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You Are an Infidel': The Persecution of
Christians, February 2024

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Posted By: Mercedes44, 3/31/2024 11:24:59 AM

Her family immediately went to police, who told them not to go public, and that they would help return Irene.... In early February, however, the family finally did go public -- and hinted that the authorities were complicit in the abduction and know exactly where she is. —, February 292, 2024 - Egypt. Muslim terrorists launched raids on several Christian villages. They murdered 23 people—six were burned alive—wounded 10 and abducted five more, along with setting 28 homes on fire. —, February 21, 2024 - Nigeria.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: DVC 3/31/2024 12:18:33 PM (No. 1689800)
Islam has been a cancer on humanity for 1,400 years. We need to free ourselves from these rabid dog terrorists.
12 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DrOstrow 3/31/2024 12:28:33 PM (No. 1689808)
Winston Churchill wrote in 1899 if I recall correctly ( no guarantee there ! ) that islam is basically incompatible with western civilization ! I interpret that as saying that living peacefully with them simply isn't possible regardless of what 'W' called them !
8 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: mean Gene 3/31/2024 1:07:28 PM (No. 1689834)
Islam is back with a vengeance. When is it not? Just last week an Italian journalist visited a "no-go zone" outside of Paris and was beaten to within an inch of his life. Police refused to help him get justice because, as they put it, he was the one who ignored Sharia Law!
3 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: 4Liberty2020 3/31/2024 1:38:32 PM (No. 1689859)
I pray for these brave Christians and their families who have faced these violent people. I also pray, that the Lord will keep me brave if I ever face this same persecution. The End Times are coming soon. "Come quickly, Lord Jesus.,"
5 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: DVC 3/31/2024 1:43:22 PM (No. 1689863)
Re #2, Churchill wrote that "Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog." He was absolutely right.
6 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 3/31/2024 3:03:47 PM (No. 1689897)
I should get a hat that says "Infidel".
4 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Venturer 3/31/2024 3:51:50 PM (No. 1689918)
Well #4 I live in America and have no intention of ever living anywhere near a caliphate. I never intend to face such persecution it is why the 2nd. Amendment holds such a priority place in my home.
3 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 5 handicap 4/1/2024 6:41:05 AM (No. 1690262)
Until Islam is eradicated, no real human being will ever be safe!
0 people like this.

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Posted by Mercedes44 4/1/2024 7:31:11 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 4/1/2024 5:54:20 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Mercedes44 4/1/2024 5:45:54 AM Post Reply
Department of Transportation component slammed the brakes following semi-furious opposition to its proposal for "on demand" law enforcement surveillance of commercial vehicles a year and a half ago. It took another six months to turn over the records after a FOIA lawsuit to compel their release, a day before they were due in court Thursday, with no indication yet from FMCSA when it would release a final rule. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration had internal conversations about those public comments over several months, including via personal email,
Happy Trans Day of Visibility 17 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 4/1/2024 5:42:55 AM Post Reply
For those of you who celebrate this sacred day, Happy Easter. For those who don’t, most Americans appreciate that it is the holiest day of the year for you and treat it with civilized respect. To the President who claims he is a Catholic in good standing, it’s just another day to poke his fingers in your eyes. Yes, the White House is hosting the traditional easter egg rolling event, but it has banned all religious symbols at the event, and in a proclamation dated, “in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four” announced that this day, March 31, is “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
ISIS-K could slip through US border and
carry out Moscow-style attack, US official warns
29 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/31/2024 11:43:51 AM Post Reply
ISIS-K terrorists could cross America’s porous borders, and carry out an attack like the Moscow concert hall mass shooting that killed 143 people , a US counter-terrorism official and experts warned. The ultra-violent offshoot of the Islamic State terror group is growing “bolder,” and and its members may try to take advantage of the chaos at the US-Mexico border and seek out a “bigger” target, a current federal official told The Post, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “An attack on US soil is definitely a possibility,” said the source. “It would certainly send a message.”
FDNY firefighters forced to remove flag
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Posted by Mercedes44 3/31/2024 11:37:03 AM Post Reply
Fire Department brass ordered an East Village ladder company to remove its “red line” American flag honoring the squad’s six brothers killed on 9/11 – after a neighborhood resident complained it was “fascist” and a local lefty pol questioned whether it was a “politically charged symbol.” The shocking order came March 22 after a man claiming he was a staffer for Democratic Manhattan Councilwoman Carlina Rivera confronted firefighters at Ladder Co. 11, sources said.
You Are an Infidel': The Persecution of
Christians, February 2024
8 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/31/2024 11:24:59 AM Post Reply
Her family immediately went to police, who told them not to go public, and that they would help return Irene.... In early February, however, the family finally did go public -- and hinted that the authorities were complicit in the abduction and know exactly where she is. —, February 292, 2024 - Egypt. Muslim terrorists launched raids on several Christian villages. They murdered 23 people—six were burned alive—wounded 10 and abducted five more, along with setting 28 homes on fire. —, February 21, 2024 - Nigeria.
