major cover story preparing its readers for Trump’s return to the White House. In a long-form interview with the former president, journalist Eric Cortellessa establishes Trump’s key failing in his first term in office; he didn’t go far enough. [Snip] What emerged in two interviews with Trump, and conversations with more than a dozen of his closest advisers and confidants, were the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.
Gateway Pundit Declares Bankruptcy 3 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/26/2024 12:38:12 AM Post Reply
Thursday, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft posted the following statement to his long-time blog: [Snip] A message from our Founder: TGP Communications, the parent company of The Gateway Pundit, recently made the decision to seek protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the Southern District of Florida as a result of the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet. This is not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and to consolidate litigation when attacks are coming from all sides. It allows TGP to consolidate this lawfare in one court for ultimate resolution.
“This is an openly anti-American movement,
which is using Israel as the scapegoat”
7 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/24/2024 12:05:05 AM Post Reply
There is a plus-side to the vile anti-Israel and antisemitic encampments at Columbia and several other universities--the anti-American side of the movement is on full display. As I’ve been saying for years, the racialized and radicalized campuses are a threat to our nation, now they have shown their hand for all to see. When they burn American flags, and when they chant for the destruction of the U.S., they are showing us who they really are. [Snip] It’s going to get worse. After spending months screaming for an Intifada (the suicide bombing campaign against Israel), don’t be surprised when some of them try to fulfill their sick fantasies.
Democrats Sponsor Bill for Abortions Up
to Birth That Eliminates Every Pro-Life
Law Nationwide
20 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/22/2024 5:43:14 PM Post Reply
When the Dobbs ruling overturned Roe v. Wade, we knew the abortion industry would not go away quietly without a fight. As you know, after our amicus brief was cited by the U.S. Supreme Court in overturning Roe, Liberty Counsel has been fighting the abortion industry’s attempts to make killing an unborn child a “right” in state constitutions across the country. [Snip] Now, the abortion industry is going for a bigger prize--federal legislation to force every state to wipe away all abortion restrictions. The bill even goes so far as to overturn the federal ban on gruesome partial birth abortion,
Trump lawyers tried to subpoena Stormy
Daniels, but instead this happened
8 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/22/2024 1:33:29 PM Post Reply
Former President Trump’s legal team says it tried to serve ex-pornographic actress Stormy Daniels with a subpoena as she arrived for an event at a bar in a New York City bar last month, but she refused to accept it. A process server working for Trump’s lawyers said he approached Daniels with papers demanding information related to a documentary recently released about her life and involvement with Trump but was forced to "leave them at her feet," according to a court filing made public Wednesday. [Snip] "She did not acknowledge me and kept walking inside the venue,
Christian Politician Threatened With Jail
for Bible Tweet, Now Dragged Before Finland's
Supreme Court
7 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/20/2024 6:17:04 PM Post Reply
Finland’s Supreme Court has announced it will take up a contentious case against a Christian politician who has faced a years-long legal battle for sharing her biblical views on sexuality. Dr. Päivi Räsänen, the Finnish politician who was once again victorious in court this past November, will continue her battle after the prosecutor appealed to the nation’s high court. [Snip] In the trial that concluded in November, Räsänen said the prosecutor argued she’s allowed to “believe in her mind whatever about the Bible, but it is illegal to express it outwardly.”
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Trump Advisers Reveal Advance Planning
to Deport 20M Illegal Aliens After Election
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/18/2024 8:00:48 AM Post Reply
Illegal immigration and control over the nation's borders will be one of the major issues in this fall's elections, and a key aspect of that issue is the number of people who are present in the country today - and what should be done about them. Should he win reelection, former President Donald Trump is reportedly being advised to deport almost 20 million illegal aliens, in a project similar to the United Kingdom's Rwanda policy: "Donald Trump’s allies are drawing up detailed proposals to implement the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s plans for an unprecedented immigration crackdown, including an effort that would deport asylum seekers to other countries,
NBC Announces Documentary On ‘Full Spectrum’
Of Animal ‘LGBTQ+ Behaviors’
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Posted by Beardo 5/18/2024 3:55:31 PM Post Reply
NBC is set to air a television special aimed to shed light on the wide array of LGBTQI+ behaviors observed in the natural world, IndieWire reported Thursday. NBC is set to explore same-sex relationships and diverse sexual behaviors in the animal kingdom with its upcoming television special titled “Queer Planet.” The documentary, part of the network’s celebration of PRIDE month, is scheduled to stream on NBCUniversal’s Peacock starting June 6, according to IndieWire. Narrated by Andrew Rannells, “Queer Planet” will share examples of “queer” relationships in the animal kingdom.
