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‘Build The Border Wall’ Americans
Once Again Tell Biden: I&I/TIPP Poll

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Posted By: RockyTCB, 2/5/2024 4:30:23 AM

The hot topic of immigration has come to a boil in recent weeks with a clash between President Joe Biden and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over the building of a border fence to keep illegal entrants from crossing into the U.S. Americans lean strongly toward Abbott in the feud, expressing strong support for a border wall, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Along with the economy and health care, immigration has leapt to the fore among the many issues that concern Americans this election year. The latest national online I&I/TIPP Poll, including 1,402 registered voters, asked three questions related to the topic, with special focus on the U.S.-Texas border row.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: FJB 2022 23 24 2/5/2024 4:51:54 AM (No. 1651033)
Build the wall and impeach Joe Biden, then wipe out congress members who put Americans last and illegals first!
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: privateer 2/5/2024 7:52:43 AM (No. 1651117)
What a shock! Actual Americans want their Nation protected from moochers, terrorists, rapists, murderers and assorted 'Diversity'. It's the Vegetable's job, but he only obeys his master, Soebarkah, the Mahdi.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 2/5/2024 9:05:29 AM (No. 1651170)
You can wake up a sleeping man. How can you wake one who is pretending to sleep!
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Reply 4 - Posted by: cor-vet 2/5/2024 10:43:03 AM (No. 1651262)
Build it and electrify it!
1 person likes this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Krause 2/5/2024 11:06:39 AM (No. 1651293)
Somebody should ask Biden if he thinks the American people support what he is doing at the border.
0 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: DVC 2/5/2024 11:24:12 AM (No. 1651312)
Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall! Build the Wall!
1 person likes this.

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The Moral Hazard Of An Open Border 7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/6/2024 8:24:10 AM Post Reply
The political left argues that the immigrants illegally crossing our borders are in search of better lives, and that those who want to stop the flood are hateful, heartless bigots and racists. Morality is a certainly central to the dilemma, but it’s not the morality that much of the Democratic Party wants everyone to believe it is. An average of more than 200,000 immigrants a month have illegally jumped America’s southern border during Joe Biden’s three years in the White House, almost four times the monthly rate of crossings under Donald Trump. By any fair description, our southern border is open, and this has created a humanitarian crisis
‘Build The Border Wall’ Americans
Once Again Tell Biden: I&I/TIPP Poll
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/5/2024 4:30:23 AM Post Reply
The hot topic of immigration has come to a boil in recent weeks with a clash between President Joe Biden and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott over the building of a border fence to keep illegal entrants from crossing into the U.S. Americans lean strongly toward Abbott in the feud, expressing strong support for a border wall, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Along with the economy and health care, immigration has leapt to the fore among the many issues that concern Americans this election year. The latest national online I&I/TIPP Poll, including 1,402 registered voters, asked three questions related to the topic, with special focus on the U.S.-Texas border row.
Just Say No To Biden’s Border ‘Deal’ 12 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 2/1/2024 6:33:30 AM Post Reply
After spending three years denying that there is a border crisis, President Joe Biden wants the public to believe that the reason more than 6 million immigrants have flooded over the southern border on his watch is because of Republican intransigence. Now he’s taking this up a notch. He claims he desperately wants to “shut down the border,” but Republicans are standing in the way … for political gain. This is a lie for the history books. Just how dumb does Biden think the public is? On his first day in office, Biden started signing executive orders
Economic Shock: 2/3 Of Voters Live ‘Paycheck
To Paycheck’ Under Biden: I&I/TIPP Poll
6 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/31/2024 5:54:12 AM Post Reply
Democratic politicians seem befuddled by the general lack of respect for what they believe are the accomplishments of Bidenomics. But they shouldn’t be. Because, despite some rebound in the economy since the COVID shutdown, Americans continue to struggle. While the U.S. remains a wealthy country compared to others, nearly two-thirds of Americans say they are “living ‘paycheck to paycheck’ these days” in the latest I&I/TIPP Poll, conducted from Jan. 3-5 from among 1,401 registered voters. The poll has a +/-2.6 percentage point margin of error. This shocking result comes as some on Wall Street
The Elites Hate Us — But We Outnumber Them 13 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/30/2024 7:47:26 AM Post Reply
Elites are individuals who occupy the upper strata in society through either wealth, politics, sports, religion, and/or social status (such as entertainment), and they have been a part of society for millennia. Because of human nature, elites have usually — though not always — considered themselves to be better than those below them or have simply been indifferent to them. By the same token, those below the elites have either envied them, worshipped them, been hostile towards them, or have just simply been indifferent to them, occupying different worlds of which they were not privy to, though they might have been curious. In the past
Does Quebec Have A Canadian Version Of
The Bastille To House Justin Trudeau?
