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Tesla won over fans of electric vehicles.
Now Elon Musk and company have a bigger
challenge: convincing everyday car buyers

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Posted By: Hazymac, 12/31/2023 7:29:30 AM

Tesla Inc. is expected to say on Tuesday it had another record delivery year in 2023, in large part due to die-hard Elon Musk fans and tech-savvy early adopters. Now the company is working to widen its appeal. The Austin-based EV maker is estimated to have handed over almost 483,200 vehicles in the fourth quarter, according to analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. That means Tesla probably exceeded its goal to deliver 1.8 million cars last year, an all-time high for the company but just a fraction of what Toyota Motor Corp. or General Motors Co. normally sell. For its next phase of growth, Tesla has to win over everyday buyers,

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Reply 1 - Posted by: franq 12/31/2023 7:41:12 AM (No. 1627218)
We finished a week long visit to PA yesterday. 450 miles plus each way. Snow in WV on the way back. I cannot imagine making the trip in an EV (which I could not afford anyway). But the word is on the street - the elites don't really want us to have the freedom to travel.
41 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: Hazymac 12/31/2023 7:48:33 AM (No. 1627224)
It seems that most people who want EVs already have them. Most Americans have no use for them, and will not buy them, ever, no matter what inducements the government throws their way. In a hurricane evacuation zone, they are absolutely worthless, essentially combustible rocks with wheels. The government needs to wake up or be replaced in toto. Yes, #1 is correct. The purpose of electric transportation is to immobilize us, freeze us in place in 15 Minute cities with only government transportation.
31 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: Rumblehog 12/31/2023 7:55:07 AM (No. 1627227)
I'd far rather have a Natural Gas vehicle; it's the cleanest burning fuel, which emerges straight from the ground with minimal processing, and this nation has copious amounts of the stuff.
19 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: bpl40 12/31/2023 8:00:13 AM (No. 1627232)
The real challenge they have is convincing the laws of physics to change. Ain't happening!
26 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: slipstik 12/31/2023 8:33:16 AM (No. 1627243)
Golf carts. They're really expensive golf carts. I don't play golf.
26 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: griddog1 12/31/2023 8:33:57 AM (No. 1627244)
If they are the best thing since sliced bread then they shouldn't have to work so hard trying to sell them to us. Keep in mind Biden is fully on board with these so that should tell you all you need to know.
20 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: Daisymay 12/31/2023 8:41:25 AM (No. 1627249)
I think it's Generational. The Young, working Generation are getting married, buying a house and maybe having Children. They can't afford a Tesla and also don't have the patience to sit at a charging spot to get the energy to run one! The Middle age Generation already have a Car they love and trust, so they're not going to change Brands to Tesla. The Oldest Generation, which includes me, keep their cars for years and will probably buy the same Brand they always have (which we recently did). We just bought a new car after keeping our last one for 12 years. It's still like new, but has 100,000 miles on it. Because we're over 80 we decided we didn't want to chance any problems on the Road, so it was time to buy new. No, we didn't even think about a Tesla because Our Generation is too smart to do such a dumb thing!
28 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: NamVet70 12/31/2023 9:04:01 AM (No. 1627261)
Tesla owns the EV fan market. The rest of the market wants ICE vehicles and Tesla does not offer any. The traditional auto manufacturers are beginning to realize what a mess they have put their companies in by yielding to pressure from the government to make an ill-advised transition to lithium battery powered EV automobiles. Fortunately, you will still be able to buy an ICE vehicle from Toyota or Mazda and maybe a few others. Ford and GM probably think they will get a new government subsidy to stay in business.
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: NorthernDog 12/31/2023 9:10:18 AM (No. 1627265)
Most people just want reliable transportation that is reasonably comfortable. They are not interested in an expensive vehicle that has a questionable future.
15 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Jesuslover54 12/31/2023 9:33:13 AM (No. 1627273)
In China, the electric BYDs are rusting in the fields, unsold.
