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A Shift in the Race

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Posted By: 4250Luis, 10/16/2024 7:08:04 AM

A few days ago, there was a report that the Harris campaign is in trouble and the Trump campaign is "extremely bullish" on former President Donald Trump's chances to win the presidency. The reporter, former ABC News journalist Mark Halperin, said his account is based on "robust private polling" and talks with sources on both sides. "She's in a lot of trouble," Halperin said of Vice President Kamala Harris. "Pennsylvania is tough for her right now. ... Wisconsin and Michigan are looking worse for Harris than before. ... The conversations I'm having with Trump people and Democrats with data are extremely bullish on Trump's chances in the last 48 hours.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: petrichor 10/16/2024 7:29:25 AM (No. 1814316)
Biden got 83 million votes. Do you think those ballots will just disappear? Expect more of the same.
21 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Calvinesq 10/16/2024 7:30:02 AM (No. 1814317)
Well, OK then. But, the biggest takeaway for me from the article is: "All this might be wrong." Don't let the polls influence whether or not you are going to vote. Assume they are wrong. Stay vigilant and vote. A Trump/Vance victory is a must, and so is control of the House. Otherwise, the Dems will start their phony hearings and file their annoying impeachment motions starting Day 1.
21 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: czechlist 10/16/2024 8:33:10 AM (No. 1814353)
don't get fooled nor be complacent - VOTE!!!
16 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: Dodge Boy 10/16/2024 8:34:46 AM (No. 1814354)
Look, Kamalie sold her soul a long time ago. And when's the last time you ever heard her refer to America as "one nation under God". She and Putz are toast.
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: BachBone42 10/16/2024 8:53:34 AM (No. 1814362)
#ByronYork Is a #NeverTrumper; NEVER Trust a #RINO In Sheep's Clothing...
11 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: paral04 10/16/2024 9:00:08 AM (No. 1814367)
Don't believe anything you hear. They might be printing this so Republicans get lazy and not vote. Vote straight Republican our lives and country depend on it.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Strike3 10/16/2024 9:13:28 AM (No. 1814376)
Harris began to decay from the first moment that she and the desperate democrats pushed Joe out. He hates her and so do we. By election time, her fan club will be crying.
7 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: felixcat 10/16/2024 9:28:29 AM (No. 1814393)
She should be in trouble. Blatant race baiting: free marijuana and money to black men, etc.
8 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: udanja99 10/16/2024 9:38:01 AM (No. 1814401)
Hubby and I have always voted on Election Day. We live in a pretty safe area for free and fair elections but this year we’re voting early - in person at the early voting location. Taking no chances on Election Day problems and there are sure to be a lot of them in certain areas of the country. Think violence and thugs trying to keep people away from the polls like they did in 2008 in Philadelphia. And worse.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: MickTurn 10/16/2024 9:46:56 AM (No. 1814413)
The Kamala SCAM is unraveling...and she is still making Word Salad with SchiffT Dressing!
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: DaBigGuy 10/16/2024 11:15:43 AM (No. 1814473)
At my online casinos, the odds have shifted big time toward Trump in the last week, including a decent jump yesterday. In the last few days, they have moved both PA and WI to the "leaning Trump" column. MI is trending that way. I would place more reliance on that than anything from biased pollsters. Despite the trends in the right direction, we all need to vote to make it happen, and save our country.
4 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: anniebc 10/16/2024 11:37:50 AM (No. 1814481)
I don't think anything will keep US from voting. Too many realize what is at stake. Democrat voters are not enthusiastic about voting, but they weren't with biden either. Our side should be voting like crazy but thinking about what we will do if there's a steal.
4 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: JHHolliday 10/16/2024 4:18:06 PM (No. 1814616)
Re #9. Mrs. Holliday and I just got back from early voting. A poll worker told me it looks like a record for early voting here. This is North Georgia and we go Republican normally so I don't know what this means. Good or bad? It may mean nothing but the Trump/Vance yard signs look to be 10 to one over Harris/Waltz.
