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A DEI Green New Deal Hydrogen Bomb

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Posted By: Hazymac, 1/12/2025 6:58:45 AM

That’s how Victor David Hanson describes this week’s catastrophic wildfires in California. “It was a total systems collapse from the idea of not spending money on irrigation, storage, water, fire prevention and forest management, a viable insurance industry, a DEI hierarchy, you put it all together and it's something like a DEI Green New Deal hydrogen bomb… Gavin Newsom was fiddling, he's almost Nero Newsom. And this has been something that is just unimaginable… The systems breakdown. And to finish, what we're seeing in California is a state with 40 million people. And yet the people who run it feel that it should return to a 19th century pastoral

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Bur Oak 1/12/2025 7:27:03 AM (No. 1871817)
The "Grapes of Wrath" migration may be going to change direction.
20 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: privateer 1/12/2025 7:51:55 AM (No. 1871832)
One small quibble. FTA: 'Billions of dollars in loss, much of it uninsured. That is because the state imposed price controls on insurance premiums and insurers could not make a profit on the mandated state maximums so they cancelled the insurance.' It was posted here previously, assuming the poster is correct, that California law does not allow insurers to 'cancel' polices, except in cases of non-payment of premiums, or fraud. IIRC They ARE allowed to decline to renew policies when they expire; which is what has actually been done. I welcome a correction.
15 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bpl40 1/12/2025 8:01:46 AM (No. 1871836)
At least now the voters of Kalifornia will learn their lesson. Right? Right??
11 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Echohawk 1/12/2025 8:08:16 AM (No. 1871838)
I have read a lot of Victor Davis Hanson's books. One of his favorite phrases is 'force multiplier.' Bad ideas, negligence, wishful thinking, and incompetence have all combined as a force multiplier to create the DEI Green New Deal Apocalypto known as the 2025 wildfires. I have cousins in SoCal, and movie people colleagues--some have lost their houses, and some have not--but they all vote democrat, and will continue to do so. I want to ask them, "When will you have your road-to-Damascus moment?" but I doubt they'd know what I'm talking about. VDH is a 5th generation Californian. Cry, the Beloved Country.
40 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: downnout 1/12/2025 8:15:40 AM (No. 1871843)
I have relatives there who have the same virtue-signaling mentality. They can’t make the connection between action (or inaction) and consequences.
25 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: franq 1/12/2025 8:33:53 AM (No. 1871859)
But they saved the smelt.
15 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Paperpuncher 1/12/2025 8:44:00 AM (No. 1871864)
Just don’t move to my state.
19 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 1/12/2025 8:45:27 AM (No. 1871865)
All of this for a lousy fish.
11 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Namma 1/12/2025 8:51:58 AM (No. 1871870)
When one reads all the actions taken against preparing for fires, which happens often in California. You have to wonder, after connecting all the dots, if this was not done on purpose It’s hard to not believe it was not. All winter, people in states that have severe weather, people prepare. Stocking up on food. And fuel. States buying salt for the roads. Keeping plows in working condition Seems all the useful protective structures were suspended. I could see maybe one. Maybe two “mistakes”. But not so many fire prevention systems taken down all at the same time. Ya gotta wonder why.
23 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: VietVet68 1/12/2025 9:09:41 AM (No. 1871881)
A great article but there was one very interesting line in her commentary, "The only advantage of a failed public education system is a plethora of really stupid voters". I found this line interesting because it's at the heart of the left's agenda. An ignorant electorate is a democrat's best friend. Without basic critical thinking skills, as well as other skills that would be taught in a functioning education system, the voters will never see the left's failures or their true agenda.
