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The Ukrainian Army Liberates Territory
From Russian Invaders and Discovers Murdered Civilians

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Posted By: Dreadnought, 4/2/2022 11:35:22 PM

The Russian Army is retreating all along the northern border of Ukraine. The official Russian version for the retreat is that this is a Five Dimensional Chess move by Grandmaster Vlad, which was part of the plan all along. A more rational view is that the units that attacked on February 24 have been substantially degraded and are being pulled back across the border with Belarus and Russia to rearm and refit, and take on replacements for casualties. As Ukrainian troops advance, they are beginning to uncover evidence of war crimes committed by Russian troops against Ukrainian civilians. A town that has been particularly hard hit is Bucha,


Very graphic.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: thefield 4/3/2022 12:08:15 AM (No. 1117932)
Hitler would be so proud.
10 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: HisHandmaiden 4/3/2022 12:31:45 AM (No. 1117948)
Yes, so tragic… that’s evil, sadly, just like USA… But take heart, Truth will Prevail! God is still Sovereign! Trust Him… perhaps He’s allowing the US and the World to see ALL the evil… Our CA church has missionaries who have recently left Kiev and the Seminary there… there is a hunger for righteousness… please pray DAILY for these dear people… [And watch CSpan for President Trump’s encouraging message last evening, particularly John Gibbs, Stanford and Yale grad, former missionary, running for Congress in Michigan.] TBIYTC
13 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: SALady 4/3/2022 12:37:56 AM (No. 1117951)
Once again, no independent confirmation of a word of this. Just "Ukrainian military reports..." Why does the Ukrainian military not have western journalists imbedded with their forces to verify these accusations? I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word coming out of either side about anything in this war anymore!!!!!!
45 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 4/3/2022 1:12:28 AM (No. 1117956)
They probably objected to being "liberated". Terrible.
10 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: MindMadeUp 4/3/2022 1:28:49 AM (No. 1117961)
Is any of this stuff the truth? Did the Russians get beat up on? Did Ukrainian Nazi units kill people to make it look like Russian atrocities? There is no way of knowing. And, it's not our war.
33 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: GoodDeal 4/3/2022 1:50:53 AM (No. 1117966)
I saw a video of Russian attack helicopters being shot down one after another by surface-to-air missiles fired by Ukrainians. Probably Stinger's but who knows. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. One after another went down in balls of flaming wreckage. The Russians are taking punishment. This thing is UK's to win.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Toby Ten Bears 4/3/2022 5:50:05 AM (No. 1117998)
Ukraine murdering their own citizens for propaganda purposes... Just like the old WWII days!!! Help Russia!
10 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: 3XALADY 4/3/2022 7:29:09 AM (No. 1118029)
#6 That might have been Javelins sent to the Ukraine by PDJT. If so, why are we sending war materiel to them?
4 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Mofongo 4/3/2022 7:42:21 AM (No. 1118041)
An objective report right from the front. Goebbels would be so proud
12 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: mobyclik 4/3/2022 7:55:42 AM (No. 1118054)
Looking at the photos, the first thing I noticed is....Where's the blood from these bodies? Especially those were described as shot in the head? Not a pleasant thing to discuss, but it's suspicious.
14 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: LoveYourCountry 4/3/2022 8:00:33 AM (No. 1118059)
Americans always want things to be cut and dry. These are the good guys, and these are the bad guys. In reality, the governments of neither Ukraine nor Russia are the good guys. They're both bad. But the Russians are far, far worse. This is awful.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Paperpuncher 4/3/2022 8:45:05 AM (No. 1118082)
10. Photos of victims who have been dead for some time will miss details. In a head shot death is instant. The heart stops pumping blood immediately thus minimal amount of bleeding.
6 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: bigfatslob 4/3/2022 9:29:35 AM (No. 1118112)
The Nazis vs the Soviets you can choose which bad guy you support. My question, what does Vlad the Impaler really want but being a Grandmaster chess player, he chose badly. This is not our war.
3 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: chance_232 4/3/2022 9:30:48 AM (No. 1118114)
Why would anyone doubt this? Russia has a very long history of brutality. They were/are intentionally targeting homes, apartment buildings, schools and hospitals. If a town or city doesn't surrender, they burn it to the ground. Chechnya anyone? They slaughtered 20 million of their own citizens after their own civil war. Least we forget "The Holodomor", the great starving of Ukraine. The Soviet Union caused the deaths of 3-5 million Ukrainians. And then sent in ethnic Russians to take over the depopulated areas. Crimea, Donbass and Luhansk. This current war can be traced to Russian atrocities staring in 1932. There can be no honest defense of what Russia is doing. A weak Biden, a Ukranian neo-nazi group, NATO membership, Biolabs etc. is no excuse for the wholesale slaughter and destruction.