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Elon Musk gave $75million to his pro-Donald
Trump super PAC in just three months
6 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/16/2024 7:16:56 AM Post Reply
Elon Musk has become a crucial donor towards Donald Trump's presidential campaign after he gave $75million to his pro-Trump super PAC over the past three months. The tech billionaire is hoping to trigger a 'red wave' in crucial swing state with the expectation that former President Trump could ride the wave back to the White House. America PAC, which was founded by Musk to focus on turning out voters in closely contested states, spent around $72million of those funds in the July-September period alone - according to disclosures filed to the Federal Election Commission
A Shift in the Race 13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/16/2024 7:08:04 AM Post Reply
A few days ago, there was a report that the Harris campaign is in trouble and the Trump campaign is "extremely bullish" on former President Donald Trump's chances to win the presidency. The reporter, former ABC News journalist Mark Halperin, said his account is based on "robust private polling" and talks with sources on both sides. "She's in a lot of trouble," Halperin said of Vice President Kamala Harris. "Pennsylvania is tough for her right now. ... Wisconsin and Michigan are looking worse for Harris than before. ... The conversations I'm having with Trump people and Democrats with data are extremely bullish on Trump's chances in the last 48 hours.
Jewish Americans Need Real Leadership
in the White House. President Trump Shows
Up for Us.
5 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/16/2024 7:06:50 AM Post Reply
Growing up an observant Jew, no figure in modern religious history has played such a formidable role in my theological development than Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersohn of Chabad-Lubavitch. Be it his cultivation of leaders, radical empathy, or staunch principles in the face of an ever-evolving society, the Rebbe has consistently been a voice of moral reasoning, even long after his passing. The decision to mark the one year anniversary of the horrific October 7th Hamas attacks, which culminated in the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, at the grave of Rabbi Schneersohn, was relatively simplistic.
Fake 'Neo-Nazi MAGA Supporters' Try to
Crash Trump Boat Parade, Taste Epic Humiliation
7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/16/2024 7:03:35 AM Post Reply
You hear it from the Dems and the corrupt media all the time: MAGA white supremacists are out there daily, like boogeymen, waiting in the shadows to commit unspeakable violence on women, minorities, perhaps your pets—anything you can think of. Yet it was leftists who in 2020 rioted across the country and destroyed at least a billion dollars in property and caused the deaths of at least 25 Americans. But it’s those darn Neo-Nazi Trump fans that should keep us up at night. In a bid to keep that scary narrative alive, a group of pretend MAGA folks crashed a huge Trump boat parade in Florida on Sunday.
When Trump Did This, You Knew This Bloomberg
Editor Was Cooked
7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/16/2024 7:00:44 AM Post Reply
Suppose you Googled Donald Trump’s discussion with Bloomberg’s John Micklethwait at the Economic Club of Chicago today. In that case, you’ll see that everyone in the opposition press thought he crumbled at the forum. Kamala Harris was invited, but she declined, likely because she lacks the intelligence to engage in an economic discussion. We’re at a point where you know to think the opposite of whatever the establishment press writes about Donald Trump. Things got heated between Micklethwait and Trump, where the former hurled loaded questions at the former president, notably those about a peaceful transfer of power.
President Biden Can Still Save the World
in His Remaining Time in Office
9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/14/2024 8:10:54 AM Post Reply
[I]n 1933 a French premier ought to have said (and if I had been the French premier I would have said it): 'The new Reich Chancellor is the man who wrote Mein Kampf, which says this and that. This man cannot be tolerated in our vicinity. Either he disappears or we march!' But they didn't do it. They left us alone and let us slip through the risky zone, and we were able to sail around all dangerous reefs. And when we were done, and well-armed, better than they, then they started the war!" — Joseph Goebbels, Germany's Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda from 1933-1945.
