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I slept with my beloved pit bull — until
he tried to eat me alive

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Posted By: Ribicon, 7/19/2022 4:36:57 PM

A woman who slept with her dog was almost eaten alive when the canine snapped and devoured “half her arm.” Tya Lucas, 41, was at home in Lewisville, Texas, introducing her new puppy, Roo, to her friend Peter, 33, on May 16 when her nearly 100-pound pit bull, Hercules, violently turned on her, reps for the Lewisville Police Department confirmed to The Post. “The puppy went to jump on the couch so I went to pick the puppy up—and my friend told him to get down,” Lucas said.(Snip)The dog tore off two-thirds of Tya’s right arm, ate her bicep and sank its teeth into her leg


Despite making up x% of the dog population, etc. This is one breed that should not exist.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 7/19/2022 4:51:31 PM (No. 1221513)
Pit bull defenders emerge in 3... 2... 1... BTW, if they are such wonderful dogs, then why are they not used by any protection force or army? Surely, such a powerful bite and aggressive nature would make them candidates for the job.
39 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: bad-hair 7/19/2022 4:53:36 PM (No. 1221516)
Stupid and dangerous. The dam dogs and the owners.
40 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 7/19/2022 5:09:44 PM (No. 1221539)
Candidate for a Darwin Award.
21 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: granny5 7/19/2022 5:12:51 PM (No. 1221541)
Pit bull defenders just irk me. I was walking my dog one day, minding my own business, when we got attacked by a pit bull that crawled up and over a chainlink fence to get out of its yard. The only thing that saved my dog was that the pit bull had a chain choke collar on and I pulled on it with everything I had until it released the grip it had on my dog's throat. I grabbed my dog, picked her up, holding her over my head while I kicked the dog to get it to leave. A couple girls in a passing car stopped to help me and took me and my dog home. A police helicopter spotted the dog running loose, so it was caught and held for 14 days at the pound. My dog was afraid of other dogs after that -- and when we went for walks, I took a stun gun with me.
27 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 7/19/2022 5:14:22 PM (No. 1221543)
The dog was mistreated in the past and something triggered those memories. Cigarette burns are no fun. He will no doubt lose his life over this attack. We adopted a golden retriever, one of the most benevolent dogs on the planet but he goes berserk over kids on bicycles. We have to watch him very carefully. He is 100+ pounds and could easily kill somebody.
12 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Quigley 7/19/2022 5:23:19 PM (No. 1221557)
I think I won’t get one, bill burt’s Reco notwithstanding. My pet lion is enough.
12 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: msliberty1937 7/19/2022 5:24:06 PM (No. 1221559)
No mention of her friend Peter whose neck was torn into by this beloved pet. I guess we have to assume he is all right cause all we've got here are the horrific details and grotesque pictures of her ordeal. And they are indeed awful. Hopefully she continues her recovery and that Hercules is now at eternal rest. The old saying, "Mess with the bull...." should apply to this breed as well.
9 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 7/19/2022 5:40:11 PM (No. 1221582)
This is why you introduce dogs on neutral territory. This is also why dogs have to understand who the boss is. In this case the dog thought it was boss.
10 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Heraclitus 7/19/2022 5:43:48 PM (No. 1221592)
What a horrible, horrible story. I think of all the cases I've read about recently, including the deaths of children. We don't often get a victim's telling of the horror of it. The woman found an obviously abused Pit. Something he saw triggered his private terrible memories. He attacked the male friend first, who had lunged toward the puppy (what happened to the pup?) Was the dog jealous of the puppy? Did he see the actions of his first victim as aggressive? Did he in his pit bull rage misdirect his rage ONCE he had tasted blood? We have always kept our Shepherd pups on the bed until they got too big and didn't want to sleep there anyway. Most trainers tell you not to let them sleep on your bed. But then, we have never had a problem with any of our German Shepherds, or growing up with Danes, Shepherds, a Boxer we all slept on top of when we were kids, and a beloved Mutt. We looked at Czech shepherd pups years ago (while Iron Curtain was still intact) and frankly the adults had a bestial, sort of wild look in their eyes. That probably sounds weird, but they had been being bred to be fierce military dogs for guarding the borders (to keep the poor suffering Czech/Slovaks behind the walls) and somehow were newly entering the US. Admittedly, the whole scene was odd, including the owner!!! So, it seems also with pit bulls; there's been too much breeding --irresponsible breeding-- for fighting and scariest temperaments they can get. And apparently, these stupid and cruel people supplement the bad breeding with abuse, as this dog had cigarette burns all over his body. This breed is just too dangerous, has been bred to be dangerous, over a really, really long time. How is the first person the dog attacked? Pray they both heal.
