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The Rockefellers to Us: Die Faster; We
are Making Homo Universalis

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Posted By: Judy W., 7/6/2024 11:46:27 AM

Absurdistan has been picking away at one of the modern conspiracy theories, the 13 Luciferian families that rule the world and take aaaalll the money, for months now. This trope is so massive that it has become a unifying theory of how the hell we got here. It is everywhere outside the zone of politeness: your post office clerk believes it, the truckers believe it, farmers and ranchers believe it, the people who deliver your packages have figured it out, every not-asleep hairdresser, cashier, waiter believes it. (Snip) But I want evidence, give me data. How do they work? How do they force policy changes that impoverish us?


A couple of years ago I would have called this nuts. Now I think it is researched fact.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 7/6/2024 12:02:52 PM (No. 1750971)
Sounds crazy. Is sane.
13 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Kate318 7/6/2024 12:08:24 PM (No. 1750983)
Today’s conspiracy is tomorrow’s “I told you so.” When it comes to nefarious intentions on the left, my policy is to believe it unless proven otherwise. Which, it never is.
23 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: franq 7/6/2024 12:12:55 PM (No. 1750990)
No question evil forces are at work. Some well below the radar. It matters not what they say. Watch what they do.
29 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: spacer 7/6/2024 12:19:41 PM (No. 1750995)
The ladys stuff is always long deep and dead on right . Thx for posting
24 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Edgelady 7/6/2024 12:44:59 PM (No. 1751015)
The devil is a patient master.
18 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: BarryNo 7/6/2024 1:13:36 PM (No. 1751029)
About 20 yrs ago, the French made grand plans for curing genetically transmitted diseases like sickle cell anemia. They used mRNA technology to modify the code of the human body. After a year they abruptly canceled the project, amid rumors of horrific deaths. When they rolled out the Covid vaccines, and I learned that MRNA was involved, I had nightmares. I knew then, that the global Elites had decided humanity could be sacrificed for their search for extended lives. That's what the vaccine is - grand scale human testing to determine how genes can be spliced into the human genome, with minimal risk. Cloning didn't work. Clones' cell age is the same as the creature they're cloned from. There are a lot of plants ad animals that live longer than humans Greenland sharks, Right Whales, many plants can live thousands of years... Our "betters" want to live forever, and we are the Guinea pigs.
17 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Highlander 7/6/2024 2:09:43 PM (No. 1751054)
There’s plenty of tin hats fur everyone.
4 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: JoElla Bee 7/6/2024 2:14:08 PM (No. 1751060)
#6 - Our "betters" want to live forever, and we are the Guinea pigs. Yes, but searching in all the wrong ways and places. Oh, they’re going to live forever, as many of us know. Just not where and how they want. They won’t be in control & they won’t be able to affect climate change. The temperature will have been set for eternity, just as certainly as the sad fate they are choosing for themselves. There will come a day when they will learn there is only One living, omnipotent, omniscient God. I pity them for not knowing that He has prepared a place for us that is far better than this earth, far better than man’s imaginations, and it’s available to everyone.
21 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: dbdiva 7/6/2024 3:50:19 PM (No. 1751121)
Agree with OP's comments and also #8. The Rockefellers et. al. who think of themselves as gods are in for a rude awakening....soon. They believe they are in control but have no regard for the One Who actually is. History is full of examples where people who see themselves as "gods" have come to unfortunate ends. We have been promised deliverance from the evil that has permeated not only this country but the world. I'm holding onto that promise and the hope that comes with it because I believe it is close.
10 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: JimBob 7/6/2024 5:27:54 PM (No. 1751175)
The author, Elizabeth Nickson, writes: "But I want evidence, give me data." Well, try this on for size: I recall that the infamous billionaire George Soros poured enough money into various District Attorney elections that the leftist people he backed were able to swamp their opponents and get elected to office. Once in office, many of them stopped prosecuting criminals. They just 'declined to bring charges', and crime increased drastically. This resulted in several -if not many- previously elite, very high-dollar city centers being abandoned by the very wealthy people who lived there. With the customer base gone and with crime becoming an everyday occurrence, the high-end stores in the area closed up shop, leaving empty, abandoned storefronts. These areas went from 'elite' to slum in a very few years. We read articles about this happening in parts of San Francisco, Seattle, Portland, and several other cities. THERE's your proof, Ms. Nickson.
4 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: Proud Texan 7/6/2024 5:46:02 PM (No. 1751183)
I happen to subscribe to Elizabeth Nickson and enjoy reading her work. She does a great job explaining what is happening and obviously does a ton of research. #10, please read the article. think you will be able to add to your list of facts.
5 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Sorosisbehindit 7/7/2024 7:35:10 AM (No. 1751452)
Read up on "babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth" in Revelation.
