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Watch This Legislative Issue Closely and
Monitor the “UniParty” Voices

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Posted By: earlybird, 5/18/2024 4:49:09 PM

On the issue of crypto currency, watch the DC voices very closely. They are about to take up legislation on the topic of crypto currency, regulation and overall ramifications therein. Keeping in mind that a dollar-based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) cannot and will not coexist within a financial system that permits the transition (the exchange) of dollars into crypto and vice-versa. Put simply, in the western financial system, crypto currency cannot exist with a CBDC. Duality of currency is possible outside the West, but not feasible, viable or possible given the political motivations behind the creation of the dollar-based CBDC. (snip) Do you remember Warren staying in to support Joe

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Mcscow sailor 5/18/2024 5:17:41 PM (No. 1720398)
My dollar can buy goals, Juan, marks, rubles, stocks and other financial products. A CBDC with have structures. Can’t ‘t buy a politician. Can’t buy crypto. Total gov control at the snap of a finger. Huh uh. No way.
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Reply 2 - Posted by: Catherine 5/18/2024 5:44:43 PM (No. 1720409)
There is no feasible way for this to actually work. I admit I don't understand the crypto currency but I do understand no cash and everyone's money is in a world bank with the government overseeing it.
7 people like this.

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They are Coming for Alito and It Has Nothing
to Do With Upside Down Flags
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/19/2024 11:30:13 AM Post Reply
You are not going to like this, and most will say I’m nuts.(snip) The IC is coming after Judge Sam Alito, but not because of his non pretending, general J6 disdain, solid grasp on the fraud that is Joe Biden,(snip), the IC has been coming for Justice Alito since Chief Justice John Robert’s internal court counselor’s lead office staff Sheldon Snook, the husband of Mary McCord, leaked the Alito decision [Dobbs Decision] overturning Roe and sending the abortion issue back to the states.(snip), Judge Alito appears to be holding the line and forcing the IC to come out of the shadows after him. My hunch is he’s just had enough.
Former NIH Director Admits Government
Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation
27 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2024 8:26:52 PM Post Reply
Four years ago, U.S. state, local, and federal goverments pushed “social-distancing” policies separating Americans six feet away from other people everywhere they went. Now former National Institute of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has admitted no “science or evidence” ever backed these heavy-handed, comprehensive restrictions — another key proof the left’s war on so-called “disinformation” is so dangerous. A memo National Review obtained, from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, details Collins’ closed-door testimony earlier this year. It reveals that Collins had not seen evidence on March 22, 2020, to support the widely obeyed federal policy when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) instituted six-foot social distancing rules.
If Joe Biden Is ‘Sharp As Ever,’ Why
Is He Trying To Suppress The Hur Audio?
19 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2024 8:16:17 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden is as “sharp as ever,” a man blessed with “strong mental acuity,” and in possession of preternaturally incisive intellect. This is just some of the commentary we heard after Special Counsel Robert Hur let the president off the hook for pilfering classified documents because he was an “elderly man with a poor memory.” If all of this is true, though, why is the president trying to suppress audio of the interview? Merrick Garland, one of the most nakedly partisan AGs in memory, has advised Biden to argue that the audio falls under executive privilege, which exists to allow a president to engage in candid and confidential conversations with his advisers
Watch This Legislative Issue Closely and
Monitor the “UniParty” Voices
2 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2024 4:49:09 PM Post Reply
On the issue of crypto currency, watch the DC voices very closely. They are about to take up legislation on the topic of crypto currency, regulation and overall ramifications therein. Keeping in mind that a dollar-based Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) cannot and will not coexist within a financial system that permits the transition (the exchange) of dollars into crypto and vice-versa. Put simply, in the western financial system, crypto currency cannot exist with a CBDC. Duality of currency is possible outside the West, but not feasible, viable or possible given the political motivations behind the creation of the dollar-based CBDC. (snip) Do you remember Warren staying in to support Joe
Justices Alito, Gorsuch Dissent in Consumer
Agency Ruling, Call Majority Decision ‘Unprecedented’
0 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2024 1:24:10 PM Post Reply
