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Report: Biden’s Reliance on Cheat Sheets
at Fundraisers Concerns Donors

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Posted By: Imright, 2/23/2024 12:32:20 PM

President Joe Biden’s unabashed reliance on pre-prepared notes to help him explain his own policies in response to questions he knows are coming is sparking concern about his age from party donors. An Axios report sets out even in closed-door fundraisers, where prescreened donors can ask questions of the octogenarian, he can be seen consulting his notes to provide detailed answers, according to people familiar with the routine.The staged Q&A sessions have left some donors wondering whether Biden can withstand the rigors of a 2024 presidential campaign let alone potential debates with former President Donald Trump, 77, according to the Axios story.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: rytwng 2/23/2024 12:42:33 PM (No. 1663786)
Does he even know his own name?
18 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: DVC 2/23/2024 12:48:17 PM (No. 1663788)
He was stupid 40 years ago. Now his brain is just shot. Time for a nap and a nice cup of ice cream and a jail cell for this criminal.
35 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: billa57 2/23/2024 12:48:55 PM (No. 1663789)
Brandon cannot even carry on a two-way conversation. No problem, the puppet masters will take care of everything.
18 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Newtsche 2/23/2024 12:49:15 PM (No. 1663790)
That's right, the huge money folks aren't giving FJB zillions.
8 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: itsonlyme 2/23/2024 12:59:21 PM (No. 1663797)
The Knotseez in the WH, under the direction of Hussein, provide index cards, teleprompters, etc. Whatever it takes to make things "easier" for the Demented Fuhrer. Jill's thirst for power is unending.
13 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: bpl40 2/23/2024 1:30:27 PM (No. 1663809)
If that is all that raises their concern, then they deserve to be separated from their money.
16 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: NorthernDog 2/23/2024 1:40:35 PM (No. 1663816)
Reminds me of a Farside Cartoon. The guy has a big poster on his bedroom wall: ''FIRST pants, THEN shoes''
23 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 3XALADY 2/23/2024 1:41:12 PM (No. 1663818)
#4 Someone is giving him money. He raised hundreds of thousands of $$$ the last time he made a swing thru CA 2-3 weeks ago. He earned 81 million votes the last time he campaigned from his basement and I imagine he is planning for another win the same way.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Safari Man 2/23/2024 2:50:11 PM (No. 1663868)
He's always cheating in one form or another. It's all he knows.
13 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: downnout 2/23/2024 3:11:14 PM (No. 1663879)
Anyone giving money to that crook simply hates their money.
11 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: rochow 2/23/2024 3:13:01 PM (No. 1663882)
My father did better at 89.
8 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Schnapps 2/23/2024 3:40:41 PM (No. 1663898)
Note that the donors are more concerned about Briben's abilitiy to campaign than his ability to carry out presidential duties.
15 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Heraclitus 2/23/2024 4:05:21 PM (No. 1663911)
Then he flipped to the next note card and read, "man was sex with Jill great... no joke" what? who wrote that? who's going after Jill? was it me?
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Venturer 2/23/2024 5:28:24 PM (No. 1663961)
They keep talking about Biden's age. It isn't his age it's his mind----------------It's gone. I know a lady who is 100 years old and not in as bad shape as Biden. I see her in Church every SDunday, which is more often that Joe attends.
13 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: MickTurn 2/23/2024 8:11:38 PM (No. 1664030)
Joey still can't keep his stories straight, written down or not.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: mifla 2/24/2024 4:57:17 AM (No. 1664138)
In my fantasy world, a disgruntled staffer slips in a new index card into the mix. "Hunter is the smartest guy I know. He was the bag man for our crime family and he made those guys pay on time. Even the Chinese!"
8 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: privateer 2/24/2024 6:51:53 AM (No. 1664175)
Maybe KJP has gone from Spokesmoron to trainer.
3 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Red Jeep 2/24/2024 7:26:12 AM (No. 1664193)
I think that come Presidential debate time, President Trump will be debating a cardboard cutout of Biden.
