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The Race Hustlers Are Terrified That Trump
Will End Racism

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 4/4/2024 6:02:14 PM

The left is collectively wetting itself because Donald Trump is promising, to the horror of the regime media and the garbage ruling class, to fight anti-white racism, which is one of the several kinds of bigotries that the leftists love. They also like racism against Asians and Jews and against anybody else who’s conservative regardless of race, but the point of this isn’t to highlight Democrat hypocrisy. Democrats are not hypocrites because you have to believe in the principle that you are ignoring to be a hypocrite, and the Democrats don’t believe anything they say about racism. They are for it when that’s useful and against it when that’s useful.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 4/4/2024 6:27:32 PM (No. 1692765)
Previously posted.
2 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: billa57 4/4/2024 7:02:27 PM (No. 1692790)
It's the 21st Century. People are past that. The only thing keeping it going are the DNC and their race hustlers.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: MickTurn 4/5/2024 12:33:59 AM (No. 1692974)
I still maintain, and always will that the Democrats are still really peeved that Lincoln took away THEIR SLAVES!
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Zigrid 4/5/2024 10:50:39 AM (No. 1693229)
The racism schtick is getting old...and I've watched enough talented black men on the news to know it's a false narrative....
9 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Lawsy0 4/5/2024 8:13:23 PM (No. 1693544)
Relax. Biden will take care of the race hustlers because he is one of them! Besides, there is money to be made in racial grievance. Old Joe is from the LBJ school of "those @#%$ will vote Democrat for the next one hundred years!" LBJ did some of his best thinking when he was peeing in the Rose Garden or pulling his Beagles' ears--poor Him and Her!
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Seven aid workers at the World Central Kitchen mission in Gaza were tragically killed this week in an Israeli attack while delivering trivial amounts of food, bolstering imaginary accusations of “famine” and “genocide.” The man who sent them into a war zone, celebrity chef José Andrés, now contends the workers were “targeted deliberately” and “systematically killed” by Israel. The war in Gaza, he says, is “not a war against terrorism anymore” but a “war against humanity itself.”
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Posted by Mercedes44 4/6/2024 4:56:29 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 4/4/2024 9:45:21 PM Post Reply
Before getting into the weeds, here’s the big picture baseline. All documents and records created within the executive branch are created for the benefit of the head of the Executive Branch, the president. There is no entity, organization, assembly, institution, person or individual, above the President of the United States. The president holds absolute power and absolute immunity. Everyone within the executive branch works at the pleasure of the president, and all work products are created for his administration. This is the plenary power of the president.
The Race Hustlers Are Terrified That Trump
Will End Racism
5 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/4/2024 6:02:14 PM Post Reply
The left is collectively wetting itself because Donald Trump is promising, to the horror of the regime media and the garbage ruling class, to fight anti-white racism, which is one of the several kinds of bigotries that the leftists love. They also like racism against Asians and Jews and against anybody else who’s conservative regardless of race, but the point of this isn’t to highlight Democrat hypocrisy. Democrats are not hypocrites because you have to believe in the principle that you are ignoring to be a hypocrite, and the Democrats don’t believe anything they say about racism. They are for it when that’s useful and against it when that’s useful.
New rule strengthening federal job protections
could counter Trump promises to remake
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Posted by Mercedes44 4/4/2024 5:58:05 PM Post Reply
The government’s chief human resources agency issued a new rule on Thursday making it harder to fire thousands of federal employees, hoping to head off former President Donald Trump’s promises to radically remake the workforce along ideological lines if he wins back the White House in November. The Office of Personnel Management regulations will bar career civil servants from being reclassified as political appointees or as other at-will workers, who are more easily dismissed from their jobs.
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Posted by Mercedes44 4/4/2024 3:03:42 PM Post Reply
The White House was forced to cancel its annual Ramadan celebration after Muslims refused to attend an event with Joe Biden. CBS News reports that while the White House held a successful Iftar dinner last year with hundreds of Muslims, this year’s celebrations involved just a handful administration officials: Last year, President Biden hadn’t even spoken a word at the White House celebration of Ramadan before someone shouted out “we love you.” Hundreds of Muslims were there to mark the end of the holy month that requires fasting from sunrise to sunset.
Citizen Groups Stepping Up to Demand Honest Elections 3 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/4/2024 3:02:18 PM Post Reply
In any contest between two or more parties, an impartial referee is often necessary to ensure that the rules are followed fairly. This includes sports and competitions of all kinds, debates, and yes, even spelling bees in elementary school. Without impartial judges, there is no confidence that the victories were legitimate. This is why it is such a scandal whenever it is alleged that a referee in a hotly-contested college football championship has made a questionable game-changing call, or when a judge is found to have ties to the defendant that seemingly slants his ruling.
WWIII? CIA 'Warns Iran Will Attack Israel
Within 48 Hours' As Revenge For Airstrike
14 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/4/2024 2:59:59 PM Post Reply
The CIA has warned Israel that Iran will attack the country in the next 48 hours, it has been reported. Israel killed two Iranian military commanders with a strike on Tehran's consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus this week. Iran vowed that it would take revenge for the attack, and now foreign media is reporting that US intelligence is fearful of an attack on Israel. Tehran is said to be planning a combined attack with a "rain" of drones and missiles fired from its bases at strategic locations inside Israel, according to Al Mayadeen.
