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Contemporary touches planned for rebuild
of Notre Dame Cathedral draw the ire of
critics: ‘Abstract crap’

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Posted By: ladydawgfan, 12/16/2023 5:57:35 PM

Notre Dame Cathedral is now the target of a literal attempt to “build back better” after French leaders called to add a “mark of the 21st century” with a contest to redesign prominent features. On Dec. 8, French President Emmanuel Macron visited the restoration effort of the famed cathedral, marking the one-year countdown from the expected completion following the April 2019 fire. It was then that the progressive leader announced plans to include a contemporary twist on the landmark by way of a design contest. “I fully support [the idea],” Macron told reporters regarding the request from Archbishop of Paris Monsignor Laurent Ulrich


Leftists spoil EVERYTHING!!!

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Reply 1 - Posted by: caljeepgirl 12/16/2023 6:02:14 PM (No. 1618802)
19 people like this.

Reply 2 - Posted by: itsonlyme 12/16/2023 6:23:42 PM (No. 1618812)
The Socialist Pope wants the "plate" to be full every Sunday.
7 people like this.

Reply 3 - Posted by: udanja99 12/16/2023 6:43:01 PM (No. 1618823)
Europe has become so secular that Notre Dame is not much more than a museum and a tourist attraction. Macron just wants to make this museum more hip. As a Catholic, I am beyond disgusted.
25 people like this.

Reply 4 - Posted by: chance_232 12/16/2023 6:43:43 PM (No. 1618824)
In my opinion........ The original should be restored as much as is possible. Modifications can be made to accommodate modern technology and to meet current life safety standards. These modifications should be made as unobtrusively as possible. Notre Dame is nearly 900 years old. If it was just another historic building, I would say accomplish the above and stop. But its not. Its a cathedral that is in use. As such, additions over time are to be expected. Additions in keeping with the purpose, function, design and style of the edifice. I'm not adverse to modern art being installed, just not at the expense of the existing. The question everyone involved with the project should be asking is, "would God approve?"
13 people like this.

Reply 5 - Posted by: Kate318 12/16/2023 6:45:17 PM (No. 1618825)
Let me guess: a rounded dome with a crescent moon and star above it?
27 people like this.

Reply 6 - Posted by: FL_Absentee_Voter 12/16/2023 6:57:32 PM (No. 1618834)
There was a design contest for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. What won was a black peace sign.
7 people like this.

Reply 7 - Posted by: DVC 12/16/2023 7:44:11 PM (No. 1618851)
Damn their evil, atheist hearts.
13 people like this.

Reply 8 - Posted by: smokincol 12/16/2023 7:53:53 PM (No. 1618855)
not a very good idea and whoever thought it up ought to be made to bathe in the Seine River forever
9 people like this.

Reply 9 - Posted by: Venturer 12/16/2023 8:43:29 PM (No. 1618869)
The only modern change to Notre Dame should be the addition of a sprinkler system.
20 people like this.

Reply 10 - Posted by: hershey 12/16/2023 9:07:22 PM (No. 1618881)
"Restoration" doesn't mean add more new liberal crap to the building...built it back to the state it was in before it was destroyed...
17 people like this.

Reply 11 - Posted by: downnout 12/16/2023 10:41:51 PM (No. 1618921)
No! Please NO!
10 people like this.

Reply 12 - Posted by: Boomerdeplorable 12/16/2023 11:46:42 PM (No. 1618939)
Didn't we believe this was going to happen after the fire. The leftist can't help but re-write history and change traditions. And they're always correct in their opinions. No other opinions matter.
11 people like this.

Reply 13 - Posted by: plomke 12/16/2023 11:59:42 PM (No. 1618942)
Why all the fuss??? It'll be a mosque in a year or two anyway...
9 people like this.

Reply 14 - Posted by: Lawsy0 12/17/2023 1:28:56 AM (No. 1618969)
‘Abstract crap’ is a printable way of saying what this really is!
7 people like this.