6 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: John Farson 2/24/2024 8:09:01 AM (No. 1664229)
If the idiot can do a 10 minute State of the Union address I will eat my hat.
3 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: Patchy Groundfog 2/24/2024 8:17:57 AM (No. 1664243)
'where prescreened donors can ask questions of the octogenarian, he can be seen consulting his notes to provide detailed answers' Donors are 'prescreened' by dint of having big money to contribute to a campaign. There aren't (m)any big donors giving to the opposition. What they want is access and, even if they won't admit it, they want to hear candid remarks. It's well established that Biden cannot function without these idiot cards - he even requires them to walk into a room and take a chair. And so, we have people paying for that which they cannot receive and will not receive. The bigger stink is that Biden has been this same invalid for years as evidenced by his interactions with the media - and their shameful participation in the questions-in-advance ruse.
3 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: janjan 2/24/2024 9:09:06 AM (No. 1664289)
I’m glad to know that his donors have the ability to be ‘concerned’ that the POTUS is clearly demented and in no way able to do his job. Clearly their lust for power takes a much higher priority than our national security, economy, or border security. I have nothing but contempt for all of them
6 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Lawsy0 2/24/2024 9:48:01 AM (No. 1664332)
If Biden doesn't stick to the notes Obama planned for Biden to use, there's no telling how many times the old phart will yammer on about his tales of derring-do with Corn Pop (he was a bad dude).
3 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Zigrid 2/24/2024 10:32:25 AM (No. 1664365)
Next information WE the people need is...if biden is so feeble...Then Who the H___is running the country....
3 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: formerNYer 2/24/2024 1:03:00 PM (No. 1664478)
Concerns Donors??/? They still forked over money to the demented fool, because the TDS is very strong with to these idiots.
0 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:11:55 AM Post Reply
Attorney George Conway said Tuesday on CNN’s “Out Front” that he was donating $929,600 to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign because former President Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy.” Erin Burnett said, “You are giving Biden the maximum amount, but somebody can give Joe Biden, $929,600 that you have earned over your life to a person running for president so how in the world did you get there?” Conway said, “Yeah, no, that’s that’s just an amazing story to me. If you told me that I would do something like that and support a Democrat and tomorrow an item we headlining a fundraiser in Washington asking Democrats
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Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:04:00 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:19:18 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:14:43 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Tampa, Florida to participate in a campaign event. After wrapping up a speech at Hillsborough Community College, Biden headed over to a campaign office in Tampa. Biden told several lies to the campaign volunteers. He falsely claimed he was involved in the civil rights movement as a kid. Then he claimed he used to drive an 18-wheeler. “Besides, I used to drive an 18-wheeler,” Biden said to staffers at his campaign office in Tampa. WATCH: (Video) This is one of Joe Biden’s favorite lies.
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Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:08:42 PM Post Reply
President Trump won the presidential primary in Pennsylvania Tuesday night, the Associated Press reported. Pennsylvania is Trump country! A local reporter in Pittsburgh last week noticed that there are virtually no Biden signs anywhere in Pennsylvania – but there are lots of Trump signs! Trump won the Pennsylvania primary about a week after he held a massive rally in Schnecksville. Trump clinched the 2024 Republican nomination last month after he swept Georgia, Mississippi and Washington state to surpass the 1,215 delegates needed.Warmonger RINI Nikki Haley finally suspended her campaign last month after Trump crushed her on Super Tuesday. President Trump dominated in 14 of the 15 state elections.
Biden mocks Trump for celebrating the
overturning of Roe v. Wade as a 'miracle'...