7 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/30/2024 6:47:38 AM Post Reply
Canada’s Boy Prime Minister broke that country’s highest law when he applied the Emergency Powers Act to crack down on truckers’ Freedom Convoy to protest his authoritarian pandemic policies. He also committed grand larceny when he seized protestors’ bank accounts. Why is he not on trial for criminal and civil offenses? In a “landmark” ruling last week, a federal court judge ruled that Justin Trudeau’s “government unconstitutionally and unjustifiably invoked the Emergencies Act in response to ongoing Freedom Convoy blockades” two years ago, the National Post reports. Justice Richard Mosley also noted that the invoking of the act “does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness –
Our Nation Of Effete Status Seekers 1 reply
Posted by RockyTCB 1/29/2024 5:30:04 AM Post Reply
Bill Clinton spoke of “the right side of history” almost two dozen times while president. Some say the phrase can be traced to 1984, when race baiter and Democrat Jesse Jackson used it to describe the rise of the Marxist Sandinistas, who were destroying Nicaragua. But the expression was supercharged by Barack Obama. Since, we’ve had a deluge of status seekers eager to align themselves with The One to show they’re on “the right side of history.” Except they’re not. But they are on the right side of inconsequence. Americans have advanced far beyond the subsistence lives so many lived a century ago. We have
Google Sharpens Its Censorship Knives
— Labels Trump Praise As ‘Dangerous’
11 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/26/2024 6:28:03 AM Post Reply
We recently discovered that Google’s ad-serving network is blocking its ads from appearing on a story we published almost exactly three years ago. Google declared that the article violated its terms of service because it contained “Dangerous or derogatory content,” [snip] So what was the article that it flagged? “Trump’s Top-10 Triumphs: A Last Look At A Remarkable Presidency.” We are not kidding. That editorial begins thusly: "President Donald Trump became an ex-president on Wednesday, as Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th president of the United States. We wish him nothing but the best. But before we let
Meet The New Drudge, Better Than The Old Drudge 14 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/25/2024 6:50:33 AM Post Reply
The unmistakable decline of the once mighty Drudge Report into a cesspool of liberal links had led to endless speculation about the reasons. Did Matt Drudge sell the site? Did he get co-opted? Did he just lose interest? But the demise of Drudge also opened the market to other aggregator sites, at least one of which is a big improvement over the original. Drudge’s appeal wasn’t just the unchanging Internet 1.0 design, or the fact that he linked to conservative news outlets. It was that he managed to uncover news that the corporate media ignored, often simply by linking to coverage by local,
Unpacking Climate Lies 18 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/23/2024 5:38:40 AM Post Reply
Much of the U.S. was frosted and frozen by bitter winter weather last week. But this is just further proof of manmade global warming, the media claim. Because even as America freezes, “most of the rest of the world is feeling unusually warm weather,” which is merely a “contradiction” that “fits snugly in explanations of what climate change is doing to Earth,” says the Associated Press. Of course what doesn’t fit “snugly” is ignored. And there’s plenty of that. For instance, we’ve been assured for decades by all the right people that Arctic ice will disappear
Dementia And Double Standards 4 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/22/2024 5:13:14 AM Post Reply
At an event in North Carolina last Thursday, President Joe Biden called out for a congresswoman with whom he claimed he’d just been photographed. She was, at the time, in Washington, D.C. At an event in New Hampshire the next day, presidential candidate Donald Trump appeared to mix up Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley when talking about Jan. 6. Guess which mental lapse was ignored while the other was covered by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, ABC News, The Hill, PBS, and countless other news outlets. About a minute into his speech about the taxpayer money he’s dumping into high-speed internet,
‘Climate Change’ Puts Biden’s EV
Mandate On Thin Ice
13 replies
Posted by RockyTCB 1/19/2024 6:17:19 AM Post Reply
The polar vortex gripping the nation has exposed a fatal flaw in President Joe Biden’s push to force Americans into electric cars. EVs don’t work well in the cold. Several news stories out of Chicago this week report how EV owners have been struggling to keep their cars charged as extreme cold saps their batteries of energy, extends charging times, and forces owners to wait for hours to get an open charger. “Several motorists told local news outlets that they had been stranded at charging stations in the cold with cars with dead batteries, while successful charging was taking far longer than usual.
