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Ironic Twist: New York Times Columnist
Suggests Trump is Now Seen as the ‘Return
to Normalcy’ Candidate

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Posted By: Imright, 12/28/2023 8:54:19 AM

New York Times columnist and pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson is saying that Donald Trump is now seen as the ‘return to normalcy’ candidate. This is a shocking turn of events for anyone who has been following political news for the last several years. When Trump won in 2016, liberals all over the country started saying “this is not normal.” It became a common talking point. Then in 2020, Democrats claimed that Biden would be the ‘return to normalcy’ candidate. Everyone can see how that worked out. Breitbart News reports: NYT Pollster: Donald Trump Seen as the Return to Normalcy Candidate

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Reply 1 - Posted by: Quigley 12/28/2023 9:00:51 AM (No. 1625526)
It's the Trump Principle: stick to the Truth and reality will dawn on the public. Except for The Gullibles, the 30% who live in delusion.
39 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: GreatGreyhounds 12/28/2023 9:05:17 AM (No. 1625529)
Kammie did manage to hide her gas range this time though...
24 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: 68BattleofBealeVet 12/28/2023 9:07:23 AM (No. 1625530)
More like return to sanity candidate!
38 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: LC Chihuahua 12/28/2023 10:09:35 AM (No. 1625571)
Not sure what normal is anymore. Not sure when we have had a normal president. Trump is popular because he is the only one offering a real alternative to what is going on in Washington. Should Trump become President again, watch the rest of Washington become completely unhinged, both Democrat and Republican, and that isn't normal.
24 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Strike3 12/28/2023 10:29:33 AM (No. 1625596)
Anybody who ever saw Joe Biden and Barack Obama as normal is seriously delusional. Unfortunately there was a bunch of them until things started crashing and burning.
37 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: dbdiva 12/28/2023 11:36:34 AM (No. 1625660)
I want to return to a time when we no longer have a demented, corrupt, incontinent, nonverbal, potted plant as the alleged leader of the free world. We have been forced to live under abnormal circumstances (and a lie) for 3 years now and I'm beyond tired of it. Normalcy sounds great to me. Bring it on.
35 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: snowoutlaw 12/28/2023 11:55:25 AM (No. 1625681)
Not so shocking to normal people since that is what MAGA means.
29 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: judy 12/28/2023 2:59:08 PM (No. 1625751)
Sooooo the people tried socialism & didn't like the results??? Endless regulations, high inflation, endless wars, out of control spending, open borders, non stop vacations...
20 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: skacmar 12/29/2023 8:14:30 AM (No. 1626100)
Democrats claim that Trump was a chaos president. But was the cause of that chaos? Democrats! Their plotting, constant false accusations, fighting him on absolutely everything (even things they once agreed with), impeachments over nothing, lying, and doing everything and anything to oppose him caused chaos. Through all of this Trump held steady and still forged ahead with successful economic, foreign, and social policies. If it weren't for Covid, who knows what else he could have done to make the US successful.
19 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: Zigrid 12/29/2023 11:05:25 AM (No. 1626220)
5 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: lana720 12/29/2023 12:45:41 PM (No. 1626304)
When Vegetables get rotten, we throw them out. Do the same and start with the WH and the heads of every department and agency. There’s only one answer to who has the will to do it and solve our problems, reinstate our Republic and LEAD!!!
6 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Omen55 12/29/2023 6:09:13 PM (No. 1626439)
Trump is US.
5 people like this.

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Posted by Imright 1/13/2024 1:47:23 AM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 10:30:05 PM Post Reply
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Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 10:24:47 PM Post Reply
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Case, Nathan Wade, Allegedly Billed Fani
Willis’s Office $6k for 24 Hours of
Work in 1 Day
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Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 9:50:32 PM Post Reply
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Strange Joe Biden Moment in Pennsylvania
Coffee Shop Goes Viral
8 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 9:46:09 PM Post Reply
Democrat President Joe Biden, who is 81 years old, had yet another strange moment on the campaign trail in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, on Friday, one that went viral with multiple different interpretations of what he said taking over the internet. The Republican National Committee (RNC) originally posted a video of Biden sounding like he said to a coffee shop clerk: “My name is Joe Biden, and I work for the government in the Senate.” But the Associated Press’s report on the moment says that Biden said: “My name is Joe Biden, and I work for the governor and the senator.”