41 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: seamusm 1/12/2025 9:11:07 AM (No. 1871884)
King George was lucky to have lived across an ocean when Americans decided to revolt and break away. Else he might have lost more than his trans-oceanic vassals - much more. But I fear that until Californians hold all these elected officials PERSONALLY liable not just ELECTIVELY - not much will change. There will simply be a change of which malevolent moron has their name posted next to the office door. The state voters need to make people afraid to run who might think they can continue the same leftist policies. But I doubt such will happen. Idiocy is too entrenched having been taught in schools for many decades.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: PChristopher 1/12/2025 9:23:17 AM (No. 1871891)
I would not be one bit surprised to find more than a couple of Dem pols being 'voted off the island ', if you will.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: Muguy 1/12/2025 9:40:14 AM (No. 1871900)
VDH is a treasure trove of information. This episode reminds one of a similar situation in New Orleans with hurricane Katrina where the local government mismanaged federal funds over decades that were intended to reinforce and maintain levees to control flooding and which were moved around or used for other purposes. This sort of thing is common and there appears to never be oversight so the funds appropriated are spent on the projects as they were intended to be spent. Many may recall the statement of wanting New Orleans to be "a more 'chocoalate' society".... these grossly overpaid government officials who may have been qualified but found themselves in "deep doo doo" when actually called upon because things didn't add up and the public was left to suffer because of other factors. People on the eastern coast are preparing for a winter storm with no housing and not time line for resolution and now those of the left coast likely facing the same or worse fate while FEMA moved money to spend on NoBamaBiteMeVegetable's illegal alien invasion.... I'm afraid these two similar parallel stories and the circumstances surrounding them as we go forward will show how unequally those on the coasts have been and will treated due to political favoritism. We are ALL Americans, but as we learned from Orwell's Animal Farm, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
16 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: DVC 1/12/2025 11:34:24 AM (No. 1871960)
FTA, new information, at least to me: "In Pacific Palisades where the fire first broke out there is a reservoir capable of holding 117 million gallons of water. The LA Times first reported it was empty for repairs, but it has been empty since 2009. The generously paid water chief, ($750,000 p.a.) Janisse Quinones knew months before the fires that the reservoir was empty." So, they have had a huge reservoir closed for 15 years, and apparently no actual effort to repair it. ANYTHING could have been repaired in 15 years, anything. Clearly they just intended to be short on emergency water forever. If you were intentionally setting up the city to burn, what would you do differently? Drain huge water reservoirs, don't repair any failed fire hydrants, and put DEI incompetents in charge of the fire department. A recipe for disaster. Intentional? The leftists hate suburbia, and people having their own homes, their own cars, and not using public transportation from an apartment. Perhaps they wanted to set it up to be "fixed" by the Santa Ana winds and a few convenient fires, that couldn't be stopped.
12 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Starboard_side 1/12/2025 1:35:46 PM (No. 1872017)
Well, many of those long-time homeowners who've benefited from Prop. 13 cap in their property taxes will be demanding a change to the recent Prop that has the ability to remove them maintaining their tax base if they can't build in 2 years. The average person who isn't a celebrity or millionaire will be shocked. Most won't be able to return.
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Reply 16 - Posted by: DVC 1/12/2025 4:30:26 PM (No. 1872089)
If you care about what the real problems are with California water you go.
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: 5 handicap 1/13/2025 6:11:57 AM (No. 1872273)
With a few well placed nuclear weapons perhaps we can activate San Andreas Fault and rid America of the COVID 19 of States... Whad'ya think?
0 people like this.

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And Suddenly, Gavin Newsom's Electric
Car Mandate Looks Pretty Dumb to LA Fire Victims
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Posted by Hazymac 1/17/2025 10:16:29 AM Post Reply
He'll save the inedible bait fish, the weed that no one's ever heard of, elevate meritless executives, and kill the gas car. Those are the highest environmental aspirations of Gavin Newsom, the alleged visionary governor of California, whose distorted priorities have combined to create the conditions for LA Inferno 2025. As the smoke begins to clear, the cruel environy is dawning. Even now, the homeless LA gliteratti, who soon may be allowed to sift through the ashes of their homes in hopes of finding the gold coins that looters haven't dug up yet, wonder how they could have been so gullible.