and claims he got the inspiration from
the $60 Bible he's 'trying to sell': President
taunts Trump in Florida and says he can
win his rival's home state
15 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 9:24:51 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden traveled to Florida Tuesday to take on former President Donald Trump on his home turf - and on the issue of abortion. Biden appeared before supporters at a community college in Tampa, one week before Florida bans abortions past six weeks. He called out Trump, his 2024 general election opponent, as the sole person responsible for the 'cruelty and chaos' that's occurred after the overturn of Roe v. Wade. 'He described the Dobbs decision as a mircale,' Biden said of Trump. 'I think it's coming from that Bible he's trying to sell.' 'I almost wanted to buy one just to see what the hell's in it,'
“This Will Be the Sleeper Issue of 2024”
— The Democrat Election Steal Is In
Motion: 1.7 Million Mysterious Voter Registrations
Recorded in Texas Since 2020
11 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 9:03:18 PM Post Reply
The Democrat election steal machine is in motion. While Republicans sleep Democrats are already maneuvering for another massive election steal in November 2024. Either the Republican Party is completely worthless or is in on it. They can’t possibly be this blind and ignorant. Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote released a shocking video on Monday regarding a mysterious surge in Texas voter registrations since the beginning of 2024.Texas added 1.8 million new registrations before the 2020 election.
Biden considering amnesty for over 1 MILLION
illegal immigrants who are married to
U.S. citizens giving them 'parole in place'
and work permits
8 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 5:34:25 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is considering an executive order that would grant amnesty to the more than 1 million illegal immigrants who married U.S. citizens but were barred from receiving green cards. The President is looking at taking further actions to address both the southern border crisis and illegal immigrants living in the U.S. ahead of the 2024 election as a large chunk of Americans rank the issue as their top priority. Although immigrants, even those living in the U.S. illegally, are typically able to gain citizenship when they marry American citizens there are a number of reasons why they may have been given the benefit.
Exclusive: Trump Campaign Rips Biden for
Morehouse College Address in Same Atlanta
Neighborhood as Chick-Fil-A Visit
3 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 5:14:26 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s campaign is lighting up Democrat President Joe Biden for only accepting an invitation to give the commencement address at Atlanta’s Morehouse College in May because it’s in the same neighborhood Trump visited when he made an iconic stop at a Chick-fil-A recently. “It’s no coincidence that Joe Biden’s handlers signed him up to speak at Morehouse College days after President Trump received a tremendous reception in Atlanta and was warmly greeted by many of Morehouse’s very own students at Chick-fil-A,” Trump campaign national spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt told Breitbart News on Tuesday. “Biden’s team is panicking because Joe Biden no longer has a base,
Mike Rowe Contrasts Today’s Liberal
College Campuses with Trade Schools Where
He is “Pleased to Report, No One is
Calling for the Extermination of Jews”
5 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 4:29:32 PM Post Reply
Mike Rowe, the former host of the popular TV show “Dirty Jobs,” has a way of telling it like it is. He has consistently criticized America’s dependence on higher education as the only path to success. In 2008, Rowe created the mikeroweWORKS Foundation to launch a national PR campaign for skilled labor. The website shares, “America has become slowly but undeniably disconnected from the most fundamental elements of civilization—food, energy, education, and the very nature of work itself.”
Pentagon set to send $1 billion in new
military aid to Ukraine once bill clears
Senate and Biden
6 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 4:27:16 PM Post Reply
Washington:— The Pentagon is poised to send $1 billion in new military aid to Ukraine, U.S. officials said Tuesday as the Senate moved ahead on long-awaited legislation to fund the weapons Kyiv desperately needs to stall gains being made by Russian forces in the war. The decision comes after months of frustration, as bitterly divided members of Congress deadlocked over the funding, forcing House Speaker Mike Johnson to cobble together a bipartisan coalition to pass the bill. The $95 billion foreign aid package, including billions for Israel and Taiwan, passed the House on Saturday, and the Senate approval was expected either Tuesday or Wednesday.
Exclusive Photos: Melania Trump Headlines
Mar-a-Lago Log Cabin Republicans Fundraiser
4 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 12:53:40 PM Post Reply
Former First Lady Melania Trump, former President Donald Trump’s wife, headlined a fundraiser on Saturday evening, her first solo event of the 2024 campaign. Exclusive photos of the former first lady — provided to Breitbart News by her longtime photographer, Andrea Hanks — show her alongside Log Cabin Republican leaders Ric Grenell, Bill White, and Bryan Eure.Grenell — the former Director of National Intelligence in Trump’s administration and the first-ever openly gay U.S. cabinet official in history — made clear at the event that Trump will win the vote of gay voters in 2024. “Donald Trump deserves our vote,” Grenell said in quotes provided to Breitbart News exclusively.
