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New CNN head says network needs to recapture
‘swagger and innovation’

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 1/18/2024 5:59:55 AM

CNN’s new chief executive says the company needs to recapture the “swagger and innovation” of its early days – and that, he says, increasingly means embracing a future outside of television. Mark Thompson, appointed CNN’s chief executive last fall after stints at the New York Times and the BBC, outlined a strategy to his staff on Wednesday that included a corporate restructuring but few external specifics on how that transformation will take place. Once a “scrappy outsider”, CNN has been slow to respond to the reality of its primary television business shrinking, Thompson said in his memo. “There’s currently too little innovation and risk-taking,” Thompson said in the memo.


Not after being tarred and feathered!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: plomke 1/18/2024 6:19:39 AM (No. 1638773)
Naw...just grab your fake awards and shut the lights off on your way out...
30 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: 5 handicap 1/18/2024 6:20:41 AM (No. 1638774)
Perhaps telling TRUTH for a change would reinvigorate your audience?
57 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: DogFacedPonySoldier 1/18/2024 6:22:58 AM (No. 1638776)
CNN is obsolete. Truth isn’t.
37 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: NancyD 1/18/2024 6:43:07 AM (No. 1638784)
In order to regain, it must be something they once had. So its just words, not going to happen.
22 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mobyclik 1/18/2024 7:03:44 AM (No. 1638795)
How about just reporting the news instead of hour upon hour of leftwing propaganda. Now THAT would innovative for CNN.
36 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FJB 1/18/2024 7:14:28 AM (No. 1638800)
Suggest Newsmax quit boosting MSCNN's viewership by constantly relaying its racist anti-American clips. MAGA
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 1/18/2024 7:56:27 AM (No. 1638825)
CNN lost its credibility 30 years ago. You can never recover from a stained reputation like that. It’s a biased tabloid.
21 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Philipsonh 1/18/2024 8:10:22 AM (No. 1638833)
All CNN needs to do is fire and replace every current employee that a viewer sees when tuned in. Hire news reporters and journalists, not spewers of propaganda. ** I have watched 15 MINUTES total of CNN in 10 years
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Old Army Vet 1/18/2024 9:01:57 AM (No. 1638883)
I think the word you're looking for is trust, which you lost years ago.
11 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/18/2024 9:06:34 AM (No. 1638888)
No, cnn. We want you to go the way Air America did. AA disappeared because no on liked its news product, remember?
13 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: WimeTarmerFable 1/18/2024 9:14:56 AM (No. 1638898)
Then report the news instead of making it up.
17 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: janjan 1/18/2024 9:23:24 AM (No. 1638908)
New buzzwords are not going to fix CNN. Their talking heads (they are certainly not journalists) are 99% liberals and that’s the audience they cater to. The rest of us, the majority, are considered deplorable. This sentiment is returned.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Strike3 1/18/2024 9:30:57 AM (No. 1638913)
Deck chairs on the Titanic come to mind.
12 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: bpl40 1/18/2024 10:24:09 AM (No. 1638963)
I would suggest honesty and professionalism are better goals.
5 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Birddog 1/18/2024 10:34:42 AM (No. 1638968)
Uhmmm..."Swagger" is a masculine thing , a macho thing, a confidence that comes from competence. Mainly an OUTDOORS thing. CNN is a sashay network, prancing and primping when it isn't outright twerking. It started "Vogueing" in 1990 when Madonna got big, has not dropped that act, it has 2am/disco/drag poseurs still posturing in the bright light of Day....Indoors, where the complementary lighting can be controlled. There days of the "Scud Studs" is looooong gone, and even those "Macho" men have proven to actually be poofters..
4 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Twinkle93 1/18/2024 10:58:47 AM (No. 1638995)
The way back is simple. Just follow Joe Friday's directions. "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts."
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: broken01 1/18/2024 11:46:20 AM (No. 1639030)
More like drawn and quartered.
4 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DVC 1/18/2024 12:10:04 PM (No. 1639038)
They now have lies and propaganda....and whining.