9 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: ChattyCatsSusan 4/3/2022 9:59:30 AM (No. 1118139)
I don't buy one sided stories in war time. Too easy to lie to promote the Russia/Putin bad narrative. Lest we forget, Zelensky armed criminals in order to fight the Russians, and there have been stories about them attacking citizens, along with the reality that Zelensky stowed his munitions in civilian areas like those targeted. Zelensky tried tricks out of the Palestinian playbook and is now trying to pin this all on Russia. Unfortunately, there are a lot of gullible people in the West willing to buy what Zelensky and our WH has been selling.
9 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: FormerDem 4/3/2022 10:20:31 AM (No. 1118165)
Proverbs 24:11 - Rescue those being led away to death. Those saying it is no business of ours are giving ungodly advice. I don't want to go to hell with you. You go by yourself. Maybe there is a ring of hell where you can drown in the blood shed all around you while you looked away
3 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: TCloud 4/3/2022 11:07:24 AM (No. 1118219)
Both sides use propaganda. World Deep State Media wins like huge! Even with live cams placed in supposed hot spots in the Ukraine who very little combat and when there is conflict, such as MLRS Grad strikes, the viewer is clueless as to whom is hitting whom. World Deep State Media wins like huge! A grain of salt Streiff! Ukraine is out gunned and out manned and does not negotiate with Roosyia from any position of strength! Poke at the Russian Bear long enough and he will claw and bite!
2 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 4/3/2022 11:14:52 AM (No. 1118227)
Be careful whose truth you listen to. Riccardo Bosi says "Ukraine is the head of the snake." That combined with the deep state dems in America who are rushing us into war, tells me what I need to know.
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Reply 19 - Posted by: Zigrid 4/3/2022 11:25:22 AM (No. 1118239)
One small victory for Ukrainian...and one large victory for Europe...keep moving forward until all the Russians are out of Ukraine ...and that includes Crimea ....
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: marbles 4/3/2022 11:52:45 AM (No. 1118257)
I don't know when, where and who took the pictures.Why was the English word " STOP " painted on two cars?
3 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: NotaBene 4/3/2022 12:17:25 PM (No. 1118271)
For the other side see Simplcius73, Marine1063, The Saker, and The Duran. The power of the Ukrainian cabal is considerable: Alexander Vindman, Victoria Nuland (Mrs Robert Kagan), and V. Zelenskyy impeached the President with just one phone call. Now let US all march to WW III for NATO/CIA and we will be happy.
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Reply 22 - Posted by: DVC 4/3/2022 1:09:03 PM (No. 1118322)
RE #8, Javelins are not useful for engaging aircraft, are for tanks and other armored vehicles. US Stingers and British Starstreak missiles are shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles. A recent video which shows the helo's tail boom being damaged and folding up on a Russian helo was reported to have been hit by a British Starstreak. The Brit antitank missile is the NLAW (IIRC, that's for Nextgeneration Light Antitank Weapon). We had a LAW (Light Antitank Weapon) in Vietnam, this NLAW is much better, and designed in Sweden, built in Britain.
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Reply 23 - Posted by: Omen55 4/3/2022 6:04:15 PM (No. 1118458)
C'mon, man. The Russians would never do this. Just look at their history. Oh, wait.... Never mind.
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Reply 24 - Posted by: JackBurton 4/4/2022 12:26:06 PM (No. 1119132)
There's a separate report of Ukranian women given bread rolls they had baked to Russian soldiers. Stuffed with poison. Two immediately died and 28 were hospitalized. I image those not dead or hospitalized started thinking of the women as combatants.