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito penned a strongly worded dissent deriding his colleagues’ May 16 decision to uphold a financial regulator’s controversial funding mechanism. The case—Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) v. Community Financial Services Association of America (CFSA)—questioned the constitutionality of CFPB’s ability to determine its level of funding from The Federal Reserve, albeit with limited restrictions. The case is one of several posing major questions this term about the scope of administrative power. Congress set up that funding scheme when it created the agency but CFSA argued legislators exceeded their authority under the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution. That clause reads in part: “No Money shall be drawn from
HHS Secretary Admits The Feds Will Punish
Hospitals That Resist Trans Mutilation
12 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2024 12:20:46 PM Post Reply
Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra admitted during a congressional hearing on Wednesday that hospitals with religious objections to transgender mutilation will lose federal funding. “Can you commit here today that your department will not withhold federal funding from hospitals or doctors who refuse to provide the gender-affirming care that you are, you know, mandating, if it violates their religious beliefs?” Republican Rep. Mary Miller, chairwoman of the House Education and Workforce Committee, asked Becerra. Becerra ignored the question and scolded Miller for asking it. “You’re going somewhere completely different. First, you started talking about how a doctor should have the rights to not offer particular care. Then you stretch it
Supreme Court Puts Final Nail in Coffin
of Effort to Block Trump From Ballot in Arizona
10 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/18/2024 11:00:28 AM Post Reply
The U.S. Supreme Court dealt a final blow to an effort to block former President Donald Trump from the presidential ballot in Arizona by refusing to hear an appeal from a man who’s waged a legal battle in dozens of states to get the former president disqualified over the Jan. 6 incident. The high court has denied a petition for a writ of certiorari from John Castro, a registered Republican candidate for U.S. president in 2024, who fought in court to block President Trump from the ballot in Arizona, and elsewhere, according to an April 22 order list.
Texas is fighting to keep control of Fronton
Island, an area previously used by cartels
7 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/17/2024 10:25:57 AM Post Reply
exas authorities are fighting to keep control of Fronton Island, a body of land surrounded by the Rio Grande that they said was openly used by cartels until last year. According to NewsNation, the Greg Abbott administration carried out an operation called Flat Top in September of last year to take the land back. Before, cartel operatives could be seen in body armor and even assisting with human smuggling activities. They were also throwing explosive as a way to intimidate others. (snipthe International Water Boundary Commission recently banned construction in the area, saying it was impacting the river
Rep Harriet Hageman Outlines Rep Dan Goldman
Connection to The New York City Trial
Against Candidate Donald Trump
9 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/16/2024 9:36:35 PM Post Reply
Representative Harriet Hageman used the opportunity of the House Weaponization Committee hearing, on the Lawfare trial of Donald Trump in New York, to outline Rep. Dan Goldman’s (D-NY) conflict of interest. Goldman has hired Judge Merchan’s daughter – a clear conflict of interest. Additionally, Goldman has admitted to coaching Trump witness Michael Cohen prior to his testimony. Harriet Hageman outlined the details of the issue, while Stacey Plaskett (D-VI) claimed an immediate point of order in order to hide the information. WATCH:
Biden Moves to Block House GOP From Getting
Interview Tapes With Special Counsel
16 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/16/2024 11:39:21 AM Post Reply
WASHINGTON—President Joe Biden has asserted executive privilege over the tapes of his two-day interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur in his probe of the president’s alleged mishandling of classified information. The tapes are at the center of a dispute between House Republicans and Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has defied a subpoena for them and today faces contempt proceedings. Mr. Garland, in a May 15 letter to the president, said that the “committee’s needs are plainly insufficient to outweigh the deleterious effects that the production of the recordings would have on the integrity and effectiveness of similar law enforcement investigations in the future.”
Obama-Appointed Judge Smacks Down Marc
Elias’ ‘Absurd’ Election Lawfare
5 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/16/2024 10:24:58 AM Post Reply
The firm of Democrats’ favorite lawfare artist — who was also the attorney behind the Russia-collusion hoax — was all but laughed out of court in a recent Wisconsin election integrity case. D.C.-based Elias Law Group, founded by former Clinton campaign and Democrat National Committee lawyer Marc Elias, brought a “novel” absentee ballot complaint against the state that an Obama-appointed judge called “head-scratching.” In dismissing the lawsuit against the Wisconsin Elections Commission, U.S District Court Chief Judge James D. Peterson summarily rejected the leftist law group’s outlandish claim that a state law requiring a U.S. citizen witness and sign an absentee voter’s ballot is a violation
Hunter Biden IRS Whistleblowers Aren’t
Under Investigation, So Why Did Weiss
Suggest They Were?