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Posted by Beardo 4/23/2024 2:39:37 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Mike Johnson reportedly apologized to President Joe Biden for rolling his eyes at the president’s angry State of the Union address in March. Johnson’s office did not deny his apology when Breitbart News asked for comment. The apology is the latest revelation that suggests Johnson’s sympathies lie with the establishment and Washington, DC, elites, rather than with the voters who elected him to Congress and the Republican conference. Just last week, Biden steamrolled Johnson by allowing Democrats to, in effect, seize control of the House, thereby allowing Biden’s agenda to sail through Congress.
George Conway: I’m Donating $929,600
to Biden Because Trump Is a ‘Threat
to Democracy’
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/24/2024 4:11:55 AM Post Reply
Attorney George Conway said Tuesday on CNN’s “Out Front” that he was donating $929,600 to President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign because former President Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy.” Erin Burnett said, “You are giving Biden the maximum amount, but somebody can give Joe Biden, $929,600 that you have earned over your life to a person running for president so how in the world did you get there?” Conway said, “Yeah, no, that’s that’s just an amazing story to me. If you told me that I would do something like that and support a Democrat and tomorrow an item we headlining a fundraiser in Washington asking Democrats
Mitt Romney Renders Verdict Already as
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26 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/23/2024 9:15:00 PM Post Reply
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) believes that former President Donald Trump is guilty, something he stated clearly publicly, even before Trump’s trial is really underway. When asked by CNN’s Manu Raju, about the allegations that Trump falsified business records to hide payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels, Romney gave Trump a guilty verdict. “I think everybody has made their own assessment of President Trump’s character, and so far as I know you don’t pay someone $130,000 not to have sex with you,” Romney said. Trump is currently facing 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree regarding payments made to Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.
Two catastrophic airline disasters in
the space of 3 days narrowly averted as
controllers apparently not up to the job
22 replies
Posted by Magnante 4/23/2024 2:18:28 PM Post Reply
Are you aware that there have been two near-catastrophes at major American airports (DC Reagan and NY JFK) where airplanes were cleared to cross runways as another airplane was taking off? (snip) The first incident took place last Thursday, April 18, at Reagan National Airport when the tower controller ordered a Southwest jet to cross a runway as a Jet Blue plane was taking off. (snip) A mere 3 days later, at JFK Airport, a Swiss Airlines jumbo jet was at the end of the runway cleared for takeoff when multiple airliners, including a Delta jumbo jet were cleared to cross the runway.
Trans Student Tells State Lawmakers that
Making Him Compete on Boys’ Team is
‘Mental Anguish’
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 4/23/2024 9:01:49 PM Post Reply
A transgender student told New Hampshire lawmakers that forcing him to play on the boys’ team at school gives him “mental anguish” and that he should be allowed to play on the team that matches his gender identity. Male-born track & field athlete Maelle Jacques appeared before the House Education Committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives Monday to speak against SB375, which would ban transgender girls from playing on any state-sponsored school girls’ sports team. “Joining a male team wouldn’t even be a choice for me” because of the “mental anguish I’d go through being forced to be someone I’m not,” he said during his prepared statement. [Tweet, video]
Joe Biden in Tampa: “I Used to Drive
an 18-Wheeler” – Biden Has Never Driven
an 18-Wheeler (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 10:14:43 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Tuesday traveled to Tampa, Florida to participate in a campaign event. After wrapping up a speech at Hillsborough Community College, Biden headed over to a campaign office in Tampa. Biden told several lies to the campaign volunteers. He falsely claimed he was involved in the civil rights movement as a kid. Then he claimed he used to drive an 18-wheeler. “Besides, I used to drive an 18-wheeler,” Biden said to staffers at his campaign office in Tampa. WATCH: (Video) This is one of Joe Biden’s favorite lies.