UN peacekeeping troops failing Israel
as Hezbollah creates terror tunnels right
under their noses
9 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/14/2024 8:09:33 AM Post Reply
The world’s eyes are once again focused on the south of Lebanon, as the Israel Defense Forces continue their war against Hezbollah. The IDF took me into Lebanon Saturday to see firsthand some of what they have already found. The timing was important because the Israelis this week got caught in a battle of more than words with the United Nations “peacekeeping force” in the area. Five UN force members have been wounded in recent days. The IDF has taken responsibility for several of these accidental cases, although two days ago it was Hezbollah that hit a UN peacekeeper. Still, the fact is that ever since the 2006 war here ended,
Calls for CBS to Release the Kamala Interview
Transcript Grow Deafening As Their Reputation Burns
8 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/14/2024 6:43:50 AM Post Reply
We’ve seen so much malpractice from the corrupt media, especially since Donald Trump descended that golden escalator in 2015, that it’s hard to be surprised anymore. We’ve seen them bury the Hunter Biden laptop story right before an election, we saw them prattle on for years about a fake Russia Collusion narrative, and witnessed them lie endlessly about Joe Biden’s obvious mental decline. Still, CBS’ deceptive editing of Kamala Harris’ “60 Minutes” interview marks yet another low. As we reported, they issued two separate clips showing Kamala answering a question from interviewer Bill Whitaker—but her answer is different in each one. Clearly, then, one of those edits is a lie.
The KISS Of Death: The Case Against Kamala
In Six Simple Numbers
2 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/14/2024 6:41:54 AM Post Reply
KISS. The age-old, sage advice to Keep It Simple, Stupid. With voting already underway, the Trump-Vance campaign has at its disposal a historically simple case to drop the KISS of death on Kamala Harris’ candidacy. Six numbers utterly disqualify the most inadequate, incompetent, ineffectual, insubstantial candidate ever put forward by a major party for the office of president of the United States of America. These numbers must be repeated, daily, by the two members of the Republican ticket and every imaginable surrogate between now and the final closing of the final polling place November 5.
NYC mayoral hopefuls reap big campaign
bucks amid Adams chaos — with Scarlett
Johansson’s help
7 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/12/2024 7:25:05 AM Post Reply
Two Democratic primary challengers to Mayor Eric Adams capitalized on the chaos engulfing City Hall, hauling in more than $1 million each in campaign funds — including a donation from actress Scarlett Johansson, new filings show. City Comptroller Brad Lander raked in $1.5 million over the last three months, bringing the total in his 2025 mayoral campaign war chest to $4.5 million, according to fundraising figures released Friday — the first since stunning raids on high-level City Hall officials and Adams’ historic criminal indictment. The haul stands above that of other Adams challengers, with the next-highest coming from Scott Stringer — Lander’s predecessor as comptroller and a 2021 mayoral also-ran —
‘Let’s Make Our Military Great Again’:
Donald Trump Video Slams Wokeness Under Biden-Harris
4 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/12/2024 7:18:12 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump’s campaign played a video at a rally earlier this week in Pennsylvania that slammed wokeness in the United States military under President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and called for making “our military great again.” The video begins with a clip from the movie Full Metal Jacket, where the character of drill instructor Marine Gunnery Sgt. Hartman is yelling at a new recruit, then cuts to a clip of Navy Adm. Rachel Levine, the Biden-Harris administration’s assistant secretary for health for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
The ‘Moneyball’ Election:
How Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Has
Statistically Engineered Better Chances
for Trump in November
6 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/12/2024 7:10:19 AM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump and other Republicans in battleground states, particularly Arizona, have an edge in 2024 that they never had before: Ballot chasers on the right, led by conservative activist Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point Action, working hard to statistically undermine Democrats’ chances of repeating the 2020 shocker that took Trump out and installed Democrat President Joe Biden in the White House. Tyler Bowyer, the former Arizona Republican National Committeeman who’s leading the Turning Point Action ballot chasing operations, compared the never-before-seen-on-the-American-right effort to the Moneyball story of how in 2002 the Oakland Athletics Major League Baseball team ditched the conventional wisdom of traditional scouts,
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Harris to showcase 100 anti-Trump Republicans
at campaign event in Philadelphia suburbs
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 10/16/2024 1:26:35 PM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday will tout her GOP support in a bid to attract Trump-wary Republicans and independents in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, the most purplish of Philadelphia’s suburbs. More than 100 Republicans will join Ms. Harris at a rally in Upper Makefield, Pennsylvania, near the site where George Washington famously crossed the Delaware River. Later, she will try to hammer home her anti-Trump message to a conservative audience when she is interviewed on Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Baier.” Among the Republicans who lay out why they are crossing party lines to back Ms. Harris in this year’s election are former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman,
Opinion: Does Harris' Fox interview mean
she's a conservative? Nope. She's just scared.