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Schumer Celebrates McConnell on Senate
Immigration Plan: ‘Have Never Worked
More Closely’
42 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 3:39:40 AM Post Reply
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) celebrated Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with the reveal of the new immigration plan, adding that the two have “never worked more closely.” “I have never worked more closely with Leader McConnell on any piece of legislation as we did on this,” Schumer told reporters on Sunday, according to Andrew Desiderio of Punchbowl News. (X) As Breitbart News reported on Sunday, the newly revealed bill had some concessions made on border security along with other glaring red flags: The establishment authors of the bill have largely hidden its contents — along with many possible loopholes, exceptions, modifications, and caveats
Biden tells crowd he recently met with
Mitterrand, former French president who
died in 1996
41 replies
Posted by pensom2 2/6/2024 12:56:02 AM Post Reply
President Biden told a crowd in Las Vegas on Sunday that he recently met with Francois Mitterrand, the French president who has been dead for nearly 30 years. The comments came while Biden was warning of the dangers of a potential second Trump presidency, as he aimed to shore up enthusiasm ahead of Tuesday’s Democratic primary in Nevada. Biden recounted a story he has told many times during his presidency, about a meeting he had with French President Emmanuel Macron during a G7 meeting in England, some months after Biden had taken over the White House. "I sat down and
Is Biden Malicious, Incompetent, or Conniving? 38 replies
Posted by Moritz55 2/5/2024 11:58:06 AM Post Reply
What Excites Biden? Things are becoming so strange, so surreal, so nihilistic in contemporary America that the chaos can only be deliberate. Chance, incompetence, and accident could not alone explain the series of disasters we now daily witness that are nearly destroying the country. When the ailing and non-compos-mentis president now speaks, he rarely becomes excited about Iranian or terrorist provocations. Biden seems restrained even at Russia’s outlawry in Ukraine. The atrocities of Hamas now earn only measured objections from Biden. He does not seem too angered by the collapse of the border. Nor do the deaths of 100,000 Americans to imported fentanyl earn a loud trademark Biden scream. No, what
Schumer Threatens to Send US Troops to
Fight Russia Unless Republicans Agree
to His $100 Billion World Aid Bill (Video)
34 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 3:42:21 PM Post Reply
Democrat Schumer: Give me money or else your sons will die in war. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Monday threatened to send US troops to fight Russia unless Republicans agree to his $100 billion world aid bill currently stalled in Congress. The Senate’s $118.28 billion national security supplemental package allocates $60 billion in military aid to Ukraine. Schumer said the first vote on the bill is scheduled for Wednesday. (X) Of course, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is on board with this bill.
Mitch McConnell Turns Against Border Bill 31 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 10:23:07 PM Post Reply
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the shocking decision to recommend Republicans block the advancement of the Senate pro-migration border bill. That first procedural vote was set for Wednesday. It is unknown if Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) will forge ahead, although that is likely. McConnell cited the overwhelming number of Senate Republicans planning to vote against the measure either on substance or because they wanted more time, according to Punchbowl News.
We were friends for years. Trump tore
us apart.
