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'Per Loves Perself': University Schools
Students on 'Why Pronouns Matter' for 'Folx'

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Posted By: AmericaFirstAlways, 5/8/2022 7:22:06 AM

California State University, Northridge wants its attendees to understand the importance of pronouns. Therefore, via its University Student Union’s Pride Center, the school has dedicated a webpage to “Why Pronouns Matter for Everyone.” “Jump-start the learning curve,” it says, “by educating yourself.” CSUN tells cisgender students not to make their peers do work that’s on them: Don’t make your Transgender and Nonbinary peers do all the work in pronoun education. You can jump-start the overall learning curve by educating yourself and boosting our reach with others around you. Awareness is key: Without realizing it, we use pronouns all the time.


They want this to be the new normal, it isn't going to fly.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: philsner 5/8/2022 7:36:45 AM (No. 1149714)
It's not my responsibility to identify your perversions.
53 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Daisymay 5/8/2022 7:37:06 AM (No. 1149715)
I think maybe they should work on writing in Cursive before they try to "jump start the learning curve"!
29 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: slipstik 5/8/2022 8:00:02 AM (No. 1149733)
If you were born with an outie, you're a guy. If you were born with an innie, you're a girl. If you want to "identify" as a left handed roller skate, YOU have the problem, not me. I'm just gonna keep it simple and call you what you are.
35 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Fosterdad 5/8/2022 8:01:49 AM (No. 1149734)
What's wrong with the word "folks"? Why change it to "folx"?
20 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: mobyclik 5/8/2022 8:05:09 AM (No. 1149737)
You've got to wonder, what's the point of paying all that money to attend college and graduate as dumb as a maggot. Will knowing all the 'proper pronouns' get you hired? Out of control insanity.
23 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: franq 5/8/2022 8:05:25 AM (No. 1149739)
Every time our HR director (gay - the company thinks we should know) sends out an email, his signature contains (He, Him, His). When my wife and I were dating, we felt the End was near, but could never in our wildest dreams picture this kind of delusion. That was nearly 45 years ago. Happy Mother's Day, honey.
19 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: udanja99 5/8/2022 8:18:59 AM (No. 1149751)
Oh, just grow up and get over yourselves! I’m with #1.
29 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bpl40 5/8/2022 8:21:31 AM (No. 1149755)
This entire garbage and the poisonous warped thinking behind it, is an assault on the natural rights and sensibilities of 99.9% of the population. Being forced to 'use' this political nonsense is a violation of MY rights. Has that thought occurred to them. Sadly the answer to the rhetorical question is - yes. That is exactly why it is being imposed.
18 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: downnout 5/8/2022 8:23:51 AM (No. 1149758)
As a native of the once golden state I am ashamed. They have lost their minds.
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Rich323 5/8/2022 8:33:52 AM (No. 1149767)
Just say “hey butt head get your ass over here or you’re fired!”
24 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: cor-vet 5/8/2022 8:42:45 AM (No. 1149776)
Since I don't know 'cis' from shinola, I guess he & she will have to be the chosen pronouns in my world!
19 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: chillijilli 5/8/2022 9:11:58 AM (No. 1149789)
We absolutely positively don't ever properly respond to this crap. Whenever subjects like this come up, we should all just throw out heads back, curl our lips, open our mouths wide and enjoy a huge, hearty belly laugh. React like what you've heard is so bizarre it must be a joke---and as a joke, it may be one of the best you've heard in a long time. No words are necessary. By continually trying to logically respond to the crazy bait the libs are tossing, we are enabling this bee ess to continue. The next time someone says "non-binary" blah blah blah to you, I suggest taking a few steps backward and asking seriously if they need help or want you to call anyone on their behalf. Then move slowly away, wide-eyed but calm. They won't have a clue how to react because they expect we should all just quietly accept the nonsense they are spewing.
14 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: ironchefw 5/8/2022 9:14:33 AM (No. 1149792)
I almost want to go back to college to refuse to do stupid stuff like this.
12 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: thethirdruffian 5/8/2022 9:33:04 AM (No. 1149815)
English matters to me. Otherwise my pronouns are: Let’s go/Brandon/MAGA
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Venturer 5/8/2022 9:38:41 AM (No. 1149824)
I identify male and female , He and She, if those pronouns are not enough there is another pronoun, freak.
8 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: Highlander 5/8/2022 9:53:17 AM (No. 1149838)
Why should hundreds of years of language development be upended by a few cranks?
15 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: Marzipan4 5/8/2022 10:25:13 AM (No. 1149863)
So sorry you are so demanding and I dont meet your needs. I don’t care what pronoun you use for me. I’m comfortable in my skin.
9 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: MickTurn 5/8/2022 10:34:18 AM (No. 1149874)
You can have your Pronouns as long as you address me with MY favorite Adjectives...Brilliant, Handsome...and I'll come up with more as you whine and complain!
8 people like this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: Krause 5/8/2022 10:45:26 AM (No. 1149889)
If you don’t mind, I’ll just continue to use a certain nickname for these people.
7 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: MrDeplorable 5/8/2022 10:46:56 AM (No. 1149893)
Where the whole Pronoun Argument breaks down is that it assumes a Fourth Right, that in addition to every human’s rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, (insert pronoun) has the right not to be offended. No such right exists. Argument fails. Next case.
9 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 5/8/2022 11:04:31 AM (No. 1149914)
Now they're just making schiff up.
5 people like this.

