The Democrats Haven’t Learned
Power Line,
John Hinderaker
Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought,
12/19/2024 12:14:40 AM
Democrats have engaged in many election post mortems, but they are either unable or unwilling to come go grips with the real reasons why they lost the 2024 election. One of many cases in point is this op-ed by Rahm Emanuel in The Washington Post. Emanuel’s theme is that the Democrats are too nice, and too joyful, for their own good. The Post’s subhed for the piece is “Campaigns of joy in an era of rage don’t win elections.” Which means that the Post can’t tell the difference between joy and gaslighting.
Emanuel writes:
When Donald Trump declared, “I am your warrior.
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Reply 1 - Posted by:
skacmar 12/19/2024 12:46:02 AM (No. 1857491)
Go ahead. Put a dirty, win at all costs Chicago liberal in charge of the DNC. Let's see what the Democrats get. Chicago politics on steroids to turn off and enough negativity to shut off the lights on the Dumbocrats for good if we are lucky.
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Reply 2 - Posted by:
ldb51 12/19/2024 1:16:02 AM (No. 1857496)
What would it take to just, once and for all, produce legislation to the effect:
BE IT RESOLVED THAT, because it is dominated by Pro-Marxist anti-American persons and their political theories, the Democrat party is a subversive cult with few redeeming attributes, anathema to the American Republic and its principles of long standing, having both mental irregularities and subversive tactics and motives, and is therefore hereby outlawed as a danger to the Republic and to the Constitution;
Its members are chronically prone to exhibition and instigation of terrorist and other violent and/or insane anti-liberty behaviors, as well as to anti-American and anti-capitalist flights of ridiculous, immature, and dangerous fantasy, and therefore are a clear and present danger to the continuity of the American Republic, its laws and values, and its traditions;
Until such time as persons desiring to participate in the public space with a competitive, culturally substantive and Constitutionally-based political ideology can demonstrate that their alternative ideological framework is unshamedly pro-American in nature, having solid ethical and moral foundations and broad support among at least a significant portion of the educated and upright among the American citizenry;
THEREFORE BE IT KNOWN, now and hereafter, that the practices, promotion, support AND MOST PARTICULARLY OFFICE-HOLDING of or by members and supporters of a Socialist Party, Communist Party, Marxist Party or any other political body representing or supporting the destructive and deconstructive views of these subversive collectivist forces, including the so-called Democratic Party as currently constituted AD 2024, and regardless of what name they may adopt in attempt to avoid this declaration, will not be accepted in the American public square, in formative political and policy discourse, nor in polite society.
Tall order, but at least, perhaps, we can dream.
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Reply 3 - Posted by:
chumley 12/19/2024 5:11:46 AM (No. 1857549)
Too nice? My gawd they are the most vicious, angry people since the Moslems. They cant have a civilized discussion about anything political or social, and when they are being on their best behavior the smiles are forced.
I do have friends and relatives from that cult but try to avoid subjects that will stir them up. Keep it to the kids and grandkids, jobs, people we have in common and such. When their voice pitch starts to increase its time to change the subject or leave. Some of them arent wrapped too tight.
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Reply 4 - Posted by:
Sully 12/19/2024 5:13:26 AM (No. 1857550)
The Dems moved soooo far to the Marxist woke that left any normal working people just voted where they stood, center right.
But this is the logical conclusion to liberalism and foreseeable for my entire lifetime. Bc politics cannot make everyone the same except to make them equally poor.
Liberals admitted this when they aspired to import a new underclass into our country, since our old underclass was every day moving into a middle class lifestyle. Can't have that when class struggle is your key to power.
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Reply 5 - Posted by:
Strike3 12/19/2024 5:44:51 AM (No. 1857563)
The democrats who HAVE learned became republicans and there are precious few of them. The others will stay in politics for the purpose of inflicting more damage if they somehow regain power. #3, I have come to an agreement with former friends and relatives who are members of the cult and suffer from the insanity of TDS, we no longer speak or see each other. It's better that way because there is no form of rehab that will work on them.
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Reply 6 - Posted by:
scottj 12/19/2024 6:20:36 AM (No. 1857577)
They have lost because they are losers. No one likes them.
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Theory of the day: Democrat seek a bifurcated society. Call it Marxism, elitism, whatever. They rule and you drool.
In order to achieve that bifurcated society the political class have outsourced the process to what can only be described as organized crime for funding and especially for rent a mobs. Antifa, BLM, LGBT, Pro Palestine etc.
To coin a phrase, the left hand doesn't know what the other left hand is doing, doesn't want to know and doesn't much care. They have been Bidenized - they assume they are entitled to power no matter how illicit the schemes to put them in power and don't ask any questions.
It's natural to assume that Emanuel, an Obamaite, is well familiar with the cynical plots and expenditures but I submit that he has joined the rest of the ivory tower crowd and believes all this political soap marketing.
Or...he's merely gaslighting again.
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Reply 8 - Posted by:
bpl40 12/19/2024 6:34:10 AM (No. 1857582)
Emmanuel’s piece is title How Democrats can return to power. I could have saved him the effort in just two words - be honest!
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Reply 9 - Posted by:
jeffkinnh 12/19/2024 7:02:03 AM (No. 1857595)
What's to learn? They are happy with who they are. The dems, with the aid of the propaganda media, have been doing exactly what they want for decades and getting away with it. They do stupid stuff that THEY benefit from even if it damages the Country. Then, when it blows up, they blame everyone else. The sad part is, the Country fell for it over and over.
Emanuel is trying to run the same old play. The voters are sick of it, and dems like him. With Trump's endurance and boldness, the mask has been ripped of the dems and their media. The dots have been connected to their plots. The Leftist courts are being recast and what remains are being discredited and overruled. Their programs and promises have bled out and are dying.
What we are seeing play out is the Left's gross incompetence. Because they previously owned the playing field, they have been sheltered and protected. That is OVER and the layers have been peeling off for the last 4 years. They are toast.
People are talking about the dems "rebuilding" but with What? Who? Tell me a dem program that hasn't failed. Tell me a dem in office that has had real success. Their media is crumbling. Their Deep State is about to be bulldozed into the trash heap. Trump is already becoming more popular and poised to provide YUGE success to America and her People. What multiply failed dem programs are they going to throw up against Trump's imminent success?
The dems are dead. They are a Zombie party.
Something brand new might form. Let's hope it is completely separate from what and who the dems were.
Meanwhile, we have a LOT of work to do to get the Country on track and bury the dems with our success. Maybe we should toss some garlic in the graves, stake the hearts (vampires) and cut off the heads (zombies), just to be sure they don't rise again.
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Reply 10 - Posted by:
privateer 12/19/2024 8:22:37 AM (No. 1857641)
FTA: 'When Donald Trump declared, “I am your warrior. I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” he was channeling a nation’s fury.' Not fury, you tool! It's the Nation's frustration, revulsion, and cool, unstoppable anger; and its demand for Freedom and Justice.
Those are two things the Commiecrats will NEVER allow us, and why they despise our President, our Constitution, and the USA.
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Reply 11 - Posted by:
JHHolliday 12/19/2024 12:45:36 PM (No. 1857861)
Perhaps the last four years being such a s***show has something to do with it. Not all the country thinks it's been great despite what the left wing media tries to sell the lie that it was wonderful...."immigration" (invasion by millions of illegals) encouraged by the Democrats, inflation crime, homeless people defecating on our big city sidewalks, vote fraud and many other Democrat inspired malignancies dumped on this country. Some are deliberate and some are just sheer incompetence. What is really sad is that so many voted for more of the same.
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