Reply 15 - Posted by: Richard from Norwood 12/17/2023 9:57:37 AM (No. 1619115)
Sure?!! Why not devalue the HISTORICAL building some more???
2 people like this.

Reply 16 - Posted by: TXknitter 12/17/2023 7:47:22 PM (No. 1619414)
I will never believe that fire was an “accident.” We should have known there would not really be a true restoration. They said whatever they needed to raise money to do whatever politically correct dumb “redesign” the left wants!
0 people like this.

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Contemporary touches planned for rebuild
of Notre Dame Cathedral draw the ire of
critics: ‘Abstract crap’
16 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 5:57:35 PM Post Reply
Notre Dame Cathedral is now the target of a literal attempt to “build back better” after French leaders called to add a “mark of the 21st century” with a contest to redesign prominent features. On Dec. 8, French President Emmanuel Macron visited the restoration effort of the famed cathedral, marking the one-year countdown from the expected completion following the April 2019 fire. It was then that the progressive leader announced plans to include a contemporary twist on the landmark by way of a design contest. “I fully support [the idea],” Macron told reporters regarding the request from Archbishop of Paris Monsignor Laurent Ulrich
WATCH: Cleveland Monsters Fans Throw 16K
Stuffed Toys onto Ice for Needy Children
2 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 5:34:31 PM Post Reply
The Cleveland Monsters hockey team got tons of help at Friday night’s game with its efforts to bless local children for Christmas. The annual Teddy Bear Toss night at Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse, in which fans love to participate, was a huge success, according to the News-Herald, which said the donated toys will go to needy children in Cleveland. An image shows some of the stuffed toys scattered on the ice: [video] The first period of the game between the Monsters and Belleville Senators did not result in a score; however, fans could not wait to toss the stuffed animals they brought onto the ice once the Monsters made a goal,
Wallingford-Swarthmore School District
‘Bans’ Christmas Decorations on Buses
and Restricts Employees’ from Wearing
Christmas Attire
15 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 5:07:43 PM Post Reply
In a recent memo addressed to all drivers and aides, Wallingford-Swarthmore School District in Pennsylvania outlined new guidelines regarding holiday decorations and attire. The Gateway Pundit obtained the memo, issued on December 15, 2023, by Patti Diaferio, Transportation Supervisor at Wallingford-Swarthmore School District, cites concerns raised by parents about district employees displaying Christmas-themed decorations and clothing. According to the memo, the directive follows complaints received by Dr. Marseille, a senior figure in the district. Employees who have decorated their buses with Christmas or other religious-specific items are instructed to remove them immediately. This policy extends to personal attire, prohibiting employees from wearing clothing related to Christmas or any other religious holiday.
Here Comes the 'Binder' Freakout: The
Latest Media Nonsense to Try to Take Down Trump
4 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 4:21:55 PM Post Reply
Former President Donald Trump is increasing his lead over Joe Biden in the polls. Democrats and other assorted anti-Trump folks are losing their minds that he might win again. The lawfare leveled against him hasn't stopped people from supporting him. So the anti-Trump crew is making all kinds of hilarious predictions about Trump and what he might do in order to try to ward people off from voting for him — everything from he's going to shoot people in the street to somehow he's going to shut down the internet and misuse the "doomsday book." It's so stupid, but it shows how desperate they are.
‘Tis the Season for Bambi Fajitas 3 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 3:09:43 PM Post Reply
Winter’s here along with the usual reports of an epidemic of deer-car collisions in the northeast. Few such reports issue from Louisiana, or Dixie in general. An incident a few years back helps explains why so few deer "problems" bedevil us in Dixie. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife put a plastic deer with luminous eyes beside a well-traveled bayou highway, planning to stake the place out that night and maybe nab some night-hunting poachers. When they came back a little later for the actual stakeout, that deer was already ... remember Bonnie and Clyde at the end of the movie?
Bill Maher Brutally Eviscerates Palestinian
Grievances in Less Than 10 Minutes
13 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 3:01:11 PM Post Reply