9 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rich323 7/19/2022 5:44:07 PM (No. 1221593)
Warning signs are there, just like the school shooters and then one day ….oops!
8 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: SALady 7/19/2022 5:58:50 PM (No. 1221614)
This is just one reason why I conceal carry every time I walk my dog or myself!!!!!!! I could never stop a full-grown pitt bull, but a few 9mm hollow core bullets will do the job nicely!!!!!
15 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: stablemoney 7/19/2022 6:01:04 PM (No. 1221622)
He don't bite. I have heard that many times, as an aggressive dog charged me, while the owner stood by with this explanation, while saying nothing to the dog, or making any effort to restrain the attack.
12 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: TCloud 7/19/2022 6:20:20 PM (No. 1221645)
Years ago, I had to shoot two charging pit bull dogs while target shooting at a rifle range. True. 5.56 Chinese AK made quick work of them! One had a dog collar and no owners in sight.
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: BarryNo 7/19/2022 6:25:50 PM (No. 1221654)
Every pit bull I've encountered has to be treated more like a psychotic wolf than a dog. They bond usually with only one person and if make, that person Must maintain their dominance the entire life of the dog. Even then the chances of a violent murderous incident are high. As a breed, I'm sorry, but I think they should be exterminated.
15 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Ashley Brenton 7/19/2022 6:41:02 PM (No. 1221676)
I call them ghetto dogs. Not a fan.
11 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: franq 7/19/2022 6:41:43 PM (No. 1221678)
I hate those things. One used to madly chase me on my bicycle, until the owners moved. That'll make the hair on your arms stand up.
7 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: NHChemist 7/19/2022 6:53:31 PM (No. 1221699)
Several years ago I was walking my greyhound at night and she was attacked by a pitbull. The owners take in pitbulls that are unable to be adopted by 'normal' people. They had let their dog out free to go to the bathroom when we were walking by late on a Sunday night and he ran down a 200' driveway to attack us on the street. I was carrying a stun gun flashlight and after the first two bites I activated it, with the sparking keeping the dog away. I filed a police report and the officer was surprised that I was carrying the stun gun flashlight. The owners of the dog paid my $1800 vet bills and the police did nothing. The pitbull passed on last year with no consequences.
8 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Italiano 7/19/2022 6:55:00 PM (No. 1221706)
We have Pugs. No problem.
4 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: czechlist 7/19/2022 7:17:55 PM (No. 1221742)
guy 1 sitting on park bench with dog at his feet guy 2 "does your dog bite?" guy 1 "no" guy 2 reaches to pat the dog and is bitten "you said your dog doesn't bite' guy 1 " it ain't my dog"
8 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: MaMe2 7/19/2022 7:31:44 PM (No. 1221765)
I wouldn't even show any of you a picture of what my basset hound looked like after two pit bulls decided to eat her for lunch. I was 6 feet away from the attack and was totally helpless. They came out of nowhere. Worse than lions. But for the heavy duty wasp spray I ran for and blinded the two pits, the story would have ended differently. Changed my life.
10 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: konocti95 7/19/2022 7:36:22 PM (No. 1221777)
Gaige Grosskreutz should call her for a date.
3 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: Kate318 7/19/2022 7:40:04 PM (No. 1221779)
I don’t care how many people tell me it’s not the breed, it’s the owner. I’m a bona fide dog lover, but pit bulls are a hard no.