6 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: SouthernYankee 12/31/2023 10:43:21 AM (No. 1627304)
Make my range 500 miles with a 15 minute recharge and rest stop and I will then and only then consider it.
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: chumley 12/31/2023 10:47:41 AM (No. 1627309)
I looked up the charging requirements for those things. For a charger you can plug into the wall, it only gets you six miles for every hour of charging. Then you have to pay for the electricity. For faster chargers, the house has to be rewired and the cost increases geometrically. Then you get to pay for another car to replace the batteries, assuming they dont ignite first. No thanks. I've never been one to be stylish, and this sure isn't the time to start.
10 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: MickTurn 12/31/2023 11:26:39 AM (No. 1627329)
How about an EV that costs less than $20K, carries 4 passengers and a large trunk, a high efficiency solar panel on roof, hood, trunk, Guarantee for 10 years on all components, especially ALL electric/electronic components, and a 500 mile range with 10 minute FULL recharges, THEN we can talk!
4 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: mean Gene 12/31/2023 11:43:52 AM (No. 1627346)
Obama used Teslas as a metaphore for white people in his latest Netflix movie. He crashed hundreds of the self-driving cars for a scene showing how "independence" of white people impedes the paths of POC. I just hope Netflix paid for each of those ruined Teslas. And I wondered why not one of them caught fire.
3 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: hershey 12/31/2023 12:16:29 PM (No. 1627369)
Hmmmm, never be one in my garage....
6 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: DVC 12/31/2023 2:21:50 PM (No. 1627428)
Not a chance.
2 people like this.

Reply 17 - Posted by: DVC 12/31/2023 2:35:51 PM (No. 1627442)
Re #3, NG vehicles work very well, with the insoluable problem of storage. Being a gas, it is low density, so that means to get a certain number of pounds of methane (nat gas is mostly methane) you need MANY more cubic feet than liquid fuels, even when highly compressed. And that compression makes the tanks heavier, more costly....and prevents convenient shapes. Honda made a decent example for a few years, a Civic variant and used up about half of the trunk with the tank. So, the trunk are lost about half volume, not good, but not totally unworkable. But even with this serious reduction of an already small trunk.....the nat gas tank held the equivalent of 8 gallons of fuel. That eight gallons of fuel would fit in a 12"x12"x12" cube. Or better packaged, a 6" x12" x24" tank, which is probably 1/10th the volume used by the nat gas tank. And the tank probably cost a 10 times as much, too, due to design and thickness to withstand high pressure, where a fuel tank can be plastic, light, cheap and durable. Nat gas is more workable in larger vehicles where multiple long, relatively skinny high pressure tanks can be fitted underneath. I think that most or all UPS trucks have run on nat gas for years. And fleet use, for local delivery is ideal since they can refuel at the company refueling station and don't have to depend on the non-existent public infrastructure. Filling the tank is more dangerous and technical, needing to connect some sort of high pressure gas-tight connections, and such. Spills are more easily ignited than gasoline, so sparks are very dangerous. Not workable for an ordinary vehicle due to tank size and volume, plus cost and a total lack of infrastructure to support travel. Sorta workable.....way better than electric, but still, no cigar.
6 people like this.

Reply 18 - Posted by: DVC 12/31/2023 2:39:46 PM (No. 1627444)
China is the world leader in EVs....... her's the inside story from an Aussy who lives in China. He also has great videos about touring through their Ghost Cities. Amazing videos.
1 person likes this.

Reply 19 - Posted by: anniebc 12/31/2023 6:39:44 PM (No. 1627542)
They will never convince me, even if I'm forced to drive one some day. How much does it cost to charge one of these things anyway?
2 people like this.

Reply 20 - Posted by: SALady 12/31/2023 7:05:14 PM (No. 1627554)
Teslas are pretty -- for glorified golf carts!!!!! But give me a nice 8 cylinder pickup truck, and I'm good to go.
2 people like this.

