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Laboring Through Bilge on Labor Day

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Posted By: DW626, 9/4/2022 4:49:38 AM

As is the case when we draw nearer to election time, the press is full of dubious polls and the rantings of media-designated seers and pundits. What I rely on is the evidence of my own eyes: higher inflation, ever higher taxes, higher energy costs, and more extreme efforts by the administration and Big Three investment funds to impose their will on us, particularly in managing production of things the morons at the top have no idea how to produce or distribute. Most disturbing to me as a person who haunts social media for links to articles, views, and insights I might otherwise miss

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Reply 1 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 9/4/2022 6:18:27 AM (No. 1267959)
Clarice described that the Lame Duck Joe administration used Corporations as NGOs to stifle the freedom of information. That means that Lame Duck Joe is the true fascist. But we already know that. It's the alphabets, aka LDJ's NGOs, that are re-enforcing that fascism.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: franq 9/4/2022 8:36:10 AM (No. 1268046)
Excellent analysis of the problem. Unfortunately, there is no solution short of societal collapse and rebuilding. I posted this earlier, to wit: Do we want to keep our Republic? It's gone, never to return. Solitary judges, alphabet agencies, 7-person environmental boards, and corporations now run the country. They are not disposed to let go. Live in the light of this fact.
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Reply 3 - Posted by: MDConservative 9/4/2022 11:19:42 AM (No. 1268213)
FTA: "Maybe this Labor Day we should concentrate not on the minutiae of the various races around the country and instead work to support candidates who will scotch government control -- even through muscling private operations -- of free speech and debate and break up the chokehold on American corporations and the economy by the Big Three investment funds." And which candidates are those? Those on the fringe, the crazies wearing tinfoil hats, underfunded and unable to reach the mainstream? And what if they could? Who'd listen? Not those who think one major political party is the bulwark against the communism/fascism of the other. What we have is what we always have, the intersection of big money and politics. It has always been so. And in the USA these forces give and take prosperity. Who's trustee for your IRA/401(k) or other retirement fund? I bet one or the other dark force noted. And they use our investments to further their political and social agendas. (If they do not, then why the angst?) It's alright so long as we earn 10, 15, or 20 percent annually with deferred taxes. Imagine the power some want to hand these outfits by "privatizing" Social Security, investing in stocks and bonds undoubtedly using these moneychangers as agents. Or, worse, having the Government directly as trustee for these ginormous investments. Think about that. This unholy jumble didn't begin and will not end with Biden, Trump, Democrats, or Republicans. The UNIPARTY never loses.
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Will it be a long, cold, lonely winter
for Europe?
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Posted by DW626 9/6/2022 5:23:33 AM Post Reply
Here Comes the Sun” is one of the Beatles’ great hits from their Abbey Road album, written by George Harrison at the country house of his friend Eric Clapton. Those were down days for George, and one of the song lines, “Little darlin', it's been a long, cold, lonely winter” might apply as much to George’s life in 1969 England as it will collectively to the upcoming winter in Europe. The sun is shining these days as it is still summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but not for long. News stories abound for those paying attention. From Euronews, “European governments are scrambling
Our corrupt elites reveal that what Jefferson
feared has come to pass
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Posted by DW626 9/6/2022 5:17:22 AM Post Reply
If ever there was a time when constructive criticism was urgently required, it is now, in the summer of America’s deepening discontent. One thing to criticize is that we are fast becoming an oligarchy, something hidden behind ostensible political battles that distract us, something Jefferson warned of 240 years ago. Currently, the shiny object we are being funneled to focus upon is the Mar-a-Lago raid. We cannot take our eyes off of it, even as Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray tell us to stop criticizing our betters in government even as they shred the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Meanwhile, the RINOs tut-tut
MSNBC Guest: We Are at War With Evil Trump Voters 13 replies
Posted by DW626 9/5/2022 1:50:41 PM Post Reply
MSNBC guest Roland Martin told host Tiffany Cross Democrats are now "at war" with Republicans and praised President Joe Biden's speech this past week for finally calling conservatives a threat to country. Cross said it was mainstream, establishment Republicans who are calling for violence. "Pastor Charles Jenkins has an intro to his song war. 'When the enemy is coming at you you, can’t fall down, you can’t breakdown. This means war.' That is where we are. We are at war with these people.