30 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 2/6/2024 11:59:40 AM Post Reply
I miss my friends. We lost one another somewhere along the way, through the pandemic and politics of the last few years, old boys who had known one another since Little League and caught boatloads of walleyes together on Storm Lake in Iowa. (snip) I know where I live. Northwest Iowa is a frozen slice of Texas, one of the most conservative places in the country. I guess I am what you call woke because I don't think immigrants are the problem; I think income — lack of it — is the problem.
Chicago Mayor Too Busy to Visit Border:
‘I’m Doing All of That with a Black
Wife Raising 3 Black Children’ in Chicago
30 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 10:44:13 PM Post Reply
Chicago’s “progressive” Mayor Brandon Johnson blew up on a reporter on Monday when he was asked if he plans to visit the U.S. southern border, and he insisted that he does not have time because he is busy “with a black wife raising three black children on the west side of the city of Chicago.” Johnson notoriously canceled his planned and announced trip to the border in October, and since then, he has claimed he still intends to make the trip to see the mess down there with his own eyes. Instead of going himself as he had planned to, the mayor sent Beatriz Ponce de Leon, the deputy mayor
How Donald Trump went from a diminished
ex-president to the GOP’s dominant front-runner
30 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 2/5/2024 7:56:13 AM Post Reply
When he left the White House, Donald Trump was a pariah. After years of bending Washington to his will with a single tweet, Trump was, at least for a moment, diminished. He was a one-term Republican president rejected by voters and then shunned by large swaths of his party after his refusal to accept his 2020 election defeat culminated in an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol that sent lawmakers running for their lives. Some members of his Cabinet had discussed invoking the 25th Amendment, seeing him unfit to remain in office. He was banned from social media and became the first president to be impeached twice.
Sen. James Lankford Begs for Public Statements
Backing His Open Borders Senate Plan
28 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 8:38:48 AM Post Reply
The Senate Republican’s chief negotiator of the open borders deal appears to be feeling the heat. In an email sent Sunday night to outside groups and obtained by Breitbart News, Sen. James Lankford’s (R-OK) staff pleads for air cover in support of the Senate border bill. “[I]f you and/or your group agrees that this policy could help at the border today and give the next Administration helpful tools to use, please feel free to share a statement of support with our team that we can amplify,” reads the Sunday night email to recipients.
Michelle Obama Wins Second Grammy, Matching
Barack Obama
26 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 2/5/2024 8:58:38 AM Post Reply
Michelle Obama has earned her second Grammy Award, now matching husband Barack Obama. Michelle Obama won best audiobook, narration and storytelling for The Light We Carry: Overcoming In Uncertain Times on Sunday, beating out Meryl Streep, Senator Bernie Sanders, William Shatner and Rick Rubin. The win occurred during the 2024 Grammys pre-show, where most of the awards are handed out. Michelle Obama wasn’t in attendance. The former first lady won her first Grammy in the same category for her memoir Becoming. Barack Obama won his Grammys for best spoken word album with Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of
Biden calls Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu
a 'bad f****** guy' in latest foul-mouth
tirade from 81-year-old president
26 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 8:44:10 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's foul language continues after he allegedly called Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu a 'bad f****** guy.' People who have spoken to President Joe Biden are claiming that the 81-year-old leader called Benjamin Netanyahu a 'bad f****** guy' in private conversations, Politico revealed. Biden's alleged insults come as the U.S. is dragged further into war and conflict in the Middle East. Politico's Jonathan Martin wrote a column on Sunday explaining how Biden, 81, is losing millions of votes amongst young liberals for the United States' support of Israel amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza with Hamas.
King Charles III is diagnosed with cancer:
Monarch, 75, postpones public duties and
returns to London for immediate treatment
after medics spotted condition while he
was undergoing surgery for enlarged prostate
25 replies
Posted by Imright 2/5/2024 2:11:35 PM Post Reply
King Charles has been diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace announced in a statement this evening. The 75-year-old monarch has returned to London from Sandringham to begin treatment immediately. It is not connected with his recent surgery and is not prostate cancer, but medics spotted it when he underwent his medical procedure for an enlarged prostate. The King is understood to have personally informed his sons Prince William and Prince Harry about his condition. The Duke of Sussex will travel to the UK to see him in the coming days, a source close to Harry said.
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