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Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer
with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship
with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover
Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case

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Posted By: DW626, 5/12/2024 8:49:54 PM

According to a newly unsealed defense motion related to search warrants against Walt Nauta, a lawyer with an attorney-client privilege relationship with President Trump proposed to act as an undercover informant in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents case. Recall that Walt Nauta, a former White House employee and Navy veteran who worked valet for Trump and served as a personal staffer at Mar-a-Lago was indicted along with Trump last year. According to the motion filed earlier this month, a lawyer for Trump was enlisted to act as an undercover informant/source in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

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Reply 1 - Posted by: earlybird 5/12/2024 9:05:19 PM (No. 1716827)
So who is the lawyer?
15 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: earlybird 5/12/2024 9:07:32 PM (No. 1716828)
GP teases for clicks.
10 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: kono 5/12/2024 9:18:43 PM (No. 1716833)
I'm surprised Nauta even had a chance to volunteer. It would seem more in keeping with the people involved for Smith to have tried to try to coerce him into turning on Trump.
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: DVC 5/12/2024 10:06:16 PM (No. 1716858)
So many lawyers who are criminals and scum.
19 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: downnout 5/12/2024 10:16:17 PM (No. 1716865)
99% of lawyers give the 1% a bad name.
18 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: stablemoney 5/12/2024 10:44:36 PM (No. 1716870)
Walt Nauta has better lawyers than Trump.
5 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: skacmar 5/13/2024 8:33:51 AM (No. 1717063)
Another example of Jack Smith's get them by any means tactics. Smith has used illegal tactics before and he continues to use them. This time he has a judge who is looking out for the rights of the defendants. Smith's illegal schemes are being exposed for all to see. Smith is the one who needs to be on trial for his history of illegal tactics as a prosecutor.
8 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: Starboard_side 5/13/2024 12:40:07 PM (No. 1717171)
I presume the lawyers in Nauta's case know who this other lawyer is who decided they would become an undercover informant for Jack Smith's prosecution. A lawyer who had attorney-client privilege with President Trump and was willing to break that privilege in violation of their oath and would be a bar violation (presume Jack Smith advised they would support this person if someone decided to file a disbarment motion). It's more of the sleazy techniques being used by Democrat-aligned lawyers and the DOJ all against President Donald Trump.
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Reply 9 - Posted by: bighambone 5/13/2024 12:51:51 PM (No. 1717180)
Cohen and whoever this rat turns out to be no doubt are considered to be outstanding examples of today’s legal profession by Biden and his leftist advisors.
1 person likes this.

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Posted by DW626 5/14/2024 7:17:24 AM Post Reply
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Posted by DW626 5/13/2024 12:14:16 PM Post Reply
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Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer
with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship
with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover
Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case
9 replies
Posted by DW626 5/12/2024 8:49:54 PM Post Reply
According to a newly unsealed defense motion related to search warrants against Walt Nauta, a lawyer with an attorney-client privilege relationship with President Trump proposed to act as an undercover informant in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents case. Recall that Walt Nauta, a former White House employee and Navy veteran who worked valet for Trump and served as a personal staffer at Mar-a-Lago was indicted along with Trump last year. According to the motion filed earlier this month, a lawyer for Trump was enlisted to act as an undercover informant/source in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.
The Way Clarence Thomas Describes DC Is
Truly Terrifying
12 replies
Posted by DW626 5/12/2024 12:43:50 PM Post Reply
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Marilyn Mosby: finally, justice comes
to Baltimore
10 replies
Posted by DW626 5/12/2024 9:28:43 AM Post Reply
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Benjamin Netanyahu: Not such a bad guy! 5 replies
Posted by DW626 5/11/2024 6:39:16 PM Post Reply
In the words of Shakespeare: Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. Such is Benjamin Netanyahu. Presently, the world press is tearing this man down, but he is arguably the greatest world leader of the past fifty years. Does he have his faults? Yes! Who doesn’t? But Netanyahu has had to navigate his country’s security through the decades when even his “friends” (Clinton, Bushes 1 & 2, Obama) wanted to enforce policies on Israel that were self-destructive. And his country had little margin of error if things went wrong. Soon after he announced a new world order, George Bush, Sr. started pressuring Israel
While America Props Up Ukraine, Former
Afghan Soldiers Trained by U.S. Forces
Are Coming to the Aid of Russia—And
It’s Through Their Embassy in Iran
10 replies
Posted by DW626 5/10/2024 12:19:39 PM Post Reply
Ironically, a growing number of soldiers once trained in Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban alongside U.S. forces are now teaming up with Russia to defeat Ukraine—not through Wagner Group, but simply through the Russian embassy in Iran. Ahmad Ehsan (a pseudonym) is one of more than tens of thousands of Afghan interpreters and others who fought alongside U.S. forces and were left behind to be hunted by the Taliban after the U.S. withdrawal from the country in August 2021. With the fear of torture or death, if he’s found, Ehsan used a pseudonym and an encrypted messaging service to communicate with the author.
