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The Destruction of the United States Is
Intentional. Here's What Will Happen Next.

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 9/24/2023 3:31:53 PM

For just over two and a half years, Joe Biden and/or his puppet masters (see Barack Obama, Susan Price, Klaus Schwab, etc.) have been successfully driving the United States to destruction. The plan took a four-year detour when President Trump was at the helm. Now, thanks to what many believe was a stolen election, the plan to enslave our comfy pants-clad bottoms is back on. The commies began the operation decades ago. As Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov warned, the college professors and civil rights leaders indoctrinated — or as Bezmenov calls it, demoralized — generations of Americans and convinced them to hate their nation and, frequently, themselves.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: hershey 9/24/2023 3:39:01 PM (No. 1562552)
Yep, the commies are winning...I remember Kruschev banging on a lecturn saying 'we will bury you'... The 45 goals of communism
14 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Italiano 9/24/2023 3:43:32 PM (No. 1562555)
The older I get, the more people seem to need killing.
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: GustoGrabber 9/24/2023 3:45:29 PM (No. 1562557)
Catholics and non Catholics should become familiar with the revelations at Fatima. Joe McCarthy was right. Goldwater was right. Reagan was right. Pat Buchanon was right. Trump is right. The crowning achievement of Judeo Christian ideals , the Shining city on a hill. We denied God and let barbarians inside the walls
32 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 9/24/2023 4:36:24 PM (No. 1562595)
In the near future, the order will come from the White House to load the trains with MAGAs and dispatch them to the American gulags.
12 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: voxpopuli 9/24/2023 4:38:35 PM (No. 1562596)
another great synopsis of what's going on.. send to all your leftists friends to let them know we DO know what is going on...
10 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: anniebc 9/24/2023 5:58:13 PM (No. 1562635)
obama had puppet masters himself, so how did he graduate to being joe's puppet master? Come on! He's too dumb to do anything except bop around like he's really the great person they say he is and reading speeches and stuff. Miss me with that one.
9 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: curious1 9/24/2023 6:46:04 PM (No. 1562676)
#4, unless the MAGA go willingly, FJB's muscle better pack a lunch, since they are seriously out-numbered.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Timber Queen 9/25/2023 2:59:06 AM (No. 1562862)
#3 - Thank you for the reminder. Not only has our Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima, but also throughout the 20th century at Akita Japan, Garibaldi Spain, and still continuing at Medjugorje Bosnia. In all these apparitions she warns of the coming world government. The key word is "warns". If people turn back to God, then they will thwart Satan's plans. I don't think the Commies are winning as much as they think they are. Too many people are getting red-pilled faster than the Left imagine. The kind of people who just voted Democrat because everyone else did. I don't think they'll be voting that way any more. I also think things are bad enough to even motivate the non-voters among us. This is the time to talk to people; explain to them what is going on and how it happened. You don't have to talk about candidates or parties, just say "the politicians". That's the truth of the matter. It's us against them. The people against self-appointed overlords. MAGA REVENGE - TRUMP 2024
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: mifla 9/25/2023 5:28:04 AM (No. 1562907)
One thing I am sure of. If it all comes crashing down, some will remember who is responsible. People who have everything taken away from them have nothing to lose, and revenge is a great motivator.
3 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: FJB 9/25/2023 8:27:08 AM (No. 1562973)
Powerful and too true. Let's keep it going.
2 people like this.

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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 2:59:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 11:49:03 AM Post Reply
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Joe Biden Can’t Seem to Stop Using This
‘Racist’ Word
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 11:42:03 AM Post Reply
Last week, after accidentally calling the Congressional Hispanic Caucus the Congressional Black Caucus, Biden finally did address the Congressional Black Caucus Saturday night at its 52nd Annual Legislative Conference—and it did not go well. Rappers LL Cool J and MC Lyte were being honored with Phoenix Awards that night to recognize their contributions to music. Biden not only botched LL Cool J’s name at the event but made what some would call a racist remark. “Two of the great artists of our time representing the groundbreaking legacy of hip hop in America , LL Jay Cool J, uhhh…” he said.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 7:38:57 AM Post Reply
Since Joe Biden has come to office, he has endorsed and incentivized more aliens to come here illegally than the populations of 32 states (counting the District of Columbia.) Contemplate that—a replacement population for any single of 32 sovereign territories. Doing the math you can also quickly spot that the 5.9 million people that have crossed illegally and not been vetted would be a replacement for the bottom 8 states/territories combined. Remember how it “only” took 19 individuals to execute 9/11? Well the interesting news here is that in 2023 the U. S. Border Patrol has already stopped 146 individuals currently on the terrorist watch list.