2 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/15/2024 2:23:40 PM Post Reply
The IRS agents who blew the whistle on the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office for protecting President Joe Biden’s son are not under investigation, but those who allegedly retaliated against the whistleblowers are. This shocking revelation follows court filings by Delaware U.S. Attorney-cum-Special Prosecutor David Weiss which indicated the whistleblowers’ “conduct” was the subject of a possible investigation. On Tuesday, the legal team for IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler sent a letter to the Department of Justice’s Inspector General and the Office of Professional Responsibility, requesting they investigate Special Counsel Weiss’s office “for falsely suggest[ing] to the public that some unnamed agency was investigating the conduct
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Jill Biden ludicrously claims Trump would
‘destroy’ public education if elected
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/19/2024 5:25:34 PM Post Reply
First lady and fake “doctor” Jill Biden ludicrously claimed Saturday that former President Donald Trump will destroy the public education system if reelected to office. Speaking at the United Federation of Teachers’ annual spring conference, she argued instead that her husband, President Joe Biden, is the one who’ll bless public education. “I always believed that Joe would be the best education president,” she said, according to the New York Post. Uh huh … [Tweet] Trump, on the other hand, “wakes up every morning caring about one person — and one person only — himself,” she added. “Donald Trump doesn’t want to strengthen our public education system — he wants to destroy it,”
Biden tells black graduates Republicans
'don't see you in the future of America'
in fiery speech slamming right-wing 'extremists'
19 replies
Posted by mc squared 5/19/2024 12:52:19 PM Post Reply
The president didn't use Trump or the GOP's name as he addressed graduating seniors from Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, but it was clear who he was talking about as he brought up January 6 amid their commencement ceremony. 'Insurrectionists who stormed the capitol with Confederate flags are called patriots by some,' Biden told the seniors, graduating from the historically black, all-male institution. 'Not in my house.' Trump often refers to his supporters who ramsacked the Capitol by that term. 'Black police officers, black veterans, protecting the Capitol were called another word as you recall,' Biden continued. The president added that 'extremists close the doors of opportunity.'
Helicopter carrying Iranian President
Ebrahim Raisi suffers ‘hard landing’
in Azerbaijan
18 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 9:45:50 AM Post Reply
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—A helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi suffered a “hard landing” on Sunday, Iranian state media reported, without immediately elaborating. Raisi was traveling in Iran’s East Azerbaijan province. State TV said the incident happened near Jolfa, a city on the border with with the nation of Azerbaijan, some 600 kilometers (375 miles) northwest of the Iranian capital, Tehran. Traveling with Raisi were Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, the governor of Iran’s East Azerbaijan province and other officials, the state-run IRNA news agency reported. One local government official used the word “crash” to describe the incident, but he acknowledged to an Iranian newspaper that he had yet to reach
Camp of the Dumbbells 18 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/19/2024 6:32:28 AM Post Reply
In 1975 a Frenchman, Jean Raspail, wrote a fictional account of how western civilization was destroyed by unrestricted immigration from the Third World. His work, The Camp of the Saints, has been out of print for some time, but it again became popular in 2011 and Amazon now is offering it on Kindle and you can read it free online. I urge you to do so, because it is probably the most prescient novel you will ever read. Every day on X (formerly Twitter) I read accounts from around the world of the increased crime,
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi is seen
in eerie photo moments before helicopter
crash: Hamas-backing leader is still missing
amid fears his death will spark power
vacuum in Tehran
17 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 7:28:14 PM Post Reply
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi was pictured moments before the helicopter crash near the border with Azerbaijan which put his ‘life at risk’. He was seen staring out of the window of the aircraft, which was traveling in Iran's East Azerbaijan province near Jolfa, around 375 miles northwest of Tehran when it crashed. There have been conflicting reports among Iranian state media about whether the helicopter has been found following a frantic search mission. The video player is currently playing an ad. You can skip the ad in 5 sec with a mouse or keyboard The president is still missing hours after the crash and there is no confirmation they are close to finding Raisi.