Jesse Watters Summarizes Judicial Bias/Corruption
in the New York 'Hush Money' CaseB
4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/3/2024 9:27:50 PM Post Reply
Jesse Watters ran a devastating segment last night on radical Judge Juan Merchan who silenced President Donald Trump from talking about his family’s financial ties to the current junk case he is presiding over against Donald Trump in New York City. Judge Merchan should be removed for his conflicts. This is peak corruption and cannot stand. As Jesse Watters outlined succinctly in his monologue, “Trump is banned from talking about the judge’s family. Why? Because the judge’s family was paid by the Biden campaign. The judge’s family is currently being paid by Adam Schiff over $10 million.”
Getting Trump wrong again 4 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/3/2024 9:19:01 PM Post Reply
The media had a lot of fun this week misinforming the public about President Donald John Trump’s fortune. CNBC, which bills itself as a business news channel, seemed genuinely happy that the share price of Trump’s publicly traded company fell. CNBC told online readers, “The share price of Trump Media closed trading 21.47% lower on Monday, hours after the social media app company tied to former President Donald Trump reported a net loss of $58.2 million on revenue of just $4.1 million in 2023.
Trump’s events aren’t drawing big
protests this year. Instead, Biden is
facing public ire
7 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/3/2024 9:16:30 PM Post Reply
When Donald Trump first ran for the White House eight years ago, protesters filled the streets. His inflammatory rhetoric and often dehumanizing descriptions of immigrants spurred thousands to demonstrate outside his rallies. By this time in 2016, protesters regularly interrupted his speeches, sparking clashes and foreshadowing Trump’s habit of encouraging violence against those he casts as his enemies. “Knock the crap out of them, would you?” Trump once said as he egged on the crowd to go after protestors on their own — even promising to pay their legal bills.
South Africa: Safe-haven for Hamas, Islamic
State and al-Qaeda Terrorists
2 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/2/2024 8:38:50 PM Post Reply
The South African government is the same thing as Hamas. It's an Iranian proxy, and its role in the war is to fight the ideological and ideas war to stigmatize Jews around the world. " — Frans Cronje, CEO Race Relations Institute, interview on Chai FM Radio, January 26, 2024. The ANC's lax monitoring and prosecution of the terrorist presence in South Africa may have been the result of an understanding between the government and terrorist groups not to execute terror operations in the country while permitting fundraising to continue without interference from South African law enforcement agencies.
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Sharpton: Trump Is a ‘Low Down’ Con
Man Using ‘Boogeyman Politics’
30 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/5/2024 11:21:57 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Al Sharpton said Friday on “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump was a “low down” conman playing “boogeyman politics.” Sharpton said, “He was the same guy that stood on television as president of the United States, and said it will be over in two weeks. Don’t worry about it. And then finally he told us to take bleach. So now we’re going – I think that the collective amnesia, that a lot of Americans are having, is the challenge that the Democrats have to put out there, say this is the guy that you voted out. Remember, now, he ran for re-election. You didn’t want him back again.
How climate change is hitting vulnerable
Indonesian trans sex workers
28 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/6/2024 10:25:08 AM Post Reply
Joya Patiha, a 43-year-old Indonesian transgender woman, first started to notice that changing weather patterns in the mountain-ringed city of Bandung were affecting her income as a sex worker a decade ago. The rainy season was lasting longer across the West Java province, winds were stronger and in some particularly bad years Patiha lost up to 80% of her earnings. Trans women like Patiha are among the most affected by extreme weather linked to climate change, as well as suffering disproportionately when disasters strike. “No one is coming out during the longer rainy season,” said Patiha. “It is very hard to make money during that unpredictable weather.”
McDonald's forced to buy back all 225
Israel franchise restaurants after they
gave free meals to IDF soldiers - sparking
boycott in Middle East and other Muslim
countries that caused 'meaningful' impact
on profits
28 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/5/2024 3:50:27 PM Post Reply
Fast food chain McDonald's will buy back all of its Israeli restaurants following a boycott of the brand after it was criticised for giving away thousands of free meals to Israeli soldiers. The move to donate meals to troops was later renounced by McDonald's franchises in some Muslim countries, highlighting the polarized regional politics that global corporations navigate during war. Some Western brands are feeling the impact of boycotts in Egypt and Jordan that have now caught on in some countries outside the Arab region including Muslim-majority Malaysia. The popular chain said it had reached an agreement with franchisee Alonyal for 225 outlets across the country employing 5,000 people.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Speculates Speaker
Johnson Is “Being Blackmailed” —
“What Do They Have On Him?” (VIDEO
28 replies
Posted by Harlowe 4/5/2024 12:00:47 AM Post Reply
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene aired speculative concerns regarding Speaker Mike Johnson’s recent political actions, suggesting a potential blackmail situation to explain what she perceives as a radical departure from his known conservative stances. [Snip] ... people are literally asking, is he blackmailed? [Snip] He completely changed who he was, funded the FBI, gave them a brand new building, fully funded the Department of Justice that is persecuting everyone on the right and actually targeting a presidential candidate for election this year. Literally trying to put him in jail for the rest of his life. We don’t know who Mike Johnson is anymore.”