Maine 8 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/30/2024 4:50:06 AM Post Reply
The quoted banker does not specifically talk about the Central Bank Digital Currency that lays at the end of the promoted rainbow; the author does. However, the banker does outline a familiar step in the current process. As a result, it is worth drawing attention to the continuum. MAINE – “According to Hannigan, the COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses to implement “paper-free and virtual processes” to handle their finances while “adapting to the new reality. “For years, Americans had been slowly moving away from cash and paper checks, but the pandemic supercharged the trend,” Hannigan wrote.
The Value of Trump 19 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/30/2024 4:45:00 AM Post Reply
An oft familiar set of questions circles around a variation of ‘does President Trump know this’, or ‘can President Trump eliminate this’, or ‘is President Trump the solution’. The most brutally honest short answers are: unlikely, doubtful and no. That said, the longer answers are much more complicated, involve the reader separating their emotion from logic and accepting that few people in this current American world we are forced to endure truly understand just how purposefully siloed the administrative state of government has become. Those you think know, don’t. Those who should know,
BREAKING: Whistleblower Claims Michael
Avenatti Reportedly Revealed Michael Cohen
Was Having Affair With Stormy Daniels
Since 2006—Cooked Up Hush Money Scheme
To Extort Money From Trump Before 2016 Election
15 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/28/2024 4:07:27 AM Post Reply
   Tony Seruga is a very popular commentator on Twitter. In his profile, the conservative commentator with over 77K followers, Mr. Seruga, states that he’s an Intel Ops CIA/NSA Contractor/Whistleblower.(snip)
This afternoon, Mr. Seruga dropped a bombshell, and if true, it could blow up the whole Stormy Daniels affair with Trump lie that the mainstream media and Democrats have been clinging to since 2015. Tony Seruga claims he used to share office space with the convicted felon and former attorney, Michael Avenatti, who represented porn star Stormy Daniels in her case alleging that then-presidential candidate Donald J. Trump paid her hush money to keep their alleged “affair” out of the public.
Landslide in Ohio Shows GOP Path to Victory 5 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/27/2024 5:27:47 PM Post Reply
The stunning landslide by underdog U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno in the Ohio GOP primary shows the way for Republican victory throughout the all-important Rust Belt this fall. Pennsylvania, Michigan, and nearby Wisconsin can all be won with Moreno’s campaign theme: creating jobs for Americans. Polling showed a too-close-to-call race between Moreno and the establishment-favored candidate, state senator Matt Dolan. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) and the popular former U.S. Sen. Rob Portman (R) endorsed Dolan, who is the powerful state Senate Finance Committee Chairman.
Environmental watchdog sues San Francisco
for 1.2 billion gallons of raw sewage
and trash-filled runoff entering the bay
each year
7 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/27/2024 9:04:27 AM Post Reply
San Francisco has long been at the forefront of all things progressive: it was one of the first locales to begin decriminalizing marijuana, which of course devolved into the druggie free-for-all it now is; home to pederasts like Harvey Milk, the LGBTQ++ community, no matter how obscene (Folsom Street Fair) is always celebrated; it’s home to social programs like GIFT, which isn’t just ordinary welfare, but a handout that can pay out as much as $21,600 per enrollee and is exclusively for “trans” people;
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Joe Biden Tells ‘Trans Americans’
They Are ‘Made in the Image of God’
35 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/1/2024 9:47:51 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden’s secular deputies kidnapped Christian theology to champion transgenderism on the holiest weekend for Christianity. On Sunday afternoon, Biden’s X account tweeted: “Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all trans Americans: I see you. You are made in the image of God, and you’re worthy of respect and dignity.” (snip) The “made in the image of God” phrase and claim is a theological statement by a government that vigorously enforces secularism outside churches.
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Posted by Hazymac 3/31/2024 1:27:51 PM Post Reply
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White House Responds to Christian and
GOP Backlash Over ‘Transgender Day of
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Posted by Imright 3/31/2024 10:13:14 AM Post Reply
The White House has responded to the backlash from Christians over the “Transgender Day of Visibility” proclamation issued by Joe Biden. Biden declared March 31 to be a holiday honoring transgender people — but this March 31, of course, is Easter. “NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility,” the White House proclamation declared. “I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and
Damage Control: Now Biden Wishes Christians
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29 replies
Posted by Imright 4/1/2024 12:52:59 AM Post Reply
The White House moved Sunday to make public its best wishes for Christians in the wake of an earlier furore arising from President Joe Biden embracing Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility.” A statement from the White House was issued to that effect, saying the power of Christ’s Resurrection is honored in the observance of Easter: Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection. As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities.
ISIS-K could slip through US border and
carry out Moscow-style attack, US official warns
29 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 3/31/2024 11:43:51 AM Post Reply
ISIS-K terrorists could cross America’s porous borders, and carry out an attack like the Moscow concert hall mass shooting that killed 143 people , a US counter-terrorism official and experts warned. The ultra-violent offshoot of the Islamic State terror group is growing “bolder,” and and its members may try to take advantage of the chaos at the US-Mexico border and seek out a “bigger” target, a current federal official told The Post, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “An attack on US soil is definitely a possibility,” said the source. “It would certainly send a message.”