Pope Francis on Earth Day: Planet Is ‘Falling
into Ruin’
18 replies
Posted by Beardo 4/23/2024 12:19:29 AM Post Reply
Pope Francis commemorated Earth Day on Monday by warning that the planet is “falling into ruin” thanks to humanity’s failure to protect it. “Our generation has bequeathed many riches, but we have failed to protect the planet and we are not safeguarding peace,” the pontiff chided on X (former Twitter). “We are called to become artisans and caretakers of our common home, the Earth which is ‘falling into ruin,’” he declared, followed by “#EarthDay.” For the 50th anniversary of Earth Day in 2020, Pope Francis issued a similar indictment of humanity’s failure to care for the planet, blaming human selfishness for the ruin of the earth.
Columbia University's Pro-Hamas Activists
Vow to Defend Camp Against Police Action
16 replies
Posted by DW626 4/24/2024 7:32:34 AM Post Reply
Okay, I stand corrected on one thing: Columbia University’s terror camp is coming down. I was skeptical, given that President Minouche Shafik has said terrorism is another form of protest. New York’s finest can’t move until the front office gives the green light—Columbia is private property. It seems the university has come to its senses: they’ve given a midnight deadline to set the terms for the dismantling of this tent city of Hamas propaganda and antisemitism:
Voyager 1 starts transmitting useable
data again for first time in five months
- after appearing to have broken down
nearly 50 years into its outer space journey
15 replies
Posted by OhioNick 4/24/2024 8:27:55 AM Post Reply
The decades-old NASA Voyager 1 spacecraft has begun sending readable communications again after months of transmitting gibberish. Voyager 1 – the most distant human-made object in existence – has been sending back data from interstellar space for nearly 50 years after being launched in 1977. However, in November a glitch occurred that made the spacecraft's data about its environment and the health of its own systems unintelligible to the NASA scientists monitoring it. Famous for snapping photos of Jupiter, Saturn and their moons, Voyager 1 then returned readable communications on April 20, confirming it is still safely cruising outer space.
Biden mocks Trump for celebrating the
overturning of Roe v. Wade as a 'miracle'...
and claims he got the inspiration from
the $60 Bible he's 'trying to sell': President
taunts Trump in Florida and says he can
win his rival's home state
15 replies
Posted by Imright 4/23/2024 9:24:51 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden traveled to Florida Tuesday to take on former President Donald Trump on his home turf - and on the issue of abortion. Biden appeared before supporters at a community college in Tampa, one week before Florida bans abortions past six weeks. He called out Trump, his 2024 general election opponent, as the sole person responsible for the 'cruelty and chaos' that's occurred after the overturn of Roe v. Wade. 'He described the Dobbs decision as a mircale,' Biden said of Trump. 'I think it's coming from that Bible he's trying to sell.' 'I almost wanted to buy one just to see what the hell's in it,'
Disney World Turns Park Into Drag Show
for Kids With Transgender Snow White Character
12 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/24/2024 12:14:06 AM Post Reply
Disney is ramping up the grooming operations at their Walt Disney World park in Florida. In 2022, the company announced that it wouldn't consider gender when casting for different characters in the park, which sparked backlash from responsible parents as they didn't want Disney World to turn into a drag show for kids. According to a new report, parents' fears have become a reality. Disney went all in on the culture war to fight with Florida Gov. Ron Desantis, leading to a Republican primary election in which many thought Desantis had a chance against Donald Trump. While his candidacy misfired, his war with Disney and its push
Strolling While Jewish 12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 4/23/2024 10:50:45 AM Post Reply
Happy Passover, the holiday when American Jews attempt to pass over an Ivy League campus and British Jews attempt to pass over a Central London thoroughfare. (Snip) What Germany was to the Jews of a century ago, America is today. New York is the world's most Jewish city, and Brooklyn is famously the most Jewish place on earth, with more Jews than either Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. As in Germany, Jews are the businessmen, brain surgeons, physicists, film producers. I take it as read that the day is fast-approaching when London, Paris, Toronto, Copenhagen will be Jew-free. But New York?
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