Reply 22 - Posted by: earlybird 5/8/2022 12:00:51 PM (No. 1149959)
This article should have had those opinion symbols at the end so that I could click on the trash can.
6 people like this.

Reply 23 - Posted by: DVC 5/8/2022 12:32:17 PM (No. 1149986)
The mentally ill now insist that we play their deranged games. No, I will not. He, she. End of list.
5 people like this.

Reply 24 - Posted by: Quigley 5/8/2022 12:43:30 PM (No. 1149998)
I think it would be fun to spell everything in a new way! Izzent txahtt a graaaat idee-uh! Eye woenot havvv 2 schttuddy! Ahmmm alllwaaze write!
1 person likes this.

Reply 25 - Posted by: Scout Finch 5/8/2022 1:02:59 PM (No. 1150011)
Fa love bey lol (eyeroll)
0 people like this.

Reply 26 - Posted by: cor-vet 5/8/2022 1:20:09 PM (No. 1150034)
Are the weirdos required to address we normal people with our preferred pronouns, or is this a one way street?
2 people like this.

Reply 27 - Posted by: Readaholic 5/8/2022 5:55:52 PM (No. 1150167)
Their pronouns are Crazy, and Crazy AF.
2 people like this.

Reply 28 - Posted by: skacmar 5/9/2022 1:21:25 AM (No. 1150376)
He, she, him, her I can understand. It is the made up stuff like ze, per, che kitten and stuff like that loses me. I already don't agree with the pronon BS. Being forced to use made up stuff just feeds into these people's fantasy.
2 people like this.

Reply 29 - Posted by: RayLRiv 5/9/2022 8:21:38 AM (No. 1150496)
I'll call them IT. That should cover all bases.
1 person likes this.

