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Trump Nails Biden With Humorous Video
- and Trumps Him on Policy, As Well

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Posted By: Imright, 1/12/2024 3:25:08 PM

One of the things that has become evident during the time of Joe Biden occupying the White House is how much better former President Donald Trump was in so many ways, particularly on policy. Which may explain why, under Trump, we had no new wars and peace agreements, and under Biden we have more wars and chaos.For example, Trump had the Houthis listed as terrorists. Once Biden came in, he delisted them, and we can see how that has emboldened them. Further, he coddled Iran, which is backing them, and freed up funds for them. Not a smart move.


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Reply 1 - Posted by: Flyball Dogs 1/12/2024 4:33:36 PM (No. 1634885)
An afternoon smile. CLEVER.
11 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Jethro bo 1/12/2024 4:51:41 PM (No. 1634894)
Hard for me to laugh knowing I and millions of Americans are paying for this.
4 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: bighambone 1/12/2024 5:53:34 PM (No. 1634925)
Notice that it seems that almost every Friday morning Biden leaves the White House and DC for Delaware or some nearby location in adjacent Pennsylvania where he gives a short speech to some Democrat group and after that Biden heads for his home in Delaware and does not return to DC and the White House until the following Monday afternoon. Isn’t that about a four day weekend just about every week?
12 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: PChristopher 1/12/2024 8:04:47 PM (No. 1634998)
That's hilarious and sad at the same time.
7 people like this.

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Just In… Elon Musk Rips Mark Zuckerberg
For Funding Illegal Voting Vans in 2020 Election
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 9:47:50 AM Post Reply
On Friday Elon Musk was attacked by smart-mouth leftist who objected to Elon’s recent comments on the suspicious rules and irregularities in US elections. Leftist Yann LeCun posted, “You know Elon, properly-run social networks do their best to take down misinformation about elections.” That’s when Elon dunked on Yann and tech tyrant Mark Zuckerberg. Elon Musk: “Funny you should mention “properly-run” social networks. Are you aware that Mark Zuckerberg, presumably a “proper-runner” of social networks, funded illegal voting vans in the last election?”
Ukrainian Prison Hell: American Gonzalo
Lira Dies in Zelensky’s Custody
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 9:39:30 AM Post Reply
American journalist Gonzalo Lira has died in a Ukrainian prison, according to show host Tucker Carlson. Carlson posted on X on Friday evening: Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed. (X Video) In early December, Carlson interviewed Lira’s father, who blamed President Joe Biden and the State Department
Iowa Republican Caucus 2024: Everything
you need to know, from what is it to when
we will hear the results
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 9:14:48 AM Post Reply
After over a year of campaigning and constant debates, Republicans battling for the White House will finally face a test at the ballot box and see if they stand a chance against Donald Trump. On Monday, thousands of Iowa voters will head to 1,657 precincts across the freezing, snow-covered state to choose who they want to be the GOP nominee for president. At 7pm Central Time (8pm Eastern) they will gather at churches, high schools, gyms and golf courses to write their preferred candidate's name on a blank piece of paper in a tradition dating back to 1972.