Reply 21 - Posted by: Heil Liberals 12/31/2023 10:10:58 PM (No. 1627622)
The only people I have met that have them are happy with them. However, they rarely travel more than 100 miles to go anywhere. That makes sense. For those of us that do go places on a regular basis they are impractical and potentially dangerous. Running out of juice when every damn charger in the area is down leaves people very vulnerable.
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Joe Biden kicks off 'one more great year
in the books'
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 6:09:32 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden, or whoever tweets for him while he's on one of his many vacations, has sent out his new year's greetings to the public, patting himself on the back: (X) To read that, you'd think he lived on another planet. With inflation still hitting Americans in the pocketbooks, the border wide open, and crime and corruption hitting levels not seen since the 1990s, it's surreal to read that. He names a bric-a-brac of tiny "accomplishments" which affect very small interest groups as if they are grand Roosevelt-like changes, supposedly for the better as government grows bigger and more powerful and the returns fall, and then tries to claim
Innocent Civilians? 7 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 4:48:21 PM Post Reply
Ever since Israel began to retaliate against Gaza’s infamous attacks of October 7, the “international community” has been wringing its hands over the danger to innocent civilians in Gaza. But few have asked the question, how many innocent civilians are there in Gaza? Are there any? Mia Schem is an Israeli who was held captive in Gaza for 54 days, and released as part of last month’s prisoner exchange. This weekend she gave interviews to two Israeli television stations. She described how she was shot in the arm and taken prisoner at the Supernova music festival. She was taken to Gaza, where a veterinarian operated on her injured arm.
Christianity Today Wades Into Dangerous
Waters With Pronoun Discussion
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 1:09:39 PM Post Reply
Last year, I wrote about how Christianity Today, a publication that Billy Graham helped start and which was once an important source of news for evangelical Christians, has veered increasingly further to the left in recent years. Christianity Today was once committed to exploring issues that were or should have been of interest to Christians who held to biblical orthodoxy, but now it traffics in theological and political liberalism more and more. Christianity Today is guilty of what John Cooper of the band Skillet calls “leaning left and punching right,” taking stances that fit in with the political left so that no one would ever accuse it of being
Crimes of Fashion 2 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/31/2023 12:49:54 PM Post Reply
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Degenerate Animals [Updated] 14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/31/2023 8:11:13 AM Post Reply
Glenn Reynolds quotes some of the same accounts of rape and sexual mutilation of Israeli girls and women by Gazans that I wrote about here. What the Arab Muslims did on October 7 isn’t just unspeakable, it is almost unimaginable. Glenn comments: "It’s as if these people are a bunch of degenerate animals, which is because that’s what they are. Hamas and the — majority — of Palestinians who support them. And their western supporters — including the Western feminists who went crazy about a fictional frat-house rape that left its “victim” alive and unscarred — are utterly complicit as well. And we’re supposed to pretend somehow that these degenerate animals
Tesla won over fans of electric vehicles.
Now Elon Musk and company have a bigger
challenge: convincing everyday car buyers
21 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/31/2023 7:29:30 AM Post Reply
Tesla Inc. is expected to say on Tuesday it had another record delivery year in 2023, in large part due to die-hard Elon Musk fans and tech-savvy early adopters. Now the company is working to widen its appeal. The Austin-based EV maker is estimated to have handed over almost 483,200 vehicles in the fourth quarter, according to analysts surveyed by Bloomberg. That means Tesla probably exceeded its goal to deliver 1.8 million cars last year, an all-time high for the company but just a fraction of what Toyota Motor Corp. or General Motors Co. normally sell. For its next phase of growth, Tesla has to win over everyday buyers,
'The Good Men Project’ Denounces Whites
as Racist For Being Anti-Racist
20 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/30/2023 4:30:34 PM Post Reply
The Good Men Project — advancing “the conversations no one else is having” that, actually, everyone in corporate state media and academia is having, namely that white men are irredeemably evil and must be propagandized into submission — recently published a carcinogenic Social Justice™ diatribe (a sort of “Mein Kampf” for Persons of Color™) titled “6 Ways Well-Intentioned People Whitesplain Racism (And Why They Need to Stop).” Here we go with #1, via The Good Men Project: "For many people, it’s tempting to speak up when you encounter a fact you believe is wrong. Correcting someone seems pretty straight forward – so does it really relate to racism?