Laboring Through Bilge on Labor Day 3 replies
Posted by DW626 9/4/2022 4:49:38 AM Post Reply
As is the case when we draw nearer to election time, the press is full of dubious polls and the rantings of media-designated seers and pundits. What I rely on is the evidence of my own eyes: higher inflation, ever higher taxes, higher energy costs, and more extreme efforts by the administration and Big Three investment funds to impose their will on us, particularly in managing production of things the morons at the top have no idea how to produce or distribute. Most disturbing to me as a person who haunts social media for links to articles, views, and insights I might otherwise miss
BLM Leader Accused of Stealing $10 Million
From the So-Called Charity
18 replies
Posted by DW626 9/3/2022 5:04:31 PM Post Reply
A leader of Black Lives Matter is being accused of stealing $10 million from the foundation, using it as his “personal piggy bank.” According to a lawsuit, Shalomyah Bowers fraudulently siphoned over $10 million in “fees” to his consulting firm. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court claims Bowers treated the Black Lives Matter foundation funds as his “personal piggy bank” and acted as a “rogue administrator” and “middle man turned usurper.” It also says that Bowers led BLM into multiple Internal Revenue Service investigations and “various state attorney generals, blazing a path of irreparable harm to BLM in less than eighteen months.”
The McConnell betrayal: Why Republicans
never win
30 replies
Posted by DW626 9/3/2022 6:20:40 AM Post Reply
Satan: “Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heav'n.” --John Milton, Paradise Lost, Book I Establishment Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently did his best to “sabotage” Republicans' chances of re-taking the Senate when he implied that the “quality” of the anti-establishment Trump-supporting Republican Senate candidates is subpar: “I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different [because] candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” he said. Similarly, when Joe Biden was on the ropes with dreadful poll numbers for his disastrous policies, the usual cast of weakling closet Democrats
Disgraced Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe
Says Joe Biden Didn’t Go Far Enough
Threatening MAGA Republicans (VIDEO)
9 replies
Posted by DW626 9/1/2022 11:15:10 PM Post Reply
Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Thursday evening said Joe Biden didn’t go far enough threatening Trump supporters. Joe Biden on Thursday evening declared war on Trump supporters in a divisive primetime speech on the ‘battle for the soul of America’ from Philadelphia. Joe Biden called 75+ million Trump supporters “a clear and present danger to our democracy.” MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, they do not believe in the rule of law … They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence,” said Biden. “Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA
Disgraced Former FBI Official Andrew McCabe
Says Joe Biden Didn’t Go Far Enough
Threatening MAGA Republicans (VIDEO)
4 replies
Posted by DW626 9/1/2022 11:11:42 PM Post Reply
Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on Thursday evening said Joe Biden didn’t go far enough threatening Trump supporters. Joe Biden on Thursday evening declared war on Trump supporters in a divisive primetime speech on the ‘battle for the soul of America’ from Philadelphia. Joe Biden called 75+ million Trump supporters “a clear and present danger to our democracy.” MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution, they do not believe in the rule of law … They promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence,” said Biden.
WH Press Secretary's Claim of No One Walking
Across the Border Quickly Debunked With
New Videos
10 replies
Posted by DW626 9/1/2022 2:50:07 PM Post Reply
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed in a recent media briefing when pressed by Fox News reporter Peter Doocy that no one is just illegally walking across the southern border, in spite over all the evidence available prior to her statement. Since then, more videos taken this week shows just how bad the border crisis continues to be. "But so how is it two different things? Somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane.
We Have Been Thinking about This All Wrong 15 replies
Posted by DW626 9/1/2022 6:02:27 AM Post Reply
For many of us, the path our governmental leaders have recently taken has been perplexing. Many of the policy decisions that perhaps sounded good (at least to some) have turned out to be not only clearly deleterious, but often catastrophic for our country. Without hyperbole, I mean catastrophic for our economy, our national defense capability, our national sovereignty, the safety and security of citizens, and our standing among other nations of the world. We hear that inflation is "temporary," that "we are not in a recession," that the administration "feels our pain" at the gas pump
The Joke's on the Welchers 6 replies
Posted by DW626 8/31/2022 1:32:06 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is making a move consistent with time-honored Democrat party electoral politics. When they can't win the contest of ideas — like socialism vs. capitalism, or tyranny vs. freedom — just buy the votes. Preferably, do it with other people's money — they wouldn't want to drain their campaign coffers, you know. President Asterisk has decided to provide $10K of student loan relief to all of the welchers who took out a loan for their liberal arts college diploma and don't want to pay it back.