Adam Schiff Wants to Save ‘Democracy’
by Abolishing the Electoral College and
Packing the Supreme Court
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:47:23 AM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff has a new plan to save ‘democracy’ by abolishing the filibuster, getting rid of the Electoral College and packing the U.S. Supreme Court. At this point, it’s pretty clear that when Democrats talk about ‘democracy’ what they really mean is anything that the far left likes. Schiff trying to present this as a defense of democracy is pure hilarity and he is the only one who doesn’t get the joke. (X) Politico is actually taking this seriously: Schiff would abolish filibuster, end the Electoral College in his pro-democracy plan California Senate candidate and Congressmember Adam Schiff is calling for a major overhaul of American institutions, including
Nikki Haley Parroted Leftist Talking Point
Suggesting Climate Change to Blame for
Mass Immigration
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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:43:40 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley once seemingly parroted a talking point used by Democrats that suggests climate change is partially to blame for mass immigration to the United States and other countries. In January 2017, Haley went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be confirmed as ambassador to the United Nations (UN) in then-President Donald Trump’s administration. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), in a written question, asked Haley about so-called “climate refugees,” as Democrats claim that mass immigration to the U.S. and other countries is partially due to global warming’s destroying crops, conditions, and communities in certain regions of the world. Merkley wrote:
Donald Trump is ordered to pay The New
York Times $392,638 in legal fees over
failed lawsuit involving an 'insidious
plot' between reporters and his niece
Mary to obtain his taxes
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Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 10:30:05 PM Post Reply
A New York State judge on Friday ordered Donald Trump to pay more than $392,000 to the New York Times over his failed lawsuit against the newspaper. In 2021, the former president sued his niece Mary Trump, The New York Times and three of its reporters accusing them of breaching a confidentiality agreement related to his tax records. He claimed they were part of an 'insidious plot' to get his tax returns. The case was thrown out last year. In a ruling on Friday, New York Supreme Court Justice Robert Reed said: 'Considering the complexity of the issues presented in this action, the number of causes of action, the experience, ability,
Republicans demand documents from Nathan
Wade, Fani Willis' 'lover' who allegedly
charged Fulton County DA $650,000 to investigate
Donald Trump despite not being qualified
6 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 10:24:47 PM Post Reply
House Republicans have kicked off an investigation into the attorney hired by Georgia DA Fani Willis to go after Donald Trump who is now accused of having an affair with her. The Judiciary Committee wrote a letter to attorney Nathan Wade requesting documents related to his work on the Trump indictment in Georgia, noting that he had been paid more than $650,000 - at a rate of $250 an hour - to work on the investigation and prosecution of Trump and other federal officials, according to a new court filing. Wade was hired as an ‘anti-corruption special prosecutor’ to investigate Trump’s alleged election interference.
Embattled Special Prosecutor in Trump
Case, Nathan Wade, Allegedly Billed Fani
Willis’s Office $6k for 24 Hours of
Work in 1 Day
17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 9:50:32 PM Post Reply
Embattled Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade – accused of having a romantic relationship with Fulton County District Attorney (FCDA) Fani Wills – and his firm allegedly billed her office $6,000 for 24 hours of work in a single day in November 2021. Michael Roman, who is one of 18 co-defendants along with former President Donald Trump in the Georgia election case, laid out the allegation in a 127-page motion to disqualify Willis, Wade, and the district attorney’s office from prosecuting the case. It alleges that the initial contract with Wade and his firm, where he was brought on as an FCDA special prosecutor
Strange Joe Biden Moment in Pennsylvania
Coffee Shop Goes Viral
14 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 9:46:09 PM Post Reply
Democrat President Joe Biden, who is 81 years old, had yet another strange moment on the campaign trail in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, on Friday, one that went viral with multiple different interpretations of what he said taking over the internet. The Republican National Committee (RNC) originally posted a video of Biden sounding like he said to a coffee shop clerk: “My name is Joe Biden, and I work for the government in the Senate.” But the Associated Press’s report on the moment says that Biden said: “My name is Joe Biden, and I work for the governor and the senator.”
Illinois Gov. Pritzker begs Texas Gov.
Abbott to STOP sending migrants who've
crossed the border while life-threatening
winter storm tears through his state
17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 9:43:14 PM Post Reply
The Governor of Illinois has begged Texas Governor Greg Abbott to stop bussing migrants to his state ahead of a life-threatening winter storm. Governor JB Pritzker warned carrying out the policy amid plunging temperatures is jeopardizing the safety of migrant children and families. And with the mercury set to plummet even further at the weekend, he has begged Abbott 'for mercy' on behalf of the thousands of migrants arriving in Texas who are due to be sent off to Illinois' sanctuary cities. Storm Gerri has already brought extreme weather to the Midwest. On Saturday temperatures in Chicago are expected to drop to just -2F.
Young Girl in Coffee Shop RECOILS After
Biden Creeps on Her – Whispers in Her
Ear (Video)
19 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 8:08:37 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania to shuffle around for a couple hours. After emerging from three days outside of public view, Joe Biden will not be delivering a speech during his visit to Allentown. He will only be visiting a few local businesses. Biden visited Nowhere Coffee Company and spoke with workers at South Mountain Cycle on Main Street in Emmaus, according to WFMZ. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Bob Casey and Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk also joined Joe Biden. Reporters shouted questions about the US bombing Houthis in Yemen as Joe Biden visited the coffee shop.
