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Kamala's elephant in the room

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Posted By: DW626, 8/20/2024 12:11:23 PM

They call it the elephant in the room or the issue that won't go away. I am talking about the price of food or that weekly purchase that we all make. VP Harris may pretend to feel our pain or to propose silly solutions to ease it but it's the same old inflation crushing our wallets. Let's take a look. (snip) As I overheard someone say, inflation is a number on the TV screen until you go shopping. Then it takes over your family's budget and you feel like you are drowning all the time. Inflation is also topic one when you go out with friends.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: lynngirl122 8/20/2024 12:33:16 PM (No. 1781585)
I paid 26 dollars for a chicken at Easter I'm still shaking.
6 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jethro bo 8/20/2024 12:47:37 PM (No. 1781596)
I thought it was racist to bring up inflation. At least sexist.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Ida Lou Pino 8/20/2024 2:33:08 PM (No. 1781652)
Here's a solution - - let's have the federal gummimint hire about 500,000 people - - by DEI rules, of course - - to go to every food store in the country - - with one of those product labeling guns - - and have them lower the price of each item by 20%. No, wait - - lower them by 50%! Yeah - - that's the ticket - - then we'd all be paying half-price for everything! Why can I think of these simple solutions - - when none of the elite geniuses can?
2 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 8/20/2024 3:09:04 PM (No. 1781661)
More like Donkey in the room or better yet the slang word for donkey.
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Reply 5 - Posted by: mifla 8/21/2024 5:30:59 AM (No. 1781942)
Kamala's strategy is to ignore the facts, promise free stuff, and depend upon the MSM to run with the lies. Worked last time.
1 person likes this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: MickTurn 8/21/2024 10:40:27 AM (No. 1782168)
The Elephant in Camel Cackle's ROOM is sitting on her, any questions?
0 people like this.

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Let the Midnight Special, shine its everlovin’
light on me
7 replies
Posted by DW626 8/21/2024 7:33:26 AM Post Reply
It wasn’t Senator McGovern who in 1972, accepted the nomination way past midnight. I remember my mother coming into my room and asking what crazy stuff I was watching that weird time of the day. I told my mother that it was Senator McGovern accepting the nomination and she seemed a bit confused. Well, the DNC handed President Trump the ultimate indignity of his former opponent, a midnight speech that few people probably watched. This is from Chloe Meyer: Joe Biden’s historic and emotional farewell speech was bumped from prime-time TV, prompting disbelief and anger—and sparking various theories from viewers.
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policies are ‘highly dangerous’ for markets
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Posted by DW626 8/21/2024 7:29:28 AM Post Reply
Along with Nouriel Roubini, this article quotes Mark Zandi and Paul Krugman, both of whom predicted in 2016 that President Trump’s policies would cause massive job losses and a great recession as they campaigned for Hillary Clinton. They are all partisan hacks. They are not independent economists who analyze based on facts. These dire predictions are part of the Democrat playbook. From Yahoo Finance on Sunday: Roubini: Certain Trump economic proposals are ‘highly dangerous’ for markets Veteran economist Nouriel Roubini told me that Trump’s proposed policies — including across-the-board tariffs and an extension of the 2017 tax cuts
Kamala's elephant in the room 6 replies
Posted by DW626 8/20/2024 12:11:23 PM Post Reply
They call it the elephant in the room or the issue that won't go away. I am talking about the price of food or that weekly purchase that we all make. VP Harris may pretend to feel our pain or to propose silly solutions to ease it but it's the same old inflation crushing our wallets. Let's take a look. (snip) As I overheard someone say, inflation is a number on the TV screen until you go shopping. Then it takes over your family's budget and you feel like you are drowning all the time. Inflation is also topic one when you go out with friends.
Talk show legend Phil Donahue dead at 88 11 replies
Posted by DW626 8/19/2024 2:57:52 PM Post Reply
Phil Donahue, the legendary TV talk show host, has died. He was 88. Donahue passed away Sunday night following a long illness, his family confirmed to “Today” Monday morning. The star died at home surrounded by his loved ones, including his wife of 44 years, Marlo Thomas, his sister, his children, grandchildren and his beloved golden retriever, Charlie. The family’s statement requested that donations be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital or the Phil Donahue/Notre Dame Scholarship Fund in lieu of flowers.