7 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Gordon Mills 1/18/2024 12:18:10 PM (No. 1639049)
#8, you should have placed a period after the word reporters.
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: JimBob 1/19/2024 12:24:35 AM (No. 1639467)
The TRUTH? From the COMMIE NEWS NETWORK? HAW! HAW! HAW! -yer killin' me!- HAW! HAW! HAW!
0 people like this.

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Posted by 4250Luis 1/20/2024 7:18:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/20/2024 6:45:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/20/2024 6:34:48 PM Post Reply
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/18/2024 6:03:23 AM Post Reply
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New CNN head says network needs to recapture
‘swagger and innovation’
20 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/18/2024 5:59:55 AM Post Reply
CNN’s new chief executive says the company needs to recapture the “swagger and innovation” of its early days – and that, he says, increasingly means embracing a future outside of television. Mark Thompson, appointed CNN’s chief executive last fall after stints at the New York Times and the BBC, outlined a strategy to his staff on Wednesday that included a corporate restructuring but few external specifics on how that transformation will take place. Once a “scrappy outsider”, CNN has been slow to respond to the reality of its primary television business shrinking, Thompson said in his memo. “There’s currently too little innovation and risk-taking,” Thompson said in the memo.
A Conservative Executive Has Bought the
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Freaking Out
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Posted by 4250Luis 1/18/2024 5:54:47 AM Post Reply
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Biden Administration's 'Pathway' to a
Palestinian Terror State
5 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/18/2024 5:51:29 AM Post Reply
By continuing to obsessively stick to the creation of a Palestinian state, the Biden administration is actually sending a message to Iran and its terror proxies that terrorism pays - that if they inflict more pain and casualties on Israel, the Americans will reward them with a state of their own next to Israel to facilitate their mission of continuing their Jihadist murder spree against Jews and finally obliterate Israel. The poll further showed that if presidential elections were held today, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh would receive 78% of the vote, as opposed to only 16% for Abbas.
NOW YOU KNOW: The One County Out of 99
that Trump Lost in Iowa Ran Out of Party-Switch
Forms on Caucus Night
9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/18/2024 5:49:05 AM Post Reply
The One County Out of 99 Counties that President Trump lost in Iowa on Caucus night ran out of party-switch forms on Caucus night. President Trump won every single county in Iowa on Monday night except Johnson County, where Iowa City and the University of Iowa are located. Nikki Haley won that county. On Tuesday, CBS News explained how this happened. And Anthony Salvanto will find this to be very interesting indeed. They had 50 forms for people who wanted to register tonight or switch their party registration. They ran out of those forms.
Rashida Tlaib's Embarrassing Tweet About
Houthi Airstrikes Gets Slapped With a
Fact Check
11 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:29:41 AM Post Reply
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) is in mourning right now. We blew up a bunch of terrorists who were harassing international shipping routes in the Red Sea. For weeks, Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen were firing ballistic missiles at U.S. warships. These terrorists were targeting freighters, which is why there’s an Avengers-like coalition of navies combatting these terrorist thugs on the high seas. As Sarah wrote tonight, American and British forces are turning some into ashtrays, and they deserve it. The Wall Street Journal has more:
The International Court Of "Injustice"
Begins Its Blood Libel Trial Against Israel
5 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:28:08 AM Post Reply
What is the International Court of Justice? It is not international, because it excludes judges from certain countries. It is not a real court, because the judges are selected by their countries and many of them simply follow the instructions of those who appointed them. And it has never done justice, because it has long been biased against Israel. It is the United Nations court, and that tells you all you need to know about it. The United Nations has become the megaphone of bigotry and anti-Semitism.... Both the United Nations and its court are shams.
