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The Top 10 COVID Villains of 2021

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Posted By: Judy W., 1/22/2022 8:10:10 AM

Your humble correspondent hoped to have this retrospective completed by the start of the New Year, but a tussle with omicron intervened. Nevertheless, it still seems worthwhile to pause and remember the worst COVID offenders of 2021. As we do so, questions inevitably arise. When will these wrongdoers be held accountable for the death and destruction they have wrought on our world? What should their punishments be? How should they be made examples of — cautionary tales to dissuade those who might plot similar evils in the future? Without further ado, here are our Top 10 COVID-19 Villains of 2021. 10. Sonny and Fredo Cuomo (tie).


So many villains it's hard to choose. This is pretty much right.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: lakerman1 1/22/2022 8:26:18 AM (No. 1047100)
Governor Murphy of NJ belongs on the list, as does Governor Wolf of Pa, his tranny nanny Dr. Rachel Levine, who cooked the books on case numbers so wildly, that fellow dimocrats complained.
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Nashman 1/22/2022 8:30:15 AM (No. 1047109)
11. Vaccine Karens
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Reply 3 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 1/22/2022 8:51:56 AM (No. 1047138)
Cuomo deserves a much higher ranking! Without him sending the seniors into the infested nursing homes and then into the killing fields of ERs to put them on vents....the fear would have never got this thing properly kicked off.
13 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/22/2022 9:25:52 AM (No. 1047189)
Place the msm somewhere among the top 10.
17 people like this.

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Did the Justice Department Lie About Pence
and Harris’ Location on January 6?
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Posted by Judy W. 1/26/2022 5:09:18 AM Post Reply
Of the more than 725 Americans arrested so far for various crimes related to the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021, nearly every defendant faces the same two misdemeanor charges: “entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds” and “disorderly conduct in a restricted building or grounds.” The basis for the offenses is not, as the American people repeatedly have been told, that the building was closed to the public that day. (Snip) Instead, the Justice Department has argued that the presence of both Vice President Michael Pence and incoming Vice President Kamala Harris rendered entry into the Capitol on January 6 a federal crime
As I Found Out With My Daughter, Not Even
Catholic Schools Are Safe Havens From
Gender Ideology
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Posted by Judy W. 1/25/2022 1:15:01 PM Post Reply
My husband and I looked to a Catholic school to be an ally in our fight to break our daughter free from the grip of gender confusion. We were naive. Our daughter, now 15, was 13 when she was coached into believing that she was born in the wrong body and could change to be the opposite sex. This led her to self-loathing. But instead of finding a partner within the Roman Catholic Church, we discovered that our local Catholic high school had adopted procedures that promote transgenderism. This situation has left us with no safe place to educate our child and a profound feeling of disappointment and abandonment.
Savor the Democrats’ Humiliation 19 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/25/2022 5:36:16 AM Post Reply
There’s no sense in pretending that we don’t take pleasure in the total failure of our Marxist-curious party of the left. Through a combination of outright fraud, procedural irregularities, plus the total support of the garbage establishment and its failed institutions, the Democrats took power by the thinnest of margins and have proceeded to fail on a level comparable to Heaven’s Gate, New Coke, and the Weekly Standard. There’s no shame in enjoying their total rejection by all decent Americans. In fact, you should enjoy it without hesitation or mercy, especially since it means more than just us cons getting our jollies.
Capitol Police examines backgrounds, social
media feeds of some who meet with lawmakers
10 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/24/2022 3:48:53 PM Post Reply
After the Jan. 6 insurrection, the Capitol Police’s intelligence unit quietly started scrutinizing the backgrounds of people who meet with lawmakers, according to three people familiar with the matter. POLITICO also viewed written communications describing the new approach, part of a host of changes that the department implemented after the Capitol attack. Examining the social media feeds of people who aren’t suspected of crimes, however, is a controversial move for law enforcement and intelligence officials given the civil liberties concerns it raises. Among those who have been subject to new Capitol Police scrutiny are Hill staffers, the three people said. All spoke on condition of anonymity
The Repeat Offenders of Criminal Stupidity 2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/24/2022 8:14:51 AM Post Reply
One way to understand the story of the last 75 years of American social life is by looking at the ebb and flow of serious crime. There was a golden age of low crime after World War II and before the “Age of Aquarius.” Lulled into optimism by the 1950s—during which critics belabored the oppressions of “conformity”—a more nuanced view of criminal responsibility, a turn towards the promise of rehabilitation, and a general skepticism of punishment took place. “Radical chic” became popular. The death penalty went away, and the prison population plummeted, along with that of the psychiatric wards. Then, all hell broke loose.