That Annoying Gavin Newsom Is Measuring
The Drapes
10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 7:33:00 AM Post Reply
The current antics of the chief executive of my failed state of California bring to mind that meme of Anthony Adams in a yellow suit, lurking as he rubs his hands, watching for his best chance. But Gavin Newsom is doing more than loitering and observing our senile, perverted, corrupt President Gumby stumble around in circles. He’s putting in the groundwork for the great switcheroo. He wants to be president and preside over the completion of the great leftist project of destroying America. And he’s proven capable of doing it – after all, this human dipstick has managed to make a state like California poor, dangerous, and infinitely stupid.
Indicted Senator Bob Menendez to Announce
Reelection Bid Monday
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 7:19:07 AM Post Reply
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who was indicted days ago on federal bribery charges, is expected to announce on Monday that he intends to seek reelection, according to a report from the New Jersey Globe. Menendez has been defiant in the wake of the indictment, claiming that he’s being targeted for being Latino. “It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat,” he said in a statement. “I am not going anywhere.” The embattled senator’s forthcoming announcement comes as several high-profile Democrats have called on him to resign from the U.S. Senate.
‘He’ll Do It Again’: Hillary Clinton
Warns of 2024 Russian Election Interference
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 1:18:34 AM Post Reply
Failed former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has warned that Russia could allegedly interfere with the U.S. elections in 2024. Speaking with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Hillary Clinton said that Russian President Vladimir Putin could indeed interfere again. “He has indeed interfered in our elections in the past,” Psaki began on her MSNBC show Inside With Jen Psaki. “It’s not something, as you experienced firsthand, is not something we talk about a lot. Do you fear that that is something that could be happening for 2024, do you think we should be talking about it more?”
Did Bidenomics kill the American dream?
Homes and cars are becoming increasingly
unaffordable for the middle class
23 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 6:12:27 PM Post Reply
Average Americans are finding homes and cars increasingly unaffordable as inflation from high government spending raises prices and degrades purchasing power. Half of consumers are being priced out of the car market as the cost of a monthly car loan payment is far exceeding what an average American can afford, while the home affordability index has fallen from a 169.9 point average in 2020 to 87.8 points as of July, according to the National Association of Realtors. One key driver of the rising expenses is inflation, which peaked at 9.1% in June 2022 and is linked to high government spending under the Biden administration,
Christie: When I Win New Hampshire, Trump’s
‘Sense of Inevitability Will Go Away’
30 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 5:36:15 PM Post Reply
Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he plans to beat former President Donald Trump in the New Hampshire presidential primary and take away “his sense of inevitability.” Anchor Kristen Welker said, “Former President Trump is solidifying his lead with GOP primary voters. You’ve been in this race since June. Governor, why aren’t you gaining more traction?” Christie said, “Look, I know you spent a whole lot of money on national polls, so I don’t mean to go after the polling folks, but the fact is that national polls don’t matter. We don’t have a national primary.
Surprise Accountability Office Inspections
Find Grotesque Pattern at US Military
Barracks – Our Troops Deserve So Much Better
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 5:11:43 PM Post Reply
The men and women who put themselves in harm’s way to keep America safe deserve to have clean, comfortable, sanitary barracks. That should be the bare minimum our military should be able to promise them. Instead, according to a new report published Tuesday from the Government Accountability Office, inspections of 12 military installations found squalid hovel-like conditions — something that, according to, “confirm[s]] complaints made by many service members for many years.” The report, which ran nearly 100 pages, detailed the grotesque conditions our troops face: mold, sewage, brown water, bedbugs and even squatters.
