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Papadopoulos sheds light on Hillary’s
‘master class’ in deception. ‘Just
wait until you see’ what’s coming,
he says

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 2/17/2022 11:05:16 AM

Former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos slammed the original Russia probe against former President Donald Trump as a “masterclass in deception” on Wednesday during an interview with Fox News in response to Special Counsel John Durham’s latest explosive filing. Papadopoulos asserted that the original investigation was all about “manufacturing a situation” that involved Trump and his associates in order to falsely tie them to Russia, according to Fox News.

Post Reply

Reply 1 - Posted by: SweetPea3 2/17/2022 11:13:40 AM (No. 1074546)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. Lucy. Football.
16 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Bassman1911 2/17/2022 11:17:58 AM (No. 1074554)
I sincerely applaud all of these efforts to get to the truth but I have to ask the question, when have the Clintons EVER been held accountable for any of their misdeeds? This is all an exercise in futility and they are laughing at us while we’re making fools of ourselves. It is a complete waste of otherwise productive time. I’ll happily take this comment back if anything ever happens to them.
18 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: walcb 2/17/2022 11:37:45 AM (No. 1074575)
Getting tired of naysayers.
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: felixcat 2/17/2022 11:38:13 AM (No. 1074576)
The reason Obama (and Biden) were involved in going after Trump, even if they only one meeting that discussed in few details the hit job on Trump. Everyone knew that with Obama having any association with the coup that if ever there was any investigation and possibly a criminal case, that no way would anyone ever dare to question the First Black President about his role; no matter how significant. Obama was and is the life insurance that Strzok and Page talked about.
18 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: kayworthy 2/17/2022 11:57:11 AM (No. 1074601)
How will they explain how dopey Bob Meuller missed all this?
20 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: Cynical Backstory 2/17/2022 12:46:42 PM (No. 1074645)
Hillary will never be held to account but we can get all her henchmen and minions. Prosecute them, jail them and see how much power and influence she then has. History is going to be brutal to that corrupt old hag. I just hate it that I’m not going to be around long enough to see history.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: sterling431 2/17/2022 1:42:28 PM (No. 1074719)
I have been a naysayer on Durham having success in in his probe. I now have hope there will be multiple indictments. Yes, the Clintons have never been charged with any crime and will continue to not be, until they are. Durham strikes me as intensely focused, no nonsense, take no prisoners, type of prosecutor. If he doesn't indict the beast, she will likely never be held accountable. We better all hope he is successful in prosecuting this crime of the century. Hopefully, the participants in this crime were so sure of Hilary's election they may have not been as careful as they should have in not leaving any trails. If anyone can ferret these criminals it is Durham.
6 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: bighambone 2/17/2022 1:52:29 PM (No. 1074735)
There is no such thing as a coincidence as common sense will tell you that everything that occurs happens for a reason. Once the leftist, progressive, and socialist Democrats figure that the Durham investigation findings are a threat to the Clinton connected Democrat “Russia Hoax” conspirators, don’t be surprised if Biden’s Attorney General does not fire Durham and replace him with a Democrat operative who he knows will “deep six” the “dangerous to Democrats” Durham investigative findings. No doubt the Democrats who currently control the Congress would be OK with that! Indicting an individual or individuals for honestly not exactly remembering a past date or dates that occurred long ago while being interrogated by the FBI is serious, because people who know about that from now on, who have a brain, could now refuse to talk with or give critical information to field FBI Agents who are assigned to conduct very important legitimate investigations all over the country.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: bobn.t 2/17/2022 2:53:27 PM (No. 1074787)
Yawn, yawn, Yawn, Wake me up when somebody goes to jail.
2 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 7:13:14 PM Post Reply
The Department of Homeland Security will house up to 1,000 Afghan refugees in an compound next to a Loudoun County high school and middle school, and made plans to do so with no communication with local authorities, Loudoun County, Virginia, Sheriff Mike Chapman said.The sheriff “raised concerns about DHS’ lack of communication, lack of planning, language barriers, a failure to communicate with a myriad of potential stakeholders, and the NCC’s [National Conference Center’s] unfenced proximity to a residential neighborhood and two public schools.”
National Archives CONFIRMS Trump took
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to Mar-a-Lago and shredded files when
he left office and is now in talks with
Biden's DOJ over an investigation
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Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 6:54:49 PM Post Reply
The National Archives confirmed on Friday that Donald Trump took classified documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago when he left office.The agency has informed Congress and is now in talks with the Justice Department about an investigation after the sensitive material was found in 15 boxes seized from his Florida home.'Because NARA identified classified information in the boxes, NARA staff has been in communication with the Department of Justice,' said the letter, written by David S. Ferriero, the national archivist, to Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney.