Illinois Gov. Pritzker begs Texas Gov.
Abbott to STOP sending migrants who've
crossed the border while life-threatening
winter storm tears through his state
11 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 9:43:14 PM Post Reply
The Governor of Illinois has begged Texas Governor Greg Abbott to stop bussing migrants to his state ahead of a life-threatening winter storm. Governor JB Pritzker warned carrying out the policy amid plunging temperatures is jeopardizing the safety of migrant children and families. And with the mercury set to plummet even further at the weekend, he has begged Abbott 'for mercy' on behalf of the thousands of migrants arriving in Texas who are due to be sent off to Illinois' sanctuary cities. Storm Gerri has already brought extreme weather to the Midwest. On Saturday temperatures in Chicago are expected to drop to just -2F.
Young Girl in Coffee Shop RECOILS After
Biden Creeps on Her – Whispers in Her
Ear (Video)
15 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 8:08:37 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania to shuffle around for a couple hours. After emerging from three days outside of public view, Joe Biden will not be delivering a speech during his visit to Allentown. He will only be visiting a few local businesses. Biden visited Nowhere Coffee Company and spoke with workers at South Mountain Cycle on Main Street in Emmaus, according to WFMZ. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Bob Casey and Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk also joined Joe Biden. Reporters shouted questions about the US bombing Houthis in Yemen as Joe Biden visited the coffee shop.
Fleeing to Florida! The top 10 cities
workers are flocking to in droves - and
the big towns they're rushing to leave
2 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:53:47 PM Post Reply
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Record-Cold and Snowy Weather Cancels
Candidate Events Ahead of Iowa Caucuses
3 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:32:34 PM Post Reply
Record-breaking low temperatures and winter storms may complicate Iowa’s caucuses as events are canceled and voters question what to do. While the Associated Press reported that snow was continuing to pile on top of the eight inches that had already fallen outside, some people still made the risky trek out to see Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley in Waukee. “There were moments on the drive up here, I was like, ‘What are we doing?’” Kadee Miller told the outlet of her seven-mile drive from Adel for the Tuesday event. “The reason we drove up here is to really see who she is.”
Man discovers a 253-year-old pre-Revolutionary
War fort hidden inside the walls of his
West Virginia home and a trove of historical
treasures including a sword, blacksmith
keys, silver coins, a Civil War-era mourning
dress and hundreds of family photos
4 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:29:00 PM Post Reply
A small town lawyer from West Virginia was in for an extraordinary surprise when he discovered a 253-year-old pre-Revolutionary War fort hidden inside the walls of his Monroe County plantation home. John Bryan, 43, a self-described history buff and amateur archeologist, purchased the property in 2019 with a hunch that the large white clapboard farmhouse was built around an old log fort known as Byrnside's Fort. 'We had to buy the property first before being able to take a crowbar to it to see if the logs were inside the walls.'
