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The Internet Never Forgets – Before
Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock, He Made
Some Bald Jokes Of His Own To Arsenio
Hall’s Band Member With Alopecia (Video)

Original Article

Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 3/29/2022 12:53:59 PM

Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s shaved head at the Oscars, prompting her husband, Will Smith, to jump on stage and slap Rock. The Smiths were apparently upset with the joke — during which Rock likened Pinkett Smith to bald movie character “G.I. Jane” — because she has alopecia, which causes hair loss. Alopecia is a disease that develops when the body attacks its own hair follicles, which can cause hair loss anywhere on the body, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Many people with the disease develop a round or oval bald patch on their scalp,


It just shows how hypocritical Will Smith is just like almost all of Hollywood. He wasn’t mad at the joke his wife was, when he saw she was hurt he reacted. He could have used the stage to bring awareness and help people with Alopecia

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Black Conservative Voice 3/29/2022 12:59:03 PM (No. 1113400)
People justifying his attack and saying he was defending his wife's honor are disingenuous. He was laughing at the joke first. Only when he saw her give him a miserable look did he do a complete 180 response. She has him so whipped. It's like witnessing a microcosm of their dysfunctional relationship. He probably felt like he had to overcompensate in his reaction because he's so emasculated by her publicly talking about all young men she has sex with.
24 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: JrSample 3/29/2022 1:06:21 PM (No. 1113406)
I've had alopecia. [notice that I did not use the term ''suffer from''] It was bald spots on the back of my head. The barber told me that it is fairly common, that he will leave the hair longer above it to cover it up. He said it should grow back in a few weeks, if not tell the doctor and he can prescribe a steroid. It was nothing. It grew back. However... when one of the beautiful people, the glittereatti, a glamorous wealthy celebrity is afflicted by such, they have to be a drama queen about it. Everyone has to know... ''look at me, look at me, look at me. I'm a victim, I'm suffering. Notice me.'' Never mind that they have a paid stylist and staff to employ wigs, cosmetics, along with the best medical care available, anywhere. They are ''suffering''. Also, look at the pictures of this Jada person. She does not have alopecia, she has a burr haircut. Alopecia would be bald spots with no hair, not razor stubble. She may have had alopecia at one time, but her hair has grown back. Get over it.
27 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: BeatleJeff 3/29/2022 1:15:04 PM (No. 1113414)
Black folk hate it when White folk engage in stereotypes affixed to Black folk, but then too many Black folk go out of their way to live up to those stereotypes. For his part, the Stale Prince of Bel Air just lived up to the stereotype that Black men are hair-trigger violent. I suppose some will say it's racist to point that out, but there it is.
23 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Black Conservative Voice 3/29/2022 1:25:18 PM (No. 1113423)
#3 Not for every black person but it's true!
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Lazyman 3/29/2022 1:29:25 PM (No. 1113428)
Looks like Will can pitch but not catch.
8 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: formerNYer 3/29/2022 2:23:52 PM (No. 1113474)
Cuckhold Smith and his sissy punch - no wonder his wife looks for it elsewhere, his manhood is probably the size of a Tylenol capsule. And he hits like a girl.
6 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Amanoftwistsandturns 3/29/2022 2:29:57 PM (No. 1113480)
Lucky for him that he didn’t make a joke about Alec Baldwin’s wife.
15 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Catherine 3/29/2022 2:43:59 PM (No. 1113494)
Pinkett's head looks just like millions of other black women who choose the bald look. Who knew she hadn't done that on purpose? Will made a fool of himself and the fact that he got a standing ovation from the audience shows how pathetic these people are. Both he and Pinkett should have just smiled through it.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: DVC 3/29/2022 2:52:16 PM (No. 1113503)
Known as being able to "dish it out, but not take it". Hair trigger violence in response to a minor social friction has become the standard black attitude. Be capable of defending your self from random, irrational violence at almost any time, for mostly no siginificant reason from these folks. You can never tell what will set them off.
7 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: felixcat 3/29/2022 2:53:49 PM (No. 1113504)