19 replies
Posted by crashnburn 10/16/2024 9:58:44 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris is adding to her recent “media blitz” that until now has included stops at mostly friendly news outlets, talk shows and podcasts (which the Democratic presidential nominee has still inexplicably managed to bomb). Yet, this week, she’s shaking things up and doing her first ever sit-down interview with Fox News. The interview will take place Wednesday with Fox News anchor Bret Baier. Baier has said that he won't treat Harris with kid gloves during their conversation, and that any editing of the interview will only be for “timing” and that “no topic is off the table.” Sounds promising.
Bill Clinton calls Ethel Kennedy the 'cat's
meow' who would 'flirt' with him in bizarre
funeral eulogy
17 replies
Posted by Imright 10/16/2024 3:53:15 PM Post Reply
Former President Bill Clinton had a bizarre moment while eulogizing the late Ethel Kennedy before a crowd of influential politicians and Kennedy family members. During his remarks at the Kennedy matriarch's funeral Wednesday afternoon in Washington, D.C., Clinton revealed to the crowd what he really thought of Robert Kennedy's widow. 'I thought your mother was the cat’s meow,' Bill said about the late 96-year-old. 'She would flirt with me in the most innocent ways,' he continued to cautious laughs from the audience. (Photo) The former president continued on, seemingly making another joke about how she had 11 children.
Shocking moment former Georgetown women's
basketball player Sydney Wilson is shot
dead by cop after slashing him multiple
times with knife
17 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/16/2024 1:21:23 PM Post Reply
Shocking police body camera video shows the moment a Virginia woman was shot dead by an officer after she charged him with a knife. Sydney Wilson, 33, a commercial real estate manager in the DC area, was visited by an officer for a welfare check at her apartment in Reston on September 16 at 10 a.m. Officer Peter Liu - who had 14 years of experience in crisis intervention - knocked on the door, and Wilson opened. When the officer identified himself, she slammed it back shut. For the next three minutes, the policeman continued to knock, only for the 6ft 6in Wilson to open the door and charge him with a knife.
Hillary Clinton: Trump Is ‘Unqualified
to Be President,’ He’s ‘Increasingly
Unstable and Unhinged’
15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/17/2024 12:32:22 AM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “The Last Word” that former President Donald Trump was “unqualified to be president” because he is “increasingly unstable and unhinged.” Clinton said, “The vice president has pivoted toward the closing argument. The closing argument has two parts. The closing argument is what kind of country do we want to be? What kind of people are we? Do we want to be divided? Do we want to be set into arguments with each other that we can’t agree on solving our problems? She is qualified to bring our country together and he is not.”
Ted Cruz Leaves Colin Allred's Campaign
in Shambles With Masterful Debate Performance
15 replies
Posted by Hazymac 10/16/2024 9:08:54 AM Post Reply
In a race too close for comfort, with everything on the line, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) delivered a masterful debate performance on Wednesday night. Facing off against Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX), the current senator pummelled his opponent on issue after issue. Allred wasn't ready for primetime, contradicting himself at multiple points and walking right into numerous receipt-laden traps set by Cruz. Cruz came into the debate planning to expose Allred for the radical he is, not the moderate he claims to be. I think it's safe to say he succeeded. (X) CRUZ: He's said not a word about his own record. I have to admit
'Evil' super gang seizes four apartment
complexes in major Texas city in new terrifying
show of strength
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/16/2024 11:04:30 PM Post Reply
A dangerous Venezuelan gang has taken over at least four apartment complexes in San Antonio, Texas, as it expands its reach in yet another America city, can reveal. Dubbed the 'epitome of evil', Tren de Aragua (TdA) is known to run drug smuggling, child prostitution and human trafficking rings in South America, with its members crossing over into the US in recent years amid a wave of Venezuelan migrants. The tattooed mobsters have since unleashed a wave of crime across the country from Miami and Texas to Denver and New York. The gang's activities in the American cities are back in the spotlight after ABC News’ Martha Raddatz
A Pro-Hamas Clown Vandalized a Restaurant
Over Its Israeli Flags. There Was Just
One Problem.