14 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 7/19/2022 7:58:11 PM (No. 1221801)
He's just a little pussycat...
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Reply 24 - Posted by: Zeek Wolfe 7/19/2022 8:40:10 PM (No. 1221853)
Own a pit bull, win the Darwin Award. Same goes for chimp, snake and spider owners. Oh, I forgot...lions, tigers and bears, oh my.
6 people like this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: bighambone 7/19/2022 8:48:59 PM (No. 1221863)
Pit-bull owners who are attacked by their own pit-bulls always say the same thing, the dog never showed aggression before. After the attack some will not even admit that they are lucky to be alive. Nobody needs a dog with such a violent breed history. We have had German Shepherd Dogs and Airedale Terriers all our lives and have never been bitten or attacked by them. When you walk your dog anyplace where the dog could be attacked by a dangerous animal including a pit-bull. Forget about a stun gun. The best defensive weapon to carry is an ice pick, that will do the job once and for all.
6 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: snakeoil 7/19/2022 8:52:33 PM (No. 1221866)
Any breed of dog can attack humans and other life forms. The problem with pit bulls is their jaws have a much greater crushing power than other dogs. Plus these dogs are bred to fight. This is why I like cats. Never have been attacked by a kitty. Leave a cat alone and it will leave you alone.
4 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: TXknitter 7/19/2022 9:31:20 PM (No. 1221906)
My nephew and wife have two pit bulls and their two young children love them. I am glad when visiting town I was never invited to the house. I do not trust those unpredictable and powerful dogs. I remain concerned for the family. If they are so great, why are our South Texas adoption shelters FULL of them? Just wondering.
5 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: ramona 7/19/2022 9:34:09 PM (No. 1221908)
I've only known one pit bull and she was a darling, my own dog's best friend. They used to stare at each other from across the street and cry and whine until they got to be together. She must've had old genes from the days when they were known as nanny dogs. However I would never have one myself, too risky. I understand why some folks love 'em, but I don't understand taking the risk. BTW, orchids to #21 for the GK reference! Ramona (the Pest)
0 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 7/19/2022 9:47:18 PM (No. 1221918)
Tats and pit bulls....made for each other.
8 people like this.

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Trump would 'fire tens of thousands of
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Posted by Ribicon 7/22/2022 11:34:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/22/2022 10:05:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 10:11:52 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 8:08:06 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 8:03:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 7:55:08 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 6:58:00 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 5:14:25 PM Post Reply
US Border Patrol agents rescued more than 100 illegal immigrants from three squalid stash houses in a 24-hour period in El Paso, Texas, this week, officials said Thursday. Dozen of people were seen crammed into disgusting rooms in dirty homes and motel rooms, according to pics of the 103 immigrants released by Border Patrol. The find comes just weeks after the deaths of 53 immigrants in San Antonio in the back of a sweltering tractor-trailer—and border officials believe a similar tragedy was narrowly averted as the migrants were likely to be soon shipped off in trucks. “Sheltering immigrants in unsanitary and unsafe conditions is common practice by transnational
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 4:31:38 PM Post Reply
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19 replies
Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 4:21:59 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insisted Thursday that her husband Paul has never made investments based in information she's shared amid fresh scrutiny over the mega-wealthy stock trader's latest investment. 'Has your husband ever made a stock purchase or sale based on information he's received from you?' a reported asked the speaker in her weekly briefing. 'No,' she scoffed. 'Absolutely not.' Pelosi then walked away from the podium. On June 17 Paul Pelosi but 20,000 shares in semiconductor firm Nvidia, worth between $1 million and $5 million, ahead of a Senate vote on a bill that could inject $52 billion in the semiconductor manufacturing industry and give tax incentives for production.