2 people like this.

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The Rockefellers created 990 "Climate
Change" institutions, foundations, and
activist groups
9 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/8/2024 6:05:08 AM Post Reply
In the climate change arena, the Rockefellers call the shots. The whole thing was their idea, they took a silly but interesting theory and amped it up with hundreds and hundreds of million of dollars. They founded institutions and linked the survival of those institutions to promoting climate change and population reduction. They adopted one likely politician after another. (Snip)The Green Movement was started, financed, organized, and militarized by the Rockefellers. By the late 40’s the family was all in, on the same page. In the 50’s they began to stand up countless institutions, committees, university departments, university institutes, foundations, and policy shops gathered around this one idea, as below:
The Rockefellers to Us: Die Faster; We
are Making Homo Universalis
12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/6/2024 11:46:27 AM Post Reply
Absurdistan has been picking away at one of the modern conspiracy theories, the 13 Luciferian families that rule the world and take aaaalll the money, for months now. This trope is so massive that it has become a unifying theory of how the hell we got here. It is everywhere outside the zone of politeness: your post office clerk believes it, the truckers believe it, farmers and ranchers believe it, the people who deliver your packages have figured it out, every not-asleep hairdresser, cashier, waiter believes it. (Snip) But I want evidence, give me data. How do they work? How do they force policy changes that impoverish us?
Salutary Neglect is Our Best Hope 2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/4/2024 11:41:41 AM Post Reply
The Encyclopedia Virginia defines “Salutary Neglect” as follows: Salutary neglect was Britain’s unofficial policy, initiated by prime minister Robert Walpole, to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies late in the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth centuries. (Snip) Because the policy was unwritten, it went unnamed until March 22, 1775, when Edmund Burke, addressing Parliament, cited British officials’ “wise and salutary neglect” as the prime factor in the booming commercial success of the country’s North American holdings. Indeed, salutary neglect enabled the American colonies to prosper by trading with non-British entities, and then to spend that wealth on British-made goods,
Big Lies About Israel 8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/3/2024 6:45:16 AM Post Reply
For months, Israel has refuted libelous claims of famine in Gaza, as international organizations -- especially the UN and the EU, the International Court of Justice and mainstream media alongside NGOs such as Human Rights Watch -- pushed the false, malicious narrative that Israel was causing famine in Gaza and even using it as a "weapon of war." Israel might have saved itself the effort. No one was listening. (Snip) Now, it turns out, it was all a big lie. There was no famine, there is no famine and Israel has not been using hunger as a "weapon of war."
Why Are Hamas's Crimes Ignored by Western Media? 12 replies
Posted by Judy W. 7/2/2024 6:18:55 AM Post Reply
The Palestinian Authority and other Arab governments have been reminded in recent days of the reasons why entering the Gaza Strip after the war would be risky, if not impossible... According to reports from the Gaza Strip, Hamas has murdered a number of Palestinians who it believed had indicated willingness to be part of a new government that would replace the terrorist group after the war. Hamas, apparently, does not want food or medication to reach the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, particularly not via Israeli border crossings. This situation is most likely caused by Hamas's desire to create a "famine" so it can blame Israel
Heritage Foundation working on election
legal challenges in case Biden pulled
from DNC nomination
14 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/30/2024 6:33:30 AM Post Reply
A major conservative activist group is preparing for legal battles in case the Democratic Party chooses to pull President Biden out of the running before or after he becomes the nominee. The Heritage Foundation, one of the United States' most prominent and well-connected conservative activist groups, is laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch-up in the Democratic roster sparks a legal war. "We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated," (Snip) "We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed."
Michelle O breaks cover, and her timing
is spot on
19 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/28/2024 9:04:23 AM Post Reply
All over the media in the past two days was Michelle Obama’s “exclusive” interview, in which she dished on the Biden family dysfunction. (Snip)To any of us who attended the First and Second ladies’ horror shows during Barack’s first and second terms, we saw, repeatedly, strain, and certainly no love lost between Michelle and Jill. Both are ambitious, to put it mildly, vain, and love money. Michelle’s abrupt garrulousness this week was not a coincidence. It is a clear sign that the faux indifference of Ms. Obama to “be” president of the United States may be about to evaporate. We can anticipate,although most hopefully not, a putative fourth Obama administration,
Farewell Sweet Prince 8 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/28/2024 8:36:37 AM Post Reply
Last night saw the grim horror of a CNN hosted Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. In many ways such a spectacle is crueller than anything devised by the writers of The Boys or the directors of the Saw franchise of torture porn movies. Trump himself summed it up best: “I don’t know what he said in that last sentence, and I don’t think he does either.” (Snip) Trump had the honesty, alone in his billionaire class, to see that the experts and institutions and respectable management class were destroying his country, and he had the courage to keep advocating the things that work
Unprepared 6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/26/2024 11:33:20 AM Post Reply
Yesterday, we filed the most important lawsuit in my firm’s history. I have been blessed, if you can call it that, with being jammed plumb spang into the center of the covid controversy since Day One. (Snip) Now, at long last, it is time to go on offense. It is time to strike at the problem’s diseased heart, trying to win the war for good. The PREP Act is the 2005 federal law granting legal immunity to Pfizer and Moderna for horrible injuries and deaths, as well as to any hospitals or doctors who administered the vaccines or other covid treatments bearing the CDC’s official stamp of approval during the pandemic.