FBI Defies Court Order – Refuses to
Turn Over Seth Rich Evidence to Attorney
11 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 4:30:13 PM Post Reply
Attorney Ty Clevenger is the bulldog attorney who has been after the DOJ and FBI for years to get to the bottom of the Seth Rich murder. Clevenger also investigated who supplied the DNC and Podesta emails to the DNC during the 2016 election cycle This was always the key to the Trump-Russia collusion nightmare. No proof was ever offered up by the fake news legacy media, Democrats, or the intelligence community on this scandal. If Russia did not supply the DNC emails to WikiLeaks then this was more proof that the DOJ’s Russia collusion story was a complete lie used to fool the American public. After years of denying
Most Active Articles (last 48 hours)
Seven Men Gang Rape Two Toddlers in Shopping
Mall Restroom and Post Video Online
35 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:44:38 AM Post Reply
FBI agents have arrested a Texas man on charges that he and six other men gang-raped two toddlers in the restroom at Houston's Galleria shopping mall and posted a video of the assault online. Hector Fernandez, 29, who worked at a kiosk in the Galleria, has been arrested on federal charges of sexual exploitation of children. He faces up to life in prison, and a federal magistrate has ordered him held without bond.The case originated with the discovery by the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation of four videos in “a private, by invitation only, forum on the dark web.” (Video)
Senate GOP Border Deal Leaked: Migrants
to Get Work Permits, Lawyers, Green Cards
32 replies
Posted by Skinnydip 1/12/2024 9:24:06 AM Post Reply
The Senate GOP leadership’s draft border deal with the White House would reward illegal migration and encourage more foreign graduates to take jobs from American graduates, says the Immigration Accountability Project. “There’s nothing in there that [restricts immigration], in fact, it’s just going to encourage more people to come,” said Chris Chmielenski, president of the Immigration Accountability Project, adding: It essentially authorizes the Biden administration to continue to catch and release people into the country. It authorizes them to give them work permits [to illegal migrants and] authorizes them to grant parole [legal status] to everybody that they’re able to funnel to a port of entry.
Chicago Public Schools Have Lost $23 Million
Worth of ‘Free’ Laptops and Other
Electronic Devices Provided to Students
in One Year (Video)
23 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 7:47:08 AM Post Reply
Public schools in Chicago have lost $23 million worth of laptops, iPads, and other electronic devices provided for ‘free’ to students. As many as 77,000 of these devices have just vanished into thin air. Where did they go and who stole them? Taxpayers are constantly lectured about public schools needing more funding and better equipment. Perhaps this is why so many people roll their eyes when they hear that argument. FOX News reports: Chicago Public Schools lost $23M worth of laptops, iPads and other devices in 1 year, report says
The US failed to track more than $1 billion
in military gear given Ukraine, Pentagon
watchdog says
21 replies
Posted by 4250Luis 1/12/2024 5:21:48 AM Post Reply
Shortfalls in required monitoring by American officials mean the U.S. cannot track more than $1 billion in weapons and military equipment provided to Ukraine to fight invading Russian forces, according to a Pentagon audit released Thursday. The findings mean that 59% of $1.7 billion in defense gear that the U.S. has provided Ukraine and was directed to guard against misuse or theft remained “delinquent,” the report by the Defense Department’s office of the inspector-general, the watchdog body for the Pentagon, said.
'Nobody cares what Rand Paul thinks':
Sununu on 'Never Nikki' move
19 replies
Posted by NHChemist 1/12/2024 10:04:08 PM Post Reply
New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu on Friday excoriated Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, who the same day launched a "Never Nikki" initiative against his preferred Republican candidate for president, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley. Paul on Friday launched the anti-Haley campaign, saying "Based on her record and campaign, I don’t see how any thoughtful or informed libertarian or conservative should vote for @NikkiHaley. If you agree, let your voice be heard." "I am #NeverNikki and I hope you will be too," he added.
Justice Department goes to the Supreme
Court over Texas border closure
19 replies
Posted by OhioNick 1/12/2024 6:22:46 PM Post Reply
The Department of Justice wants the Supreme Court to stop Texas from blocking federal Border Patrol agents from a portion of the U.S.-Mexico border near Eagle Pass, southwest of San Antonio. Texas state troopers on Thursday fenced off a public park in Eagle Pass, prompting objections from city officials — and the new filing from the Justice Department. The Justice Department said armed Texas National Guard members have blockaded access roads to the area, which "effectively prevents" Border Patrol agents from getting to or monitoring a roughly 2.5-mile stretch of the border.