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In New York City
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Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 5:58:10 PM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was met Thursday with loud chants of “lock her up” by a crowd of protesters in New York City.A crowd of protesters can be seen waiting for Hillary Clinton to exit the 2022 New York State Democratic Convention and walk to her vehicle with heavy security personnel. As Clinton approached the crowd, the protesters began booing. They then broke into the chant, “lock her up.” (Tweet/Video) Clinton was scheduled to speak during the convention, according to Fox News.
Enes Kanter Freedom Gets Nominated For
A Nobel Peace Prize For Speaking Out Against China
1 reply
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 5:55:05 PM Post Reply
Enes Kanter Freedom has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.The NBA free agent regularly speaks out about the crimes of China and he’s a very vocal advocate for human rights, and people are taking notice. According to The Atlantic, a member of the Norwegian Parliament nominated him for the prestigious award, and 30 previous winners also called the Celtics to stand “on the right side of history” by not getting rid of him prior to the center being traded and cut.
Elon Musk’s $5.7B donation sparks questions
about giving
2 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 5:46:13 PM Post Reply
Leave it to Elon Musk to stir up controversy without saying — or tweeting — a word.In November, according to a regulatory filling, the Tesla CEO donated to charity about 5 million shares of company stock, worth $5.7 billion. Since the filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission was made public Monday, Tesla hasn’t responded to a request for comment. Nor has Musk mentioned the donation on Twitter, his favorite communications forum.Yet that hasn’t quelled debates in and out of philanthropy, about transparency, tax deductions and congressional legislation, along with speculation about where exactly the money was donated.
Breaking News - Biden says Putin WILL
invade after massive explosion 'rips through
gas pipeline' in Russian separatist city
of Luhansk in eastern Ukraine: Follows
'false flag' car bomb and mass evacuation
of 700,000 Russian civilians
12 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 5:38:40 PM Post Reply
President Joe Biden for the first time on Friday said he believed President Vladimir Putin had made up his mind to invade Ukraine.He delivered his verdict at the end of an intense week of diplomacy and amid reports of explosions in territory held by pro-Russian separatists which officials believe could be false-flag attacks and a precursor to an invasion.After delivering an update on the crisis, he was asked if Putin had made up his mind. 'As of this moment, I'm convinced he's made the decision,' he told reporters at the White House. 'We have reason to believe that.'
Judge rejects effort by Trump to toss
Jan. 6 lawsuits
15 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 4:38:02 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON— A federal judge on Friday rejected efforts by former President Donald Trump to toss out conspiracy lawsuits filed by lawmakers and two Capitol police officers, saying in his ruling that the former president’s words “plausibly” may have led to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta said in his ruling that Trump’s words during a rally before the violent storming of the U.S. Capitol were likely “words of incitement not protected by the First Amendment.”Trump told his supporters to “Fight like hell and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”
‘A Political Prisoner of the Democratic Party’ 4 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 4:34:17 PM Post Reply
Three months after Ashli Babbitt, an unarmed veteran and Trump supporter, was killed by a Capitol police officer on January 6, 2021, the Justice Department’s Civil Rights division closed its investigation into the fatal shooting.Omitting the name of Lieutenant Michael Byrd—the media, law enforcement officials, and congressional leaders concealed his identity for months—the Justice Department concluded Byrd did not violate 18 U.S.C., section 242, a federal criminal civil rights statute, when he shot Babbitt at point-blank range without warning, barely missing her face, around 2:45 p.m. that day. “The investigation revealed no evidence to establish beyond a reasonable doubt
War over Trump spying 3 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 4:29:01 PM Post Reply
Anyone who has followed political journalism for more than a minute or two could predict how some big outlets would cover the revelation that operatives connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign spied on the Trump campaign. Once legacy media journalists saw the story reported on Fox News, and especially when they saw former President Donald Trump promoting it, they immediately thought: How can we knock this down?Normally, when news breaks — and the spying information was contained in a court filing by Justice Department special counsel John Durham — a news organization first reports the news. Then it might publish one or more analysis pieces,
Minnesota GOP Rep. Jim Hagedorn Dies at
59 After Battling Kidney Cancer
3 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 1:26:36 PM Post Reply
Republican Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-MN), 59, died Thursday after battling kidney cancer, his wife announced on Friday.“It is with a broken heart, shattered spirit and overwhelming sadness I share my husband Congressman Jim Hagedorn passed away peacefully last night,” his wife Jennifer Carnahan, the former chairwoman of the Minnesota Republican Party, announced in a Facebook post.“Jim loved our country and loved representing the people of southern Minnesota. Every moment of every day he lived his dream by serving others.