Protesters screaming 'Free Palestine'
ambush Easter Vigil at St Patrick's Cathedral
as horrified worshippers watch flag-holding
demonstrators get tackled out of NYC's
iconic church
26 replies
Posted by Imright 3/31/2024 9:20:19 AM Post Reply
Protesters calling for a ceasefire in Gaza flooded into New York City's most iconic cathedral, breaking up a Saturday-night Easter Mass and throwing the tranquil scene into disarray. On the evening of March 30, candles illuminated the inside of St. Patrick's Cathedral as observers gathered for the customary Easter Vigil Mass led by Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York. But the peace quickly devolved into chaos as demonstrators with Extinction Rebellion NYC's Palestinian Solidarity group swarmed into the church.
Lizzo Says 'I Quit' and I Can't Stop Laughing 25 replies
Posted by Hazymac 3/31/2024 7:09:25 AM Post Reply
Pop superstar Lizzo has had enough. She's had enough of the "lies." She's tired of being "the butt of the joke every single time because of how I look." "I didn’t sign up for this s— — I QUIT [peace out emoji]," she posted on Instagram. The singer is the subject of a sexual harassment lawsuit by three of her dancers who claim they had been “exposed to an overtly sexual atmosphere that permeated their workplace,” and that Lizzo created a "hostile work environment." She appeared at the Joe Biden mega-dollar fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall on Thursday night, drawing criticism from the attorney for her three accusers. “It’s shameful
How Ramadan is muscling out Easter all
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across London. A Muslim crescent flag
flying atop Westminster Abbey. Jam-packed
mosques while church pews are fast emptying
25 replies
Posted by OhioNick 3/31/2024 3:45:38 AM Post Reply
There are few more joyous places for a Christian at Easter than northern Europe's tallest and largest Gothic cathedral in the city of Cologne.[SNIP] Perhaps we should not be surprised. In Britain, Windsor Castle hosted its first Iftar last week, with permission from King Charles, the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Guests feasted on coconut milk and dates in the grounds before a private tour of the State apartments. Westminster Abbey, meanwhile – a Christian site for over 1,000 years – flew the national flag of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, with the Muslim crescent and star, to mark 'Pakistan Day'.
Watch: Alleged Anarchists Climb Up 250-Foot
Crane and Attach Themselves to Stop 'Cop
City' in Atlanta
24 replies
Posted by Imright 3/31/2024 6:27:02 PM Post Reply
There have been a lot of bad anarchist actions over the years, but one of the ongoing places continues to have issues from activists agitating against what they call "Cop City" in Atlanta. "Cop City" is a facility that is being built in the woods to help better train police. You would think that people would want better-trained officers. But what many of these characters truly want is no police. There has been all kinds of violence and arrests at the site over the past few years as activists occupied the area trying to stop the project from being built
Padilla, Durbin Urge President Biden to
Take Executive Action to Provide Relief
for Undocumented Immigrants
24 replies
Posted by JimBob 3/31/2024 8:43:50 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety, and U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, led 17 Senate Democrats in requesting administrative relief for undocumented immigrants. As the Biden Administration considers executive actions on the border, the letter outlines recommendations for executive actions to streamline immigration relief for the undocumented population and DACA holders in the United States. “We urge your Administration to take all available actions to streamline pathways to lawful status for undocumented immigrants, providing certainty to the American businesses, communities, and families who rely on them,” wrote the Senators.
Nancy Pelosi Marks César Chávez Day,
Trans Visibility Day on Easter Sunday
23 replies
Posted by Imright 3/31/2024 6:24:28 PM Post Reply
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) marked Transgender Visibility Day and César Chávez Day on Easter Sunday, though California state government offices will only observe Chávez Day on Monday, April 1. Pelosi issued a tweet honoring the late farmworker union organizer and civil rights leader on Sunday, shortly after posting a message of Easter greetings to Christians nationwide. (X's) She then issued a tweet (or “post” on X) in honor of the Transgender Day of Visibility: (X) Chavez was born on March 31, 1927 in Yuma, Arizona. He built his legacy in California, where his family were migrant farm workers, and where he became a labor organizer.
New $20 minimum wage for fast food workers
in California is set to start Monday
23 replies
Posted by Imright 3/31/2024 4:05:14 PM Post Reply
Livermore, Calif. — Most fast food workers in California will be paid at least $20 an hour beginning Monday when a new law is scheduled to kick in giving more financial security to an historically low-paying profession while threatening to raise prices in a state already known for its high cost of living. Democrats in the state Legislature passed the law last year in part as an acknowledgement that many of the more than 500,000 people who work in fast food restaurants are not teenagers earning some spending money, but adults working to support their families. That includes immigrants like Ingrid Vilorio, who said she started working at a McDonald’s shortly
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