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22 replies
Posted by DW626 8/18/2024 11:00:55 PM Post Reply
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James Carville’s vile, racist attack
on Israel and its supporters in America
22 replies
Posted by DW626 8/17/2024 7:35:21 PM Post Reply
James Carville’s career matches the trajectory of the Democrat party. Once, he was a pragmatic political strategist who managed to get Bill Clinton into the White House by focusing on economic issues. Then, he was a sleazy misogynist who helped Clinton skate past his history of sexual assaults. Now, he’s just another racist Democrat operative. Nowhere is that clearer than in his racist attack on Israel and its supporters in America. According to Carville, the only reason Republicans support Israel is because they think it’s a “white” country. This is offensive and ignorant at more levels than I can count.
Bitter Joe gets restless, starts to nip
at Kamala's and other Democrats' heels
9 replies
Posted by DW626 8/15/2024 3:04:46 PM Post Reply
So what's going on with the bitter and remorseful King Lear ensconced in the White House? According to this video, he's ever so subtly begun to stir, to backbite, at the loathed Kamala Harris, who inherited the spoils of his primary victories by scheming with Democrat elites without lifting a finger: The context here is that Harris is attempting to distance herself from Biden's wretched economic failures, from inflation to falling wages, to declining GDP, to rising unemployment. Harris says she'll fix inflation, bring "good-paying jobs," go after the corporations
The ‘King Chuck” Con: Congress and
Judges Are Already Immune for ‘Official Acts’
3 replies
Posted by DW626 8/15/2024 7:28:56 AM Post Reply
President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer have called the Supreme Court “out of control“ and “extreme.” But their efforts to undermine and intimidate the Court are as dangerous to our constitutional system as they are disingenuous, for they represent a monarchal effort to control the Court. Under Article III of our Constitution, the nation’s “judicial power” is vested in the Supreme Court and lower courts to be established by Congress. In addition to resolving “cases” or “controversies” brought before the Court, since the landmark 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison, it has been understood that power includes the right to declare acts of other departments and state governments unconstitutional.
J.K. Rowling and Elon Musk Targets of
a Harassment Lawsuit by Algerian 'Female'
Boxer Imane Khelif
16 replies
Posted by DW626 8/14/2024 3:02:11 PM Post Reply
Imane Khelif, the Algerian Olympic boxer who fought as a female despite possessing the XY chromosomes of a man, has filed suit against Elon Musk and Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling for "harassment." Mr./Ms. Khelif alleges that Rowling and Musk said mean things about him/her online, which constitutes bullying. What hitting girls in the head constitutes, Khelif wouldn't say. Nabil Boudi, Khelif’s attorney, says the suit was filed against X and that even Donald Trump might be "looked at" in connection with the lawsuit.
Anyone Notice This Anomaly During Ilhan
Omar's Election Returns?
12 replies
Posted by DW626 8/14/2024 10:00:47 AM Post Reply
As Rebecca wrote earlier last night, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) successfully fended off a primary challenge from Don Samuels, a former Minneapolis City Council member. Omar clinched 56 percent of the vote to Samuels’ 42 percent, with other candidates sprinkled in the field. Congress’ favorite radical Islamic terrorist apologist is heading back to Washington, so everyone should grab a barf bag. Yet, did anyone notice what was odd about the returns? I won’t say it, but you can debate this topic in the comments below.
Some Thoughts On Valor -- Stolen Or Not 11 replies
Posted by DW626 8/14/2024 7:28:42 AM Post Reply
The best definition of ‘valor’ I have come across is ‘strength of mind in regard to danger, that quality which enables a man to encounter danger with firmness and courage.’ Reading of vice-presidential nominee Tim Walz and his stolen valor made me think of my father’s service during WWII and, to a lesser extent, my own some thirty years later. My dad, like a great number of young men, was drafted into the military in early 1942. Was spending the next three and a half years in the jungles of the Pacific fighting the Japanese the way he would have preferred to spend that time?