Canada to mandate that only zero-emission
vehicles be sold by 2035
24 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/30/2023 4:04:47 PM Post Reply
CBC, Canada's national public broadcaster, recently reported that the Canadian government will release final regulations mandating that all new passenger cars sold in Canada by 2035 must be zero-emission vehicles. (Snip) The regulations are meant to ensure that automakers produce enough affordable electric vehicles to meet the demand?! What a crock! That is beyond preposterous! The demand for electric vehicles is lagging far behind what “experts” predicted-- and what our elite leaders wish to see. In a free market, automakers would always produce enough vehicles to meet demand, to maximize revenue. The EVAS is a tool of a command economy, designed to force consumers and automakers alike to bend
Putin ally dies falling from house window,
latest in spate of mysterious Russian deaths
10 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/29/2023 9:53:17 PM Post Reply
A Russian lawmaker and ally of President Vladimir Putin was found dead under mysterious circumstances Wednesday after falling from the third floor of his home, Russian state media has reported. Vladimir Egorov, 46, who was a member of Putin's ruling United Russia party, plunged 30 feet to his death at his home in the town of Tobolsk, located in the western Siberian region of Tyumen Oblast. Media outlet Baza reported on its Telegram channel that Egorov’s body was discovered Wednesday afternoon in the courtyard of a house and that police are investigating what caused his death. Russian news agency TASS also reported that Egorov had fallen to his death,
11 Top Iranian Commanders Killed in Damascus
Airport Strike
18 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/29/2023 9:20:58 PM Post Reply
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) announced that Sayyed Reza Mousavi, an IRGC commander, was killed by an alleged Israeli airstrike last Monday in the vicinity of Damascus. Iran has vowed revenge for the death of Mousavi, who was reportedly responsible for fashioning a military alliance between Iran and Syria. Now there's a report in the Jerusalem Post that a strike on the Damascus airport took out 11 IRGC commanders. J-Post quotes Saudi Arabian media, but the reports are entirely plausible. "While there is no independent confirmation of Guard Corps names or ranks
Further Proof Things in San Francisco
Have Gotten 'Back to Normal' Since All
the Dignitaries Left
5 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/28/2023 8:15:23 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden has been taking a lot of vacation lately, even more so than usual. He was at Camp David over Christmas with members of his extended family, including his son Hunter. (X) That comes after Hunter Biden defied a subpoena from the House and essentially gave them the finger from the steps of the Capitol, and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre admitted Joe Biden knew about Hunter's statement ahead of time. As I wrote, this raised the question of possible obstruction by Joe Biden and raised another possible impeachable offense. Now, the House Oversight Committee is also looking into that. Hunter had been with Joe in Wilmington, Delaware,
Florida GOP senator Rick Scott’s Naples
home swatted
12 replies
Posted by Hazymac 12/28/2023 5:06:37 PM Post Reply
Florida Sen. Rick Scott’s home in Naples was swatted Wednesday night, according to Naples Police spokesperson Lt. Bryan McGinn. Scott posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, Thursday morning, stating: “Last night, while at dinner with my wife, cowards ‘swatted’ my home in Naples. These criminals wasted the time & resources of our law enforcement in a sick attempt to terrorize my family.” Swatting is a prank call made to authorities with the express purpose of luring them to a location – usually a home – where they are led to believe a horrific crime has been committed or is in progress. This results in a forceful response from local police or
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Hamas Denies Rapes, Claims Abducted Israeli
Women Were Treated Well
33 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/1/2024 10:30:58 AM Post Reply
The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas once again denied that its members committed rape and sexual violence during the October 7 attacks, despite ample evidence from eyewitnesses and forensic evidence recently documented by the New York Times. The Times of Israel reported Monday: Hamas refutes the New York Times report on the weaponization of rape and sexual violence during the Gaza terror group’s brutal onslaught against Israel on October 7. In a statement in Arabic and English, Hamas politburo member Basem Naim claims that the Western media and news agencies are “biased to what the Israeli propaganda says [in terms of] lies and slanders against the Palestinians and their resistance.”