Internal Democrat Worries Aired on NPR 11 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:26:04 AM Post Reply
National Public Radio is a sandbox for the Left. The "news" there is manufactured by leftists, for leftists. You can find it easily in the latest interviews about the Biden reelection campaign. The interviewers are clearly nervous that President Joe Biden's messaging isn't working. It's not that Biden's incompetent; it's that voters are ignorant. On the Jan. 9 "Morning Edition," NPR host Michel Martin interviewed Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison. He worried that Biden's focus on "saving democracy" from the "far right" threat of Trump wasn't working. In asking Harrison about Biden's campaign speech at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina,
Nielsen: President Trump Townhall on Fox
News Nearly Doubles Viewership of CNN
Debate Featuring Haley and DeSantis
3 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:24:04 AM Post Reply
Fox’s town hall with Trump averaged 4.3 million viewers from 9-10 p.m., according to early data from Nielsen Media Research, while the CNN debate featuring Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley averaged 2.5 million during the same hour. […] Wednesday night’s ratings returns are the latest signal that live events featuring Trump remain one of the largest drivers of audience for the nation’s cable news channels, all of which are facing major headwinds in the form of increased cord-cutting and changing media habits on the part of consumers.
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Biden finally admits border isn’t secure,
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Posted by FlyRight 1/20/2024 5:34:11 AM Post Reply
Any evaluation of the Biden administration's policy towards the Iranian regime (and towards the Palestinians) reveals a failure: the deadly Western miscalculation that "being nice" will be reciprocated. In the culture of the Middle East, that simply does not work. Instead, one is looked on as a gullible sucker or juicy "mark," like a jolly drunk at a strip club. As Osama bin Laden pointed out, especially for his region, "When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse." Former U.S. Army General Jack Keane recently noted that many possible targets are already on "the list"
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Posted by FlyRight 1/20/2024 4:57:47 AM Post Reply
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Kinzinger: ‘Pretty Disheartening’
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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/20/2024 4:39:53 AM Post Reply
CNN commentator Adam Kinzinger said Friday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360°” that it was “pretty disheartening” that former President Donald Trump is showing momentum in the 2024 Republican presidential nomination race. Discussing the news that former Republican candidate Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) will endorse Trump ahead of the New Hampshire primary, Kinzinger said, “I never expected this from Tim. I know him as a decent man, somebody concerned about character. He chose to put himself and his political career above others.” He continued, “Nikki Haley appointed Tim Scott to the Senate. She made him a U.S. Senator where he could then become a national figure
Haley questions Trump’s mental fitness
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Posted by Dreadnought 1/20/2024 7:20:20 PM Post Reply
Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley on Saturday questioned Donald Trump’s mental fitness after he appeared to confuse her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi when talking about the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. “Last night, Trump is at a rally and he’s going on and on mentioning me several times as to why I didn’t take security during the Capitol riots. Why I didn’t handle January 6 better. I wasn’t even in DC on January 6. I wasn’t in office then,” Haley said. “They’re saying he got confused. That he was talking about something else. That he was talking about Nancy Pelosi. He mentioned me multiples
Survey: Two-Thirds Of Elites Say There’s
Too Much Freedom In America
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Posted by Judy W. 1/20/2024 3:54:16 PM Post Reply
The nation’s ruling class holds deeply authoritarian opinions widely divorced from the rest of the American electorate, finds a survey out this week. It found nearly 60 percent of American “elites” think there is too much individual freedom in America. Meanwhile, nearly 60 percent of registered voters have the exact opposite opinion, reporting the United States has too much top-down control, limiting liberty. The study from the Committee to Unleash Prosperity found ruling class opinions on climate policies were particularly harsh and despotic. More than two-thirds of the 1 percent support rationing vital energy and food sources in an attempt to control the globe’s weather.
Religious Themes Banned in Jill Biden’s
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25 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/20/2024 4:19:20 AM Post Reply
Jill Biden is sponsoring a White House “Youth Art” Easter egg decorating contest for children of National Guard servicemembers that bans religious themed eggs, even though Easter is a religious holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ–and the contest announcement states the eggs will be displayed during the Christian and Jewish observances of Easter and Passover. The youth artists are encouraged to submit designs that reflect their daily lives as children of servicemembers but may not feature “religious symbols, overtly religious themes.” The contest rules state entries “must be consistent with the image and values of Sponsor”, Jill Biden.