AOC Has Sad Feelings About Democrats Supporting
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Posted by Hazymac 1/16/2025 6:21:05 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Hazymac 1/15/2025 4:17:22 PM Post Reply
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Watch Pam Bondi Obliterate Mazie Hirono
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Posted by Hazymac 1/15/2025 3:23:28 PM Post Reply
I’m not complaining, but the Democrats need a better attack dog because Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) is a mental invalid who is abjectly terrible at her job. The line of questioning is always extraneous and over-the-top. The delivery is trash. It’s a ‘Japanese soldiers on Iwo Jima doing human wave tactics’ mentality, but it provides immense entertainment. It’s reached a point where most tune out Hirono and hate-watch, waiting for the moment where she gets her face beat in by these Trump nominees who are eons smarter than she is. Yesterday, she attacked Hegseth, who shrugged it off since most of her questions were innuendos and allegations
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Posted by Hazymac 1/15/2025 2:25:44 PM Post Reply
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The Climate Hoax 7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/14/2025 9:49:03 AM Post Reply
When will America realize that climate change is a hoax? By “climate change,” I mean the idea of an overwhelmingly anthropogenic and sudden rise in the Earth’s temperature to catastrophic levels. I have not seen convincing proof of climate change in this sense. I have lived for almost 80 years, and I have not witnessed any perceptible change. The summers are hot, as they were when I was a child. The winters are cold, much too cold for my taste, just as they were when I was out sledding, building snow forts, and throwing snowballs at my friends.
Environmentalism, the Great Destroyer 5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/14/2025 7:45:00 AM Post Reply
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Deranged Anti-Trump Columnist Jennifer
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7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2025 1:52:43 PM Post Reply
Jennifer Rubin, the never-Trump columnist at the Washington Post, has announced that she is leaving the paper and blasted WaPo owner Jeff Bezos on her way out the door. The now-struggling paper has just gone through a round of layoffs. Rubin recently took a shot at the paper while also trashing Trump and Trump supporters during one of her typically unhinged rants. Rubin is joining a new anti-Trump outlet called the Contrarian, which I imagine will occupy the same space as anti-Trump outlets like the Dispatch and the Bulwark. FOX News reports: "Anti-Trump columnist Jennifer Rubin quits Washington Post, blasts owner Jeff Bezos
Passing the Firefighting Buck to a Ghost 3 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2025 1:27:21 PM Post Reply
If folks are looking for a credible answer to be provided by government mouthpieces about the utter failure of assigning resources to fight the infernos that are still sweeping through Los Angeles and surroundings… don’t hold your breath. Elected and appointed officials are true experts at one thing, and that is devising fairytales upon which to direct blame, and sidestep responsibility. There are none better at fingering others, and they’ve had decades, and when speaking historically, centuries of practice. Every chronicle of the past is packed with characters that display no character. The aftermath of the California conflagrations (whether referencing the Paradise, Wine Country, etc. or current Pacific
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17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2025 11:11:55 AM Post Reply
A suspect seen starting fires with a blow torch in a Los Angeles neighborhood Thursday afternoon is not being charged with arson because a police investigation found “no probable cause.” The man is still being detained on a felony probation violation amid the ongoing investigation, Los Angeles Police Department Assistant Chief Dominic Choi said in a press conference Friday. The arrest comes amid growing speculation that at least some of the LA fires were started by arsonists. The suspect was arrested Thursday night on suspicion of arson near the Kenneth fire, a wildfire that started at about 2:30, Thursday afternoon. The suspect, believed to be a homeless man, had reportedly been
Biden's Legacy 11 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2025 9:54:53 AM Post Reply
Reading serious reference to President Biden’s “legacy” as though it is anything but an unprecedented catastrophe presents a challenge to my progress in anger management. Joe Biden — this is the guy who opened our borders and invited the world to “come on down,” like someone trying to find his calling as a game show host. This is the guy who deployed the forces of the Department of Justice to incapacitate his foremost political opponent. This is the guy who never said a true word about the corrupt family business and enlisted the former denizens of the deep state to disparage evidence of his corruption as Russian disinformation —
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Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2025 8:35:37 AM Post Reply
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Posted by ladydawgfan 1/17/2025 4:07:46 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/18/2025 9:30:10 AM Post Reply
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Posted by mc squared 1/17/2025 12:32:57 PM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 1/17/2025 7:28:36 PM Post Reply
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Biden Ratifies New Constitutional Amendment,
Despite Opposition
24 replies
Posted by earlybird 1/17/2025 11:40:14 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden on Jan. 17 announced he has ratified the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), despite the U.S. archivist recently saying the president could not ratify the constitutional amendment.(snip) The U.S. archivist and U.S. deputy archivist said in late 2024 that the president could not ratify the amendment because the amendment did not receive the required support from three-fourths of the states by the deadline Congress imposed, which was June 30, 1982. The Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel in 2020, while Donald Trump was president, and in 2022, after Biden took office, also said that ratification cannot occur unless Congress or the courts extend or remove the ratification deadline.