Anti-Israel uprisings hit dangerous new
extreme in Michigan
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 5/19/2024 1:39:32 AM Post Reply
This is not normal. The anti-Israel uprisings at colleges across the country have featured violence (from both sides), vandalism, unlawful occupations known as “encampments,” and many other acts that go well beyond free speech. And now, at the University of Michigan, this radical protest movement just crossed the line into dangerous new territory. This week, agitators reportedly showed up at the homes of University of Michigan Board of Regents members in the middle of the night, invading their private property. They chanted on their lawns and brought with them fake corpses, faux bloodied sheets, and lists of demands, including, bizarrely, completely unrelated desires such as “defunding the police.”
Crockett Mocked Into Next Week for Huge
Mistake She Made While Trying to Raise
Money Off Fight With MTG
15 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/19/2024 7:46:13 AM Post Reply
On Thursday, as we reported there was a wild exchange between Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), and Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX). Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) said in the past he's compared the House to "The Jerry Springer Show." Then in reference to the wild moments on Thursday, he said he would apologize to the show. That caused AOC to flip out and chastise him, saying that she was standing up for women, and somehow, MTG talking about Crockett's eyelashes was racist and misogynist. Crockett then tried to make money off of what she said about MTG,
Bill Maher Nails What's at the Heart of
the Left's Outrage Over Harrison Butker's Address
15 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 4:01:48 AM Post Reply
Hell froze over when Bill Maher defended the likes of Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker on his show Friday. The NFL player recently delivered a controversial commencement address at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, which sent the Left into meltdown mode. On one hand, there were some parts that many could view as anachronistic about the speech. Then again, Butker is a devout Catholic who delivered an address that aligned with those values. You can disagree without going crazy. And if Maher, an outspoken atheist and critic of organized religion, can shrug this off, so can everyone else.
Helicopter crash could reverberate across
the Middle East, where Iran’s influence
runs wide and deep
14 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 5/19/2024 5:46:45 PM Post Reply
The apparent crash of a helicopter carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s foreign minister and other officials is likely to reverberate across the Middle East. That’s because Iran has spent decades supporting armed groups in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Palestinian territories that allow it to project power and potentially deter attacks from the United States or Israel, the sworn enemies of its 1979 Islamic Revolution. Tensions have never been higher than they were last month,
Democrat MA Town That Voted Overwhelmingly
for Joe Biden Furious They Got What They
Voted For
14 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 2:55:08 PM Post Reply
Norfolk, Massachusetts’ 11,500 residents voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden in 2020. Now, residents are up in arms that they are getting exactly what they voted for. (List) The state announced it is refurbishing the Massachusetts Bay State Correctional Center in Norfolk, which formerly served as a minimum-security dorm-like facility. The move will alleviate the hundreds of illegals currently camped out at Boston’s Logan International Airport and provide housing for six to twelve months.
Maryland governor signs Biden-inspired
bill establishing 'Center for Firearm
Violence Prevention'
14 replies
Posted by Imright 5/19/2024 9:40:10 AM Post Reply
Democratic Maryland governor Wes Moore signed a bill establishing the first statewide gun violence prevention center earlier this week. The project, which is called the Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention, will operate within the Maryland Department of Health. Its mission is to "consolidate and better coordinate Maryland’s public health approach to preventing gun violence," according to a press release published by the governor's office on Thursday. "The center will partner with local governments, advocates, and medical professionals engaged in violence intervention programs to build upon the critical gun violence intervention programs that were pioneered in Maryland
They are Coming for Alito and It Has Nothing
to Do With Upside Down Flags
13 replies
Posted by earlybird 5/19/2024 11:30:13 AM Post Reply
You are not going to like this, and most will say I’m nuts.(snip) The IC is coming after Judge Sam Alito, but not because of his non pretending, general J6 disdain, solid grasp on the fraud that is Joe Biden,(snip), the IC has been coming for Justice Alito since Chief Justice John Robert’s internal court counselor’s lead office staff Sheldon Snook, the husband of Mary McCord, leaked the Alito decision [Dobbs Decision] overturning Roe and sending the abortion issue back to the states.(snip), Judge Alito appears to be holding the line and forcing the IC to come out of the shadows after him. My hunch is he’s just had enough.
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