Watch: 70-Year-Old Transgender Lawyer
Stephanie Mueller Goes Viral for Provocative
Courtroom Outfit
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/6/2024 1:37:25 AM Post Reply
A deep-voiced male lawyer in Washington State is being jeered for his decision to sexually display himself as a big-chested woman in a low-cut dress. “This is a man with a fetish for an absurd caricature of the female form that clearly thrives on the attention,” said British journalist Darren Grimes. “Democrat America is nuts.” “This weird minstrel show ‘woman-face’ is pure misogyny … in offensive stereotype costumes,” said a tweet from a self-declared liberal, Yoysher Freyheyt.
Madeleine Dean: ‘Trump Would Be a Useful
Idiot to Mr. Netanyahu’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/5/2024 8:29:35 PM Post Reply
Representative Madeleine Dean (D-PA) said Friday on CNN’s “News Central” that former President Donald Trump “would be a useful idiot” to Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Dean said, “When we’re talking about this very critical subject, I can’t think of anything more starkly clear. Mr. Netanyahu, I believe, is waiting his days out because he would like to have the return of what I believe is a useful idiot to people like Mr. Netanyahu.” (Snip) Dean concluded, “Mr. Trump would be a useful idiot to Mr. Netanyahu’s, I think failed ways, the failure of the prosecution of this war. Israel had the right, has the right and obligation to defend itself.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Undercuts Democrats
on January 6: ‘Little Evidence of a
True Insurrection’
25 replies
Posted by Imright 4/5/2024 7:57:17 PM Post Reply
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued a statement on the January 6 prosecutions Friday, saying that while violent rioters deserved to be punished, many prosecutions of non-violent protesters were excessive. Kennedy’s statement undercuts the Democratic Party’s effort to portray the 2024 election as a “defense of democracy” and a referendum on the so-called “insurrection,” which Democrats blame on former President Donald Trump. Kennedy’s statement reads as follows: January 6 is one of the most polarizing topics on the political landscape. I am listening to people of diverse viewpoints on it in order to make sense of the event
Biden at Baltimore Bridge: “The Biden
Family Goes All the Way Back to Being
Watermen in This Bay For a Long Time…Back
in the Mid-1800s” (Video)
25 replies
Posted by Imright 4/5/2024 7:39:55 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Baltimore to deliver remarks after he participated in an aerial tour of the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge with Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard Admiral Linda Fagan, and Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lieutenant General Scott Spellmon. Baltimore’s Key Bridge collapsed last month after a container ship collided with a support column. Several people who were working on the Baltimore bridge at the time it collapsed perished.
71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges
by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on
Jan. 6
24 replies
Posted by Imright 4/5/2024 10:28:39 PM Post Reply
A Washington, D.C., jury convicted Rebecca Lavrenz of Falcon, Colorado, known on social media as the “J6 Praying Grandma,” of four federal misdemeanor charges Thursday related to her participation in the Jan. 6, 2021, incursion of the U.S. Capitol. The 71-year-old faces up to a year in prison and more than $200,000 in fines, the Colorado Springs Gazette reported. According to federal court documents, Lavrenz’s crimes were entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct in the Capitol Building, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol.
US Forces on High Alert, Preparing for
'Significant' Attack in Middle East by
Iran on US, Israeli Assets
22 replies
Posted by Imright 4/6/2024 1:50:39 AM Post Reply
American forces have been placed on "high alert" as of Friday, in anticipation of a possible attack by Iranian forces on either U.S. or Israeli assets in the Middle East. The attack, if it happens, is expected to come as soon as next week.Senior US officials currently believe that an attack by Iran is “inevitable” – a view shared by their Israeli counterparts, that official said. The two governments are furiously working to get in position ahead of what is to come, as they anticipate that Iran’s attack could unfold in a number of different ways – and that both US and Israeli assets and personnel are at risk
Greene: Earthquakes and eclipses a sign
from God to ‘repent’
21 replies
Posted by Citoyen 4/5/2024 5:05:43 PM Post Reply
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) said recent earthquakes and a coming eclipse are “strong signs” from God that America needs to “repent,” shortly after tremors shook the New York City region Friday. “God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens,” Greene said Friday in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.
Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Withdraws
Political Support for Joe Biden in 2024,
Says He Regrets Endorsing Biden in 2020 (Video)
21 replies
Posted by Imright 4/5/2024 12:12:53 PM Post Reply
In a recent interview with FOX News’ Will Cain, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, once an avid supporter of Joe Biden, has expressed regret over his 2020 endorsement and stated he will not be endorsing Biden for the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Johnson, along with everyone who supported Joe Biden, is complicit in the destruction of the US today. Johnson has been a vocal critic of former President Donald Trump and was seen as part of the broader Hollywood contingent that supported Democratic candidates.
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