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/4/2022 11:27:07 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2022 6:26:43 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2022 6:18:55 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2022 5:55:37 PM Post Reply
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6 people dead after downtown Sacramento
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16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/3/2022 10:29:23 AM Post Reply
Police in Sacramento say six people are dead and nine injured after a shooting in the city's downtown area early Sunday morning. Police said they located at least 15 victims of the shooting, including six people who died. Police alerted the public on Twitter that streets in downtown Sacramento near where the shooting unfolded were closed off. One video on Twitter appeared to show people running through the street as the sound of gunfire could be heard in the background. One man, Berry Accius of Sacramento's Voice of the Youth, said he got to the scene around 2:30 a.m. and described it as "chaotic." "A lot of victims with
The Ukrainian Army Liberates Territory
From Russian Invaders and Discovers Murdered Civilians
24 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2022 11:35:22 PM Post Reply
The Russian Army is retreating all along the northern border of Ukraine. The official Russian version for the retreat is that this is a Five Dimensional Chess move by Grandmaster Vlad, which was part of the plan all along. A more rational view is that the units that attacked on February 24 have been substantially degraded and are being pulled back across the border with Belarus and Russia to rearm and refit, and take on replacements for casualties. As Ukrainian troops advance, they are beginning to uncover evidence of war crimes committed by Russian troops against Ukrainian civilians. A town that has been particularly hard hit is Bucha,
Joe Biden Forgets He Was Vice President
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2022 8:00:23 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is fine. Seriously, don’t even think about suggesting he’s not. There is nothing abnormal or concerning about his mental state, and increasingly, his physical state as well. To even delve into such a discussion is to push wild conspiracy theories, backed by no real-world examples at all. Oh, wait, it’s April 2nd. Sorry, got my days mixed up there. On Saturday morning, the president spoke to members of the US Navy, and in doing so, he not only seemed to forget he was vice president, but he bestowed the title on his wife, Jill Biden. Again, though, he’s totally fine, you guys. Nothing to worry about.
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2022 7:39:24 PM Post Reply
Last month, a group of parents in Orlando, Florida, demanded “consequences” against sixth grade science teacher Robert Thollander. His crime? Thollander acknowledged his marriage at school. “He married a man. This alone is not an issue. Sharing the details … with all his 6th grade students is the issue,” the parents wrote in a letter sent to their children’s school board, which was shared with NBC News. “It was not appropriate. Many of these students felt very uncomfortable with the conversations and shared this with their families.” Had Thollander just “said he will be out for a few days because he was getting married, no problem,” the letter continued
Disney Heiress Weighs in on the New Florida Law 8 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 4/2/2022 7:11:58 PM Post Reply
Disney execs may want to consider writing Abigail Disney out of the script. The Disney Corporation has found itself ensnared in a controversy of its own making. For reasons that make sense to only them, the power players in California felt that remaining silent about politics was not the course to take and instead decided to speak out about Florida’s recently passed parental rights law, creating discord in their customer base. Smart play, you executive dolts; you angered your audience. Disney felt like they were on the power side, lashing out at politicians and pulling their funding of candidates. Except, as I pointed out Friday, the voters favor this law,
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Posted by Imright 4/3/2022 7:26:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 4/3/2022 5:52:33 PM Post Reply
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan attacked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a fellow Republican, on Sunday over the Sunshine State's new law placing limits on discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in the classroom. Hogan dismissed the Parental Rights in Education bill—dubbed the 'Don't Say Gay' bill by critics—as 'absurd' and criticized DeSantis for getting into a public spat with the Walt Disney Company over the matter. 'I didn't really actually see the details of the legislation, but the whole thing seems like just a crazy fight,' Hogan told CNN's State of the Union.(Snip)'It concerns me that DeSantis is always talking about, you know, he was not
Joe Biden ‘confident’ Hunter didn’t
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Posted by Imright 4/4/2022 7:23:16 AM Post Reply
President Biden believes his son Hunter did nothing illegal while involved in controversial and highly lucrative business dealings in Ukraine and China and is allowing the Justice Department to carry out its investigation unimpeded, the White House chief of staff said Sunday. “Of course the president’s confident that his son didn’t break the law. But, most importantly, as I said, that’s a matter that’s going to be decided by the Justice Department, by the legal process,” Ron Klain said on ABC News’ “This Week.”“It’s something that no one at the White House has involvement in.”
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Posted by Imright 4/3/2022 7:31:55 PM Post Reply
It’s becoming a bit of a mystery how Kamala Harris even passed the bar exam, let alone became Vice President of the United States.Kamala was recently asked about Biden’s remark — which he subsequently denied ever making — that Russian president Vladimir Putin should not ‘remain in power.’ Try to endure the whole thing. Watch:*Video) “Both yourself and the president were in the region recently,” Reid noted. “And when the president was there he gave a speech in Warsaw that was well received by many,” she claimed.