I don't understand why Will hasn't divorced his wife (in name only). Other than splitting his sizable fortune. As for the bald look, having worked in DC for over 25 years and with/for and around black women. The bald look is pretty common along with the wear a different wig to work everyday. I will give Jada credit - at least she hasn't gone for the faux blonde wig look.
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: columba 3/29/2022 3:12:06 PM (No. 1113513)
There is a law: the Americans with Disabilities Act, which I believe, could handle this incident.
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Reply 12 - Posted by: EJKrausJr 3/29/2022 3:45:31 PM (No. 1113528)
Cleary Smith is a hipocrite. He could care less about his wife banging anything that walks. But lord help the person who tells a bald joke. Relax people, its Hollywood thinking they are the arbeiters of how people should conduct themselves. Remember Weinstein. Left coast scum.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Vaquero45 3/29/2022 4:12:09 PM (No. 1113549)
BOOOHH-Yaahh! Caught ya, Mister “Vessel Of Love”! Another Hollywood Dumb-Arse circling the drain.
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Reply 14 - Posted by: Birddog 3/29/2022 5:02:19 PM (No. 1113586)
The WORST joke he ever made was that ridiculous space movie with his son...The story was interesting, unique, had plenty of potential, effects were great, scenery wonderful, cinematography top notch...his son totally suk'd."Take a knee"
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Reply 15 - Posted by: PCMM 3/29/2022 5:40:24 PM (No. 1113608)
#3 - The scientific word for it is “Chimpout” and anyone worth their salt is prepared for them at all times.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: gwholmessr 3/29/2022 5:56:15 PM (No. 1113616)
Black on Black crime, nothing to see here just move along
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Reply 17 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 3/29/2022 11:34:00 PM (No. 1113831)
Let's Go Will Smith!
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Reply 18 - Posted by: Kumoan 3/30/2022 3:26:15 PM (No. 1114595)
I know nothing about this dude other than what I have seen here, but he appears [from that evidence] to be a hyper-cuck. First he wimps along in an open [as declared by his wife] marriage, then does a complete 180 after seeing her reaction to a joke. She must have some real dirt on him, did he vote Repub or something? Couldn't be bestiality or chasing little boys or some such, those are all normalized for elites after all.
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The Internet Never Forgets – Before
Will Smith Slapped Chris Rock, He Made
Some Bald Jokes Of His Own To Arsenio
Hall’s Band Member With Alopecia (Video)
18 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 3/29/2022 12:53:59 PM Post Reply
Chris Rock made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s shaved head at the Oscars, prompting her husband, Will Smith, to jump on stage and slap Rock. The Smiths were apparently upset with the joke — during which Rock likened Pinkett Smith to bald movie character “G.I. Jane” — because she has alopecia, which causes hair loss. Alopecia is a disease that develops when the body attacks its own hair follicles, which can cause hair loss anywhere on the body, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Many people with the disease develop a round or oval bald patch on their scalp,
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 3/29/2022 5:44:38 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Black Conservative Voice 3/28/2022 8:59:12 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Dreadnought 4/7/2022 9:10:52 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/7/2022 5:17:02 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Garnet 4/7/2022 12:29:12 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Ribicon 4/7/2022 11:14:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 4/7/2022 7:24:52 AM Post Reply
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Posted by NorthernDog 4/7/2022 7:58:21 PM Post Reply
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Why Are So Many Democrats Coming Down
26 replies
Posted by Imright 4/7/2022 7:11:17 PM Post Reply
My colleague Matt Margolis covered the news that Vice President Kamala Harris’s communications director tested positive for COVID after attending a bill-signing ceremony. And PJ Media’s Cameron Arcand reports that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi also tested positive after attending the same event.But the real super-spreader event occurred on Saturday night at the annual Gridiron Dinner as more than a dozen politicians and media types have all reported contracting the coronavirus.Among them: Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Joaquin Castro (D-Texas.); Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo; and Attorney General Merrick Garland.Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser announced she tested positive. Also testing positive:
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