How Phony Coronavirus “Fear Videos”
Were Used as Psychological Weapons to
Bring America to Her Knees
14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/24/2022 7:39:13 AM Post Reply
If you were online during January 2020 you likely saw the barrage of video clips that were supposedly coming out of China depicting ghastly “Coronavirus” scenes. Most of those videos have been quietly wiped off the internet, but back in January and February those grisly videos were a viral sensation and they scared the sense out of Americans. The videos captured supposed Coronavirus victims in various stages of pandemic horror. Some showed people foaming at the mouth and collapsing in the streets, while others featured ominous government officials wearing Hazmat suits, hovering over lifeless bodies struck down from the virus. It was a virtual buffet of fear-porn
The Top 10 COVID Villains of 2021 4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/22/2022 8:10:10 AM Post Reply
Your humble correspondent hoped to have this retrospective completed by the start of the New Year, but a tussle with omicron intervened. Nevertheless, it still seems worthwhile to pause and remember the worst COVID offenders of 2021. As we do so, questions inevitably arise. When will these wrongdoers be held accountable for the death and destruction they have wrought on our world? What should their punishments be? How should they be made examples of — cautionary tales to dissuade those who might plot similar evils in the future? Without further ado, here are our Top 10 COVID-19 Villains of 2021. 10. Sonny and Fredo Cuomo (tie).
GOP Lawmakers Demand FDA Explain Inaccurate
Prenatal Tests Following Damning Report
4 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/21/2022 9:21:18 AM Post Reply
Republicans are demanding answers from the Food and Drug Administration following a damning report that the vast majority of noninvasive prenatal tests are inaccurate. In a letter first obtained by The Daily Signal propelled by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, Rep. Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota, and Sen. Steve Daines of Montana, the group of Republican lawmakers are calling on acting Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Janet Woodcock to address the January New York Times report on prenatal testing. “When I first read the troubling New York Times story on noninvasive prenatal testing, I thought of my godson, who was recommended for abortion following a prenatal screening,”
Biden Admin Withdraws Support From Israel-Europe
EastMed Gas Pipeline
26 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/20/2022 6:03:28 PM Post Reply
The Biden White House has withdrawn U.S. support from a pipeline project designed to deliver Israeli natural gas to Europe, reversing a decision taken by President Donald Trump’s administration. The 1,180-mile undersea pipeline project from Israel to southern Europe, set to be completed by 2025, will ease Europe’s dependence on Russia and Turkey. These two countries have a stranglehold on the continent’s energy supply. “The United States is no longer supporting the construction of EastMed gas pipeline project as Washington’s interest is now switching to renewable energy sources, according to a State Department statement,” the Euractiv, a Brussels based news website, reported recently.
Researcher Calls Out Censorship After
Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse
Events Analysis
10 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/20/2022 8:01:38 AM Post Reply
Jessica Rose didn’t ask for any of this. She started to analyze data on adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccines simply as an exercise to master a new piece of software. But she couldn’t ignore what she saw and decided to publish the results of her analysis. The next thing she knew, she was in a “bizzarro world,” she told The Epoch Times. She picked the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a database of reports of health problems that have occurred after a vaccination and may or may not have been caused by it. What she found, however, was disturbing to her.
Can Los Angeles Be Saved? 20 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/20/2022 7:46:35 AM Post Reply
On Monday, off-duty LAPD officer Fernando Arroyos and his girlfriend were out in South L.A. looking at houses, in anticipation of getting married and settling down there. (Snip) With the deaths of these three people, two not yet out of their twenties, someone finally snapped in L.A. His name is Alex Villanueva, the elected sheriff of L.A. County, where the Arroyos murder occurred. Sheriff Villanueva discussed the case with some of Gascon's staff and then, in a shocking move, filed the case with the U.S Department of Justice instead, as he had no faith in Gascon's office to properly prosecute the case.