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Posted by sunset 1/18/2025 2:52:41 AM Post Reply
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Posted by earlybird 1/17/2025 12:02:12 PM Post Reply
Democrat Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii faced mockery on social media on Thursday over her opening questions to Interior Secretary nominee Doug Burgum during his confirmation hearing. "As part of my responsibilities to ensure the fitness of nominees before any of the committees on which I sit, I ask the following two initial questions," Hirono said to Burgum on Thursday. "First is, since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?" "No, senator, I have not," Burgum responded. "Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to
LA residents whose homes burnt down in
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/17/2025 2:22:45 AM Post Reply
As deadly wildfires continue scorching their way through Los Angeles and the surrounding area for the second straight week, homeowners are worried about the prospect of defaulting on their mortgages in the wake of the unprecedented disaster were offered some reprieve from the nation’s major lenders. On Monday, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac unveiled mortgage assistance and relief options for customers reeling from the historic Southern California fires. Both government-backed corporations are offering 12-month forbearance plans, meaning that struggling homeowners could either reduce or suspend their mortgage payments for up to a year without incurring late fees,
Blinken tells AP he’s worried Trump
administration may abandon key Biden foreign
policy initiatives
22 replies
Posted by JoElla Bee 1/17/2025 11:35:30 PM Post Reply
Washington(AP) — Outgoing Secretary of State Antony Blinken told The Associated Press that he hopes the incoming Trump administration will press forward with key points in President Joe Biden’s foreign policy, including on the Middle East and Ukraine. But in an wide-ranging interview[Snip]Blinken said there is reason to be concerned that the new administration might not follow through on initiatives that Biden’s national security team put into place to end the war in Gaza, help Ukraine get free of Russian interference and maintain strengthened alliances with key partners.
Occupy Democrats Instructs Followers to
Wear Black for ‘National Day of Mourning’
During Trump Inauguration
21 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/17/2025 7:49:12 PM Post Reply
Far-left social media page Occupy Democrats has dubbed President-elect Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day a “National Day of Mourning,” and instructed its more than 10 million followers to wear black for the occasion. While Martin Luther King Jr. Day will also be observed on Monday, the fake news outlet decided that it is not sufficient enough for anti-Trumpers, and issued a “friendly reminder” on Facebook on Thursday: [FB post] “Don’t forget to wear all black on January 20th. National Day of Mourning,” the page, founded by Mexican-born brothers Omar and Rafael Rivero in 2012, stated. The post was also shared on Instagram, where Occupy Democrats has another nearly 600,000 followers:
Joe’s low blows: How lame-duck Biden
has tried to trip up Trump on way out
the door — with 32 executive actions
20 replies
Posted by Imright 1/18/2025 2:08:38 AM Post Reply
Washington— President Biden and his aides have spent their final days in office announcing 32 executive actions — on topics from immigration to offshore drilling — aimed at tying up President-elect Donald Trump’s administration. The lame-duck 82-year-old’s flurry of late moves to try to make himself a hero to Democrats and obstruct his successor’s agenda include: (Photo) Deportation protection . Granting Temporary Protected Status to almost 1 million people, meaning they are protected from deportation and entitled to work permits. The action, decreed by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Jan. 10, shields 234,000 Salvadorans, 1,900 Sudanese, 104,000 Ukrainians and 600,000 Venezuelans for a period of 18 months.
Biden Goes on Screaming Tyrannical Rant
About Unilaterally Declaring a 28th Amendment
to the Constitution – Even Though It
Wasn’t Ratified (VIDEO)
20 replies
Posted by Imright 1/17/2025 5:04:56 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday unilaterally declared a 28th Amendment to the US Constitution. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has not been ratified. The ERA states: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.” There are currently 27 Amendments to the US Constitution, not 28. Biden delivered remarks at a Department of Defense Commander in Chief farewell ceremony on Friday where he went on a screaming tyrannical rant about declaring a 28th Amendment.
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