Peter Strzok says Russia might have tried
to infiltrate Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence
17 replies
Posted by DW626 8/31/2022 5:15:02 AM Post Reply
During a recent episode of MSNBC’s Katie Phang Show, Peter Strzok — disgraced former deputy director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division — weighed in on his former organization’s raid on Mar-a-Lago. Phang asked Strzok if he thought it was possible that Russia had “tried to infiltrate” former President Trump’s home to obtain classified data, considering the allegedly “top-secret” documents that were being stored there. Strzok replied: Absolutely the Russians, but not just the Russians, any competent foreign intelligence service
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Barf: Hillary Clinton Reveals What 'Suggestive'
Situation Forced Her Into Wearing Pantsuits
43 replies
Posted by Hazymac 9/5/2022 4:16:35 PM Post Reply
Sheesh. This is a tough one, but someone has to write about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently letting the cat out of the bag regarding why she switched to almost exclusively wearing her signature pantsuits throughout her political career. A long-held secret. In a recent interview with CBS News’s Norah O’Donnell, Clinton and her daughter Chelsea sat down at a diner and discussed their new eight-part Apple TV+ docuseries Gutsy, which is based on The New York Times bestselling book The Book of Gutsy Women. After discussing various topics in the upcoming series, O’Donnell changed direction, saying to Hillary, “You also reveal why you wear a pantsuit?”
YIKES: Australian Bank To Stop Lending
For Gas-Powered Cars, Loans Only Available
For Electric Vehicles
29 replies
Posted by Rush Was Right 9/5/2022 9:45:41 AM Post Reply
As shocking as it is unsurprising, an Australian bank chain is providing a terrifying glimpse into the dystopian future that awaits everyone who still believes man-made climate change is worse than chains. In an August press release, Bank Australia made the stunning announcement that it would cease lending to prospective new car owners in 2025 if the vehicle of their choosing relied on tried-and-true combustion. Instead, new car owners would only be able to procure a new car loan if there are expensive lithium batteries propelling the wheels.
Could Biden’s Divisive Rhetoric Cost
Democrats Congress?
29 replies
Posted by Garnet 9/5/2022 2:53:45 AM Post Reply
In President Joe Biden’s 2007 memoir, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics, he wrote that the late Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) gave him the best advice he ever received: “Joe, never attack another man’s motive, because you don’t know his motive.” Judging from Biden’s increasingly belligerent speeches, he has forgotten Mansfield’s eminently wise counsel. This was rendered abundantly clear during his Thursday speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Standing before a backdrop that looked as if it had been designed by Leni Riefenstahl, he attacked the motives of half the electorate.
California Extends ‘Flex Alert,’ Warns
Drivers Not to Charge Electric Cars
27 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/5/2022 1:06:05 PM Post Reply
Authorities in California extended a “Flex Alert” telling residents to conserve energy, including not charging their electric vehicles, on Sunday afternoon and evening. The alert has been in effect for several days in the midst of a heat wave that is slated to last through Labor Day. The California Independent System Operator, the manager of the state’s power grid, issued the statewide Flex Alert from 4 to 9 p.m. Residents are urged to set their thermostats to 78 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, avoid using major appliances, avoid charging electric vehicles, and turning off unnecessary lights.
New York City officials line up to SHAKE
HANDS with migrants after being bused
in from Texas: Families are handed blankets
and escorted to Manhattan hotels
27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/5/2022 10:42:58 AM Post Reply
Busses of migrants sent to New York City from Texas were welcomed with handshakes and an official escort from members of Mayor Eric Adams' administration in Manhattan Sunday. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered over a dozen buses of migrants to the Big Apple, Chicago, and Washington DC in an attempt to show them the nature of the crisis at the border. So far, Texas has forked out nearly $13million to Wynne Transportation—the charter service that is taking migrants to the various cities. Around 44 migrants got off Sunday's bus, which was ordered to New York by El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser.