Judicial Watch Releases Voicemail Recording
of FBI Agent and Secret Service Agent
Coordinating Raid of Mar-a-Lago (AUDIO)
5 replies
Posted by DW626 5/9/2024 2:50:50 PM Post Reply
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch released a voicemail recording of an FBI Special Agent and Secret Service agent coordinating the raid on Mar-a-Lago. “Yes, hi, this is Special Agent [redacted] from FBI [unintelligible]. We met on Monday [the day of the raid]. We have a couple of specific follow-up asks of you, um, so give me a call so we can discuss that. My number is [redacted]. Again, my name is [redacted]. Thanks, bye,” the special agent said in an August 11, 2022 voicemail. “The recording was uncovered in an October 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security
The Deep State Exposed Itself 5 replies
Posted by DW626 5/9/2024 2:34:06 PM Post Reply
As I’ve watched the political Uniparty and administrative Deep State conspire to destroy Donald Trump over the last eight years, a tinge of optimism has taken root inside me. Not only have his tormentors been unsuccessful, but also a growing share of the population see the attacks against him as un-American, vindictive, and dangerous. There is a heightened social awareness that D.C. is filled with corrupt people who operate the tentacles of government solely for their own benefit and enrichment. No matter how omnipotent the Deep State appears, this couldn’t have been the outcome it expected.
Paul Ryan isn’t voting for Donald Trump
because ‘character’ matters
40 replies
Posted by DW626 5/9/2024 2:11:54 PM Post Reply
Paul Ryan must be very confused about what makes a person’s “character” good or bad; according to a new report, the former congressman will not be voting for Donald Trump, because “character is too important” and therefore, he can’t get behind a guy like Trump. Apparently, Ryan intends to write in another Republican candidate, which is obviously a throw away vote and therefore, one less vote against Joe Biden. Funny, because Ryan and all the other RINOs never say a word about Biden’s character, nor are they that critical of his policies. The goal with Ryan and others is to destroy Trump.
Will the Supreme Court Let This Crisis
Go to Waste?
7 replies
Posted by DW626 5/8/2024 7:38:40 AM Post Reply
Has the Supreme Court noticed that we’ve crossed a legal Rubicon? The Constitution — that thing the Court is supposed to defend — is becoming less relevant by the day because the left has decided that our mutual pact of self-governance doesn’t apply to leftists. They have weaponized our government against us — using it to surveil, silence, harass, and steal from us. Our own government is even arguing that the Constitution should not be a constraint on its operations — which is precisely what its purpose is. Are the Supreme Court Justices beginning to realize that we are in crisis? Two recent cases indicate
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Trump undermines himself with crude language 60 replies
Posted by Harlowe 5/14/2024 12:29:04 AM Post Reply
If you are the parent of young children, are you OK with your kids hearing former President Donald Trump’s language and putdowns, like the ones at his rally last Saturday in Wildwood, New Jersey? One can hear a kid justifying his or her own swearing: “If Trump can talk like that, why can’t I?” Is this the way we want our children to be raised? They will learn swear words soon enough (and hopefully control their use of them or eschew them altogether).
EXCLUSIVE: Mother says daughter was attacked
at school because ‘she wasn’t Muslim’
31 replies
Posted by voxpopuli 5/13/2024 12:31:54 PM Post Reply
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Jews are figuring out that Biden and the
Democrats are not their friends
27 replies
Posted by DVC 5/13/2024 5:54:15 PM Post Reply
The Bible calls the Jews “a stiff-necked” people. (“The Lord also said to me, ‘I have seen this people, and they are indeed a stiff-necked people.’” Deuteronomy 9:13.) In other words, they’re stubborn, and nothing has been more stubborn than American Jews’ long-standing refusal to acknowledge the rising antisemitism in the heart of the Democrat party. Donald Trump’s pro-Israel record barely swayed them. However, Biden’s blatant anti-Israel policies, combined with the violent antisemitism in academia, may finally be doing the trick. Traditionally, Jews have been second only to blacks in their fealty to the Democrat party. Many of them came from Tsarist Russia, which was fiercely antisemitic.
Kamala Harris Drops F-Bomb While Giving
Advice: ‘Kick That F**king Door Down’
25 replies
Posted by Imright 5/14/2024 7:53:53 AM Post Reply
Vice President Kamala Harris dropped an f-bomb while dishing out advice during the annual Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS) Legislative Leadership Summit in Washington, DC, on Monday. Harris spoke to the crowd about breaking down barriers and handling opportunities and instances in which an individual is the “only one that looks” like themself. Harris added that, in certain instances, they would “need to kick that f**king door down.”
