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Netanyahu: Once We Begin the Rafah Operation,
Victory Is ‘Weeks Away’

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Posted By: earlybird, 2/25/2024 5:53:52 PM

Netanyahu said, “I’ve set three war goals. The first is to release the hostages. The second is to destroy Hamas. And the third is to ensure that Gaza does not pose a threat to Israel in the future. And obviously, the three are intertwined. They, they’re achieved, basically by our very effective and often heroic military operation. And also by tough negotiations, we’re combining the two and I hope it- it yields a result, but understand that unless we have total victory, we can’t have peace. We can’t leave Hamas in place.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 2/25/2024 6:16:25 PM (No. 1665110)
Don’t let up! It’s time to cut the head of the snake, if you let them escape, the next time will be even worse than October…
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 2/25/2024 7:08:15 PM (No. 1665134)
Killing all Hamas will take as long as it takes. War does not run on a timetable and "The plan does not survive first contact with the enemy" as a pretty solid rule.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: NeonVortex 2/25/2024 7:11:23 PM (No. 1665140)
Don't stop.
15 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 2/25/2024 9:29:14 PM (No. 1665221)
From the Jordan to the Med, Hamas will soon be dead.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Geoman 2/25/2024 11:00:52 PM (No. 1665272)
I'm beginning to think that Israel will cease to exist within the next five years or so. Too many leftists, including many American Jews, have adopted Israel is an all-purpose punching bag. Far too many Arabs and Muslims have an insane, Hitler-like hatred for Jews and the nation of Israel. With the American government, driven by hard core leftists who also hate the USA, in full push-back mode vis-a-vis support for Israel, no other powerful country appears ready to stand in the breach with Israel.
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Reply 6 - Posted by: mifla 2/26/2024 5:36:31 AM (No. 1665365)
The fourth, unspoken goal. Send a message to the terrorists that Israel will no longer cave to international pressure and that if you attack us, you will be hunted down to the ends of the earth.
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Reply 7 - Posted by: JHHolliday 2/26/2024 10:50:44 AM (No. 1665580)
Israel will do what it has to do to survive with their little sliver of land. This is something the anti-semites don’t understand. The Jews have no choice but to fight to the death or be wiped out of existence. I just wish more American Jews would wake up and quit voting Dem. They are voting for their eventual destruction.
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Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 11:05:32 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 10:47:40 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/28/2024 10:43:24 AM Post Reply
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10 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/27/2024 4:42:13 PM Post Reply
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Facing Catastrophic Consequences New York
Times Now Outlines Construct of Ukraine
as USA Proxy Province
14 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/26/2024 5:33:05 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/26/2024 11:10:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 2/26/2024 10:51:27 AM Post Reply
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Netanyahu: Once We Begin the Rafah Operation,
Victory Is ‘Weeks Away’
7 replies
Posted by earlybird 2/25/2024 5:53:52 PM Post Reply
Netanyahu said, “I’ve set three war goals. The first is to release the hostages. The second is to destroy Hamas. And the third is to ensure that Gaza does not pose a threat to Israel in the future. And obviously, the three are intertwined. They, they’re achieved, basically by our very effective and often heroic military operation. And also by tough negotiations, we’re combining the two and I hope it- it yields a result, but understand that unless we have total victory, we can’t have peace. We can’t leave Hamas in place.
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to try to ban former president
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Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 10:14:11 PM Post Reply
An Illinois state judge has kicked former President Donald Trump off the Illinois' Republican presidential primary ballot due to his alleged role in the January 6 Capitol riots. Cook County Circuit Judge Tracie Porter ruled in favor of Illinois voters who argued Trump should be disqualified from the state's mid-March primary ballot, as well as the November 5 general election ballot. Voters brought their case over Trump's behavior on January 6, 2021, when he allegedly violated the anti-insurrection clause of the 14th Amendment.