Donald Trump Is the Republican Who Actually
Wants to Win
6 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/24/2024 9:07:53 AM Post Reply
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Those of us who have been hanging around the Republican Party for a long time are used to the fact that there's not a lot of fight there. Enter Donald Trump. In his previous presidential election battles, Donald Trump has come out swinging in places where he wasn't supposed to have a chance to fight. (Snip) Because he wanted to win the election. Trump's willingness to swing hard in traditionally blue states is what gives him a chance to beat the Democrats' Magic Mail-In Ballot Machine.
New Jersey High School Yearbook Removes
Names of Jewish Students
17 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/18/2024 5:47:57 AM Post Reply
Just as protesters screaming “From the river to the sea/Palestine will be free” want Israel to disappear, in order to be replaced by a 23rd Arab state, so some people in a New Jersey town wanted to make Jews disappear from this year’s high school yearbook. (Snip) The 2023-2024 yearbook for East Brunswick High School replaced a photo of the Jewish Student Union (JSU) with Muslim students and erased the names of the members of the JSU, leaving a large blank space on the page. East Brunswick Mayor Brad Cohen expressed outrage over the incident and said new yearbooks will be ordered.
The Most Manipulated Words During the
Israel-Hamas War
2 replies
Posted by Judy W. 6/17/2024 8:18:34 AM Post Reply
There is a famous quote from Mark Twain that goes like this: “The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter — it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” (Snip)Hence why dozens of terms have been grossly misused by media professionals, pundits, politicians, and social media types throughout the Israel-Hamas war, notably these eleven: 1)Genocide “Genocide” refers to the physical destruction of an entire group that has been targeted on the basis of its identity, which is not Israel’s objective in Gaza, both stated or in practice. Three more reasons make Israel’s response to Hamas’ massacre on October 7th nothing remotely
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Posted by mc squared 7/7/2024 12:23:25 PM Post Reply
Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that a cognitive test would show former President Donald Trump had “a serious illness of one kind or another.” Host Kristen Welker said, “You heard Nancy Pelosi say it was legitimate to ask if it’s an episode or a condition. President Biden refused to take a cognitive test. Do you think he should take a cognitive test?” Schiff said, “I would be happy if both the president and Donald Trump took cognitive.” Welker said, “So that’s a yes?” Schiff said, “I think they both should be willing to take a test.
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Posted by ladydawgfan 7/8/2024 1:59:13 AM Post Reply
Actress Minnie Driver has insulted supporters of former President Donald Trump, claiming they “really quite like a bit of a racist attitude” in their candidate. She also dissed America’s founding fathers, saying there should have been some “mothers” involved in the creation of the country. The Good Will Hunting star held forth on Trump and his tens of millions of supporters in an interview with The Times of London on Saturday. Driver spoke about the “revelation of the 70 million people who really quite like a bit of a racist attitude and non-existent immigration policies and dismantling the environmental agencies.” “They were always there,” she added.
Taylor Swift, Oprah and a 'blitz primary':
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Posted by Imright 7/8/2024 5:21:23 AM Post Reply
A pair of well-connected Democrats have issued a bombshell memo detailing their wild plan to replace President Joe Biden on their 2024 ticket. It would require Biden to step down as the head of the ticket by mid-July to pave the way for other Democrats to throw their hats in the ring for a 'blitz primary' that would feature celebrities such as Taylor Swift and Oprah, according to Semafor. The six candidates with the most votes from delegates would also have to vow to run a positive-only campaign.The plan is the brainchild of Rosa Brooks, a Georgetown law professor who served in both the Obama and Clinton administrations
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Posted by Harlowe 7/7/2024 7:52:05 PM Post Reply
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Democrats fear years of work in rural
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Posted by Dreadnought 7/7/2024 5:20:05 PM Post Reply
HOUSTON, Minnesota — Democrats in rural America fear President Joe Biden’s debate performance is undercutting their painstaking efforts to build trust with their communities — a stark example of how the fallout is hurting the party with some of the key voters they’ve been trying to bring into the fold. As Biden struggled to finish sentences during the debate in Atlanta last week, rural Democrats felt like they were watching their carefully coordinated, yearslong agenda to rebuild their standing in rural areas suddenly evaporate, according to interviews with Democratic voters, lawmakers, congressional aides and organizers on the ground. That’s triggered fears
False Pride 23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/7/2024 6:57:46 AM Post Reply
Pride. Everyone is so proud. So damn proud! We just came through Pride Month. Pride parades, celebrations, commercials, and notices were ubiquitous, everywhere, like drag queens. And not just where you might expect them, either. It seemed nary a crosswalk, sports team, business, or email was unadorned by some form of acknowledgement or touting of the LGBTQ community. So proud! Couldn’t be any prouder of our gender (whatever it is today) or sexuality! Because that is what matters, what is really at the very heart of who we are, right? And that’s why they want to make sure youngsters are involved, as well. The younger the better. The younger, the prouder! Hunter Biden is proud.