Republicans push for greater access to
COVID therapeutics
9 replies
Posted by Judy W. 1/20/2022 7:25:09 AM Post Reply
Republicans are pushing for greater access to monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19 after the federal government took over the distribution of such drugs last year. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, filed Senate Bill 3440 to prohibit the federal government from limiting state access to monoclonal antibody treatments. “One of the things we've learned during this pandemic is that monoclonal antibodies can have a very effective therapeutic effect in combatting COVID-19 infections," Cruz said in a statement. "The Biden administration responded to these encouraging results by rationing and limiting the ability of people to access monoclonal antibodies and stopping states like my home state of Texas from ordering the treatments directly.
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Neil Young threatens to pull songs off
Spotify over Joe Rogan: report
68 replies
Posted by Rush Was Right 1/25/2022 9:41:06 AM Post Reply
Neil Young, the legendary rocker, reportedly posted a letter to his management team that he wanted his music pulled from Spotify because it is providing a platform for popular podcast host Joe Rogan to spread COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. Rolling Stone, which first reported on Young’s letter, reported that the post has since been deleted. Young reportedly wrote in the letter that he wants Spotify to "know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform." "They can have [Joe] Rogan or Young," he reportedly posted. "Not both." Young wrote that Spotify has a "responsibility to mitigate the spread of misinformation
Kim Kardashian joins Hillary and Chelsea
Clinton at black-owned LA café to shoot
scenes for new Apple TV+ docuseries Gutsy Women
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Posted by Imright 1/25/2022 3:54:54 AM Post Reply
Kim Kardashian was enjoyed a coffee date with former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and former first daughter Chelsea as part of a new docu-series on trailblazer women. The former reality TV star was spotted with her unlikely friends at the black-owned Hot & Cool Café in Canoga Park in Los Angeles on Monday. The trio was accompanied by a camera crew, who are thought to be connected to Clinton's upcoming Apple TV+ docuseries Gutsy Women, TMZ reported.
Revealed: The 60,000 US troops already
based in Europe that Biden might call
into action to defend against Russian
aggression: American warships, stealth
fighter jets, tanks and bombers could
now train their sights on Putin
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Posted by Imright 1/25/2022 3:15:17 AM Post Reply
Nearly 64,000 U.S. troops are at the ready in Europe to deploy to the continent's eastern flank if President Biden makes such a call to counter growing Russian aggression at the border with Ukraine. As Vladimir Putin has deployed 100,000 Russian forces to the Ukraine border and continues to stoke fears he will invade, the U.S. may have to ready its troops and its cache of arms situated throughout Europe, including 40 warships, 175 aircraft and 90 tanks. Military officials presented the commander-in-chief with a plan to deploy up to 50,000 troops if the security situation deteriorates and Russia launches an invasion
Mayor Adams says it ‘makes no sense’
NYPD officers are allowed to live outside
of NYC: Report
40 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 1/25/2022 1:42:17 PM Post Reply
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — According to Mayor Eric Adams, it “makes no sense” uniformed police officers aren’t required to live in New York City. Adams addressed the policy Monday following a press conference about gun violence, the New York Post reported. “I want you here in this city,” Adams said. “I want you to go to the cleaners. I want you to go to the churches, to the supermarket, your children should be in our schools. We shouldn’t have 30 something percent of officers residing [out of New York City].” Uniformed members of the NYPD must be New York residents
John Durham Puts Hillary Clinton On Notice
In New Filing: ‘Active, Ongoing Criminal Investigation’
38 replies
Posted by formerNYer 1/25/2022 8:29:18 PM Post Reply
Special Counsel John Durham put Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Jake Sullivan and others on notice by calling his investigation into the Trump Russia story an ‘active, ongoing criminal investigation’ 3 times in a new court filing. Durham has been following the evidence and all signs point to the Hillary Clinton campaign. A former Clinton lawyer, Michael Sussmann, will stand trial for lying to the FBI this spring. Senior Legal Affairs Reporter at POLITICO, Josh Gerstein, said: “Special Counsel John Durham court filing calls his probe ‘active, ongoing criminal investigation’ 3 times. Also says indicted lawyer Michael Sussmann is seeking info on NYT in-person meeting with the FBI.