Bah Humbug: Mayor Pete Wants to Get Rid
of Bad Dad Jokes on Electronic Highway
Message Signs
19 replies
Posted by NorthernDog 1/12/2024 12:59:29 PM Post Reply
Those big electronic message boards along highways that convey a message with humor to drivers are under attack by Uncle Sam. The federal government wants the messages to be less humor, more standard use. It seems to me that the country could use more humor, even more corny dad jokes. Especially on long, boring highways, a little humor in the deliverance of important information to drivers goes a long way. (Snip) Blame Mayor Pete. The Federal Highway Administration, an agency that is in the U.S. Department of Transportation, issued new guidance in December about traffic safety messages. Signs should no
Ohio SWAT Team Raids Wrong House, Seriously
Injures Baby With Flashbang Grenade, Denies Responsibility
17 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 1/12/2024 9:46:23 PM Post Reply
Courtney Price was at home on Wednesday taking care of her one-year-old son, Waylon, when they experienced a terrifying and traumatic altercation with local law enforcement. What should have been an ordinary day took a turn for the worse when SWAT officers broke into the home, searching for a suspect. In the aftermath of the raid, it was revealed that law enforcement had targeted the wrong home, and tragically, their actions resulted in the baby sustaining injuries. The events that unfolded left the family shaken and seeking justice for Waylon’s suffering. Price told RedState that she had been staying with her aunt Redia and her husband
Democrats fume after Biden orders Yemen
airstrikes without congressional approval:
‘Unacceptable violation of the Constitution’
17 replies
Posted by mc squared 1/12/2024 2:46:35 PM Post Reply
Several Democrats on Capitol Hill scolded President Biden on Thursday for launching airstrikes against Houthi targets in Yemen without congressional approval, arguing that the action was unconstitutional. “The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east [sic] conflict,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) tweeted. “That is Article I of the Constitution./snip/ “Section 2C of the War Powers Act is clear: POTUS may only introduce the US into hostilities after Congressional authorization or in a national emergency when the U.S. is under imminent attack,” Khanna went on.
Houthi rebels say US will pay a ‘heavy
price’ for strikes that killed 5, injured 6
17 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 8:26:07 AM Post Reply
Fears of an all-out regional war in the Middle East are growing as Houthi rebels say the US and UK will pay a “heavy price” for striking more than a dozen targets in Yemen. In a recorded address, Houthi military spokesman Brig. Gen. Yahya Saree said 73 strikes hit five regions of Yemen under their control on Thursday — killing at least five people and wounding six others. “The American and British enemy bears full responsibility for its criminal aggression against our Yemeni people, and it will not go unanswered and unpunished,” he said. Senior Houthi official Hussein al-Ezzi also said in a Google-translated post on X: “America and Britain will
Majority of ‘Most Inclusive TV Shows’
Already Canceled
16 replies
Posted by Dreadnought 1/12/2024 12:47:37 AM Post Reply
The USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative’s latest list of television’s most inclusive shows reveals that a majority of those shows are no longer on the air or have not been renewed. Gee, I can’t imagine why. “The list compiles data regarding on-screen and behind-the-camera personnel to rank the 100 most inclusive broadcast and cable series from the 2021-22 broadcast season and streaming series from 2021 to 2023,” reports the Messenger. “The list also includes the top 20 producers of the most inclusive shows on TV.” “The research team looked at over 560 series airing on broadcast, cable, and streaming platforms across 15 inclusion indicators.” And guess what those “15 inclusion indicators” are.
Young Girl in Coffee Shop RECOILS After
Biden Creeps on Her – Whispers in Her
Ear (Video)
15 replies
Posted by Imright 1/12/2024 8:08:37 PM Post Reply
Joe Biden on Friday traveled to Allentown, Pennsylvania to shuffle around for a couple hours. After emerging from three days outside of public view, Joe Biden will not be delivering a speech during his visit to Allentown. He will only be visiting a few local businesses. Biden visited Nowhere Coffee Company and spoke with workers at South Mountain Cycle on Main Street in Emmaus, according to WFMZ. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Senator Bob Casey and Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk also joined Joe Biden. Reporters shouted questions about the US bombing Houthis in Yemen as Joe Biden visited the coffee shop.
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