The Obama Effect 21 replies
Posted by DW626 8/13/2024 7:24:05 AM Post Reply
A coincidence is, “the occurrence of events that happen at the same time... but seem to have some connection.” That seems to be the case whenever Barack Obama is in close relationship with left-leaning world leaders or directly involved in an American election. Although Obama works hard to look like he’s not directly involved in the things he’s engaged in, anyone who has followed the machinations of the stealthy socialist knows that there are no coincidences regarding the former president. Barack Obama thrives on adoration
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London Mayor Sadiq Khan Fears for His
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Should Openly Back Kamala
41 replies
Posted by Imright 8/21/2024 9:49:27 AM Post Reply
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has waded into American politics once again, saying that he is worried about his safety if Donald Trump returns to the White House and that the left-wing Labour Party should openly support the campaign of Kamala Harris. The far-left Mayor of London, who has a long history of public verbal spats with former President Donald Trump, said in an interview with the globalist New Statesman this week that he has personal fears of the Republican nominee being victorious in the presidential election in November.
Kamala Harris Supports a 25% Wealth Tax
on Unrealized Gains
32 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2024 9:24:06 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden was up to his old tricks last night when talking about billionaires and what they pay in taxes. He has been lying about this for years so why stop now. CNN fact-checked him this morning: During his speech, Biden asked the audience if they knew what the average billionaire in the United States pays in taxes. “We have a thousand billionaires in America. You know what the average tax rate they pay? 8.2%,” Biden said. Facts First: Biden used this figure in a way that was misleading. As in previous remarks, including his State of the Union address in March, Biden didn’t explain that the figure is the product
Obama Tries to Resurrect ’08 Magic for
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29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/21/2024 12:48:38 AM Post Reply
For a moment on Tuesday, it was 2008 all over again at the Democratic National Convention. “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling fired up. I am feeling ready to go,” former president Barack Obama said to open his headlining speech, harking back to his 2008 campaign chant. “I am feeling hopeful, because this convention has always been pretty good to kids with funny names who believe in a country where anything is possible.” There were the chants of “Yes, we can” and “Yes, she can.” There was the talk of “hope making a comeback,” a blatant effort by the Democrats to try to inject some of Obama’s 2008 magic
CNN’s Chris Wallace Boasts Kamala Is
Having ‘Love Affair’ With Voters
29 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/21/2024 12:22:36 AM Post Reply
In a follow up to his nonsensical and false analysis from the previous evening, CNN’s Chris Wallace kicked off Night Two of the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday by boasting about Vice President Kamala Harris’s “love affair” with American voters. Calling it “a very interesting thing,” Wallace touted how “Joe Biden dropped out of this race 30 days ago, and that is played very much to Kamala Harris's advantage.” According to him, that advantage meant, “She's had this kind of speed dating relationship with voters and so far, it's a love affair!” Does her husband, Doug know?! The analogy falls apart when one takes into consideration that even in speed dating,
Michelle Obama Plays Race Card Against
Trump: ‘Threatened’ by Successful
Black People
28 replies
Posted by Imright 8/21/2024 2:46:20 AM Post Reply
Former First Lady Michelle Obama played the race card against former President Donald Trump in her speech to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois, on Tuesday night, accusing him of opposing her and former President Barack Obama because of racism. Gone was the speaker who told Democrats in 2016, “When they go low, we go high.” Instead, there was this, on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris:We know folks are gonna do everything they can to distort her truth. My husband and I, sadly, know a little something about this. For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power try to make people fear us.
On DNC Night 1, Hillary Clinton Reminds
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What They Hope Will Be
26 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2024 12:22:17 AM Post Reply
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made her entrance on the stage of the Democrat National Convention in Chicago to Sara Bareilles' song, "Brave," followed by a standing ovation and a ton of applause. Next to AOC's speech, this was the most energy exhibited at what has been a fairly lackluster Night 1 of the DNC. Clinton noted the rise in energy. Wow. There's a lot of energy in this room, just like there is across the country! Something, something is happening in America! You can feel it. Something we've worked for and dreamed of for a long time. First, though, let's salute President Biden.