I’m waiting for Bill Maher to roll out an inaccurate commentary that rips conservatives, but he hasn’t done that lately. The liberal HBO host has been chiefly directing his firepower toward those on his side of the aisle for their historically illiterate and illiberal tendencies. The HBO host has been riding an asphalt roller over the far left for their pro-Hamas advocacy that’s now infested the highest echelons of American academia. He rightfully torched the college presidents who couldn’t condemn or say that chants for Jewish genocide constitute harassment. The comedian also noted that these institutions are factories for breeding a “bunch of f**king idiots,”
Hamas Calls for Violence Against Americans,
and So Does This Michigan Imam
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/16/2023 1:47:46 PM Post Reply
Could the war in Israel spread to the United States? Sure. Some people want it to. Hamas has never made a secret of the fact that its goal of destroying Israel is just part of a larger jihad to conquer the entire world for Islam. And so it was inevitable, both in light of that aspiration and the Biden regime’s shaky but still subsisting support for Israel’s defensive effort, that Hamas jihadis would call for violence against Americans. What is more surprising, at least for those who have bought into the comforting establishment fictions that have been circulating since 9/11, is that one such call came from right here at home.
Study says human breathing contributing
to global warming
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:37:00 PM Post Reply
A new government-funded study out of Britain, conducted by scientists at the U.K. Center for Ecology and Hydrology, purports to show that “human breathing is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.” Therefore, the study authors are urging "caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible." The peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in the Public Library of Science's journal PLOS One investigated greenhouse gas emissions of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath, which allegedly "contribute to global warming." Well, there it is! I knew it was coming! Are you serious about stopping global warming? Well, then, just stop breathing! What a boon to depopulationists!
After all the screeching that 'women will
die' without abortion, where are the dead women?
7 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:32:38 PM Post Reply
A lady in Texas, who was twenty weeks pregnant, has had trouble getting an abortion, telling the press she needed it because her health was in extreme jeopardy. The media has given this story a lot of coverage. She has gone through the courts in Texas and now she will go out of state to get an abortion. Shouldn't we wonder why she spent so much time and money challenging the case in Texas instead of just going out of state in the first place if her life was in grave danger? The United Nations says that millions of women's lives are in jeopardy because of abortion bans in the United States.
Fmr. Capitol Police Lt. drops a bomb on
the J6 ‘insurrection narrative’: Ramaswamy
‘got a lot right’
10 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:16:04 PM Post Reply
A former U.S. Capitol Police lieutenant has said that Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy “got a lot right” about the events of January 6, 2021, during his controversial CNN town hall appearance with moderator Abby Phillip. Liberal heads melted down after Ramaswamy told CNN’s audience that he believed Jan. 6th was “an inside job.” [Video] “If you had told me that January 6th was in any way an inside job, the subject of government entrapment, I would’ve told you that was crazy talk. Fringe conspiracy theory. Nonsense,” he told Phillip. “I can tell you now, having gone somewhat deep in this, it’s not.”
Expert warns of rising radicalization
after Mich. Islamic scholar blasts US
as ‘vicious enemy’, praises ‘jihad’
9 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 4:05:00 PM Post Reply
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) is warning Americans of an increase in “radicalizing, extreme content” from people such as Michigan Islamic scholar Ahmad Musa Jibril, who posted on X videos in which he praises “jihad” and calls the United States “the vicious enemy of Muslims.” “You have pretty radicalizing, extreme content happening,” Alberto Fernandez, vice president of MEMRI told Fox News Digital. “This is stuff they uploaded on social media. It’s there for everybody to see.” “If you’re burning inside in anger and hate for what the Zionists are doing – and you should be if you’re Muslim –
Holy crap! California gears up to vote
on converting toilet water to tap water
19 replies