Biden’s determined to stick around 23 replies
Posted by Hazymac 7/7/2024 6:51:34 AM Post Reply
As I have asked for almost four years, who’s gonna tell the president of the United States he’s done? “Guess what: they’re trying to push me out of the race. Well, let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race,” Biden said, reading from a teleprompter. “I don’t think anybody’s more qualified to be president or win this race than me,” Biden said. “If the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race. The Lord Almighty’s not coming down.” Don’t ya wonder what he might have said without the teleprompter?
America may soon be subjected to the country’s
first DEI president: Kamala Harris
22 replies
Posted by Imright 7/7/2024 3:03:21 AM Post Reply
There is a raging debate in corporate America on the future of DEI, aka Diversity ­Equity and Inclusion, because it is literally destroying businesses that go there. And yet the American public may soon be subjected to DEI writ large in the next president of the United States, if Kamala Harris finds her way to the top of the Democratic ticket while Joe Biden wilts away as the party’s presidential nominee after his horrific ­debate performance. Yes, maybe the most irrepressibly fatuous politician in America may become the leader of the free world because the Democratic Party is unable to break its DEI stranglehold. Harris is already being hailed
Rob Reiner Turns on Biden: It’s Time
for Him to Step Down — ‘Stop F*****g Around
20 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 7/8/2024 1:53:36 AM Post Reply
One of Joe Biden’s most loyal Hollywood fundraisers and cheerleaders has just stuck a knife in the president’s faltering re-election campaign. In a shocking announcement on Sunday, Rob Reiner declared “it’s time for Joe Biden to step down.” Rob Reiner announced his dramatic change of heart in an X post, saying if Trump wins, “we lose our Democracy.” The actor-director didn’t clarify if he wants Biden to give merely give up his re-election bid or to resign the White House — or both. [Tweet] The stunning change of heart comes after Reiner has spent the last several years as one of Biden’s biggest entertainment industry supporters,
VERY URGENT: A Parkinson's disease specialist
has visited the White House residence
medical clinic at least nine times since
July 2023
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Posted by Beardo 7/7/2024 8:19:16 PM Post Reply
Dr. Kevin R. Cannard, a Parkinson’s disease specialist, has visited the White House at least nine times in the last year, official White House visitor logs show. The logs show Dr. Cannard traveled to the White House residence medical clinic each time. He met either with the president’s personal physician or the naval nurse who coordinates care for the president and other top officials, the logs show. Dr. Cannard’s spate of visits began on July 28, 2023 and continued at least through March 28, 2024. The most recently released logs end on April 1, so it is not clear if Dr. Cannard has been to the White House more recently.
Joy Reid Would Rather Vote for a President
In a Coma Rather Than Trump
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Posted by Imright 7/7/2024 3:10:54 PM Post Reply
MSNBC host Joy Reid said she would rather vote for a comatose Joe Biden than former President Donald Trump. Reid went off in a rant about how she would vote for President Biden over Trump, who she called Hitler, even if he was in a coma. "Let me know when you guys are finished fighting amongst yourselves who I gotta vote for in November to keep Hitler out the White House. That’s all I wanna know,” Reid said in a social media video. “By the way, if it’s Biden in a coma, Imma vote for Biden in a coma.”
French left beats Le Pen’s far right
in election shock
19 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 7/7/2024 10:39:52 PM Post Reply
PARIS — The left-wing alliance in France won the most seats in parliament in a dramatic election, dealing a surprise blow to the far-right party of Marine Le Pen. In the first round of voting a week ago Le Pen’s National Rally came top and was aiming to secure the most seats in France’s legislature for the first time in the party’s history on Sunday. But tactical voting and collaboration between Le Pen’s opponents to keep her party out of power paid off, final results showed. The election, however, looks set to throw the country into a period of political turmoil, with no single group coming close
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