The Democrats Will Never Do That in America! 6 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/24/2023 4:53:00 PM Post Reply
In repeated articles on Townhall and my personal substack, I have clearly explained the philosophic and ideological foundations of modern Leftism. And I have shown, from history, where it comes from and why they believe what they do. I have given historical example after historical example after historical example of the monstrous crimes the Left has perpetrated in the last 200 years—and I’ve hardly even started. I have proven, from history, EXACTLY what Leftism (communism, socialism, etc.) is, how it has infiltrated and indeed controls the Democratic Party in America today, and warned of the dangers to Americans
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37 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 3:57:49 PM Post Reply
Former First Lady Michelle Obama will be paid more than $700,000 for a one-hour lecture on “diversity and inclusion” in Munich. Nothing to see here. Move along. According to reports, Michelle Obama traveled from Mallorca to Munich to deliver a one-hour speech on “diversity and inclusion” at the “Britz & Pretzels” conference. Michelle Obama will be paid 700,000 euros for her appearance. Sounds legit. (X) Excerpt from German newspaper Bild: Now she’s swapping paella for pretzels! After arriving in a private jet, Michelle checked into a luxury hotel in Munich.
Menendez Defiant in Face of Corruption
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:42:41 PM Post Reply
Senator Robert Menendez (D., N.J.) maintained his innocence during a Monday morning press conference, insisting that the extensive corruption allegations laid out in a federal indictment unsealed Friday are false. Federal investigators found nearly half-a-million dollars in cash and roughly $100,000 in gold bars when they searched his New Jersey home in June of last year. The New Jersey lawmaker insisted during the press conference that the cash was withdrawn from his personal savings account in case of emergencies. “For 30 years I have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account which I have kept for emergencies, and because of the history
‘He’ll Do It Again’: Hillary Clinton
Warns of 2024 Russian Election Interference
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 1:18:34 AM Post Reply
Failed former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has warned that Russia could allegedly interfere with the U.S. elections in 2024. Speaking with former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, Hillary Clinton said that Russian President Vladimir Putin could indeed interfere again. “He has indeed interfered in our elections in the past,” Psaki began on her MSNBC show Inside With Jen Psaki. “It’s not something, as you experienced firsthand, is not something we talk about a lot. Do you fear that that is something that could be happening for 2024, do you think we should be talking about it more?”
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Posted by Dreadnought 9/25/2023 12:49:37 AM Post Reply
Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he guaranteed President Joe Biden was “not in any trouble with African-Americans in this country.” Anchor Kristen Welker said, “As you know, in a close election, every single vote counts and as we laid out, his support among African-Americans, latinos, young voters has dropped. How do you make sure they don’t stay at home, congressman?” Clyburn said, “They will not stay at home. We understand what’s at stake here.” He continued, “The problem with me is I spend too much time studying history, and I see what’s going on here. I know where the playbook
Hannity will host "red state vs. blue
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20 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/25/2023 5:12:09 PM Post Reply
Fox News Channel announced Monday that Sean Hannity will moderate a “red state vs. blue state” debate between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and California Governor Gavin Newsom. Hannity asked the two governors about debating each other and both agreed earlier this year. The debate will take place on November 30 in Georgia, with the venue to be announced. It will air in Hannity’s time slot that night. The debate will be 90 minutes. The two governors have a contentious relationship, to understate the relationship. Newsom began attacking DeSantis even before DeSantis entered the Republican presidential primary. So, Hannity challenged the two to a debate.
Trump edges out Biden 51-42 in head-to-head
matchup: POLL
20 replies
Posted by Mercedes44 9/25/2023 5:57:46 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden's job approval rating is 19 points underwater, his ratings for lhandling the economy and immigration are at career lows. A record number of Americans say they've become worse off under his presidency, three-quarters say he's too old for another term and Donald Trump is looking better in retrospect -- all severe challenges for Biden in his reelection campaign ahead.Forty-four percent of Americans in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll say they've gotten worse off financially under Biden's presidency, the most for any president in ABC/Post polls since 1986. Just 37% approve of his job performance, while 56% disapprove.