Fleeing to Florida! The top 10 cities
workers are flocking to in droves - and
the big towns they're rushing to leave
4 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:53:47 PM Post Reply
LinkedIn has revealed which cities are gaining the most new workers, and which cities are seeing the most move away. The work-oriented social network for professionals tracked location changes on the profiles of its 206 million US users in 2023 to see where people are moving, and where they are moving from. On a per capita basis, the top 10 fastest-growing cities in America were all in the South, including four in Florida, three in Texas, and two in North Carolina.Sarasota, Florida topped the list, with a net gain of 107 new workers per 10,000 LinkedIn members January from one year ago. The Tampa Bay area earned the No. 2 spot, followed by
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
John Kerry to leave Biden administration
to work on the president's reelection
campaign: report
34 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2024 4:27:00 PM Post Reply
United States Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, John Kerry, is expected to leave the Biden administration in order to join the president's 2024 reelection campaign, according to an announcement Saturday. Kerry believes that Biden's reelection is the "single biggest" difference that can be made in terms of progress when it comes to climate change, a source told Axios. He will be working with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients to make the transition in the coming months, according to reports. As of now it is unclear who Kerry's successor will be. Kerry played a major role helping to broker the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement and the UAE Consensus. He praised
Adam Schiff Wants to Save ‘Democracy’
by Abolishing the Electoral College and
Packing the Supreme Court
30 replies
Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:47:23 AM Post Reply
Rep. Adam Schiff has a new plan to save ‘democracy’ by abolishing the filibuster, getting rid of the Electoral College and packing the U.S. Supreme Court. At this point, it’s pretty clear that when Democrats talk about ‘democracy’ what they really mean is anything that the far left likes. Schiff trying to present this as a defense of democracy is pure hilarity and he is the only one who doesn’t get the joke. (X) Politico is actually taking this seriously: Schiff would abolish filibuster, end the Electoral College in his pro-democracy plan California Senate candidate and Congressmember Adam Schiff is calling for a major overhaul of American institutions, including
Nikki Haley Parroted Leftist Talking Point
Suggesting Climate Change to Blame for
Mass Immigration
30 replies
Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:43:40 AM Post Reply
Republican presidential primary candidate Nikki Haley once seemingly parroted a talking point used by Democrats that suggests climate change is partially to blame for mass immigration to the United States and other countries. In January 2017, Haley went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be confirmed as ambassador to the United Nations (UN) in then-President Donald Trump’s administration. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), in a written question, asked Haley about so-called “climate refugees,” as Democrats claim that mass immigration to the U.S. and other countries is partially due to global warming’s destroying crops, conditions, and communities in certain regions of the world. Merkley wrote:
Biden Doubles Down: Austin Had Lapse in
Judgment, but WH Has Not Lost Confidence
in Him at Pentagon
29 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 6:52:28 AM Post Reply
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has been in the news lately more for what he didn't do than what he did. As we wrote previously, Austin kept almost everyone in the White House in the dark about his whereabouts--when he was actually in the hospital, recovering from a major surgery in the wake of a cancer diagnosis. (Snip) But I need to highlight the direction the Biden Administration has been leaning in answering media questions about the man who is supposed to be running the Pentagon right now. My colleague Streiff wrote on Jan. 7 that despite Biden not being told about Austin's condition until Tuesday: The White House says Austin has
Pritzker urges Abbott to stop busing migrants
to Chicago due to storm: 'I plead with
you for mercy'
25 replies
Posted by Mizz Fixxit 1/13/2024 6:21:14 PM Post Reply
llinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is urging Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to stop sending migrants to Chicago due to incoming winter storms, an appeal that drew pushback from the Lone Star State. "While action is pending at the federal level, I plead with you for mercy for the thousands of people who are powerless to speak for themselves," Pritzker said in a letter, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. "Please, while winter is threatening vulnerable people’s lives, suspend your transports and do not send more people to our state."