Report: Gen Z Struggling with Low Income,
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23 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2024 6:44:03 AM Post Reply
Gen Z is struggling financially with low income and higher debt-to-income ratios than Millennials did when they were their age, according to a recent study. A study from TransUnion, a consumer credit reporting agency, which surveyed 614 Gen Z adults currently between the ages of 22-24, and 623 Millennials who had been between the ages of 22-24 ten years ago, found that Gen Z adults were facing a tougher situation financially that Millennials did years ago.The study found that Millennials during the last half of 2013, or Quarter 4 (Q4) were making an income of around $39,394, adjusted for inflation. When adjusted for inflation,
Report: More Than Half of Immigrants in
U.S. Are Unemployed
22 replies
Posted by OhioNick 5/14/2024 1:49:36 AM Post Reply
More than half of the foreign-born immigrant population in the United States under President Joe Biden’s administration is unemployed, according to a recent report. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) released a report on Monday that showed that just 46 percent of migrants who had arrived in the U.S. “in 2022 or later” were employed as of the beginning of 2024. “Immigration clearly adds workers to the country, but it just as clearly adds non-workers who need to be supported by the labor of others,” Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, researchers with the CIS, wrote.
Leftist Washington Post Demands We Take
Cold Showers to Save Planet
22 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2024 10:53:38 PM Post Reply
The hypocritical lunatics at the far-left Washington Post are demanding we do something they never would — take cold showers to save Mother Earth. When I first saw the headline for this anti-science piece of nonsense—“Why you should embrace using cold water, almost all the time” — I assumed the Post would stick to things like dishwashers and washing machines. No way would they demand we take cold showers, I foolishly assumed. That would be a ridiculous request, a bridge too far, a way to get laughed off the planet. Brother, was I wrong. But I should’ve known better. After all, one of the left’s tactics
Princeton University students end anti-Israel
hunger strike 'due to health concerns'
20 replies
Posted by AltaD 5/13/2024 12:02:20 PM Post Reply
Students at Princeton University protesting Israel’s war with Hamas in Gaza have called an end to their hunger strike after just 10 days. Princeton Divest Now, the student protest group that is calling for the New Jersey Ivy League university to divest from America’s Middle Eastern ally due to the high civilian death toll in the Gaza Strip, said additional strikers would be continuing their efforts. (Snip) It added: "In the tradition of rotary strikes, seven new strikers are indefinitely fasting for a free Palestine."
Ex-Marine threatened to kill white people
in mass shooting, feds say
19 replies
Posted by Scottyboy 5/14/2024 8:54:17 AM Post Reply
A Mercer County man who was in the U.S. Marine Corps until last week has been charged with making threatening statements about killing white people in a shooting rampage, federal authorities announced Monday. Joshua Cobb, 23, of Hamilton, mentioned two possible attack locations, a Jersey Strong gym and an Aldi grocery store in Robbinsville, and said he had access to guns and the will to kill a lot of people, authorities allege. Cobb also fantasized about the adrenaline rush and high he’d feel during such a shooting. “I’d probably OD on my own adrenaline after the 10th body goes down,” he allegedly wrote on social media in March of last year.
Judge Sentences NYC Man to 10 Years for
Gunsmithing After Saying 2nd Amendment
'Nonexistent' in Courtroom
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 5/13/2024 6:42:23 PM Post Reply
Dexter Taylor, a Brooklyn-based software engineer, has been sentenced to a decade in prison for building firearms in his home using parts purchased legally. He was arrested after a SWAT raid in 2022, and a jury convicted him of 13 counts last month. Now, he is set to spend up to ten years behind bars for what many perceive as an egregious violation of his Second Amendment rights. The sentence was handed down on Monday by Judge Abena Darkeh, who presided over Taylor’s trial. The judge’s handling of the case has been criticized, especially her decision to prohibit mention of the Second Amendment in the courtroom during the trial.
Harris utters a profanity in advice to
young Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians
and Pacific Islanders
16 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 5/13/2024 10:52:29 PM Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris used a profanity on Monday while offering advice to young Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders about how to break through barriers. (Snip) Harris gave a lengthy response in which she told the young people to keep their chins up when they go into spaces where no one else looks like them. She added: “We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t. And then you need to kick that f——— door down.” The audience clapped and hollered. Laughing herself, Harris said
Illegal migrants are being 'encouraged'
to vote, top Republican warns after shocking
documents reveals 'training' for noncitizens
to cast ballots in Washington D.C.
16 replies
Posted by Imright 5/13/2024 7:43:08 PM Post Reply
Newly released documents about a Washington, D.C. training program for illegal immigrants to vote in local elections prove the need for the SAVE act, according to Rep. Chip Roy. 'The radical progressive Democrats in the DC city government couldn't be prouder of the fact that they're going to have illegal aliens voting in their elections; yet, they want us to believe that it's going to stop there, and that none of them are going to try — or be encouraged — to illegally vote in federal elections? Give me a break,' Roy, R-Texas, told 'Without the verification measures in the SAVE Act, we're basically asking people who are already
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