14 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 10/16/2024 2:31:52 PM Post Reply
Deport this woman to Gaza. This incident demonstrates the stupidity inherent among the pro-Hamas masses that have engulfed our college campuses. What is higher education’s purpose if students cannot differentiate between a Greek and an Israeli flag? I’m not kidding; we have this reported incident from Efi's Gyro in Montclair, New Jersey, where a pro-Hamas clown vandalizes a Greek restaurant, ripping down the Hellenic flag because she thought it was Israeli. [Video] The establishment’s workers are aghast. She then tries to lecture them about how it’s not okay because there’s a genocide in Gaza—
Democrats Enter Panic Mode as Harris’s
Faltering Candidacy Threatens To Bring
Down the Obama-Biden Era
14 replies
Posted by Moritz55 10/16/2024 10:37:30 AM Post Reply
How refreshing it is to see the Democratic Party in full panic mode. Nothing is working and as a result, the entire and profoundly unsuccessful Obama-Biden interlude is stricken and faltering. In fairness to the voters, the country could not have voted Republican in 2008 after the disaster of President George W. Bush — the Iraqi war topped out by the financial collapse and panic traceable to President Clinton’s requirement that the financial markets be flooded with commercially unsustainable mortgages. There had to be a change, as there usually is after two terms of the same party, and Senator McCain was not a skilled national campaigner.
SHE’S DONE! Kamala Harris Completely
Cracks Under Pressure, Starts Screaming
About Trump in Sit Down Interview with
Bret Baier (VIDEO)
13 replies
Posted by Imright 10/17/2024 6:11:06 AM Post Reply
Kamala is done! Kamala Harris sat down for a one-on-one interview with Fox News host Bret Baier. This is the first non-softball interview of her life and she totally cracked under pressure. A completely unhinged Kamala Harris began screaming about democracy! “[Trump] talked about locking people up because they disagree with him! This is a democracy!” Kamala Harris shouted. “And in a democracy the president of the United States in the United States of America should be willing to be able to handle criticism without saying he would lock people up for doing it!”
Putin preparing to rush 'at least 10,000'
North Korean troops to Ukrainian border
after 'striking deal' with Kim Jong Un
13 replies
Posted by OhioNick 10/16/2024 8:03:41 PM Post Reply
Ukraine is facing the threat of a huge influx of North Korean troops who are being trained by Russia's army. At least 10,000 soldiers from the Pyongyang regime are understood to be taking part in manoeuvres before an expected deployment in regions close to the Ukrainian border. The Kremlin is said to have paid North Korea to send personnel to the front in a deal struck on president Vladimir Putin's state visit to Kim Jong Un. North Korea, like Iran, is also reported to be supplying weaponry and ammunition.
A Shift in the Race 13 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 10/16/2024 7:08:04 AM Post Reply
A few days ago, there was a report that the Harris campaign is in trouble and the Trump campaign is "extremely bullish" on former President Donald Trump's chances to win the presidency. The reporter, former ABC News journalist Mark Halperin, said his account is based on "robust private polling" and talks with sources on both sides. "She's in a lot of trouble," Halperin said of Vice President Kamala Harris. "Pennsylvania is tough for her right now. ... Wisconsin and Michigan are looking worse for Harris than before. ... The conversations I'm having with Trump people and Democrats with data are extremely bullish on Trump's chances in the last 48 hours.
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