Posted by ladydawgfan 12/15/2023 3:50:04 PM Post Reply
In an extreme move to address the climate “crisis” and the state’s infamous water droughts, California may be looking to utilize “toilet to tap” conversions. In a tentative vote reportedly planned for next week, the California State Water Resources Control Board may vote on a measure that would allow sewage water to be converted into purportedly safe drinking water. Under the proposed plan, wastewater that is currently treated and released into oceans and rivers, and used for field irrigation, may be “treated at a higher level” and then sent “back into the main water supply over the course of hours to days,” the Washington Examiner reported.
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Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel
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Posted by Dreadnought 12/17/2023 12:06:22 AM Post Reply
A majority of young Americans said they believe Israel should “be ended and given to Hamas,” according to a shocking poll. The survey, conducted THIS WEEK by Harvard-Harris polling, found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.” Only 32% said they believed in a two-state solution, and just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations. The figure was in stark contrast to other age groups, which all dramatically preferred a two-state solution. Just 4% of Americans 65 and over
New California law will raise minimum
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Posted by NorthernDog 12/17/2023 10:06:27 AM Post Reply
Some new California laws will change things up in the workplace in the new year. AB 1228 is increasing the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 an hour. The law only applies to restaurants with more than 60 locations. NBC 7 spoke to a labor attorney who said it seems there may be a shift in how companies value an often-overlooked workforce. Christopher Olmstead is a labor and employment attorney, also managing shareholders, with Ogletree Deakins in San Diego. He said many industries have already adapted for several reasons. "Availability of workers to fill roles, that’s really putting
GOP Neocon Senator Lindsey Graham Suggests
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29 replies
Posted by DW626 12/17/2023 2:54:50 PM Post Reply
In a recent episode of “Meet the Press,” GOP Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) appeared to suggest a lack of compelling evidence in the ongoing impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. When questioned by host Kristen Welker about his stance on the allegations against Biden, Graham indicated that he has not been closely following the proceedings. His comments implied that for the inquiry to hold weight, it must demonstrate that Joe Biden benefited financially from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Graham’s statement, “If there were a smoking gun, I think we’d be talking about it,”
“‘I Told You” — Former Rep. Madison
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Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:45:25 AM Post Reply
Former Representative Madison Cawthorn has made headlines again, this time in reaction to a scandal involving a Capitol staffer. A young male staffer for Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin was terminated following allegations of engaging in graphic sexual acts within the Hart Senate Office Building. The staffer, Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a recent college graduate, denied the allegations, claiming they are politically motivated and fabricated. Former congressman Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) has weighed in, providing his take on the unraveling events.
Breaking News: Horrified Joe Biden looks
on as car smashes into his motorcade:
President is bundled away by Secret Service
as agents draw guns on driver outside
Delaware campaign HQ
25 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 9:12:08 PM Post Reply
Tight security that surrounds President Biden was breached in spectacular fashion on Sunday night after a car collided with part of the presidential parked motorcade in Wilmington, Delaware. Secret Service agents drew their weapons on a black driver as the vehicle appeared to ram into an SUV that had closed down a street while Biden attended a nearby campaign event. The president and the First Lady had just emerged from the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters in downtown Wilmington just after 8pm.
Exclusive: Trump campaign says Ron DeSantis
has a future as a 'pizza delivery driver'
since he won't be able to work in politics
'ever again'
22 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 10:36:41 AM Post Reply