Reply 30 - Posted by: zoidberg 5/9/2022 10:43:42 AM (No. 1150649)
My pronouns are Thou/Thee/Thine.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 5/14/2022 9:04:53 AM Post Reply
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Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 5/11/2022 12:57:03 PM Post Reply
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'Per Loves Perself': University Schools
Students on 'Why Pronouns Matter' for 'Folx'
30 replies
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 5/8/2022 7:22:06 AM Post Reply
California State University, Northridge wants its attendees to understand the importance of pronouns. Therefore, via its University Student Union’s Pride Center, the school has dedicated a webpage to “Why Pronouns Matter for Everyone.” “Jump-start the learning curve,” it says, “by educating yourself.” CSUN tells cisgender students not to make their peers do work that’s on them: Don’t make your Transgender and Nonbinary peers do all the work in pronoun education. You can jump-start the overall learning curve by educating yourself and boosting our reach with others around you. Awareness is key: Without realizing it, we use pronouns all the time.
[Watch] Joy Behar Has A Hilariously Pathetic
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Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 5/5/2022 8:38:51 AM Post Reply
One of the character flaws that tend to afflict many Hollywood celebrities is an utter lack of self-awareness, and Joy Behar of ABC’s The View gave us a perfect example on Tuesday. Reacting to the leaked document from the Supreme Court indicating that the landmark Roe V. Wade case enshrining a woman’s right to abortion is about to be overturned, Behar stated the following: “Women in the world have conducted sex strikes in history. In 2003, a sex strike helped to end Liberia’s brutal civil war. The woman who started it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Too Funny: Brian Stelter Humiliates Himself
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7 replies
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 5/2/2022 8:07:39 PM Post Reply
There must not be all that much journalisming that needs to be happening at CNN right now, even despite the CNN+-induced layoffs, as Brian “The Potato” Stelter, decided that he had the time to write a book and try and go after FNC host Sean Hannity in it. In fact, there’s a part of the book that seems especially reserved for trying to slam Sean Hannity, with a story that tries to make Hannity look like a jerk. In reality, it makes Mr. Potatohead look like an absolute wimp and Hannity like a gigachad, as was pointed out on Twitter:
The Ministry of Truth Is Real 9 replies
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 4/29/2022 8:02:37 AM Post Reply
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Facts Matter, Unless They’re Bad For
Joe Biden: New Analysis By Big Tech Watchdog
Exposes Mass Hypocrisy
1 reply
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 4/26/2022 7:49:35 AM Post Reply
Big Tech suppression of right-wing content is obvious to anyone paying attention but is difficult to prove. We see the evidence on our Twitter and Facebook feeds, but the driving forces behind what pops up on our devices are the clandestine algorithms that are meticulously maintained and well-guarded by the information gatekeepers at these leftist companies. The results we see are hidden within the programming used to spit out what we consume on these sites. Censorship, however, is different from suppression, though equally problematic. And censorship is measurable. A terrific recent examination of this issue by The Media Research Center focused on the censorship of unfavorable content concerning President Joe Biden
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15 replies
Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 4/24/2022 10:16:00 AM Post Reply
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Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 4/21/2022 9:28:54 AM Post Reply
Alec Baldwin is now claiming to be “exonerated” of any wrongdoing in his fatal shooting of a set member that occurred in late 2021. The D-list actor, a staunch anti-Trump figure liberal firebrand, has previously claimed he did not actually pull the trigger and that he holds no responsibility for the tragic incident. (related Alec Baldwin Makes Stunning Claim About Shooting on ‘Rust’ Movie Set) Now, a new report from the New Mexico Occupational Health and Safety Bureau has determined that gross negligence occurred on the set, fining the film company the maximum penalty of $136,793. Yet, Baldwin says the report exonerates him, relieving him of any liability for the shooting.
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Posted by AmericaFirstAlways 4/20/2022 8:16:40 AM Post Reply
Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is a smart guy, and he’s also a highly skilled politician. But with the complete derangement we’ve been witnessing from the left, combined with DeSantis’ utter ballsy-ness, the section of the Culture War battlefield currently occupied by DeSantis looks like a Marine Corps Battalion fighting against the local Cub Scouts Troop. He’s a man among boys, and he’s not letting up. In an announcement from the governor’s office yesterday, DeSantis “called on lawmakers to review independent special districts established prior to Nov. 5, 1968.”
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Posted by Imright 5/13/2022 3:45:54 PM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 5/14/2022 3:11:38 AM Post Reply
Harvard Law professor emeritus Laurence Tribe said Thursday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that former President Donald Trump could face criminal prosecution for espionage while discussing reports that the Department of Justice is investigating Trump’s handling of classified material. Tribe said, “When we find all of this apparent top secret information finding his way to unsecured boxes to Mar-a-Lago, it’s very encouraging that the Department of Justice isn’t simply asking who packed the boxes, but what did the president then of the United States on his way out of the Oval Office have in mind in taking that information? Did he do anything with it?
Netflix Goes Scorched Earth on Woke Employees 27 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/13/2022 8:30:00 AM Post Reply