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Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 11:10:37 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 7:34:56 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 2/28/2024 1:44:17 PM Post Reply
A tearful Mitch McConnell has announced he will be stepping down as the longest-serving Senate leader in history and admitted 'father time remains undefeated.' The Republican senator, who turned 82 last week, choked up on the Senate floor as he revealed he will leave the position he's served in for almost 18 years in November after a 'painful time' that included the death of his sister-in-law. McConnell has battled constant calls to step down in recent months over his support for sending more aid to Ukraine and is the last member of the Republican leadership not to have endorsed Donald Trump's 2024 presidential bid.
McConnell will step down as the Senate
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Posted by plomke 2/28/2024 12:36:25 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON (AP) — Mitch McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November. McConnell, who turned 82 last week, was set to announce his decision Wednesday in the well of the Senate, a place where he looked in awe from its back benches in 1985 when he arrived and where he grew increasingly comfortable in the front row seat afforded the party lea
'Jeopardy!' Is in Hot Water—'Never Watching Again' 28 replies
Posted by OhioNick 2/29/2024 3:47:41 AM Post Reply
Jeopardy! has come under fire on social media over the inclusion of a clue regarding neopronouns during Monday's Tournament of Champions quarterfinal. During the episode, contestant Cris Pannullo selected a category called "Speech! Parts of Speech!" for $600. He was then presented with the words "Xem, Xyrs, Xemself," to which he correctly responded: "What are pronouns?" "Those are pronouns," host Ken Jennings responded. "Neopronouns." Xem/xyrs/xemself is a set of gender-neutral pronouns that has been adopted by some people, as well as organizations. That is in addition to some of the more commonly used pronouns, such as she/her, he/him, and they/them.
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Posted by sunshinehorses 2/29/2024 1:28:50 PM Post Reply
New York Attorney General Letitia James is suing JBS USA, the world's largest producer of beef, over the company's emissions and for "greenwashing" by allegedly misleading the public about its environmental impact. In an announcement, James noted that beef production has the largest greenhouse gas footprint of any major food commodity and that animal agriculture accounts for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. According to James, JBS USA's various net-zero pledges for 2030 and 2040 are therefore misleading and "not feasible" given the scope of its worldwide beef production operations.
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Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 1:57:01 PM Post Reply
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24 replies
Posted by OhioNick 2/29/2024 4:00:03 AM Post Reply
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23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:32:05 PM Post Reply
As anyone even halfway aware of Bud Light’s financial woes since putting Dylan Mulvaney on one their cans predicted, their attempt to reclaim their domination of the beer market via funny Super Bowl ads did not have the intended result. If anything, it was a waste of a $7 million plus brand rehabilitation effort. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday that, despite the astronomical amounts of money Anheuser-Busch expended on the prime ad space of the Super Bowl, the company’s attempt to boost their flagging sales “barely moved the needle.”
Illinois judge rules Trump should be removed
from Republican primary ballot over Jan.
6 riot
21 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/28/2024 8:04:39 PM Post Reply
An Illinois judge ruled Wednesday that former President Donald Trump should be taken off of the state's ballot for the primary election, citing the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The decision came from the Circuit Court of Cook County, and the judge put the order on pause in anticipation of an appeal. The ruling said that "based on engaging in insurrection on January 6, 2021...his name should be removed from the ballot." NBC News has reached out to the Trump campaign for comment. The Illinois GOP primary takes place March 19. The U.S. Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments regarding a similar Colorado ruling that said Trump should be removed
SCOTUS Justice Jackson Just Said the Dumbest
Thing About Guns and I Can't Stop Laughing
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 2/28/2024 8:44:29 PM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson must have fallen asleep last night watching a vintage '80s Chuck Norris movie as part of her preparation to hear oral arguments today in the Garland v. Cargill bumpstock ban lawsuit because her understanding of firearms is even less realistic than your typical Cannon Films production. While I don't have the transcript yet for you — arguments are going on as I write this column — the Firearms Policy Coalition has been doing the good work of posting highlights to Twitter/X. (Don't miss the update below from the official transcript.) When it was time for the Biden Department of Justice to present its side to the Court,
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