Donald Trump's campaign thinks Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has ruined his chances of a future in politics by 'tainting his name' during the 2024 presidential campaign. 'He did this to himself,' Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung told, referencing DeSantis' poll demise and his decision to turn on the ex-president on the campaign trail. DeSantis is trailing Trump for second place in the primary race by several dozen points – with the ex-president leading the rest of the field with usually around half of the support from voters.
Exclusive: US Army faces 'TikTok mutiny'
as Gen Z recruits whine about low pay,
'sh***y' food and FITNESS TESTS while
on bases in uniform
17 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 5:13:04 PM Post Reply
The US Army is facing a TikTok mutiny as Gen Z recruits are taking to social media to whine about low pay, 'sh***y' food and fitness tests. The brazen posts - by uniformed troops on US bases - represent an audacious challenge to top brass amid a recruitment crisis. The Army fell short of its target by 25 percent last year. One of the posts by military influencer Anthony Laster slams Army life for having 'No Privacy, The Pay S***s, Sh***y Food, Disrespectful Leadership, NO SLEEP!' and has been viewed more than 600,000 times.
Top DeSantis Super PAC Strategist Departs
as Campaign Creeps Closer to Collapse
16 replies
Posted by Imright 12/17/2023 6:12:34 PM Post Reply
Jeff Roe, longtime Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) consultant and chief architect of his flailing political operation, resigned Saturday from the super PAC charged with realizing the governor’s increasingly quixotic presidential aspirations. Roe announced his departure hours after a damning Washington Post report on the collapse of Never Back Down (NBD), the super PAC Roe conceptualized to send DeSantis to the White House and usher in a new era of super PAC-driven presidential campaigns.
California ski resort's plan to erect
Virgin Mary statue ignites fury among
locals: 'Keep religion out'
16 replies
Posted by OhioNick 12/17/2023 4:55:14 PM Post Reply
A rural California ski resort's plans to install a 20-foot statue of the Virgin Mary has left some irate and pushing back against the Christian symbol they say disrespects the area's rich Native American history. "Virgin Mary at a ski resort makes no sense, keep religion out of skiing," one critic wrote, echoing the complaints of multiple others. "As a lifelong skier of this park and mountain that holds a dear place in so many peoples' hearts, I am severely disappointed by the choice to erect a giant statue of the Virgin Mary…" another said. "Shame on you Mt. Shasta Ski Park for desecrating this beautiful, powerful & spiritual place…"
Will the Deep State actually assassinate
Donald Trump?
15 replies
Posted by Harlowe 12/17/2023 11:07:17 PM Post Reply
The 2024 presidential race is not quite fully underway.[Snip]The inevitability of another Trump nomination--and possible electoral victory next November--is something Beltway elites are coming to grips with. Robert Kagan, the neo-con husband of liberal zionist Victoria Nuland, said as much in a recent column for CIA mouthpiece The Washington Post.[Snip]It seems that what he is trying to say with the words “still hoping for some intervention” is to urge the Deep State to assassinate Donald Trump.[Snip]Are we being programmed to accept a Trump assassination?
Paul Krugman explains economics for us
hysterical conservatives
15 replies
Posted by DW626 12/17/2023 3:43:16 PM Post Reply
In addition to being an insufferable leftist, Paul Krugman is a world-renowned economist. He even has a Nobel Prize to prove it. I’m just a retired engineer who refuses to keep my opinions to myself. I shouldn’t be able to ridicule him on economic matters, but he just makes it so danged easy. It’s seems clear that our Nobel laureate is either economically illiterate or just plain dishonest. I doubt he’s economically illiterate, but I’ll let you decide. Krugman recently ran an article entitled “The Progressive Case for Bidenomics.” Apparently, he didn’t get the memo.
Can Trump Really Win in 2024? 14 replies
Posted by Garnet 12/18/2023 12:41:57 AM Post Reply
It has long been obvious that the Democrats badly want Donald Trump to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. This may seem counterintuitive in light of a recent spate of polls showing the former president leading Joe Biden, but this is primarily an artifact of the latter’s weakness. The most reliable polls show Trump bumping up against a ceiling of about 47 percent of the popular vote, which is consistent with his performance in the last two elections. Moreover, in order to win in the Electoral College, he must recapture several swing states Biden narrowly won in 2020.
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