Trump's 'just a bad guy' prosecutors should
'go after': New York Supreme Court judge's
scathing response to ex-president's lawyer's
claim he is being unfairly targeted by
Democratic Attorney General Tish James
12 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 1:22:25 PM Post Reply
A judge delivered a withering put down to Donald Trump's lawyer's claim that the former president was being unfairly targeted by New York Attorney General Tish James on Thursday, saying she had every right to go after him if 'he's just a bad guy.'At the end of the hearing, New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump and two of his adult children to testify as part of a probe into the family's business dealings.But his language, delivered during a testy back and forth, will be seized on by Trump supporters as evidence that the investigation is a 'witch hunt.'
Here comes the American trucker ‘Peoples
Convoy’… when it will head to DC,
what you should know
8 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 1:14:21 PM Post Reply
As an American “People’s Convoy” takes shape following in the footsteps of Canadian truckers, a political action committee has partnered with truck convoys across the nation to travel to Washington, DC in protest of COVID mandates and overreach by the federal government.The Great American Patriot Project sent out an email blast on Wednesday urging supporters to join, volunteer for, or donate to the American Truckers Freedom Fund. The email asserts the truckers “represent a movement of peaceful, non-violent Americans from all walks of life who are dissatisfied with the unscientific, unconstitutional government overreach in regards to mandates.”“It’s time for #AmericanTruckers to stand with truckers all over the world.
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COVID Dead Could 'Poison' the Living Due
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40 replies
Posted by Hazymac 2/17/2022 3:09:11 PM Post Reply
Experts are warning that an increase in buried bodies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic could be having an impact in the environment. In the U.S. alone, the number of people who have died with COVID-19 exceeded 900,000 this month and the number is increasing all the time. Around the world, the death toll is over 5.8 million according to the World Health Organization (WHO), though some estimates of excess mortality—a measure comparing all deaths recorded with those expected to occur—have put that figure close to 20 million. What this means is that burial facilities have faced unprecedented pressure as they attempt to allocate space and resources to store the bodies
Report: Democrats Want Change from the
Biden White House
39 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 2/17/2022 9:58:50 PM Post Reply
Democrats are beginning to want change in the White House, whether it is a new strategy since the administration has minimal accomplishments or new top staffers surrounding President Joe Biden. While Biden’s poll numbers are falling — recently receiving his lowest approval numbers at 33 percent — it appears that he is failing on the political front, according to a recent report from NBC News. The report stated that the president’s message isn’t resonating with Americans. His party’s chances of keeping their congressional majority are slim, his Build Back Better plan is dead, he failed at fixing the Chinese coronavirus, and inflation is on the rise.
‘The brand is so toxic’: Dems fear
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Posted by NorthernDog 2/17/2022 9:25:01 AM Post Reply
SMETHPORT, Pa. — Some Democrats here in rural Pennsylvania are afraid to tell you they’re Democrats. The party’s brand is so toxic in the small towns 100 miles northeast of Pittsburgh that some liberals have removed bumper stickers and yard signs and refuse to acknowledge their party affiliation publicly. These Democrats are used to being outnumbered by the local Republican majority, but as their numbers continue to dwindle, the few that remain are feeling increasingly isolated and unwelcome in their own communities. “The hatred for Democrats is just unbelievable,” said Tim Holohan, an accountant based in rural McKean County who
Biden's Surgeon General Vivek Murthy tests
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and five-year-old son just days after
his four-year-old daughter was infected:
Says his home is chaotic and urges all
Americans to get vaccinated
35 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/18/2022 1:40:24 PM Post Reply
Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy has tested positive for COVID-19, he announced in an 11 tweet Twitter thread Friday. His wife, Alice, and five year old son are infected as well. The news comes days after he revealed that his four year old daughter had contracted the virus. 'Update: my 5 year old son, my wife Alice, and I have all tested positive for COVID-19.(Snip)Biden's top health official wrote a seperate, eight tweet thread, about his daughters infection earlier this week, where he clamored for regulators to approve Covid vaccines for young children.
Four Senate Republicans Fail to Show Up
for Vote on Amendment Defunding Vaccine
Mandates, Ensuring Failure
35 replies
Posted by WhamDBambam 2/18/2022 9:15:19 AM Post Reply
Four Senate Republicans failed to show up to vote on an amendment that would have defunded President Joe Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates, thus ensuring its failure. The Senate voted on Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) amendment to the continuing resolution (CR), which would defund Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates. The measure failed 46-47, with Sens. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Richard Burr (R-NC) failing to show up, depriving Senate Republicans a potential majority to pass the amendment to the CR.