J6 Hostage Ryan Samsel Reveals Exactly
TO FLIP ON TRUMP And Thanks J6 Hostage
Zachary Rehl For Saving His Life
27 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/1/2024 9:22:43 AM Post Reply
The US Bureau of Prisons acts as the coercion arm of the politically weaponized Department of Justice, torturing J6 political hostages to coerce them into flipping on Trump in exchange for their freedom. Viral photographs of Samsel allegedly locked in a “hard cell” in FDC Philadelphia are a glimpse of the cruel and unusual treatment he’s endured in a series of assaults by correctional officers in pretrial custody and attempts by dirty cops to manipulate him with enhanced interrogation to cooperate in a plea agreement. COERCED TO PLEA During multiple interrogations, FBI agents allegedly pressured Samsel into taking a deal that entailed affirming their bogus narrative
The Dark Truth About Kwanzaa 25 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/1/2024 9:05:11 AM Post Reply
Kamala Harris likes to play pretend. Fortunately for her, there's no better performance of make-believe than the cultural charade that is Kwanzaa. And since it's politically advantageous to do so, Kamala the Chameleon purports to be a lifelong celebrant of Kwanzaa. Advertisement For years, Kamala has told tall tales of cherished age-old Kwanzaa traditions in the Harris household. She has repeatedly claimed to nostalgically recall fond childhood memories of multi-generational Kwanzaa celebrations led by "the elders"® sharing stories of yore and lighting candles on the "kinara," a knock-off menorah. (The first "kinara" was forged from a desecrated Jewish menorah, in which two openings were broken off to create a seven-ring candleholder.)
Rocker Changes Lyrics To Take Shot At
Trump Supporters During New Year’s Eve
Performance On ABC
23 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/1/2024 6:30:28 PM Post Reply
Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong, a vehement Donald Trump critic, changed the lyrics to one of the band’s most popular songs to take a shot at the former president and his supporters during a New Year’s Eve performance. While performing the band’s 2004 hit song “American Idiot” Sunday night in Hollywood, Armstrong sang, “I’m not a part of the MAGA agenda” instead of the original lyrics, “I’m not a part of the redneck agenda.” The performance was broadcast on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve” on ABC, which was hosted by Ryan Seacrest, who also interviewed President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden on
Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s Resignation
From House Effective Today, Leaves Republicans
With Razor Thin Majority
20 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2024 6:17:16 AM Post Reply
The resignation from the House by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) took effect Sunday, leaving Republicans with a razor-thin majority of 220-213 over the Democrats following the expulsion of George Santos (R-NY) earlier in December. McCarthy gave a farewell speech on the House floor on December 14. (Photo) McCarthy’s letter of resignation to Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA): (X) Video of McCarthy’s farewell address to Congress: (Video) McCarthy, 58, served as Speaker of the House for nine months, having been voted out on October 3rd on passage of a motion to vacate filed by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) that passed 216-210
Watch: Raskin's Disturbing Defense of
Removing Trump From Ballot Includes Chilling
Words About SCOTUS
19 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2024 6:34:33 AM Post Reply
CNN had Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) in on Sunday to talk about the efforts by Democrats to boot former President Donald Trump from the ballot using the 14th Amendment. Raskin made some comments that a lot of people are talking about. The first part was what he said about the disqualification process. He had the temerity to claim that what they were trying to do against Trump was the most "democratic" form of disqualification. This takes some kind of gall to attempt this level of spin; (X Video) Wow, what horse hockey.