Shocking video shows moment NYC driver
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21 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/20/2024 11:02:07 AM Post Reply
The driver who struck a policeman at a Manhattan crime scene told authorities it was intentional, adding, “F–k these cops, it’s a lesson to him,’’ sources said Friday — with the mow-down caught on shocking video. Sahara Dula — a 24-year-old Brooklynite whose lawyer said mentors kids to stay off drugs — was driving her black Lexus the wrong way on the Upper East Side while high on marijuana Wednesday when she barreled into the NYPD officer, officials and sources said. “I told the cop I wanted to go straight, and he wouldn’t move, so I hit him. I did it on purpose,’’ Dula later told investigators, according to court papers.
CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and
COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It
20 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/20/2024 6:52:25 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prepared to alert state and local officials to an emerging connection between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines, but ultimately did not send the alert, according to a new document obtained by The Epoch Times. All four COVID-19 vaccines that are or have been available in the United States can cause the heart inflammation, or myocarditis, according to studies, experts, and agencies like the CDC. The first cases were reported shortly after the vaccines became available in late 2020. The CDC sends alerts to federal, state, and local public health officials and doctors across the nation through a system called the Health Alert Network
US travelers outraged by airport signs
appearing to allow migrants onto flights
without ID: ‘I’m quite offended’
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/20/2024 12:56:49 PM Post Reply
American travelers are outraged by signs appearing at US airports appearing to allow migrants onto flights without showing proper identification. US citizens traveling domestically have to show a valid identification card or a passport to board a plane, but signs at certain airports say there are different rules for some newly arrived migrants. The signs claim the Transport Security Administration is working with Customs and Border Protection to “validate adult non-US citizen travel documentation when the traveler does not otherwise have an acceptable form of identification.”
Creepy Biden Gives Marriage Advice: Pick
a Family with Five Sisters Or More…That
Way One of Them Always Loves You (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/20/2024 4:08:23 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday welcomed mayors attending the US Conference of Mayors Winter Meeting to the East Room at the White House. Biden incoherently slurred his way through a speech to the mayors. He also started shouting out of nowhere. WATCH: [video] At one point Biden threatened millions of Trump supporters, but he bungled that too. (snip) Biden also gave some creepy marriage advice. “I tell every young man that’s telling me, ‘I’m thinking of getting married. You have any advice?’ I said, ‘Yeah, pick a family with five sisters or more,'” Biden said slurring his words. “That way one of them always loves you!”
During Concord Rally President Trump Says
No to Nikki Haley as VP Possibility
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/20/2024 12:20:10 PM Post Reply
Let’s all have a big smile as we finally put this continued “media narrative” away. Speaking at a rally in Concord, New Hampshire, President Donald Trump said Nikki Haley “is not presidential timbre” and “puts America last.” Effectively ending the speculation that “people familiar with Trump thinking” report Nikki Haley as a potential VP selection. WATCH: (Video)It was never going to happen specifically because of what we pointed out before. [GO DEEP] Nikki Haley went scorched earth on President Trump in a lengthy Politico interview after January 6, 2021: “I don’t think [Trump’s] going to be in the picture,” she said, matter-of-factly.
Nikki Haley BANS Daily Mail from all her
future campaign events after publishing
report on resurfaced allegations she cheated
on her husband with her communications
consultant and a married lobbyist
19 replies
Posted by Imright 1/20/2024 12:54:09 AM Post Reply was asked to leave Nikki Haley's meet-and-greet with voters in New Hampshire on Friday morning and was told it is banned from covering her future campaign events. The ban came after published a story Friday morning exclusively reporting that Haley falsely denied cheating on her husband when she was accused of engaging in two extramarital affairs during her 2010 South Carolina gubernatorial campaign. The Haley campaign didn't respond to requests for comment on the story even though gave them 24 hours to do so.
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