Amazon suspends Black Lives Matter from
its charity platform
33 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/17/2022 9:22:36 PM Post Reply
The beleaguered Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation has been kicked off Amazon’s charity platform for its failure to disclose where tens of millions in donations it received nearly two years ago have ended up. AmazonSmile, which gives a portion of eligible purchases on the online shopping site to charities, said it “had to temporarily suspend” the group today, an Amazon spokesperson told The Post. “States have rules for nonprofits, and organizations participating in AmazonSmile need to meet those rules,” the spokesperson said. “Unfortunately this organization fell out of compliance with the rules in several states, so we’ve had to temporarily suspend them from the program until
Hillary Clinton — the definition of insanity 32 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 2:38:00 AM Post Reply
No, no, no, no, no. Dear God, no.Hillary Clinton is seriously mulling a run in 2024. There’s simply no other way to interpret her speech at Thursday’s New York State Democratic Party Convention.Like the Tracy Flick she is, Clinton could barely make it through name-checking Gov. Hochul before eagerly leapfrogging into national politics. Apologies to Tracy Flick. At least she knew how to win an election.Not enough that Hillary carpet-bagged her way into a New York State Senate seat, itself a pretext for her first failed presidential run.
Canadians Warned The Government Can Confiscate
Pets From Convoy Protesters
32 replies
Posted by mc squared 2/17/2022 5:08:52 PM Post Reply
The Canadian government is issuing warnings to anyone involved in the massive anti-mandate protests, saying that in addition to freezing bank accounts and towing their trucks, they can confiscate pets as well. A tweet from the official account for Ottawa’s by-law and regulatory services read, “Attention animal owners at demonstration: If you are unable to care for your animal as a result of enforcement actions, your animal will placed into protective care for 8 days, at your cost. After 8 days, if arrangements are not made, your animal will be considered relinquished.” According to tweet, the law applied to animals that were left without
Senile Old Joe Biden Makes Up Name of
Lake in Yesterday’s Speech – There
Is No Oswego Lake in New York
27 replies
Posted by Imright 2/18/2022 10:35:48 AM Post Reply
Joe Biden got lost and claimed he once was a lifeguard on Lake Oswego in New York. The problem is there is no such place. Biden’s just keeps making things up not realizing how demoralizing this is for his Administration and the country. During a speech yesterday, Joe Biden shared that he once worked as a lifeguard on Lake Oswego when talking about New York. The problem is there is no Lake Oswego in New York.There is a Lake Oswego in Oregon but there is no evidence Biden worked there. He’s probably never been there.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admits
surging 7.5% inflation is 'NOT acceptable'
but claims US economy would be even WORSE
without Biden's lavish spending
27 replies
Posted by Ribicon 2/17/2022 6:10:03 PM Post Reply
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has admitted soaring US inflation is 'not acceptable'—then insisted the American economy would be even worse were it not for the very spending by the Biden administration that has been blamed for soaring prices. Speaking to AFP, Yellen said of the rise in cost of living—which hit 7.5 per cent last month: 'Inflation is clearly a great concern to Americans, and it really needs to be addressed. 'Certainly it's not acceptable to stay at current levels.' Her words were in marked contrast to Joe Biden's, who has repeatedly insisted that surging inflation figures are 'elevated,' and a temporary phenomenon. Yellen—who is America's first female
'The more trouble Trump gets into the
wilder conspiracies about me get': Hillary
uses comeback speech to tear into Durham
'spying' claims, say Republicans are 'backing
coup-plotters' and doing 'nothing for
families' and the US is 'dangerously divided'
24 replies
Posted by Imright 2/17/2022 7:06:34 PM Post Reply
Hillary Clinton claimed accusations her campaign spied on Donald Trump are a 'conspiracy' tied to his mounting legal issues and slammed Republicans for backing 'coup plotters' and pushing the 'big lie' in her major comeback speech in New York on Thursday. 'We can't get distracted, whether it's by the latest culture war nonsense, or some new right wing lie on Fox or Facebook - by the way they've been coming after me again lately in case you might have noticed,' Clinton told the New York Democratic Convention in response to special counsel John Durham's filing over on Friday. 'It's funny, the more trouble Trump gets into
FIRST READING: The real crack down is
happening where you can't see it
23 replies
Posted by DogFacedPonySoldier 2/18/2022 5:47:09 AM Post Reply
So far, Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act hasn’t yielded any overt scenes of state power; no clouds of tear gas or columns of troops being marched into the capital. But it’s very different story within the Canadian financial sector. One of the most far-reaching implications of the Emergencies Act is what it prescribes for the Canadian financial system. According to the government’s new Emergency Economic Measures Order, every single bank, credit union, investment broker and insurance provider in the country has been deputized to figure out if they have a blockader as a client, and to immediately freeze their accounts if so.
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