The Problem Is... They Can't Get Rid of
Kamala Harris
15 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/18/2024 12:26:36 PM Post Reply
The news this week has brought on a lot of speculation as to what it might actually mean for Joe Biden and the Democratic presidential ticket as a whole. Could Joe Biden still be replaced? Who would be at the top of the ticket? Would they actually skip over Kamala Harris if they swapped Biden out? First of all, I still find it highly unlikely that Joe Biden won't be on the ticket, barring (God forbid) natural causes. The stubborn old man has no reason to step aside, especially when he thinks he's doing such a great job. He doesn't see any problems, unlike Republicans
Biden Announces Plan to Fight Global ‘Biphobia’ 15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/18/2024 8:16:07 AM Post Reply
I admit it. I have biphobia. Every time I go to a classic airshow and a Sopwith Camel swoops overhead clattering like a machine gun, I instinctively duck. That was a bad joke. But so is this administration. Statement from President Joe Biden Marking International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia Have we not enough phobias already? There’s three phobias in that title already and I fear more are coming. Can’t we just somehow consolidate all of these phobias? Maybe call it Homotransbiphobia? And if we can add Islamophobia in there, it should satisfy everyone. What is even the point of biphobia? If someone is already against gay people, are we supposed
Biden's Plan to Resettle Thousands of
Gaza Refugees Is Insane, Warns Expert
13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/18/2024 5:30:27 PM Post Reply
Earlier this month, the Biden administration floated a trial balloon, suggesting "senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed the practicality of different options to resettle Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent residents."No other Middle Eastern country is crazy enough to want large numbers of Gazans to enter their country. The history of Palestinians in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria suggests that the refugees would look to overthrow the government or launch terrorist attacks against Israel from within their borders. This apparently isn't deterring Joe Biden. Perhaps it should. Pinhas Inbari, a veteran Arab affairs analyst,
Chicago council member called America
a ‘garbage society’, complained punishing
criminals is ‘racist’
13 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/18/2024 10:40:14 AM Post Reply
An alderwoman on Chicago’s city council has called America a “garbage society” and believes it is “racist” to hold criminals accountable for their crimes. Rossana Rodriguez advocates for defunding police and wants children to be taught critical race theory as she takes part in the council’s Education and Child Development committee. The council member rails against society on her social media accounts and has denounced America as “a White supremacist society and system” that “favors White people.” A member of the Chicago Democratic Socialist Caucus and the council’s Progressive Reform Caucus, Rodriguez – who fittingly worked as a drama teacher after growing up in Puerto Rico –
What if Biden Wins in November? Part One 13 replies
Posted by Hazymac 5/18/2024 7:41:08 AM Post Reply
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Democrat Fraudster Begs Joe Biden to Pardon Her 11 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 1:52:37 PM Post Reply
Former Baltimore prosecutor and convicted fraudster Marilyn Mosby is begging President Joe Biden to pardon her as she awaits her sentence. According to a letter sent to Biden by the Congressional Black Caucus on Thursday, Mosby claims that her conviction was politically motivated, prompting her to plead with Biden to save her from serving a potential 20 months in federal prison. “As a nation that leads by example, our justice system must not be weaponized to prevent progress toward a more perfect union,” Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) wrote in the letter. “We share your desire for racial equity, Mr. President and this Trump-era prosecution is in direct conflict
Best places to live in the US revealed
- and quaint town where David Copperfield
was born takes top spot
11 replies
Posted by Imright 5/18/2024 11:00:01 AM Post Reply
The best place to live in the U.S. has been revealed - and it might come as a surprise. Out of all 50 states, and an estimated 35,000 cities and towns in the country, a town in the Garden State has been crowned first place. Metuchen, New Jersey, technically considered a suburban borough in Middlesex County, is the best town to live in the U.S., according to Money. The quaint area, that is a little more than two square miles, has a population of more than 14,000 and is considered a part of Central New Jersey. The magician David Copperfield is among the famous names born there.
J6er Jake Lang Emerges From 36 Days in
Sensory Deprivation Chamber
11 replies
Posted by Judy W. 5/18/2024 10:28:12 AM Post Reply
The capacity of human beings to adjust to nearly any environment is quite terrifying. Just ask January 6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang, who just endured 36 days in horrific solitary confinement at the hands of the Biden Regime. (Snip) Lang shared on X: 40 months ago, TODAY on January 16th 2021, I was kidnapped from my home in Upstate NY by the Gestapo FBI for my role in January 6 & I have remained incarcerated by the Biden Regime as a J6 Political Prisoner without bond or trial since. And TODAY after nearly 40 days in a Sensory Deprivation Chamber (HORRIFIC SOLITARY CONFINEMENT) I have finally been RELEASED back
'ISIS Dry Run'? We Know How Two Jordanians
Tried to Infiltrate a US Military Base
in Virginia
10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 1:41:21 PM Post Reply
It looks like the incident at Quantico Marine Corps Base Quantico on May 3 might have been a test run for radical Islamic terrorists. Two individuals tried to infiltrate the base, driving a box truck. The pair attempted to enter the base by identifying as Amazon drivers. Security didn’t buy it, and without further valid identification, they were directed to a holding area for further vetting. The men tried avoiding the area and gaining access to the base before being apprehended. Both are Jordanian nationals, with one allegedly being on the terror watch list.
CDC Links 84% of Measles Cases in Chicago
to Illegal Aliens from Venezuela
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/18/2024 3:03:59 PM Post Reply
A Centers for Disease Control report has linked 84 percent of the recent cases of measles in Chicago to illegal aliens from Venezuela. The other 16 percent of cases are linked to people traveling from Peru and Chile. The Daily Mail reports: New information reveals that the spate of 57 cases at the Pilsen migrant shelter can be traced back to a one year-old boy who had only received one of the two vital vaccines. The majority of the cases — 72 percent — were among unvaccinated people, the CDC said. The report cites overcrowding at the center for the rampant spread, with 500 people said to be crammed into a single room.
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