David McCallum, 'NCIS' Star, Dead at 90 19 replies
Posted by FL_Absentee_Voter 9/25/2023 7:22:21 PM Post Reply
David McCallum has died. The actor, best known for his role as Ducky on NCIS, died on Monday of natural causes while surrounded by family at New York Presbyterian Hospital. [snip] "After returning from the hospital to their apartment, I asked my mother if she was OK before she went to sleep. Her answer was simply, 'Yes. But I do wish we had had a chance to grow old together.' She is 79, and dad just turned 90."
Biden Admin to Deport Christian Homeschool Family 19 replies
Posted by Beardo 9/25/2023 3:18:59 PM Post Reply
The Biden Administration has ordered a German homeschool family, who came to America legally, to leave the country. The move comes as the White House has turned a blind eye to millions of illegals invading the southern border. The Romeike family was forced to flee Germany in 2008 after they were persecuted by the government for homeschooling their children. The Germans levied fines against the family and threatened to take away their children. I documented the plight of the family for years when I was working at Fox News. Uwe and Hannelore Romeike and their five children eventually settled in eastern Tennessee and were granted indefinite deferred action status.
Fetterman’s Slovenliness Represents
Demise of Objective Social Standards
18 replies
Posted by Judy W. 9/25/2023 12:59:12 PM Post Reply
The U.S. Senate, once known as the “world’s greatest deliberative body,” will now permit its members to grace its chamber floor wearing whatever clothes—no matter how casual or unprofessional—they happen to fancy on any given day. Following Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., decision earlier this week to have the sergeant-at-arms cease enforcing the Senate’s long-standing dress code, senators might be forgiven for trading in their traditional Brooks Brothers wares for that most chic of modern haberdashers: the local homeless shelter. There is one reason and one reason only for Schumer’s distasteful change in policy: The brain-damaged and cartoon-villain-resembling junior Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman,
Trump goes GUN shopping with Marjorie
Taylor Greene: Former president poses
with a $829.99 9MM GLOCK with his face
on the grip in armory tour
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 3:51:51 PM Post Reply
Donald Trump considered buying a glock with his face on the grip during a visit to South Carolina on Monday, stopping at the Palmetto State Armory with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to examine the weapons available for purchase. The former president also posed with a special 'Trump edition' gun that features the Trump's photo on the handle and the words 'Trump 45' on the chamber. 'I'm going to buy one. I want to buy one,' Trump said after examining the weapon. 'Isn't glock a great gun?'One of the salespeople told the former president that Trump glock was a top seller.
Indicted Senator Bob Menendez to Announce
Reelection Bid Monday
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/25/2023 7:19:07 AM Post Reply
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who was indicted days ago on federal bribery charges, is expected to announce on Monday that he intends to seek reelection, according to a report from the New Jersey Globe. Menendez has been defiant in the wake of the indictment, claiming that he’s being targeted for being Latino. “It is not lost on me how quickly some are rushing to judge a Latino and push him out of his seat,” he said in a statement. “I am not going anywhere.” The embattled senator’s forthcoming announcement comes as several high-profile Democrats have called on him to resign from the U.S. Senate.
More schools are adopting 4-day weeks.
For parents, the challenge is day 5
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/25/2023 4:59:09 AM Post Reply
Independence, Mo.—It’s a Monday in September, but with schools closed, the three children in the Pruente household have nowhere to be. Callahan, 13, contorts herself into a backbend as 7-year-old Hudson fiddles with a balloon and 10-year-old Keegan plays the piano. Like a growing number of students around the U.S, the Pruente children are on a four-day school schedule, a change instituted this fall by their district in Independence, Missouri. To the kids, it’s terrific. “I have a three-day break of school!” exclaimed Hudson. But their mom, Brandi Pruente, who teaches French in a neighboring district in suburban Kansas City, is frustrated to find herself hunting for
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