Biden DOJ Asks SCOTUS To Keep Arizona
From Requiring Proof Of Citizenship For
2024 Election
25 replies
Posted by earlybird 8/20/2024 5:47:20 PM Post Reply
The Biden-Harris Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday requested the U.S. Supreme Court “deny” Republicans’ bid to enforce an Arizona law requiring individuals to prove they’re U.S. citizens when registering and voting in elections. Arguing on behalf of the administration, U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar requested that the nation’s highest court instead allow a lower court decision — one prohibiting the implementation of provisions of the statute in question — to remain in effect for the November election.
ABC News Presidential Debate Moderator
Linsey Davis Links Donald Trump to KKK
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 8/20/2024 12:10:02 PM Post Reply
ABC News anchor Linsey Davis — who will moderate the first debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris — linked Trump to the KKK during an interview at the Democratic National Convention on Monday night. Davis was speaking to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer when she connected Trump to the KKK. She said to Whitmer: As you know, former President Donald Trump is expected to go campaign in Howell, Michigan, tomorrow. Many people are aware that a month ago, in Howell, KKK protesters marched in the streets with the white robes on and suggested that they support Donald Trump.
Sick! Leftist Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear
Calls For a Member of J.D. Vance’s Family
to be R*ped and Forced to Give Birth:
“Make Him Go Through This!” – Vance
Responds with Fire (Video)
22 replies
Posted by Imright 8/20/2024 12:51:29 PM Post Reply
Democrats always find creative ways to sink to new lows when it comes to rhetoric, and Democrat Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear went straight to the depths of Hell this morning to make a disturbing statement about Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) and his family. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Day One at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago was a total catastrophe with pro-Hamas protesters breaking through barriers, several speakers screaming like banshees, and Joe Biden melting down on stage as expected. Beshear gave a speech on Monday evening piling on this disaster by celebrating abortion on demand.
25% of Brits Consider Turning Off the
Heat in Winter
21 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 8/21/2024 9:14:23 AM Post Reply
About a quarter of British households are so worried about their electricity bills they are considering spending next heating season without heat or hot water, a survey by Citizens Advice has suggested. The concern follows plans by the national electricity market regulator to raise the cap on bills by another 9.2%, equal to 150 pounds or $195. The Citizens Advice report said the percentage of those worried about the affordability of their electricity was substantially higher among households with children, where the percentage was 31%, and low-income households, where 39% were worried about the coming heating season.
Biden-Harris Department of Energy official
calls for 'queering nuclear weapons' as
part of radical DEI agenda
20 replies
Posted by Moritz55 8/21/2024 11:06:31 AM Post Reply
A recent hire at the nuclear security wing of the Department of Energy has previously called for disarmament policies – which reduce or eliminate nuclear weapons – arguing that advancing "queer theory" was essential to that agenda as well as important to America's national security. The Biden-Harris administration announced Sneha Nair had been appointed as special assistant at the National Nuclear Security Administration in February 2024. Nair believes in eradicating purported "White supremacy" in the nuclear field as well as "queering nuclear weapons" as part of a diversity, equity and inclusion push she believes is essential for deterring threats to nuclear energy facilities in the U.S.
Kamala Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff
is brutally roasted for 'trashy' outfit
as her dad Doug is slammed over 'weird' hug
20 replies
Posted by Imright 8/20/2024 8:43:16 PM Post Reply
Kamala Harris' stepdaughter Ella Emhoff has been brutally roasted for the outfit she wore to the first night of the Democratic National Convention - while other critics have called her dad 'weird' and 'creepy' for the way he showed affection. The budding model, 25, who has been making waves in the fashion world recently, was spotted supporting her stepmom at the event on Monday evening alongside 'first gentleman' dad Doug Emhoff, 59. But some were quick to criticize the simple white ensemble Ella had chosen to wear to cheer on Kamala, 59, in Chicago's United Center.
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