Fleet of Electric Buses Suspended in London
After Sudden Fire in Wimbledon
21 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/13/2024 10:38:29 AM Post Reply
London has suspended several electric buses after a seemingly spontaneous fire broke out in a double-decker bus, sparking calls for a re-examination of every electric bus used in the capital’s fleet. On Thursday, an electric bus caught on fire on Wimbledon Hill Road in London. While no injuries were reported and investigations into the cause of the fire are still ongoing, the office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan — a chief proponent of the green agenda in Britain — announced the suspension of the same model of electric busses from the route.
Migrant students at Floyd Bennett Field
missing class over long bus rides to school, illnesses
19 replies
Posted by Ida Lou Pino 1/13/2024 1:21:26 PM Post Reply
No-show bus rides, fatigue, and illnesses are making it hard for some migrants housed in Floyd Bennett Field tents to send their children to school, parents told The Post. During school hours this week, The Post observed at least 15 children skipping class outside the city’s controversial mega-tent shelter in southeast Brooklyn, where roughly 1,900 migrants are housed. Despite the city forking over $625,000 this year for buses to take students from the isolated national park to a subway stop, parents blamed missing shuttles for their kids losing out on class time.
WATCH: Jill Biden Explain All the Things
SHE Had to Do to Right the Country
18 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/13/2024 1:22:34 AM Post Reply
If you thought that Joe Biden is a prolific pusher of malarkey, it seems that his wife, Jill, wants to challenge him for the crown. She would have to go a ways, but she's making a big effort with a comment that she made to the audience on the "Morning Joe" show. We already reported on her interview with Mika Brezinski which was just a horrible effort to sell Joe Biden for his re-election. But that isn't going over very well. It just makes it more apparent how desperate Biden's situation is in terms of the polls when she has to make such an effort.
Americans divided on how SCOTUS should
handle Trump ballot access: Poll
18 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/13/2024 12:20:48 AM Post Reply
Americans are divided on how the U.S. Supreme Court should handle former President Donald Trump’s ballot access, but a majority in a new ABC News/Ipsos poll say they would support the court either barring Trump from presidential ballots nationally or letting states take that step individually. The national poll finds a close division on state-level rulings barring Trump from the ballot in Colorado and Maine, 49-46%, support-oppose. On next steps, 56% are willing to see him disqualified in all or some states, including 30% who say the high court should bar him in all states and 26% who say it should let each state decide.
Fetterman Sides With Republicans Again 16 replies
Posted by DW626 1/13/2024 3:04:59 PM Post Reply
In a rare move, Democrat Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) is receiving praise from Republicans after criticizing his own party’s stance on several issues. Fetterman has slammed the Democratic Party’s progressive “Squad” who refuse to condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. He questioned why the United States hasn’t yet destroyed Hamas, adding that every terrorist killed is "one more step" toward peace. The Democrat has stood by his pro-Israel stance, angering members of his party who believe more should be done to help Gaza despite Hamas raping and heinously killing innocent Israelis.
Biden's Scary Confusion Is Concerning,
as He Comments on Iran and Houthis, Whispers
to Girl, Gets Heckled
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/13/2024 8:52:52 AM Post Reply
It seemed like someone decided on Friday that it would be a better idea to send Joe Biden around to local stores in the Allentown, Pennsylvania, area, rather than having him go off on a confused speech. I don't think that was a smart idea. The more situations that put him in contact with people, the more likelihood you have of him having a problem because of his confusion. But, truly, either way they're going to have a problem because it's Joe. It started off badly. (X) As Joe left the first store, he found out exactly what Pennsylvania voters think of him when someone shouted out, "You're a loser."
Dem Party ID Reaches Record Low Ahead
Of 2024: POLL
13 replies
Posted by Beardo 1/13/2024 4:48:36 PM Post Reply
A record low percentage of Americans identified as Democrats in 2023 ahead of a contentious presidential election year, according to a Friday poll. Only 27% of Americans self-identify as Democrats, reaching the smallest figure for the party in Gallup’s recorded history, according to the survey. Republicans received the same amount of support, though it didn’t represent the GOP’s lowest figure, and 43% of Americans identified as independents.
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