Report: Joe Biden Spent 37% of 2023 Enjoying
a Getaway Spot
17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/1/2024 11:25:34 AM Post Reply
President Joe Biden escaped the confines of the White House and the travails of high office for a host of other diversions in 2023, spending more than a third of the past year ensconced at a getaway spot, a report Monday details. According to the New York Post, peripatetic Biden could be found on his absences from Washington, DC, at either one of his Delaware residences, a posh vacation site or Camp David, according to a review of public records by the outlet. (Photos) The octogenarian was away at one of the relaxing locations or famous retreat 138 days in 2023 — or 37 percent of the time.
Sporting Goods Store Employees Fired for
Trying to Stop a Thief From Stealing a Pistol
16 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/1/2024 6:13:00 PM Post Reply
In the latest example of corporate stupidity, three sporting goods employees were fired for chasing a man who stole a pistol. Apparently, trying to stop someone from stealing a deadly weapon is against company policy. Advertisement This is yet another story in which a major company punishes employees for trying to protect it from entitled thugs who think they have the right to take what they want. Michelle Sutton, along with two other unidentified workers at the Academy Sports + Outdoors in Metairie, Louisiana, said that the shoplifting incident happened Dec. 16.
Migrants arrive by bus in NJ, take transit
into NYC to avoid Mayor's executive order
16 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 1/1/2024 9:58:14 AM Post Reply
MIDTOWN, Manhattan -- Buses from Texas and Louisiana began dropping off asylum seekers at several NJ Transit stations in New Jersey. It's apparently to avoid New York City Mayor Eric Adams' new restrictions on when they can arrive at Port Authority Bus Terminal. Approximately 10 buses from Texas and one from Louisiana, carrying about 397 migrants, arrived at stations in Secaucus, Fanwood, Edison and Trenton in the last two days, according to a social media post from Jersey City. Four of the buses dropped asylum seekers at the Secaucus Junction station. "It seems quite clear the bus operators are finding
Five earthquakes within 9 hours throughout
California coastline
15 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 1/1/2024 5:01:32 PM Post Reply
CALIFORNIA — Five earthquakes were recorded within a 9-hour timeframe Monday morning throughout California’s coastline. According to the USGS website, the earthquakes were all between 2.5 and 4.1 magnitude and started around 12:17 a.m. in Boonville. (Snip) These come just hours after Japan was hit with over a dozen earthquakes that triggered tsunami warnings, with the largest recorded with a 7.6 magnitude that started fires and brought down several buildings. All of the quakes were along "The Ring of Fire".The Ring of Fire, also referred to as the Circum-Pacific Belt, is a path along the Pacific Ocean characterized by active
Christianity Today Wades Into Dangerous
Waters With Pronoun Discussion
14 replies
Posted by Hazymac 1/1/2024 1:09:39 PM Post Reply
Last year, I wrote about how Christianity Today, a publication that Billy Graham helped start and which was once an important source of news for evangelical Christians, has veered increasingly further to the left in recent years. Christianity Today was once committed to exploring issues that were or should have been of interest to Christians who held to biblical orthodoxy, but now it traffics in theological and political liberalism more and more. Christianity Today is guilty of what John Cooper of the band Skillet calls “leaning left and punching right,” taking stances that fit in with the political left so that no one would ever accuse it of being
The Great Taking: You Really No Longer
Own Your Securities, and You Could Also
Lose Your Freedom
13 replies
Posted by Magnante 1/1/2024 7:52:42 AM Post Reply
Under a veil of benevolence, the Great Reset engineered by the World Economic Forum (WEF), aims to shift wealth from individuals and small businesses to global organizations controlled by the elite. As part of this agenda, a revamping of the financial system has been underway for – believe it or not – over half a century, says David Rogers Webb in his recent book The Great Taking and its accompanying documentary. Webb’s research and insights demonstrate that the WEF’s dubious catchphrase You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy already has risky implications for investments in securities, mutual funds, pension funds, and the like.
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