American Thinker,
Matt Rowe
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Posted by
10/20/2023 8:49:34 AM
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There are a lot of interesting responses in the United States to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Clearly, the most rational is to be outraged at the rape, kidnapping, and murder of Israeli civilians perpetrated by so-called soldiers of Islam. They are not soldiers or freedom fighters at all; they are savages unbound by any sense of military discipline or duty to the Palestinian people. If they were soldiers, they would consider Israel’s potential responses and the resulting damage to infrastructure and civilian casualties before launching such a cruel attack. We are very right to be outraged.
American Thinker,
Scott S. Powell
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Posted by
10/20/2023 6:35:33 AM
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Just a few generations ago, most Americans understood that George Orwell’s classics Animal Farm and 1984 were written as a warning about how freedom is lost to the tyranny and intolerance of totalitarianism.
Animal Farm and 1984 were particularly apt for teaching young people at a time when the shocking revelations about Nazism and Soviet communism that were coming out in the 1950s and 1960s were hard to digest. Most important, what these works revealed was that a defining feature of totalitarianism is mind control. First, propaganda warps and destroys people’s grasp on reality,
Kurt Schlichter
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Posted by
10/19/2023 12:34:51 PM
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But there was another aspect to this, one that is even more likely to change minds and hearts in the direction of reality. It is the realization by the people with an antiquated view of the universities that their kids are likely to never see the inside of a big name campus. Oh, the very richest kids’ spawn will. They will have no problem getting into the Harvards and Yales because daddy has $1 billion and just paid for the new wing of the Social Justice and Decolonization Department building. But regular folks, whose children aren't able to check multiple boxes on the intersectionality form are out of luck.,
Guy Benson
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Posted by
10/19/2023 10:30:38 AM
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The bogus victimhood is bottomless. Because grievance is the coin of their realm, and because many of them are incapable of arguing any other way, it should be unsurprising to see figures like Rashida Tlaib and various other Hamas apologists and anti-Semites claim that somehow they are the ones who've been wronged over the last two weeks. In a development that truly defies parody, Harvard students who signed an egregious, terrorism-justifying statement are now whining about the "bullying" they've experienced over the moral disgrace to which they signed their names. They're even soliciting financial donations to (supposedly) finance mental health support in the face of this hardship.
American Thinker,
J.B. Shurk
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Posted by
10/19/2023 6:34:08 AM
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Something intriguing is happening with bitcoin. What started as a series of perplexing data “inscriptions” containing classified files from the U.S. government has now been confirmed by Bitcoin Magazine as an ongoing effort to cement information in the public record beyond the reach of government censorship. An anonymous guardian of free speech has begun using bitcoin to republish all of the information originally published by Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks back in 2010. Codenamed “Project Spartacus,” the operation seeks to take advantage of several inherent bitcoin attributes:
(1) It utilizes bitcoin’s Ordinals protocol that allows users to add personalized data to units of the cryptocurrency’s blockchain.
American Thinker,
Steve McCann
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Posted by
10/19/2023 6:31:49 AM
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The heinous actions of the Hamas terrorists on October 7, 2023 can unequivocally be described as evil. It had as its genesis the inculcated belief that Jews are malevolent and subhuman, therefore, they are deserving of death, destruction and being conquered by any means possible including the unconscionable and premeditated slaughter of women, children and the elderly. In keeping with a tactic almost as old as mankind itself, the self-appointed leaders of Middle Eastern Islamic terrorist groups and the political leaders of nations such as Iran have manipulated their maleducated followers or citizenry into believing Israel and the Jews have either taken what is rightfully theirs,
Gateway Pundit,
Jim Hoft
Original Article
Posted by
10/18/2023 12:18:59 PM
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A French nun single-handedly tackled an environmental protester attempting to halt the construction of a religious center in France.
For many, this incident serves as a powerful testament to the importance of upholding these fundamental principles in an era increasingly dominated by woke ideologies.
The incident occurred at a construction site in Saint-Pierre-de-Colombier where a new religious center was being built. Environmental activists from Les Amis de la Bourges (Friends of the Village) had gathered to protest the construction
American Thinker,
Silvio Canto Jr.
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Posted by
10/18/2023 5:41:34 AM
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Yes, I remember watching this: it was game 6 of the 1977 World Series. Reggie Jackson hit three HR in a row off three different pitchers: Burt Hooton, Elias Sosa, and Charlie Hough. And then he became Mr. October! This is the story:
"Legendary ABC play-by-play man Keith Jackson set the scene as Reggie Jackson stepped to the plate in the bottom of the eighth of Game 6 of the 1977 World Series. “Reggie Jackson has seen two pitches in the strike zone tonight. Two. And he’s hit them both in the seats,” Jackson said on the night of Oct. 18, 1977.
American Thinker,
Jack Cashill
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Posted by
10/18/2023 5:36:40 AM
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The first sentence of my Wikipedia page reads as follows: “ Jack Cashill …is an American author, blogger and conspiracy theorist.” If I try to amend that description, some left-wing troll will flip it right back.
As it happens, the Left takes Wikipedia seriously. Some of those who conspired to “disinvite” me from a scheduled library appearance in Fredonia, New York, this summer cited my Wikipedia page as reason.
Wrote one of the conspirators to the local paper, “This guy is a hack-fraud, couldn’t make a living off of TWA 800 conspiracy theories so he became a shill for every right wing dog whistle.
Gateway Pundit,
Cristina Laila
Original Article
Posted by
10/17/2023 4:13:59 PM
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Judge Tanya Chutkan released the gag order on Trump and it is worse than we thought.
Judge Tanya Chutkan on Monday imposed a gag order on Trump in the middle of a presidential election.
Last month Special Counsel Jack Smith filed a motion to gag Trump.
“The need for the proposed order is further evidenced by a review of the defendant’s prejudicial statements in the weeks since the Government initially filed its motion on September 15,” Jack Smith’s prosecutors wrote in the court filing reviewed by this reporter.
American Thinker,
Vince Coyner
Original Article
Posted by
10/17/2023 7:17:32 AM
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Like most Americans, I was shocked by the vicious inhumanity that the coward terrorist group Hamas carried out in Israel last weekend. Unfortunately, organized evil is neither unique nor surprising. The Nazis were equally evil across Europe, as were the Japanese at Nanking, Stalin with Ukraine, and Mao with his own people. Sadly, evil happens, devils exist, although, thankfully, they are rarely celebrated.
But “rarely” doesn’t mean never, and the most shocking thing last week wasn’t the evil Hamas perpetrated but, rather, the extraordinary support it has received.
American Thinker,
Christopher Chantrill
Original Article
Posted by
10/17/2023 7:11:09 AM
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Do you think that things have clarified somewhat over the last week since the Hamas massacres in Israel?
I get the feeling that our beloved leaders are caught, just a little, between a rock and a hard place. They would like to equivocate on the Palestinian Question, but the Hamas atrocities make it just a little more difficult. Our leaders like to be on the side of the Left-approved victims, and are embarrassed to support our friends -- like Israel.
And you know what? I couldn't be happier. The harder it becomes for our rulers to support fake victims, the happier it makes me.