Two Russian soldiers have died and 28
are in hospital after being POISONED by
pastry delicacies offered to them by civilians
near besieged Kharkiv, according to the
Ukraine Ministry of Defence
25 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2022 10:36:49 AM Post Reply
Russian troops near Kharkiv died after eating poisoned stuffed buns given to them as 'gifts' by Ukrainian citizens, a Ukrainian intelligence agency has claimed.Two soldiers from the 3rd Motor Rifle Division died immediately after eating the delicacies served by the citizens of Izium, a Facebook post by the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine announced on Saturday. Another 28 Russian troops are in intensive care after the poisoning with several hundred others also suffering from 'severe illnesses' after drinking poisoned alcohol given to them by civilians.
“Ban Ghost Guns – Ban Assault Weapons”
– Joe Biden Calls For Gun Control After
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Posted by Imright 4/4/2022 7:15:08 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Sunday evening called for gun control after six people were shot dead in California early Sunday morning as the bars emptied out.Six people are dead and 12 others are injured after a mass shooting in downtown Sacramento near the 1000 block of K Street early Sunday morning.Police Chief Kathy Lester told reporters that multiple shooters are at large as of Sunday afternoon.Police believe there were at least two shooters; one stolen handgun was found – three men and three women were killed, AP reported.
Disney Releases ‘Gayest Kids Movie Yet,’
Produced Long Before Florida Grooming Controversy
24 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2022 8:26:03 PM Post Reply
Disney has released what has been described as the “gayest kid’s movie yet,” as it continues to pay fealty to radical queer activists with its attacks on Florida’s anti-grooming law that gives parents a say in their children’s education.This month, Disney+ released a musical comedy aimed at pre-teens titled Better Nate Than Ever. The movie features 13-year-old Nate (Rueby Wood) who is upset about losing the audition for his high school musical and who goes on a trip to New York City with dreams of winning a part in a Broadway play. (Video)
Chuck Todd Fails to Ask Hillary Clinton
About FEC Fine for Steele ‘Dossier’
22 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2022 6:53:16 PM Post Reply
Former Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton was fined last week by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) for paying for the fraudulent “Russia dossier” — but NBC’s Chuck Todd failed to ask her about it on Sunday morning.As Breitbart News reported last week: Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign and the Democrat National Committee were fined on Tuesday $113,000 by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for hiding their spending on the fraudulent Russia “dossier.” Hillary’s campaign and DNC allegedly reported payments to Democrat law firm Perkins Coie as legal expenses instead of earmarking them accurately as “paying Fusion GPS through Perkins Coie to conduct opposition research
To Protect Kids We Need To Fire A Lot
Of Teachers
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 4/3/2022 8:14:11 AM Post Reply
Thank God for the Twitter account “Libs of TikTok.” Whoever the anonymous woman running that account is, she’s doing the Lord’s work when it comes to exposing the general public to the entitled brats now working as teachers in the public school system across the country. It’s hilarious and horrifying all at once, and something needs to be done about it if we’re going to stand a chance of returning to sanity in this country. A lot of teachers, and I mean a lot of them, need to be tossed out on their asses, and soon. What Christopher Rufo did to expose Critical Race Theory, Libs of TikTok is
Turley: Special Counsel Must Be Appointed
to Investigate Hunter Biden
20 replies
Posted by Imright 4/3/2022 8:29:44 PM Post Reply
Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley has written that a special counsel must be appointed to investigate the Hunter Biden case because President Joe Biden has denied any wrongdoing by his son, and has taken steps to influence investigations.This past week, the Washington Post and CNN joined the New York Times in admitting that the Hunter Biden laptop, which was revealed in October 2020 and suggested that he made money from peddling access to his father, was indeed authentic.The admissions came nearly a year and-a-half after media organizations joined the Democratic Party and former intelligence officials
Portland, state confront ‘huge problem’
of surging catalytic converter thefts
20 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 4/3/2022 1:56:35 PM Post Reply
Nathan McKee doesn’t rest easy at night anymore. He often awakes when a noise or movement sets off the security light outside his bedroom window. McKee’s anxiousness began after he and his wife heard what they thought was construction commotion several months ago when they were living in an apartment in the Lloyd District. They realized what was going on the next morning when their car roared and rattled as they started it up to run errands. (Snip) Police in Portland and elsewhere have largely conceded the territory to the thieves, saying they don’t have enough officers to patrol for
Hillary Clinton Campaign Pays $113,000
FEC Fine in Admission of Guilt for Producing
Steele Dossier — Now Hopes Media Will
Assist Them in Killing the Story
19 replies
Posted by Imright 4/4/2022 10:23:56 AM Post Reply
The DNC and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law. That is according to documents sent Tuesday to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which had filed an administrative complaint in 2018 accusing the Democrats of misreporting payments made to a law firm during the 2016 campaign to obscure the spending – Via Huffington Post.
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