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Posted by jimboscott 7/21/2022 10:39:29 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 7/21/2022 5:18:15 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 7/21/2022 4:31:38 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Judy W. 7/21/2022 2:34:33 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/22/2022 2:26:24 AM Post Reply
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33 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2022 3:39:38 AM Post Reply
Lucky for you, you’re probably not a neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, but if you were, your evenings would be punctuated by “loud and vulgar,” almost-nightly protests from abortion proponents shouting about the recent SCOTUS overturn of Roe v. Wade. The Washington Post went to the tony Washington, D.C. suburb of Chevy Chase, Md. to interview Kavanaugh’s neighbors, and although many in the predominantly liberal enclave refused to go on record, most of the ones who did were not pleased with the disruptions.
‘I Was Wrong’: Paul Krugman Kicks
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32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/21/2022 11:48:57 PM Post Reply
The New York Times opinion section actually published a shocking project where eight of their columnists admitted they were wrong about either economics, tech, foreign affairs or politics. At the top of the list was none other than “transitory” inflation gaslighter Paul Krugman.  The Times’s economic columnist published an op-ed with a headline that didn’t beat around the bush – for a change – and acknowledged how bad his unrealistic takes on the inflation crisis were for the past year. “I Was Wrong About Inflation,” says the headline. The disgruntled economist actually conceded that Biden’s irresponsible $1.9 trillion stimulus package was inflationary, despite his earlier objections to the contrary.
Did Joe Biden Just Announce He Has Cancer
in Garbled Climate Change Speech? (Video)
…Update: White House Responds
32 replies
Posted by Imright 7/21/2022 3:36:32 AM Post Reply
Did Joe Biden just announce he has cancer? After hiding out at the White House for 3 days, Joe Biden on Wednesday traveled to Brayton Point in Massachusetts where he will talk about his Marxist climate change agenda. About 20 chairs were laid out for Joe’s big speech… but he totally got 81 million votes in 2020.Biden struggled to read the teleprompter during his garbled speech and at one point it appeared he announced he has cancer. “And my mother drove us and rather than us being able to walk, and guess what?
Members of Pence's security detail feared
for their lives and were calling loved
ones to say goodbye as violence escalated
at the Capitol on January 6
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/21/2022 10:03:46 PM Post Reply
Members of then-Vice President Mike Pence's security detail were calling their loved ones to "say goodbye" as violence escalated at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, a former White House security official told the January 6 committee in testimony played on Thursday evening. "The members of the VP detail at this time were starting to fear for their own lives. There was a lot of yelling, a lot of very personal calls over the radio, so it was disturbing. I don't like talking about it," the official, who was unnamed for security purposes, told the committee. "But there were calls to say goodbye to family members, so on and so forth,"
Dem Sen. Heinrich: 'We're Going to Solve
Inflation with a Climate Bill' and 'Every
Bill' Should Deal with Climate
31 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/21/2022 12:15:24 AM Post Reply
On Wednesday’s broadcast of NBC’s “MTP Now,” Sen. Martin Heinrich (D-NM) argued that Democrats should say that “we’re going to solve inflation with a climate bill” and that in Congress, “we need to be doing climate all of the time now” and that “every bill we do, whether it’s an appropriations bill or whether it’s a policy bill,” should have climate provisions because “we’ve reached a point where our climate is truly at a tipping point. We’re losing this battle and losing control of the weather.” Heinrich stated, “[I]t really is our addiction to fossil fuels that is driving the out-of-control frustration and inflation that our constituents are feeling.”
NYC Mayor Eric Adams shares plan to house
3,000 illegal immigrants in HOTELS after
they overwhelmed homeless shelters: Demands
taxpayer cash from Biden to help
30 replies
Posted by Imright 7/22/2022 12:01:56 AM Post Reply
NYC Mayor Eric Adams mooted housing 3,000 illegal immigrants who've overwhelmed homeless shelters in hotels - and said he wants taxpayer cash from Joe Biden to do so. During a press conference on Thursday, Adams told a room of reporters that in order to house those who cross the border illegally: 'If we have to get hotel rooms, we get hotel rooms.' Adams also said 'our team has been in constant contact with the White House' and added that he wants the federal government to release funds in order 'to deal with this unprecedented surge' of migrants. According to reports, the city is struggling to cope
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