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Dan Crenshaw reveals his true colors, again 27 replies
Posted by DW626 5/13/2022 6:11:03 AM Post Reply
A few days ago, GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia, and Dan Crenshaw from Texas, were involved in a heated online exchange over providing U.S. aid to Ukraine Since Russia's incursion began, the U.S has supplied Ukraine with billions of dollars in aid. Back in March, the House and the Senate approved $13.6bn for ‘assistance’ to Ukraine. On Tuesday, the House approved $40 billion more in aid. At the beginning of the month, Biden had requested $33 billion but the House generously offered $7 billion more. The aid to Ukraine comes as the US, under Biden, is struggling on several fronts.
Marvel introduces new trans mutant hero
Escapade: A ‘total goofball’ with
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26 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2022 5:44:38 PM Post Reply
Meet Marvel’s new mutant. A new superhero is getting ready to make her comic debut: Shela Sexton, a.k.a. Escapade, is described as a “total goofball” who’s extremely loyal to her friends and has “a super-strong sense of justice.” She’s also transgender, which according to her co-creator Charlie Jane Anders, has led her to experience “some rejection,” but also shaped her into becoming the superhero she is today.(Snip)Escapade will be introduced to the world in the pages of “Marvel’s Voices: Pride #1,” set to be released on June 22 as part of the publisher’s Pride Month celebrations. She’ll also bring along her best friend and fellow trans mutant
Wisconsin mom says son, 13, was accused
of SEXUAL HARASSMENT and hit with Title
XI sexual harassment complaint for refusing
to refer to non-binary classmate by 'they/them' pronouns
25 replies
Posted by Ribicon 5/13/2022 10:13:31 PM Post Reply
A Wisconsin mom shared her horror after her 13 year-old son was accused of sexual harassment for refusing to refer to a non-binary schoolmate with 'they/them' pronouns. Rosemary Rabidoux hit out after her son Bradon became one of three eighth grade schoolboys at Kiel Middle School subjected to an ongoing probe. It was triggered after they chose not to use the gender neutral pronoun for their unidentified classmate, who they instead referred to using 'she' and her'. Things appear to have escalated quickly with the school district now filing a Title IX complaint against the students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using the 'incorrect' pronouns.
Clyburn: If GOP Not Held Accountable ‘Democracy
and This Country Really Is Teetering on
the Edge’
25 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2022 7:27:16 PM Post Reply
House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said Friday on MSNBC’s “Katy Tur Reports” that if Republican lawmakers were not held accountable for their role leading up to the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, America’s democracy was “teetering on the edge.”Clyburn was discussing the House Select Committee subpoenaed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Scott Perry (R-PA).Clyburn said, “At some point in time, you need to think about this country, and all of us are aware that we are at a very critical stage in our country’s history.”
Wash Post fact-checker calls uproar over
Biden sending baby formula to border amidst
shortage 'faux outrage'
25 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 5/13/2022 10:43:08 AM Post Reply
Washington Post fact-checker Glenn Kessler dismissed concerns the Biden administration was sending baby formula to border facilities during a nationwide shortage Thursday. Parents have been struggling to find the essential commodity in stores, with supply dipping to 43% below normal, according to Datasembly, which tracks product data for retailers. However, Kessler defended the administration's actions and called the concerns "faux outrage." "This is a ridiculous faux outrage. The shortage of baby formula is a serious issue that the administration is seeking to address. But at the same time, the administration cannot be faulted for following the law and providing baby
Kathy Barnette Claims She Voted for Trump
in 2016 Primaries; Her Book Says Otherwise
24 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2022 10:43:02 AM Post Reply
Pennsylvania U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette appears to have been caught making a false claim about voting for Donald Trump during the 2016 primaries.In an interview on the Chris Stigall show, Barnette was asked about her first vote in the state of Pennsylvania, to which she responded that she voted for Trump in the 2016 primaries. “The one that really pops out in my mind is 2016 for the primary for President Trump, as well as for the general election for President Trump,” she said on the show. While Barnette might be telling the truth about her primary vote, her comments certainly contradict what she herself wrote
Report: Liberals Spent Six Months Coming
Up with ‘Ultra MAGA’ Attack Line
23 replies
Posted by Imright 5/14/2022 8:37:29 AM Post Reply
Liberal, Democratic Party-aligned strategists, pollsters, and think tank experts spent six months coming up with the “ultra MAGA” label that President Joe Biden has begun to deploy against Republicans ahead of a difficult midterm election. The Washington Post reported Friday: Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and by the Center for American Progress Action Fund, a liberal group.
Biden Effort to Turn Ultra MAGA into a
Disparaging Epithet Came from Six Month
Study Headed by Anita Dunn
23 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/13/2022 6:01:09 PM Post Reply
The Washington Post is reporting the shift from the White House to disparage their political opposition with the terms “MAGA”, “Ultra-MAGA” and President Trump as the “Great MAGA King,” came from a six-month poll study led by Anita Dunn, the latest senior advisor in the White House.Keep in mind, a few days ago White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said the terminology “ultra-MAGA” was an “organic utterance” from Joe Biden. Whoops. WASHINGTON DC – […] Biden’s attempt to appropriate the “MAGA” brand as a political attack was hardly accidental. It arose from a six-month research project to find the best way to target Republicans, helmed by Biden adviser Anita Dunn and
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