ABC News Is Now Asking Uncomfortable Questions
About Biden, Shady Dem Tactic of Boosting
MAGA Candidates
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 9/5/2022 1:35:24 AM Post Reply
During this primary election cycle, a deceptive ploy by Democrats to get their candidates an easier ride into office has emerged–funneling campaign ad dollars into efforts to get the opponent of their choosing on the other side. The topic was brought up Sunday, surprisingly, during ABC News’ “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” by co-host Martha Raddatz. Earlier in the program, as my colleague Bonchie shared, former mayor of Atlanta and current Biden senior adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms doubled down on the dangerous, hateful rhetoric President Joe Biden spewed
Biden gives MAGA Republicans a new name
- 'Trumpies' - and calls heckler an 'idiot'
who is 'destroying democracy': President
launches latest attack on 'extreme right'
in Wisconsin Labor Day speech
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 9/5/2022 6:56:29 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden rolled out a new nickname for MAGA Republicans on Labor Day during a lively speech where he also walked back comments suggesting Donald Trump's supporters believe in 'semi-fascism.' During his speech in Wisconsin on Monday, the president denounced the former president's followers as 'Trumpies' and claimed politicians on the 'extreme right' of the GOP are 'coming for your social security' and destroying worker pensions. At one point Biden was interrupted by a heckler—though he told Secret Service to 'let him go.' 'Everybody's entitled to be an idiot,' the president said to scattered laughter. And despite clarifying early on that 'not every Republican is a MAGA Republican,
Biden Barely Draws a Few Dozen Supporters
at Labor Day Rally in Pennsylvania Two
Days After Trump Drew Over Ten Thousand
at Wilkes-Barre Rally
23 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2022 7:06:12 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden was greeted by a few dozen supporters at a Labor Day rally a steelworkers union hall in West Mifflin, Pennsylvania late Monday afternoon, according to videos and photos posted by press from the rally, including this screen image and photo by TribLive’s Ryan Deto.(Tweet/Video) The sparse turnout for Biden in his homes state comes two days after President Trump packed the 10,000 seat Mohegan Sun Arena at a rally in Wilke-Barre. The crowd in West Mifflin for Biden is even smaller than the one for his own Wilkes-Barre rally that preceded Trump’s that drew a few hundred.
Labor Day Weekend in Chicago: 46 Shot
Friday into Monday Morning
17 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2022 12:29:32 PM Post Reply
Forty-six people were shot Friday into Monday morning of Labor Day weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago. Seven of the 46 shooting victims succumbed to their wounds. Breitbart News reported that 17 people were shot, four of them fatally, Friday into Sunday morning alone. ABC 7 / Chicago Sun-Times noted three additional shooting fatalities, the first of which occurred Saturday night at 11:15 p.m., when a 29-year-old man was shot and killed “in the 6600-block of South Evans Avenue” following an argument. Minutes later, police responded to the sound of gunshots “in the Old Town neighborhood’s
Come on, Hurricanes, Get With the Climate
Change Program
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 9/5/2022 10:08:34 AM Post Reply
The Weather Channel notified us on August 31 that “Rare Hurricane Season August Shutout Possible.” Really. “August is one of the core months of [the] Atlantic hurricane season.” But none this August. Only once since 1966 has there been a failure of a least one tropical storm to develop in the year’s eighth month. A few days prior to the publication of this article, the Weather Channel told us, “Atlantic Gets Busier; 4 Areas to Track Now.” Please! We need a hurricane to confirm that such climate disasters are indeed increasing like we say they are! A few dead bodies are imperative!
Poll: Senate Race Is Shockingly Close
in, Wait for It, Washington
16 replies
Posted by Imright 9/5/2022 3:17:49 PM Post Reply
We've been hearing an awful lot, even from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) himself, that Republicans taking back control of the Senate isn't as likely to happen, due to "candidate quality." It's worth noting that forecasters still have it as a "Toss-Up," or for Democrats only slightly favored to keep control of the chamber, as many races are tight in key seats. One of them, surprisingly enough, is in Washington state, where Sen. Patty Murray, the Democratic incumbent, is just a few percentage points ahead of her Republican challenger, Tiffany Smiley. This is according to a recent poll from the Trafalgar Group.
I Am a MAGA Republican, and Donald Trump
is My Weapon
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 9/5/2022 12:00:36 PM Post Reply
At a national level there is a unique policy priority that almost every politician, on both sides, will avoid discussing. At a national level a single policy priority determines all other national policy issues. That policy is the national economic policy. The national economic policy of a presidential candidate determines all other national policies that flow from the presidential candidate. The national economic policy impacts the obvious policies like energy and trade, and also determines the lesser obvious policies like regulation and even foreign policy. It is specifically because a candidate’s national economic outlook impacts all other issues, that most national politicians never talk about it.
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