Biden in 2020: ‘Putin Doesn’t Want
Me to Be President’
33 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/25/2022 7:16:22 AM Post Reply
A quote from President Joe Biden exclaiming that Russian President Vladimir Putin “doesn’t want” him to beat Donald Trump in the 2020 election has come back to haunt him as the fate of Ukraine hangs in the balance. “Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President,” he tweeted in February of 2020. “He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.” [Tweet] Biden made this pronouncement even after former President Trump attempted to block the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline,
Neil Young deletes post demanding Spotify
remove his music over Joe Rogan's vaccine claims
32 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/26/2022 2:26:15 AM Post Reply
Musician Neil Young on Tuesday deleted his post of a letter that directed his management team and record label to remove his music from Spotify over what he views as COVID misinformation spread by podcaster Joe Rogan. "I want you to let Spotify know immediately TODAY that I want all my music off their platform," he wrote, Rolling Stone reports. "They can have Rogan or Young. Not both." The part-time Crosby, Stills & Nash member accused Spotify of "spreading fake information about vaccines – potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them."
Nancy Pelosi announces another run for
Congress, ending retirement rumors
31 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2022 6:14:04 PM Post Reply
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced Tuesday that she will seek another term in Congress, ending months of speculation within the Democratic caucus over whether she would run again. The 81-year-old revealed her plan in a video posted to Twitter, in which she said that “much more needs to be done to improve people’s lives.” “Our democracy is at risk because of the assaults on the truth, the assault on the US Capitol and the state-by-state assault on voting rights,” she said in the video. “This election is crucial. Nothing less is at stake than our democracy. But as we say, we don’t agonize, we organize
“Omicron Transmission is Likely Facilitated
by The Vaccines”: Dr. Malone Warns That
If We Keep Vaccinating, We Risk Developing
a More “Pathogenic Virus” – (Video)
27 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2022 3:22:35 AM Post Reply
On Monday, Dr. Robert Malone spoke alongside several other world-renowned doctors and medical experts during a panel discussion that was hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI),The nearly five-hour-long event, which was titled “Covid-19: A Second Opinion,” saw a wide range of issues discussed, including “the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy, and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be
Peter Doocy mishandled Biden's phone call 26 replies
Posted by Magnante 1/26/2022 9:19:41 AM Post Reply
The big news on Monday night was that Joe Biden, in response to a perfectly appropriate question from Fox News White House correspondent Steve Doocy, not only refused to answer, but openly and into the mic called Doocy a "stupid son of a b‑‑‑‑." Biden then called Doocy, ostensibly to apologize. In fact, he didn't apologize at all, but Doocy seemed happy to be the nice guy who accepted a private non-apology in exchange for a public insult. (snip) What he should have said was, "Mr. Biden, you very publicly and crudely insulted me. I expect an equally public, explicit apology."
Young Guy Tries To Harass Old Man And
His Family At The Beach - Ends Up With
His Head In The Sand (Video)
26 replies
Posted by Black Conservative Voice 1/25/2022 12:49:08 PM Post Reply
People who harass or bully others do so in order to validate to themselves that they are somebody. They learned this behavior from role models in their environment. Most often, they were harassed or bullied during their childhood or adolescence and they act out their hurt and frustration by treating others the way they were treated. It is a defence mechanism. “I will put you in your place and show my power over you, before you do the same to me,” is the unconscious thought process behind bullying. By doing this, the bully, in fact, feels safe.
Watch: Biden Admin Caught Allegedly Releasing
Large Number Of Single Adult Illegal Aliens
Into U.S.
25 replies
Posted by Imright 1/25/2022 5:16:18 PM Post Reply
Fox News reporter Bill Melugin caught Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration allegedly releasing a large group of single adult illegal aliens into the United States in Texas.“Fox witnessed men go into a small, unmarked office, then re-emerge moments later as multiple taxi cabs then showed up to collect the migrants — who were then shuttled off to nearby Harlingen Airport. There were no children or migrant families among the groups,” Fox News reported. “Several of the migrants told Fox that they had crossed illegally that morning, paying approximately $2,000 per person to cartel smugglers. They also said they were flying to destinations including Miami, Houston and Atlanta.”
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